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👋 Ciao siamo Edoardo e Marco di Projectfun, la prima community italiana dedicata alla Gamification. 🎙 Nel "ProjectFun Show" chiacchieriamo con imprenditori, designer e appassionati di come applicare la Gamification al mondo del Business, dell'istruzione, del marketing e a molti altri. 🧐 Se sei interessato ad approfondire, ti consigliamo di visitare il nostro sito e di iscriverti alla nostra community su Facebook (! Buon ascolto! 🚀
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Gamification unterwegs

Christian Müller

In Gamification unterwegs sprechen Roman Rackwitz und Christian Müller Gamification und Design Thinking, den Einsatz für Unternehmen und Communities und verschiedene Projekte in diesem Bereich. Der Name geht auf den Start des Podcasts im Rahmen eines Gamification Projekts mit dem Goethe Institut zurück. Artikel zum Podcast findest du aufür-kmu
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Im bekanntesten Gamification Podcast im deutschsprachigen Raum deckt Roman Rackwitz, zusammen mit seinen Gästen, die Besonderheiten, Erfahrungen und Insights rund um das Thema der Anwendungen spielerischer Elemente und Mechaniken außerhalb des klassischen Spiels ab. Ziel ist es, das Mindset Game-Thinking, besonders im deutschsprachigen Raum, zu schärfen. Game-Thinking steht für das Bewusstsein, dass ein natives Verhalten des Menschen oft auch spielerische Verhaltensweisen aufweist. Gefühlt m ...
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...where Behavioral Economics and Gamification Redefine Engagement and Motivation. You might be wondering—what exactly do we mean by 'non-Skinnerian'? Well, instead of relying solely on rewards and punishments to drive behavior, we delve into the rich and nuanced world of behavioral economics and gamification. We explore how understanding human psychology—our quirks, biases, and intrinsic motivations—can lead to far more effective and sustainable strategies for engagement and motivation.
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Gamification Nation

A question of gamification by An Coppens of Gamification Nation

A question of gamification is the podcast hosted by An Coppens, the chief game changer aka founder and CEO of Gamification Nation. She answers your questions and shares her views relating to game design for business purposes. It can be about adding game elements to existing processes or creating a physical or digital game. Gamification Nation is an award winning game and gamification design agency serving clients around the world.
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Dein Experten-Podcast zum Thema Storytelling, Gamification und Innovation versorgt dich mit Hintergründen, Informationen und Interviews mit Menschen die für diese 3 Themen brennen. Denn 2019 haben wir mit dem Innovationskartenspiel Myndset nicht nur ein Produkt kreiert, sondern auch Menschen zusammengebracht die andere inspirieren. Hier ist dein Podcast mit Menschen die wirklich was bewegen und dich mit Inspirationen und Anwendungsbeispielen für dein Business versorgen.
