Kurt Krömer hat Besuch. Von wem? Weiß er nicht. Krömer sitzt mit Augenbinde im Podcast-Studio und lässt sich überraschen. Erst wenn er die Augenbinde abnimmt, sieht er, wer ihm gegenübersitzt. Seine Gäste sind auf das Gespräch vorbereitet. Und Krömer? Der hat keine fertigen Fragen, nur Erwartungen, Hoffnungen, Befürchtungen. Der Rest ist reine Gefühlssache. Klingt gut? Dann herzlich Willkommen bei: Kurt Krömer – Feelings. Neue Folgen erscheinen immer am Donnerstag. Und montags gibt es eine z ...
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Two psychologists take a deep dive into your favourite books.
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The Feelings Detective Podcast gives kids ages 5-8 the tools for emotional wellness through fun stories, meditation adventures, and engaging activities.
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Two Philadelphia comedians discuss feelings and the things that make you feel them.
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Faith & Feelings is a podcast designed to help you untangle & honor your emotions, authentically practice your faith, and integrate both into your everyday life so that you can experience the goodness & delight that comes from living in relationship with yourself, God, and others. Join author and clinical counseling grad student Taylor Joy every Monday, where she’ll share therapeutic insight and spiritual truth aimed at helping you implement small shifts into your daily rhythms and routines.
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feel your feelings with me. I’m not a doctor or psychologist - I’m a normal guy who has felt some big feelings. On this podcast, I talk about mental health in a casual, laidback environment. I don’t come at you from a medical, professional standpoint - instead, I come from personal experience and the very big feelings that I have felt.
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Unsere Struggles sagen viel darüber aus, in welcher Gesellschaft wir leben. Wir wollen die Ursachen verstehen. In jeder Folge dröseln wir mit Expertinnen und Experten auf, wie wir ein bisschen weniger lost durchs Leben gehen. Mit persönlichen Geschichten, Tipps und Fakten. Eure Hosts Shalin Rogall und Przemek Zuk geben euren Gefühlen einen Safe Space und fragen nach dem Warum. Immer montags, mittwochs und freitags. Ihr erreicht uns über Whatsapp 0160-91 36 08 52 oder schreibt uns eine Mail u ...
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Every week, BZ Consultants Group's Founder/President, Brooke C. Furniss, differentiates facts from feelings. As it is imperative to surround oneself with people smarter than yourself, experts from their respective fields will be stopping by so we can learn, grow, and move this auto industry forward. Sit back, grab your beverage of choice, and let's continue to set the precedence of facts not feelings! Connect with me at https://bzconsultantsgroup.com/
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Food Feelings - der Podcast rund um emotionales Essverhalten. In diesem Podcast begleite dich dabei, zu verstehen woher der innerer Drang zu essen kommt, wie du ihn los wirst und so wieder mehr Freude und Leichtigkeit in dein Essverhalten einkehrt. Dein Host: Cornelia Fiechtl, Klinische Psychologin, Gesundheitspsychologin. Expertin für emotionales Essverhalten. Autorin. Website: www.achtsam-essen.at Foto: Patrick Schörg
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Hang out with Beth and Michelle, a couple who love movies of all kinds. Each week, we chat about those movies and how they hit us right in the feels. It’s all about personal vibes and emotional journeys, with real talk and heartfelt moments. Tune in for some genuine conversations and a lot of movie love! When applicable, we use the Castellini test, created by Bri Castellini, to see how the subject measures up to feminism! You can find the test and more about the brilliant and witty author he ...
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A weekly comedy interview show, where award winning stand-up, Sam Lake, chats with a funny guest about something that gets them emotional over a beverage of their choice. Become A Patreon!
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The randomness of me in dramatically short bursts
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Real talk? Modern parenting is a doozy. There’s never been more pressure to be perfect with social media readily at our fingertips - mixed with total isolation and no help. Where the f*ck is that village everyone talks about? Consider After Bedtime your village. Led by Kristin and Deena - founders of the largest online parenting community, Big Little Feelings - After Bedtime is the place you can go at the end of a long hard day to find your “enough”-ness. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll maybe ...
