Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
2016 (1) Pujya Babuji Maharaj Birthday Celebrations: Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
Manage episode 296642263 series 2947129
Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple & Founder of “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness”
*Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India.
Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh
For Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in Biography: kcnarayana.org
Episode Notes:
My dear brothers and sisters as usual the convention of disturbing the silence is there. We have been hearing the voice of the master in our heart for the past 1 hour. It has been downpour of peace, quite,calmness, use any word we like, It is anything other than the noise. We had occasion to absorb yesterday, the statement of the master, that gathering of this sort makes this place a temple and here in today’s message master says, my heart remains connected with you all. Every great assurance, what else do we require, in the presence of the master with us all the time. It is no matter of faith that he is talking, he is talking about the fact. The fact of master being with us, whenever we think about him, hear he coming running towards to us , as he stated in a one of his messages and when we says my heart means is connected with you all, where here and else were not only in this congregation he is connected, he is connected to all the people in the word.
Yesterday, Brother Gopal Iyer talking about master, was casually referring to the principle of special personality, though it is not the time or the place to talk about it, still since he has talked about it, i would like to talk offer about my opinions about it.
Special personality has its own tasks, he is not Sri Ramchandra of Shajahanpur, he is the Lord, he is not just Jagath Guru as Lord Kirshna is, he is the Lord, he is now working out the destinies of men, the dimensions of his work i dont think we understand at all, because we are petty people, all the time thinking about our problems, our pains and our sufferings, rarely we do thing about welfare of the humanity, very rarely we think about the what is good for all, good for me is as good as good for all, this is one of the pervert logics. Here and elsewhere what does it mean by that, not only in this world and in this dimensions of this world and as he has put it, he had got job is cut out for the universe. Many of his predictions or saying are coming true, only thing is, we do not apply of mind in that direction, because they don't seams to be relevant, what does it matter, whether the gulfs moves this way that way, frankly speaking, how many of them understand that and he says that when he is connected with us, here and elsewhere, he also says simultaneously giving implese in unbroken silence prefects the hearts naturally in due course. It is the silence that he is talking about, so it is what we called in Telugu “Saba Mariyatha” when you are talking about master, you should know how to restrain yourself, we should be silent, than only you can hear him.
We seems to have solutions to all the problems that the world is facing now, and we will be passing judgement about several heads of states, as if they don’t know what is there job.
We don't understand that there is certain Vasu’s and Dhurva and Dhurvathipathis who, are working in higher higher plains, they are all hintend in the “Reality at Dawn”, how many of us to keep our mouth shut and keeps our eyes wide open to see what is happening. Orientation to the master, all the time alone can give some glimpse of what is the work, Babuji was magnanimous in one occasion when he said, that several things are happening through my abhyasis, they do not know, because we are embodiment of the master, several things do happen, keep up your purity, keep up your perfection, that is the only way by which allow the master to function through you. You apply your will, you are trying to ruin the will of the Master. Your will must totally synchronize the will of the master. That means, you become silent, he alone will work. I have an occasion to narrate, long back, Babuji in his autobiography referring to, how other advanced souls in the same Satsang was also transmitting, while he was transmitting others was also transmitting. They are great people, they could see what Master was trying to do, but here also we try to interfire our own way, I will give power to the person who give transmission, I heard this statement and it make me sick, why don't we understand our limitations, why don't we understand that, God is absolutely Omissinent, there is nothing that he cannot do it on his own, if he requires our services he known how to draw, here and elsewhere Master is one ruling, so keep up the reverential attitude all the time, it will affect the hearts naturally in due course, why not immediately, if God omission and Omnipotent, why not our transformation happen just like that, it take time, for any transformation it take time.
Growth is possible, only in the context of time. Development is possible, only when you take it into consideration the nature of time. Time is the very difficult concept to understand, it is not the clock time that matters, we sat for an hour, 60 minutes have gone, we felt it as no time, the number of minutes where not 60, they are less than 5 or 10, than our mind was acting, when we yielded to Divine and Master Will time shrunk and that is our experience. There is a collapse of time, as I always call, how does it happen, because in Reality Master is a big Zifer, Zero, Shunya, everything is finally Collapses, it the will of the master that the play called life. It not our will, I don't think any of us here can claim that, we are born at our will, we are not the doer, it is the Master in us is the doer. Be aware of him, coming two days, one day perhaps, only one day, today and tomorrow be in the thought of Master more intensively, I can only pray kindly be Silent and observe yourself. Some programs will be running and that is the routine. Thank you.
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