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show series
We're back! Series 3 of Health Points is here. To kick off Series 3, we have an exceptional episode with Dr. Alexander Fanaroff, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. In this episode, we talk through Alexander's pioneering and insightful study: The Effect of Gamification, Financial Incentives, or Both to Increase Physic…
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Gems è il format in cui ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto trovato in rete attinente alla Gamification o a discipline correlate.💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO:00:00 Saluti iniziali02:40 Classifiche Influencer Marketing (HTC)09:10 Analizziamo Fanta Sanremo 31:40 Trofei Play-Station Network🔗 LINK PUNTATA Fanta Sanremo - …
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The Village è un mazzo di carte che aiuta a comprendere le dinamiche ed i ruoli che si innescano in un gruppo. Con le carte puoi capire i ruoli che adotti a lavoro, in una squadra sportiva o con gli amici. In questa puntata scoprirai: 🎴 Quali sono le carte e cosa rappresentano 💡 Come usarle nei tuoi progetti 🙋‍♂️ La storia di Alessandro e di The Vi…
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Embracing Discomfort: The Surprising Secret to a Meaningful Life As the sun begins to rise over a wintery mountain, a climber braves the icy trail, knowing that every step is tough but rewarding. The cold bites, the muscles ache, and yet, with each ascent, a profound sense of life rushes through them. It’s a feeling many seek in a world designed fo…
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In questa puntata intervistiamo Alessandro Armillotta, amministratore delegato di a Co-Founder di AWorld. AWorld è l’app n1 al mondo per la sostenibilità ambientale, premiata da da Google come "Best App for Good" 2023, scelta dalle Nazioni Unite e partner della Commissione Europea. La chiacchierata è ricca di spunti sul game design e sul tema impre…
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Breaking the Rabbit Hole: Strengthening Democracy with AI and Critical Thinking In today’s episode of Breaking the Rabbit Hole, we explore a groundbreaking intersection between psychology, technology, and democracy. Imagine an AI powerful enough to change deeply held conspiracy beliefs – and the impact that could have on society. Join us as we unpa…
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Gems è il format in cui ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto trovato in rete attinente alla Gamification o a discipline correlate. 💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO: 00:00 Saluti iniziali 00:48 Update seconda edizione Play-Able Cards 03:15 Analizzare la gamification con l’Octalysis Tool 10:20 Quando morirai (dashboard) 17:3…
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Are you curious if those brain training games, like Nintendo's Brain Age, actually deliver on their promises? Our latest episode takes a deep dive into the science and psychology behind these popular games, revealing the myths and truths that can impact your cognitive health. Don't miss out on this podcast that challenges the status quo of brain tr…
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A seller's enjoyment of their craft can significantly influence consumer behavior and choices. Important points include how authentic enthusiasm can enhance storytelling in marketing engage customers and ultimately lead to increased sales. Enjoyment isn’t just a feeling; it’s a powerful tool for sales. When sellers express joy, buyers feel it. This…
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Why Investing Time in Your Customers Beats Fast Solutions Every Time Businesses that neglect to recognize the value of time spent on relationships miss out on creating deeper bonds with their customers. When we look at businesses that thrive on customer loyalty, they often employ strategies designed for personal engagement.…
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Il design inclusivo è un approccio alla progettazione di prodotti, servizi, ambienti e tecnologie che mira a renderli accessibili e utilizzabili dal maggior numero di persone possibile, indipendentemente da abilità fisiche, cognitive, età, genere, cultura o altre diversità. In questo video esploriamo con Enrico Bisenzi la tematica attraverso esempi…
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Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of The Non-Skinnerian Podcast, hosted by Roman Rackwitz. This week, Roman delves into an intriguing paradox: while the world around us seems to be accelerating with new technologies, innovations, and trends, certain core aspects of human behavior remain unshakably consistent. Fresh off the Zukunft Person…
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In this episode of The Non-Skinnerian Podcast, host Roman Rackwitz dives deep into the fascinating concept of "Almost," a powerful idea from Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer’s research in The Progress Principle. We explore the psychology behind those pivotal moments when you're so close to completing a task and how this "almost there" feeling can f…