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Zwischen Elternschaft und Partnerschaft – Marie und Sebastian erkunden jede Woche mit euch die Realität des Lebens in einer modernen Familie, von den alltäglichen Herausforderungen mit Kindern bis zu den Veränderungen in ihrer eigenen Beziehung. Dabei sprechen sie ehrlich über die Seiten des Gefühls- und Familienlebens, die sonst lieber verschwiegen werden. Ob gemeinsame Höhepunkte oder individuelle Kämpfe – sie zeigen, dass im Chaos des Familienalltags auch Raum für persönliches Wachstum un ...
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A mental health and wellness podcast hosted by an 'almost sane' therapist and a 'former, all-round insecure idiot'. We take deep dives into all things mental health whilst remembering to have laugh along the way. We welcome guests to share their passion and wealth of expertise, and we sprinkle in our own insights and experiences as well. Pull up a chair, settle in, and 'flex your feelings'.
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Don't surrender to your feelings. bear the motions. grasp done.
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Podcast by George Diouk
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Cover art photo provided by JJ Ying on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jjying
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At Fuck Your Feeling’s we discuss everything, were here to keep you entertained and not worry about offending you, you like it or you dont!
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Viele Themen mit vielen gemischten Gefühlen.
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For anyone going through fertility treatment or want to know more about it …two (psychologist) friends talk about their fertility journeys (one in it & one successfully out the other side), their experiences, emotions, and coping tactics.
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Welcome to no feelings, where amazing things happen.
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My thoughts and feelings.
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Musings and Motivation
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Just to get things off my chest
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Do you struggle with unhealthy eating habits or destructive coping mechanisms? Do you constantly thinking about food? Or feel stuck in cycles of sugar addiction, restriction, & binge? Do you emotionally eat or reach for food you know makes you feel bad, but do it anyways? Ellie is a former chemical engineer, gone Certified Nutrition and Emotional Eating Coach, Yoga teacher, Somatic Breathwork Practitioner, and Retreat Leader. She was a sugar addict, binge eater with autoimmune issues who hea ...
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Freedom comes from knowing that Life is truly easy. Here there are talks about the Universal creed, Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Removing the veil of ignorance and self denial comes from addressing the issues that tend to leave us as a People in despair. Reconnecting with our ancestral roots and knowing that We are a Family is the only way this will work. Let's get pro per and awaken from the bullshits and fairy tales. Along this journey will be host of topics, like overstanding ...
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Hello, I am gonna share a series on unspoken words and feelings.... so stay tuned🤗
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Welcome to the My Winter Feelings podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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Facts over feelings is a exciting podcast covering news stories on local, state, national, and international levels. Such stories include, but are not limited to politics, crime, religion, sports, business, education, and race relations.
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Podcast by FookYourFeelings
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Welcome to the Jean Feelings podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Here, we freely explore the beauty of our emotions, but are confronted with the truth and challenged to embrace the Truth over our feelings.
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Philip Obosi explores his feelings and motivations across various aspects of his life like personality, discipline, ambition, sexuality, mental health, religion, etc through storytelling, poetry, and monologues.
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RANDOM! It can be about anything and everything.
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Discussion of love , lust and the moments of realization. Drinking to those memories
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This is for everyone who needs to let go and have a better mindset for themselves Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Free Feelings - حرر مشاعرك
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This Chashmish has a lot of feelings...really FILMY FEELINGS! Tune into my podcast (Twice a month - 2nd and last Monday of every month!) as we explore different films and themes of Bollywood. #FilmyWaliFeelings
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Talking all things NASCAR and stock car racing
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Welcome to Bottled Feelings and Stuffed Moths, where amazing things happen. Mainly, you existing and being amazing!
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Podcast by Host Natalie Roach
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Gossip - Sollten wir mehr lästern?
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
14:34Comedy-Autor Miguel Robitzky findet mit Gossip mehr über sein Gegenüber heraus. Eine Kulturwissenschaftlerin erzählt, wie Tratsch zu seinem schlechten Ruf kam, und eine Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin erklärt die wichtige soziale Rolle von Gossip. (Wiederholung vom 24. November 2024) ********** Ihr hört: Gesprächspartner: Miguel Robitzky, Podcaster un…
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🚗 The Car Buying Shift No One’s Talking About!
