Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns for Season 3 of her award-winning podcast, Wiser Than Me™. Each week, she has funny, touching, personal conversations with iconic older women who are brimming with the kind of unapologetic attitude and wisdom that only comes with age. Julia sits at the feet of some extraordinary teachers this season, and of course her 90-year-old mom, Judith. Tune in to laugh, cry, and get wise. All Hail Old Women! Photo: Ryan Pfluger and August Image
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Curiosity solved. JDP features diverse guests & topics including: Wild Stories, Current Events, Geopolitics, True Crime, Society & Culture, History, Tech, Investigative Journalism and much more. Hosted by Julian Dorey.
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Digging into the big stories that will shape the day for viewers in Asia as they wake up, tapping into CNN’s network of correspondents around the globe, alongside news-making guests and expert analysis to provide a comprehensive briefing on what matters and why. First Move takes on a broad palate, covering news, finance, business, technology, AI, art, travel, fashion, sports & entertainment. Plus, exploring the frontier science, cutting-edge technologies and innovations driving 21st century ...
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Seit über 18 Jahren sucht Julia Leischik weltweit nach verschwundenen Menschen. Zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin Sylvia Lutz erzählt sie nun in „Julia Leischik: Spurlos“ besondere, emotionale und rätselhafte Vermisstengeschichten. Die Betroffenen schildern dabei selbst spannende Details und emotionale Hintergründe. Julia Leischik ist nahe dran an jedem einzelnen Fall. Manche Verschwundenen konnten von ihr und ihrem Team bereits gefunden werden, bei anderen werden die Zuhörer um Mithilfe gebeten. ...
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Julia La Roche brings her listeners in-depth conversations with some of the top CEOs, investors, founders, academics, and rising stars in business. Guests on "The Julia La Roche Show" have included Bill Ackman, Ray Dalio, Marc Benioff, Kyle Bass, Hugh Hendry, Nassim Taleb, Nouriel Roubini, David Friedberg, Anthony Scaramucci, Scott Galloway, Brent Johnson, Jim Rickards, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Carol Roth, Neil Howe, Jim Rogers, Jim Bianco, Josh Brown, and many more. Julia always makes the ...
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The official podcast of Albuquerque Academy, hosted by Head of School Julianne Puente.
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Última actualidad nacional e internacional: noticias de opinión, cultura, deportes, economía, política, sociedad, tecnología
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Post-Modern, Post-Orthodox, and Post-Hassidic, Rabbi Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon shares his unique take on the world in this remarkable podcast series.
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Julia Cunningham lovingly reveals the plot of films that you would rather not see: low percent Rotten Tomato films, muddled adaptations, characters escaping death, on the nose romantic comedies, gender flipped remakes of a remake, plus everything in between. Let me watch so you don't have to ... and tell you everything. New episodes every week, on Mondays.
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Embark on a faith-filled journey with our podcast! Share your stories at www.pastorjuliaonline.com. Discover God's desire for victory in health, career, finances, education, relationships, and business. Immerse in God's word, receive counsel, and learn from real-life experiences. Tune in for lessons, strategies, and practical steps to live your destined purpose. Whether married, divorced, single, navigating change, seeking guidance, or coping with loss, our platform inspires. God bless your ...
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Entdecke den Weg zu optimaler Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden mit Julia Tulipan.Erweiter deinen Horizont mit Einblicken in Stoffwechseltherapien und wissenschaftlich fundierte Tools, die deine Gesundheit auf das nächste Level bringen. Tauche ein in die Welt der Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsoptimierung. #Keto #LowCarb #Paleo #LCHF #Stoffwechseltherapie #Gesundheitsverbesserung
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Cześć! Z tej strony Julia Wizowska. Przybliżam świat naturalnych terapii. Zachęcam do dbania o siebie z duchem natury. Zarażam miłością do słowiańskości. Nowy odcinek wychodzi raz w tygodniu: w piątek. Jestem autorką bloga nanowosmieci.pl oraz juliawizowska.com.pl, podcastu "Z duchem natury", książki "Nie śmieci", serii ebooków "Zielsko" na każdą porę roku oraz współautorką kilku innych książek reportażowych. Zostań moim Patronem lub Matronką: https://patronite.pl/nanowosmieci Albo po prostu ...