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Join host Roman Rackwitz as we dive deep into the fascinating world of psychology and its impact on decision-making. In this episode, we challenge the belief that logic is always the best guide for our choices. What You'll Discover: The Limits of Logic: Explore how relying solely on logic can create blind spots in our decision-making process. Psych…
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Welcome and warm invitation to a podcast format that looks at the world of human attention, participation, and motivation. But significantly without the carrot-and-stick approach. Motivation is a multi-faceted concept that has puzzled thinkers, leaders, and businesses for decades. If you've ever found yourself wondering why a colleague seems to thr…
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Gems è il format in cui ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto trovato in rete attinente alla Gamification o a discipline correlate.💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO:00:00 Saluti iniziali01:41 Lotteria per i rifiuti ai concerti (Heineken) 05:18 Badge per le olimpiadi (Visa)11:43 Milestone per i webmaster (Google) 16:55 Creare…
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Come si sviluppano giochi per le aziende nel 2024?In questa ultima puntata del nostro podcast, abbiamo avuto il piacere di parlare con Samuele Sciacca, fondatore della più grande community italiana sul game development e CEO di Dinobros.📺 INDICE VIDEO00:00 Saluti iniziali 02:00 Cosa fa Samuele?13:15 Esempi di Advergame20:34 Difficoltà del settore31…
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In questa puntata, intervistiamo Matteo e Chiara di Faba, lo smart toy che permette ai bambini di ascoltare canzoni e storie appoggiando dei personaggi su una base colorata che funge da cassa. Scopri com'è nata l'idea, le prossime novità, i principi di UX del progetto e l’impatto sullo sviluppo cognitivo dei più piccoli. Un dialogo ricco di spunti …
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Temere il palcoscenico è più comune di quanto pensi. Bocca asciutta, mani tremanti e quella sensazione di vuoto alla pancia. L’ansia da palcoscenico è una delle fobie più diffuse. Ma c’è una buona notizia. Con consigli, esercizi pratici e qualche meccanica di gioco tutti possiamo migliorare. In questa puntata scoprirai:🎙️ Consigli e tecniche per pa…
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Scopri le ultime innovazioni in ambito tech e sulla gamification con Gerardo Volpone di Microsoft. Dalle prospettive offerte dalla realtà mista di Hololens, passando per le infinite possibilità dell'intelligenza artificiale, fino all'esplorazione di come Microsoft integra la gamification nei suoi prodotti usati da miliardi di persone in tutto il mo…
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giochi da tavolo sono dei catalizzatori che fanno emergere problemi, sfide e dinamiche sociali in azienda. In questa puntata intervistiamo Luca e Marco, autori di Aziende in Gioco. Il libro racconta come puoi organizzare un workshop in azienda utilizzando 4 giochi esistenti per far emergere: ☑️ Dinamiche sociali e leadership ☑️ Etica individuale e …
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In questo video esploriamo come l'integrazione di elementi ludici nell'esercizio fisico stia motivando le persone a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di salute in modi mai visti prima. Dai primi giochi nati per fare attività fisica ai moderni dispositivi indossabili e app come come Zombies, Run!, scoprirai come la tecnologia e il game design si fondono …
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Gems è il format in cui ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto trovato in rete attinente alla Gamification o a discipline correlate.💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO:00:00 Saluti iniziali03:20 Ester Egg & Tesla ⚡️15:15 Faba: set da collezione nel gioco per bambini 🎴21:47 ChatGPT Pro senza abbonamento mensile 🤖30:20 Gamificati…
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It's the Health Points Series 2 Finale recorded at the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge Conference, December 2023. We have a stellar lineup for our first ever in-person recording of Health Points: Jon Hymus: Managing Director of Innerva - Bruce Elliott: CEO of Memory Lane Games - Silvia Lin: Fo…
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In questa puntata, intervistiamo i fondatori di Garipalli per esplorare la storia affascinante, gli aneddoti unici e la visione che sta dietro alla loro popolare piattaforma di City Escape. Parleremo di come la gamification e lo storytelling hanno plasmato l'esperienza di Garipalli e come hanno trasformato le città in avventure avvincenti da giocar…
