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Expanding consciousness with our unique binaural beat technology for over 50 years. Join us for conversations on meditation, out-of-body experience ("OBE"), near death experience ("NDE"), remote viewing ("RV"), other psychic phenomena and general topics that will cause you to question the underlying nature of reality.
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Welcome to Sync Beast, hosted by producer, songwriter, author, and mentor Graham Barton. On this podcast, you'll hear how to play the sync game at the highest level, develop a healthier, asset-driven mindset as a producer or songwriter, how to stay in the game, and the stories and lessons that Graham learned on his journey to 6-figures and beyond in sync licensing. LFG.
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Őszinte beszélgetések a DJ-k világáról nem csak DJ-knek. Kéthetente csütörtökön jelentkező podcast-ünkben a magyar DJ világ és bulikultúra ismert alakjaival beszélgetünk. Műsorvezető: Bekker Dávid Helyszín: DWG Stúdió Budapest A podcast a DWG Stúdió saját gyártású műsora.
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Global Supply Chain Group ( Strategy Consulting and Services specialise in global supply chains provide a straight from the coal face look at what is really happening in supply chains today. With 21 years of running the strategy consulting company called Global Supply Chain Group - the principal, Vivek Sood has been called "Mr Supply Chain" by his CEO clients of large global multi-national companies. His blogs and podcasts provide a fresh perspective without any hyperbole o ...
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show series
In this podcast episode Garrett Stevens is joined by Reverend Lee Taylor to discuss altered states of consciousness in Christian mysticism, and how many mystical experiences seem to describe out of body experiences. They also explore the role that sound healing can play in churches as a tool for healing, spiritual practice, and building community. …
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In this episode, Graham reveals why less talented producers and songwriters often outperform you in sync licensing. He shares his struggles with the "Perfection Trap" and how understanding the Pareto Principle helped him climb the ladder. Graham opens up about battling jealousy and resentment, offering hard-won insights for navigating the competiti…
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In this episode, Graham dives into the crucial role of focus in creating successful sync music. Concentrating on one project at a time is essential to your growth in sync licensing. Key topics covered: How the brain's tendency to seek novelty hinders progress Why sustained attention on single tasks = better quality + faster results The importance o…
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Please enjoy this fascinating Q&A with Barry Goldstein, a longtime Hemi-Sync® Artist & Composer as he shares the inspiration and vision behind his newest Hemi-Sync® album "Alpha & Omega".You can find the full album here: is crucial to human health, and with music, sound, and tempo you can synchronize your biological cloc…
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In this episode, Graham talks about how finding your unique lane in sync licensing is crucial to your success. He dives into why showing up as yourself, playing into your strengths, and first impressions in this industry matter. Learn what it means to stand out by getting ultra clear on the value you bring to the table as a creator in sync. Links: …
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In this episode, Graham shares a recent Sync Strategy call from inside the Sync Beast Accelerator. It’s the weekly call where everyone in the SBA gets clarity on the most profitable moves for their sync projects. Don’t sleep on taking notes. This session was a massive helping of strategy: Embodying the Sync Beast “method actor” approach, choosing t…
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In this episode, Graham shares his philosophy for embodying a character when writing and producing for sync. It’s not enough to write what you think you’re good at – New sync is all about serving clients what they expect in unexpected ways. From performance to production, the vivid character you become says everything about the value of your music.…
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In this episode, Graham shares how one of his biggest flubs as a budding composer shaped the rest of his career. And how cutting his teeth on tight deadline, custom brand demos was the best bootcamp for the sync licensing world. There’s always a W in an L. Links: Sync Beast Accelerator | Instagram © 2024 Sync Beast LLC…
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In this episode, Graham gives advice to the producers and songwriters who feel like life is squeezing a bit harder lately. As we progress in our career and lives, time shrinks, we’re needed in more places at once, and our creative capacity reaches a limit. In the fast changing sync licensing landscape, we can’t afford to gamble away our limited cre…