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Julia Jaccoud e Julia Marcolan são gêmeas de mães diferentes. A cada episódio partem de temas diversos e convergem o papo para aquilo que as uniu: a ciência. Vem papear com a gente e estejam preparados para darem boas risadas e levarem alguns questionamentos para casa! Comente o episódio usando #SomosTodosJulias + EQUIPE - Apresentação e Roteiro: Julia Jaccoud (@amatemaniaca) e Julia Marcolan (@julhamarcolan). - Produzido no estúdio do CETI-SC - Centro de tecnologia da informação de São Carl ...
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The movie star with the megawatt smile. Join TV's Kevin Lanigan & Kat Scott as they dive into the incredible body of work of Julia Roberts. From Ant Bully to Ocean's, we'll talk about them all. Probably! www.patreon.com/tvskevin
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Julian Di Benedetto is a 25-year-old from Sydney, Australia. He is an active individual with a keen interest in various activities and attractions across the country. Follow along as Julian shares insights and recommendations on the best things to do during your visit to Australia, from exploring the vibrant city life to enjoying the natural beauty and unique experiences that the country has to offer. Whether you're interested in sports, cultural events, or simply discovering hidden gems, Ju ...
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Join comedians Carl Donnelly and Julian Deane each Monday morning as they interview a comedy guest (well, Carl tries to interview them while Julian interjects and tries to get them cancelled!) (M)
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Seja muito bem-vindo ao podcast dos Pastores Rubens Martim e Juliana Martins. O Intuito é propagar a Palavra de Deus para o maior número de pessoas possíveis no menor tempo possível. "Pregue a palavra, esteja preparado a tempo e fora de tempo, repreenda, corrija, exorte com toda a paciência e doutrina. (2 Timóteo 4:2)" Ouça e compartilhe! Instagram: @rubens_martim @julianapcmartins
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Julian Di Benedetto is a 25-year-old from Sydney, Australia. He is an active individual with a keen interest in various activities and attractions across the country. Follow along as Julian shares insights and recommendations on the best things to do during your visit to Australia, from exploring the vibrant city life to enjoying the natural beauty and unique experiences that the country has to offer. Whether you’re interested in sports, cultural events, or simply discovering hidden gems, Ju ...
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Helping organisations thrive is a podcast to provide leaders with insights, discussions and robust strategies to help their companies thrive. We will be interviewing business leaders, owners and experts and thought leaders in the field of business resilience. Hosted by Julian Roberts - Helping Individuals and Organisations Unlock Their Human Potential, Build Growth Strategies, and Cultivate a Resilient Culture | Executive Leadership Coach. If you are looking for a Blueprint to help you and y ...
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Årets Humorpodd 2023 och 2022! Varje måndag släpps ett nytt avsnitt av Louise och Julia poddar! En solig och rolig podd som avhandlar allt från kaos och sömnbrist och till skam och social baksmälla. Lite som en bikt, fast kul. Det kan också förekomma en del skarpa - och ibland inte så skarpa - omvärldsanalyser och spaningar i denna ofiltrerade podcast. Fram med skämskudden, nu kör vi! För tankar - skriv till oss på Instagram. Där heter vi @louiseochjuliapoddar. För samarbeten - kontakta juli ...
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Welcome to JulianoTheGreat's podcast Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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Welcome to the JuliaXO podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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Welcome to Book Club With Julia and Victoria, the podcast for book friends! If you just finished a book and HAVE to talk about it with someone, if you’re a casual reader looking for book recs, or if you’re the type of deep thinker who has formative memories of their high school English teacher, you’re in the right place. We believe a good book can come from anywhere, so we read classics and recent releases, bestsellers and little-known gems. But ultimately, this podcast is for the books we j ...
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Cada semana en Julia en la onda, los chicos de El Orden Mundial nos hablan sobre política y Relaciones Internacionales con el objetivo de comprender cómo funciona el mundo
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A podcast about reimagining the good life through the lens of disability, faith, and culture. Host Amy Julia Becker interviews guests in conversations that challenge assumptions about the good life, proclaim the inherent belovedness of every human being, and help us envision a world of belonging.