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We're onto the penultimate Health Points episode for Series 2, and we have a cracking episode. Joining us is Pippa Boothman, CEO at Playfinity. Pippa has a background studying sociology and criminology and previous roles in marketing and commercials before joining Playfinity. In this episode, we explore: Rather than focusing…
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Welcome to Episode 14 of Series 2, and joining us is Bruce Elliot, Co-Founder and CEO of Memory Lane Games. Before Memory Lane Games, Bruce had a twenty-year track record of building world-class, innovative eCommerce companies. Having competed with Paypal in the online payment world to bring Kodak into the blockchain world, Bruce has led start-ups …
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Sergio è l'unico italiano che lavora in The Octalysis Group, una delle società di consulenza in ambito gamification più famose al mondo con clienti del calibro di Tesla, Uber, Ebay e Lego. In questa seconda intervista, registrata a due anni di distanza dalla prima, ripercorriamo le sfide affrontate da Sergio. Ascolta la puntata e scopri suggeriment…
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We've landed at Episode 13 of Series 2, and joining us is Wain Choi, Chief Creative Offer at Black & White. Wain worked with some of the largest brands on the planet, marketing tech giants health & wellness features and functionality. His previous roles were as Creative Director at Zulu Alpha Kilo Inc and Cheif Creative Offer for OgiIvy and Cheil W…
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In questo episodio di Halloween esploriamo le rivoluzionarie innovazioni del 2023 con Luca Contato. Immergiamoci nel mondo della Realtà Mista e dell'Intelligenza Artificiale, svelando il loro impatto sul mondo del lavoro e il ruolo crescente nella gamification. 📺 INDICE VIDEO 00:00 Saluti iniziali 01:50 Cosa ci ha stupito di più nel 2023 06:50 Conv…
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And we're at Episode 12 of Series 2, and joining us is Dr. Jonny Bloomfield, CEO at Oopla. Jonny is a Behavioral Health & Performance Coach specialising in stress management, sleep, exercise & nutrition. He has a background in Sports Science, with a PhD from the University of Hull, and started his career as a Fitness Coach at Ulster Rugby. moving o…
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Gems è un format in cui ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, tool, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto attinente alla Gamification o a discipline collegate. In questa puntata troverai: 💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO: 00:00 Saluti iniziali 02:30 Kahoot: tool per quiz interattivi 🕹️ 08:25 AhaSlides: tool per presentazioni interattive 🎮 12:55 vCommerce e shop…
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Rolling on to episode 11, and joining us today is Scott Taylor, co-founder and CEO of Perx Health, a chronic condition management service that supports users in developing better habits and a lifetime of better health. Scott has an academic background in behavioural economics, with real-world interest in its application to motivation and positive h…
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Con Gianmarco parliamo di come i videogiochi vengono impiegati nelle aziende per gli assessment, per valutare il benessere dei dipendenti e i bias organizzativi. Approfondiamo anche il processo di sviluppo di un gioco, esplorando come bilanciare gli aspetti ludici con quelli valutativi per creare strumenti efficaci di valutazione. 📺 INDICE 00:00 Sa…
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We’re at episode 10, and joining us is Geoffrey Kretz, co-founder and CEO of the Kwit app, a digital pocket coach based on cognitive Behaviour therapy to support people quit smoking for good, supporting more than 3 million people to date. He’s an entrepreneur, user experience guru, and development expert who’s previously worked for banks, biotech c…
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Series 2, Episode 9 is LIVE! Joining us for episode 9 we have Dom Raban, who is co-founder of Xploro, a unique Digital Therapeutics platform that delivers health information to young patients using augmented reality, artificial intelligence and games. Xploro aims to reduce their stress and anxiety and improve children's clinical outcomes. He is als…
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💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO: 00:00 Introduzione e saluti 02:39 Meccaniche Duolingo 13:00 Pokémon Smile 21:00 NEAL.FUN 25:40 ChatGPT Revisore di Bozze 32:50 Gandalf AI 37:00 Saluti Finali 🔗 LINK PUNTATA Duolingo - Pokémon Smile - NEAL.FUN - Gandalf AI - https://gandalf.lakera.a…
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Rolling on to episode eight we have with us Matt Omernick, who has over 20 years experience in the games industry. Matt is Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at Akili Interactive, the creators of the World's first and only FDA-approved, Doctor-prescribed video game in history, EndeavorRx. Working with leading cognitive neuroscientists, they are …