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Sam Bennett presents a radically simple idea: small actions, the kind you can do in 15 minutes, are enough to move the needle on your levels of joy and satisfaction — and ultimately change your life. In this show we cover:• letting go of perfectionism, self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and other destructive patterns• managing when life feels out of co…
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In this episode, Graham gets real about what it takes to succeed in the new sync licensing landscape. He dives beyond the music itself, uncovering ways to raise your standards and set the bar sustainably. New sync is ultra-competitive – Which means staying ahead of the curve demands you think, feel, and do differently than every other player in the…
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A mai epizódban Kovács Dórival beszélgetünk, aki néhány éve úgy érezte, hogy felhagy a zenéléssel. De jött a Snowattack és a nagy visszatérés. Eheti vendégünk: Kovács Dóra influencer, dj SYNC KEVERŐ | A DJ PODCAST Őszinte beszélgetések a DJ-k világáról nem csak DJ-knek. Kövess minket közösségi oldala…
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In this episode, Graham takes you through his thought process on when a sync track actually becomes a high-value asset. It’s not enough to just finish a track – Its positioning and performance depends on the way creative clients and brands perceive it. He also breaks down his process for determining when to attach and detach emotionally during the …
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In this episode, Graham reveals the two song structures he uses to build his most profitable tracks for sync licensing. Clients expect much more than genre – The way your tracks behave determines their ability to sync. Brands pay for music that reacts to the stories they tell in their ad campaigns. Listen in to how you can leverage big brand storie…
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Recorded during his winter quarterly planning session, Graham takes you through his game plan for building his sync catalog in 2024. The moment you stop strategizing is the moment your sync catalog falls behind. With the right data, we can get closer to understanding what kind of music the market wants to buy. Listen in to uncover the 4 questions t…
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In this episode, Graham shares stories about his personal approach to networking in sync licensing. In an industry full of clout chasers and shiny object seekers, trust is at an all time low for collaboration. Listen in to set your reputation, relationships, and projects up for longevity and durability. Build your network. Make an impact. Reap the …
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A SYNC Keverő | A Dj Podcast mai epizódjában egy nem akármilyen apa-lánya párossal beszélgetünk. Jön hazánk egyik legismertebb dj-je Sterbinszky és a szuper tehetséges utód MYNEA. Műsorvezető: Bekker Dávid Vendég műsorvezető: Tomy Montana Producer: Horváth Gábor A frissítőket köszönjük a Viwa Vitaminwaternek. Köszönjük támogatónknak a RAGSHIELD-nek…
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In this episode, Graham shares 8 fresh insights for gutting your sync career from the inside out. Most people approach the sync game in a destructive, all-action-no-strategy way. In the new age of sync, it doesn’t take much to ruin your chances of writing tracks that big brands want to throw money at. Thankfully, you can start flushing your syncs d…
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In this episode, Graham takes you behind the scenes with a Sync Strategy call from inside the Sync Beast Accelerator. Graham answers questions from SBA enrollees about moving the needle on sync projects with extreme clarity, prioritizing the highest ROI opportunities, and practical advice for working with collaborators. He also tackles nailing down…
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In this episode, Graham talks through one of the biggest mistakes he made early on in his sync career. He did what everyone says to do, it didn’t work, and he did something about it. Since taking on those scars, Graham has built a 6-figure sync catalog and boiled the game down to a science. Listen in for crucial gems on how to set yourself up for l…
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Az előző részben találkozhattatok vidéki rezidensekkel, akikkel kiveséztük a rezidensek helyzetét. Érkezik a folytatás fővárosi rezidensekkel a főszerepben. A kendőzetlen valóság a budapesti éjszakai életről, a klubok helyzetéről. Eheti vendégeink: Klujber Imre, Goldhand: a LOCK BUDApest tulajdonosa, klub-menedzsere, rezidense https://www.facebook.…