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Conversations with hidden heroes making big societal change. Many of us want to make life better for others and the planet. Few people devote their life to it. Even fewer try to tackle the big systemic issues, like climate change and inequality. In years working at the intersection of impact and strategy, Julia has been fascinated by these hidden heroes. Beyond what they’re doing, we explore how they got here, how they keep going, what they’re still learning. Join the conversation, and inspi ...
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Seelenschokolade mit Julia Colella | Sensibel, Stark & Selbstbewusst
Julia Colella - Wirtschaftspsychologin und Online Biz Mentorin
Dieser Podcast für feinfühlige Menschen mit Herz und Sinn. Welche ihren Erfolg, ihre Zufriedenheit, ihre Gesundheit und ihr Fülle- und Wohlstand-Bewusstsein auf das nächste Level heben möchten. Denn zu 95% ist dafür dein Mindset verantwortlich. Dies hier ist für Menschen die ihre limitierenden Glaubenssätze und Grenzen sprengen wollen. Und sich ein wundervolles Leben erschaffen möchten. Damit du Morgens Lust auf deinen Tag hast und Abends glücklich und erfüllt einschläfst. Mein Name ist Juli ...
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"Julia donne le ton" : le podcast qui explore les trajectoires des influenceurs, entrepreneurs et dirigeants. À travers des conversations authentiques, plongez dans leurs parcours, leurs défis et leurs réussites. Découvrez ce qui les motive, les coulisses de leurs métiers et leurs visions pour demain. Un rendez-vous inspirant avec ceux qui façonnent le monde d’aujourd’hui. Bonne écoute ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Interaktif seru,serius,bercanda,sedih,senang semua Ada di sini bareng @andrewjuliantt
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Huda, Nathan and Keno provide humorous and insightful commentary on the JuliaCon conference.
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Podcast Description: Join Dr. Julia, a renowned organizational psychologist, as she explores the cutting-edge of leadership and cultural transformation. Designed for corporate leaders and executives, this podcast dives into actionable strategies, disruptive insights, and thought-provoking conversations to drive meaningful change in today’s fast-paced business world. Redefine leadership and embrace the shift—one episode at a time.
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Willkommen bei meinem Podcast – dein Ort für Inspiration, Wissen und praktische Strategien für ein glückliches, erfolgreiches Leben! Ich bin Dr. Julian Hosp: Krypto-Pionier, Investor, Unternehmer, Bestsellerautor und stolzer Familienvater. Meine Mission? Dich dabei zu unterstützen, außergewöhnliche Resultate zu erzielen – in Finanzen, Unternehmertum und Mindset. In diesem Podcast teile ich bewährtes Wissen und spannende Einblicke aus meinem eigenen Weg zum Erfolg und zur Erfüllung. Du erfähr ...
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Julia Sotas is a Certified facilitator of the life changing modality, Access Consciousness® www.juliasotas.com
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Nonprofit Nation is hosted by Julia Campbell, digital marketing and fundraising expert, nonprofit consultant, and author of Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits and How to Build and Mobilize a Social Media Community for Your Nonprofit in 90 Days. Julia helps nonprofits build movements, and in her work she teaches nonprofits how to build community, audience and raise influence on social media channels. On Nonprofit Nation, Julia sits down with nonprofit industry experts and ...
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This is a podcast of my life.
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Всего лишь небольшие вечерние чтения книг.
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Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft - Der soziologische Podcast von Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf
Berthold Vogel, Julia Kropf
Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Wir, das sind: Berthold Vogel, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) sowie Sprecher des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) am Standort Göttingen und Julia Kropf, Soziologin und freie Moderatorin. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft im Gespräch über Fragen und Themen, die unsere Zeit bewegen. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Das klingt selbstverständlich. Aber es klingt in diesen Zeiten auch nach Luxus ...