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Series 2, Episode 7 is LIVE! Joining us is Michiel Van Eunan, who is a seasoned player in the field of gamification & game-based learning. Since running his first project (The Hunt) in 2003, he made and played over 70 different formats with thousands of people, groups, teams and companies worldwide. Ranging from serious games to escape rooms, Michi…
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Series 2, Episode 6 is LIVE! Joining us for episode 6 we have Amanda Philpott, who is an ex-NHS CEO and population health strategy specialist. She is the CEO and co-founder of eargym after the firsthand experience of unaddressed hearing loss in her family. In this episode we explore the limited awareness of the importance of checking your hearing a…
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Il Dott. Francesco Bocci condivide con noi il modo in cui la Video Game Therapy utilizza i videogiochi per promuovere il benessere psicologico. Approfondiamo come i videogiochi sono sempre più utilizzati all'interno dei percorsi di psicoterapia e molto altro. Sfrutta la scaletta per ascoltare la parte che preferisci: 📺 INDICE VIDEO00:00 Saluti iniz…
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Series 2, Episode 5 is LIVE! We have Dr. Jaime Garcia joining us who is a Senior Lecturer in Games Development at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) with a background in Software Engineering at Neuroscience Research Australia, primarily designing, developing and maintaining fall prevention video games and mobile apps for the Falls Balance In…
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Here is episode 4 and joining us is Niklas Johannes who has worked in roles as a researcher at the Oxford Internat Internet Institute, where he was part of the research program Adolescent Well-Being in the Digital Age. During his PhD, he focused on the effects of always being connected via our phones on the impact on attention and cognitive control…
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Nuovo episodio di “Gems 💎”. Cos’è? Un episodio in cui io e Marco ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto trovato in rete attinente alla Gamification o a discipline correlate. 💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO:00:00 Introduzione e saluti 02:15 Tax Heaven 3000 (Dichiarazione Redditi)06:00 Raccolta Nudge Sostenibilità 09:20 Gioch…
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Rolling on to Episode 3 and joining us is Kevyn Eva from the award-winning 'Shadow's Edge' Shadow's Edge is a mobile game for teenagers and adults to build resilience through journaling and art. Kevyn leads the product design and academic research at Shadow's Edge 'Digging Deep' project. During Kevyn’s career, she's looked five years into the futur…
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Joining us for Episode 2 is Keith Wakeman, CEO of SuperBetter. SuperBetter is regularly listed as the gold standard example of health & wellbeing gamification on the planet, with numerous reviews and the World Economic Forum named SuperBetter as 1 of 14 top innovators globally in youth mental health. In this episode we talk through SuperBetter's cr…
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Welcome back to Health Points! Here to kick off Series 2, we have Noah Falstein joining us. Together we explore the evolution of video games through to the foundations of health gamification. Taking health gamification to the front cover of the scientific journal Nature, and the test, fail, learn approach that pioneered the gamification frameworks …
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Che ruolo ha il divertimento nelle tue giornate? In questa affascinante puntata parliamo con Fabrizio Lonzini del delicato equilibrio tra “fun” e “work”. Fabrizio ci porta alla scoperta dell'importanza di integrare momenti ludici nella nostra giornata lavorativa e di come il divertimento possa essere un potente strumento per migliorare la produttiv…
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Nuovo episodio di “Gems 💎”. Cos’è? Un episodio in cui io e Marco ci scambiamo link, giochi, app, articoli o qualunque altro contenuto trovato in rete attinente alla Gamification o a discipline correlate. 💎 GEMME DI QUESTO EPISODIO: 00:00 Introduzione e saluti 02:00 Come usare ChatGPT per generare idee sulle meccaniche di gioco 09:40 Gamification Bi…
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In questa puntata scoprirai come usare una meccanica di gamification avanzata chiamata “Grown up lock”. Con questa meccanica il giocatore ottiene qualcosa di figo che tuttavia non può utilizzare. Un pò come quando i genitori regalano la macchina al ragazzo che non ha ancora la patente. Solitamente per poter utilizzare l’oggetto devi fare qualcosa c…
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