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In this episode, Graham talks about the mental model you need to actually make money with your music in the new sync licensing landscape. For producers, songwriters, topliners, and artists – The Sync Beast mindset applies to us all. Whether you’ve been in sync for a while or you’re just now dipping your toes in, the standards you carry into the syn…
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In this episode, Graham talks about the 3 fundamental things he listens for when he gives feedback on sync tracks. Injecting tracks with as much value as possible is the game. And, even though the targets always move, the same fundamental rules apply. Grab the Sync Beast Production Plan: Grab my 300+ Lyric …
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Egy régen várt és sokak által kért téma következik. A rezidens dj-k hazai szakmai helyzete, nehézségeik és erősségeik. Akik elkalauzolnak minket a rezidensek világában: Szabó Márk - M.Tailor Rezidencia: Zólyomi Benjámin - Ben Steel ht…
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In this episode, Graham talks about the focuses that will hold you back in sync. And how the vets in the industry fight for something that everyone else does not. As a sync producer, you are a business – Every business has core focuses that make them money. Graham gives you insight on how to reverse engineer the sync, reframe your focus, and see th…
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Egy nem mindennapi életút, girl power a stúdióban. A lemezjátszók helyett, a mikrofon elé ül Andi Sztranyovszky, azaz ANDREA LANE - aki felvidéki lányként, kitartó munkával, szakmai alázattal hamarosan második nyarát kezdi Ibizán rezidensként. SYNC KEVERŐ | A DJ PODCAST Őszinte beszélgetések a DJ-k világáról nem csak DJ-knek. Kövess minket közösség…
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In this episode, Graham talks about why writing cheesy lyrics for sync is the opposite of what gets you paid. Captivating lyrics for sync are built different than most Spotify songs that speak to clout, winning, and being the best. Find out how compelling, authentic toplines speak to a specific character, with a case study in one of sync’s most pop…
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Egy rendhagyó, extra epizód a SYNC KEVERŐ | A DJ PODCAST-ben. Amikor elszabadul a K-OSZ és az őrület. Eheti vendégeink: Miskovits Marci | SYNC KEVERŐ | A DJ PODCAST Őszinte beszélgetések a DJ-k világáról nem csak DJ-knek. Kövess minket közösségi oldalainkon: Facebook Instagram Youtube TiktokHorváth Gábor tarafından oluşturuldu
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In this episode, Graham talks about why format matters when it comes to looking like a Sync Beast on socials. Find out why sharing your wins isn’t enough to look pro or attract more work in the new age of sync. Speak for your work, establish trust with others, and communicate your value. Grab the Sync Beast Production Plan: https://www.syncbeastacc…
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In this episode, Graham cuts through the noise by pinpointing six mistakes to avoid on your rise in sync. From habits to workflows, anything can be a major distraction in a world where your attention is already so divided. Focus is your number one asset when it comes to getting what you want in sync – Everything else (no matter how shiny) is a care…
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A mai műsorban a hazai könnyű zene két meghatározó alakja Dj. Náksi és Spigiboy tisztelt meg minket egy tartalmas beszélgetéssel. Klubélet a 90-es évektől napjainkig, a legnagyobb bulik és fesztiválok kulissza titkai. Múlt, jelen és jövő két legendás dj-vel. Eheti vendégeink: Spiegelhalter „Spigiboy” László az Erős & Spigiboy formáció tagja Dj.Náks…
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In this episode, Graham covers the importance of having high standards for creative briefs, and how your high expectations for language clarity and emotional depth can set your tracks up for more placements. Turning briefs from vague to valuable is a skill that everyone in sync should master as soon as possible. Listen now to learn the most importa…
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In this episode, Graham digs into a fatal mistake that moves sync producers from ambitious to disenchanted. With a business mindset and an encouraging word, Graham reveals how his catalog’s numbers convinced him that quality beats quantity every single time. Grab the Sync Beast Production Plan: Get in touch…
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Új rovatunk: Girl power a lemezjátszóknál! Szívügyünk, hogy a fiatal dj-knek is lehetőséget adjunk a bemutatkozásra. És nem titkolt szándékunk, hogy a sokszor méltatlanul kevés figyelmet kapó női dj-kre ráirányítsuk a reflektorfényt. Eheti vendégünk Bréda Bianka az alázatos, munkamániás és nem utolsó sorban rendkívül tehetséges R&B, Hip-hop, Latin …