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Die Persönlichkeit des Menschen gibt einer Sache erst ihren wahren Wert.® ~ 3.800 Interviews: als ORF Radio-, TV und- Eventmoderatorin gehören Live-Interviews und -Situationen seit ~ 25 Jahren zu meinem "täglich Brot". Wie funktioniert telepathische Kommunikation (mit meinem Tier)? Wofür brennt eine der mächtigsten Frauen in Österreichs Wirtschaft in ihrer Freizeit? Wieso gibt es Menschen, die die Apokalypse herbei führen wollen? Warum machen Bücher Kinder kaputt? "Julia Schütze #Talk2Me" ve ...
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Julia Cannon carries on the work of her mother, Dolores Cannon, who authored 19 Books (so far) and was a Past-Life Regressionist and Hypnotherapist who specialized in the recovery and cataloging of Lost Knowledge. Dolores is widely acknowledged as a leading authority on Nostradamus and considered the World's Foremost Expert on his Prophecies. She passed to the next realm in Oct, 2014 and now continues to work and inspire from beyond the veil. Dolores' powerful method, Quantum Healing Hypnosi ...
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Bem vindo ao meu podcast, onde iremos conversar sobre diversos assuntos! Cover art photo provided by Dmitri Popov on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@dmpop
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Julias' trip blog, but it's audio.
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Salvador Macip: "La religión es un ansiolítico que tomamos para superar el miedo a la muerte"
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El médico e investigador Salvador Macip presenta su nuevo ensanyo 'La vida en los extremos', en el que reflexiona sobre cómo hemos evolucionado como especie fijándose en el principio y el fin de nuestra vida, es decir, en cómo nacemos y cómo morimos. Y lo hace desde un punto de vista biohumanista y racionalista.…
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El Gabinete: La sentencia Pelicot y los desafíos de 2025
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En el último Gabinete del año, Julián Casanova, Víctor Guillot y Carolina Bescansa reflexionan sobre la sentencia del caso Pelicot, las dificultades del gobierno con su socios de investidura, Mazón enrocado en Valencia y la vicepresidenta Yolanda Díaz, que sigue empeñada en la reducción de la jornada laboral.…
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House Votes To Avert Government Shutdown
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We cover two breaking news stories during the show. The aftermath of a car plowing into a crowd at a German Christmas market, killing at least two people. And, the U.S. House passes funding bills that would keep the government open. Rahel Solomon is in for Julia Chatterley. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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A message to encourage you to remain diligent, consistent and thorough in all you do. I hope this blesses you!
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O BYCIU WIEDŹMĄ, o życiu w zgodzie z cyklicznością i o tym, po co słuchać intuicji
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Rozmowa Agi Siejki (Kobieta Cykliczna) i Julii Wizowskiej (Z duchem natury). POZNAJ NAS LEPIEJ:Aga Siejka: https://kobietacykliczna.plJulia Wizowska: https://juliawizowska.com.pl#wiedźmin #wiedźma #czarownica #intuicja #cykliczność #cykl #natura #rozmowa #interview
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Am Ende des Jahres blicken wir zurück auf Gespräche, Begegnungen, Reisen und Lektüre. Und wir suchen nach Erklärungen, warum wir aktuell oft so viel Mutlosigkeit wahrnehmen – in der Gesellschaft und im politischen Handeln und Entscheiden. In diesem Zusammenhang fragen wir uns, was Deutschland von einigen mittel- und osteuropäischen Nachbarländern l…
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#221 Danielle DiMartino Booth: Fed Has 'Frayed Nerves,' Jobs Data 'Statistically Impossible' & How A Recession Could Get 'Pinned' On Trump
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Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and chief strategist of QI Research and former Federal Reserve insider, joins the Julia La Roche Show for an in-person interview to discuss why she sees "frayed nerves" at the Federal Reserve about the incoming Trump administration. In this wide-ranging conversation, DiMartino Booth reveals why 18 months of downward re…
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Julia Gets Wise with Nancy Pelosi
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In the final episode of Season 3 of Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 84-year-old House Speaker Emerita and U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi. Nancy shares her love for the Grateful Dead, discusses the power of public sentiment, and fields Julia’s offer to help with a Saturday Night Live audition. Julia also asks Nancy about her pioneering mom, th…