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
49:10🚗 The automotive industry is evolving fast! Are you keeping up? Join me, Brooke Furniss, and Tim Cox, Co-Founder of CarNow, as we dive into the biggest shifts in car buying, leadership, and technology in today's automotive world. From rising interest rates to AI-driven solutions and the secret to high-performing dealerships, we break down Facts Not…
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Warum die Lösung in dir selbst liegt - Reiseblog Thailand
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
19:46In dieser Folge nehme ich dich mit nach Thailand, wo ich an einer Morgenzeremonie mit einem Mönch teilgenommen habe. Eine Begegnung mit einer Einheimischen brachte mich zum Nachdenken: Warum suchen wir so oft nach Antworten im Außen, wenn wir alles in uns tragen? Wir sprechen über die buddhistische Sicht auf Leiden, emotionale Trigger und emotional…
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Kurt Krömer ist fix und alle, regelrecht außer Atem. Und das allein vom Zuhören. Joey Kelly erzählt von seinen zahlreichen Abenteuern: Iron Man, Nordpol, 7 vs. Wild. Und natürlich Aufwachsen in einer der bekanntesten Musiker-Familien des Landes. Bahnt sich da eine Marathon-Freundschaft an? Du möchtest Krömer eine Geschichte erzählen? Dann sprich ih…
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#160 Wie werden unsere Kinder in der Zukunft arbeiten? - Gast: Céline Flores Willers
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
47:30Jungunternehmerin Céline Flores Willers und Sebastian Tigges über die Arbeitseinstellungen unterschiedlicher Generationen, Hustle Culture und wie Eltern Karriere und Familie vereinen könnten. +++ Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://datenschutz.ad-alliance.de/podcast.html +++ +++ Wir verarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit dem…
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College holds a mythic place in American culture, but behind the polished campus tours and glossy brochures lies a far more complicated reality. Each episode of Campus Files uncovers a new story that rocked a college or university. Consider this your unofficial campus tour. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://…
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An exciting announcement today that we are now officially on Patreon! You can become an official Rosé Sl*t today for as little as £3 a month. Bonus Episodes with our series "After Hours" All the original episodes of the lockdown series of Rosé Coming soon - a discord server to chat with other Sl*ts AND Team Rosé Discounts of tickets to live shows &…
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Why Our Health Discussions Are Incomplete: The Missing Piece | Dr Kathy Yeo
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:23:35This is one of the most enriching discussions about health I've had—not by dissecting the intricate mechanisms of health, but by exploring a deeper understanding. Despite the marketing from the ever-growing 'Health & Wellness' industry, there is nothing they can tell or sell you. The truth is, no ritual, supplement or bio hack can replace the essen…
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March Book Club: Hospital (S4E2)
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
46:40A daring literary account of a young woman’s experience of psychosis by Bengali-Australian writer Sanya Rushdi. This March, our book club discussion features Hospital, which explores the experience of psychosis and subsequent hospitalisation, drawn from the author's real-life experience. We unpack the limitations of the medical model approach towar…
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In this episode, Beth and Michelle try their best to remember the good times but still find a way to ruin nostalgia for hundreds of Gen Xers. They work really hard at not being critical of a film and focus on the feelings, but sometimes those things intersect. Johnny 5 is alive, but is he living his best life?…
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How to Practice Self-Awareness in Relationships
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
14:57What messages did you receive about self-awareness as a child? Many of us grew up in environments that did not nurture self-awareness. Over the years, we’ve practiced disconnecting from our tears, grief, desires, or sensitivity. And not only disconnect, but we’ve learned to reject or criticize these feelings or experiences within ourselves. In this…
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Shevaun Brannigan Feels Infatuated
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:07:42First time guest Shevaun Brannigan is here!
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Get ready for a wild adventure! In this episode, we have a story about a rambunctious young raccoon named Rusty, that gets himself into a tricky situation. We also have a detective activity about noticing body clues and Callie the Detective Kitty is here with a mystery we need some help solving. Visit https://feelingsdetective.com/podcast/ to find …
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Fertility – Stress and Overwhelm
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:01:02Struggling with fertility can be overwhelming, and the stress is real - studies even compare it to the impact of a major medical diagnosis. In this episode, we dive into the emotional toll, what happens when stress tips into overwhelm, and the coping strategies that help. As you'll see, in the excitement of it all, we even get the name of the podca…
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why you should say "yes" to grief
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
11:01Grief is heavy, uncomfortable, and sometimes terrifying—but avoiding it only makes it worse. In this episode, we talk about why saying yes to grief is so important for healing. Instead of pushing it away, we explore how to sit with it, learn from it, and ultimately grow through it. Because even though grief hurts, it’s also a sign of love, of life,…
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