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Szókimondó, kíméletlenül őszinte, feszültségtől izzó vita a Dj Szövetség múltjáról, jelenéről és jövőjéről. Vendégek: Jeszenszky Zsolt a Dj Szövetség - Magyar Dj és Producer Egyesület elnöke. Lipóczy Csaba - KatapultDJ Vendég műsorvezető: Dj Tomy Montana Műsorvezető: Bekker Dávid Helyszín: DWG Stúdió Budapest A podcast a DWG Stúdió saját gyártású m…
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In this episode, Graham talks about going all-in on writing music for sync (and what you can do if going all-in isn’t an option right now). Graham breaks down a portion of his journey to help you understand how you can best leverage your time and resources to position yourself for more syncs down the road – Even if you’re not writing for sync full-…
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In this episode, Graham reveals the dangers of working on too many sync tracks at once. Plus, you’ll hear how the new sync game demands quality, and what you can do to play by the rules to position your tracks for high-dollar placement opportunities. Grab the Sync Beast Production Plan: Get in touch on Inst…
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In this episode, Graham shares five key mini-strategies that are fundamental to producing tracks that sync predictably. From shaping the right sync mindset to navigating creative processes, delving into composition techniques, refining production skills, and maximizing monetization. These no-frills strategies have boosted Graham’s sync placement ra…
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In this episode, Graham takes you through the 3 levels of the new sync game. Most producers jump into sync fully expecting overnight returns. Big returns starts with respect for where you’re at in the game. Graham breaks down the “4 levers to pull” at each level to make it dead easy for you to know where you’re at on your journey and exactly what t…
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In this episode, we're again joined by Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, whose new Hemi-Sync® guided exercise is entitled, "Journey to the Akashic Records." Travel to the heights of the energetic realm to the Akashic records—the library of information containing all the stories of the world: all the lives, past lives, future lives, between lives, and all of …
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In this podcast Garrett Stevens interviews shamanic practitioner Amara Honeck about how to let go of past situations that are keeping us stuck. Closure is not always found on a straight, clear path, and happens in layers of understanding and healing. Check out her new Hemi-Sync guided audio that leads you on an inner journey of transformation throu…
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In this episode, Traci Stein -- noted health psychologist, award-winning author and creator of popular guided imagery, self-hypnosis and meditation audio programs -- dives deeper into awakening psychic abilities, specifically clairvoyance. Her newest album can be found at: Traci Stein is a Columbia University-trained psych…
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We are all approaching a magnificent journey of consciousness beyond the body. For many of us, the time has come to expand our awareness beyond the beliefs of our youth and explore our own amazing spiritual existence. In this conversation, world-renowned astral projection expert William Buhlman discusses the multi-dimensional reality of the afterli…
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Jonathan Hammond dives deep into Hawaiian shamanism and the differences between spirituality as serious practice and as a hobby. For those who make the journey, moving through our fears can lead to a sense of flow and effortless living. Hosted by Garrett Stevens.Jon's new collab with Hemi-Sync® is called the "Shaman Within" and can be found here; h…
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In this episode, we're pleased to be joined by Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, who comes on the show to discuss her new book entitled "The Ethical Psychic." Dr. Vest covers the obvious importance of ethics among psychics, as well as some of the important traits, including being of service, humility and authenticity. In indigenous culture, one doesn't choos…
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The Enneagram has entered popular consciousness in recent years, mainly as a life hacking and productivity tool. However, this personality typology has ancient roots and delves much deeper. Russ Hudson is perhaps the world's foremost expert on the Enneagram and takes us below the surface of ego deficiency into subtler layers of truth and insight, w…
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Dr. Lotte Valentin recounts her two near death experiences (NDEs) that proved to be a transformative pivot point in her life. Many of her insights, gleaned from these experiences, such as trauma inherited via DNA, find corollaries in both wisdom traditions and modern science. The conversation veers into the more specific area of the ancestral mothe…
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