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Capital Campaign Success in 2024: Insights with Steven Shattuck
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In this episode, I welcome Steven Shattuck, Director of Engagement at Capital Campaign Pro and a highly respected thought leader in the nonprofit sector. Steven shares his perspectives on the 2024 Capital Campaign Benchmark Report findings, the balance between heart and data in fundraising, and how nonprofits of all sizes can achieve their capital …
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Nur Fleisch essen - ist das Irrsinn? Antwort auf Artikel von Dr. Matthias Riedl
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Takeaways Carnivore Ernährung wird als therapeutisches Werkzeug betrachtet. Fleisch hat eine zentrale Rolle in der menschlichen Evolution gespielt. Morphologische Anpassungen des Menschen unterstützen eine fleischbasierte Ernährung. Die Nährstoffdichte in tierischen Lebensmitteln ist höher als in pflanzlichen. Es gibt keine dokumentierten veganen J…
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Clear eyes! Full hearts! Cat buttholes? Episode 129 of the All Spoiler Recap podcast celebrates the 5th anniversary of the iconic / unhinged film, CATS! Complete the journey with Julia Cunningham and her guest, New Zealand based artist Elizabeth Rosa.Julia Cunningham tarafından oluşturuldu
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144. Julia ringer polisen
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Det var bättre förr och man kan inte lita på någon! Julia börjar bli någon hon inte vill vara och Louise är inte kapabel att hänga med i samhället! Dessutom gör Djurnytt premiär i podden och 74-åringen som fick barn hyllas. Tack Norrmejerier och HelloFresh (kod humorpodd) för veckans poddspons!
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El orden mundial: Siria sin los Asad
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La caída del régimen de Al Asad ha dejado Siria sumida en la incertidumbre por su futuro. Analizamos con Blas Moreno y David Gómez de El Orden Mundial , las incógnitas que se abren sobre el futuro de Siria y los equilibrios geopolíticos en esta zona caliente del mundo.
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The Metaphysical Hour, December 13, 2024
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The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan With Guest, Ann Basili, Level 3 QHHT Practitioner A small bio on Ann Basili: Ann has over 25 years experience as a clinical & therapeutic counsellor. She has worked across many fields including - Mental Health, Crisis & Welfare, Advocacy, Education, Relationships & Family, Suicide prevention,…
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#54 Der Fall Frank: Ein Schwedenurlaub ohne Wiederkehr
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Eine Ferienreise, die zum Alptraum wird Briefe, die nie beantwortet werden.Und ein Grab, das es erst seit drei Wochen gibt. Heute – bei Spurlos. KontaktInfo@SpurlosPodcast.de Instagramhttps://instagram.com/julia_leischik TikTokhttps://www.tiktok.com/discover/Julia-Leischik Redaktion Sylvia Lutz Natalya ProkhorenkoFranziska Böhmer Ton Migo Fecke (So…
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Views expressed on Book Club with Julia and Victoria and bookclubwithjv.com are solely those of the hosts and not necessarily those of their employers, clients, guests, and collaborators. Become a Member! Shop with us on Bookshop.org! Follow the podcast on Instagram and hang out with Victoria on The StoryGraph. Disclosure: This post may contain aff…
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#139 Caroline & Marie de Reasykl - Repenser la mode circulaire
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Aujourd’hui, je reçois Caroline et Marie, deux sœurs visionnaires et fondatrices de Reasykl, un site et showroom multimarque de mode de seconde main au positionnement unique : le luxe accessible. Ensemble, elles partagent dans cet épisode : Leur parcours entrepreneurial et leur complémentarité en tant que sœurs, Comment elles ont repensé la mode ci…
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The New Testament in Color with Esau McCaulley, Ph.D.
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Send us a text How do we attend to diverse voices in our churches and society without silencing or patronizing each other? Author and professor Esau McCaulley, PhD, joins Amy Julia Becker to discuss The New Testament in Color: A Multiethnic Bible Commentary. They talk about: the importance of connecting church and culture the insights provided by s…
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