Whatever it is, we're against it.
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Jacob Hornberger and Sheldon Richman discuss current events from a libertarian perspective. The Libertarian Angle airs weekly.
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Libertarian Counterpoint is a 32 year Sacramento California Libertarian Public Access Television Show
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The Scott Horton Show from The Libertarian Institute
The Scott Horton Show from The Libertarian Institute
Whatever it is, we're against it.
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Programa dedicado a la política, la economía y la historia.
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Canal oficial de podcasts da CONMEBOL Libertadores.
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freie-radios.net (limited to Libertärer Podcast)
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Programa de y sobre música que abre a otros mundos (sin dejar este). De nuestra Radio Alegría Libertaria https://alegrialibertaria.org
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Join the Libertarian Christian Institute as each week they explore, debate, and analyze the issues that are directly relevant to the intersection of Christianity and liberty. Always thoughtful, frequently controversial, and never boring (trust us), it is our hope and prayer that The Libertarian Christian Podcast serve as a valuable resource to the Church for years to come. If you'd like to reach out to us and ask a question or submit some feedback, you can reach us at podcast@libertarianchri ...
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The Protestant Libertarian Podcast explores the intersection between protestant Biblical studies and libertarian philosophy. We will discuss the Bible, history, culture, economics, philosophy, and current events from both protestant and libertarian perspectives. Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at theprotestantlibertarian@gmail.com. You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Check out the Protestan ...
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Join host Michael Scott for riveting intellectual discussions about news and politics, without all the anger and rhetoric.
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Politics, philosophy, music, current events and more from a Punk Rock Libertarian perspective.
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En este podcast encontraras capítulos de mis libros de desarrollo y crecimiento personal. Son vivencias y experiencias cuyo propósito es compartirlas contigo. Permíteme 3 minutos y escúchame... quizá te sorprendas, quizá te inspires, quizá te sirvan. Todo es posible.
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Este podcast está dedicado a quienes hablan español y trabajan en un entorno autogestionado y enfocado en misiones. Esta es la versión en español de nuestro podcast en inglés en la empresa Morning Star, titulado ”Libertad para Perseguir”.
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Radio Europa Liberă (RFE/RL) este o organizație media internațională, care se adresează publicului din Europa Centrală și de Est, Caucaz, Asia Centrală, Rusia, Orientul MIjlociu și Balcani.
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Atención: Los temas de este podcast tienen un desarrollo más profundo en https://mexicolibertario.org/category/thinkfreedom/ Pensar Libertad es el podcast de México Libertario con lo mejor de los #Spaces grabados de Twitter con invitados expertos en temas sociales, políticos y económicos vistos desde la perspectiva Libertaria. ----------- Sigue a México Libertario, el Think Tank Libertario más importante de México en todas sus redes sociales. https://twitter.com/Mex_Libertario https://www.fa ...
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Un podcast para aquellas personas que buscamos crear nuestra propia libertad financiera a través de las inversiones inmobiliarias. Aquí escucharás experiencias, consejos y sobre todo la motivación necesaria para empezar tu camino en el Juego Inmobiliario, generar rentas pasivas y construir así una vida más libre. En Libertad Inmobiliaria, Carlos Galán, autor del libro Independízate de Papá Estado, entrevista a personas normales que invierten en el mercado inmobiliario para complementar sus i ...
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Escucha Radio Libertad Constituyente y descubre la política como nunca te la habían contado. Radio Libertad Constituyente fue fundada y dirigida por Antonio García-Trevijano (1927-2018) para la defensa y difusión de las ideas de la libertad política. El MCRC, movimiento que fue creado y presidido por él, dirige actualmente Radio Libertad Constituyente con el mismo objetivo. ---------------------------------- ¡APÓYANOS! - Vía iVoox: haz clic en APOYAR (botón de color azul). - Vía Paypal: http ...
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Cine y Libertad es un medio que intenta informar, formar y entretener, atendiendo a todas las dimensiones del ser humano. En este podcast hablamos de cine, series, libros y cómics, que son analizados en profundidad de una óptica distinta a la habitual. Las reflexiones que ofrecemos pueden ayudar a padres y abuelos a educar a sus hijos a través de la cultura.
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Copyright © Minibrot Media
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This podcast focuses on the philosophy, principles and issues that will make Americans more free.
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Practicas de mindfulness y meditaciones guiadas para cultivar la paz interior. Entrevistas inspiradoras para disfrutar y aumentar nuestro bienestar.
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"During the past few years we have become acutely aware of the organized takeover and slow demolition of nation states by globalist powers. They are attempting to enact a Great Reset via the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the intention of locking down the world under a global technocracy. This is occurring via the capture of local, state, federal and national governments by international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization, as well as Non-Governmental ...
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Podcast con opiniones de política, ciencia ficción, ciencia, cine, filosofía, historia y muchas cosas más. Me puedes leer en www.cronicasdeunmundofeliz.com
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The Libertarian podcast features a weekly conversation with Hoover senior fellow Richard Epstein on the issues of the day.
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George H. Smith explores the history of libertarian ideas. Narrated by Daniel Hyland. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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The Reformed Libertarians Podcast aims to educate and inspire listeners to intelligently embrace and passionately promote a view of libertarianism as grounded in the Reformed Faith, and informed by a Reformed worldview. Exploring free society from a Reformed perspective, hosts Kerry Baldwin and Gregory Baus discuss culture, society, politics, economics, theology, philosophy, worldview, and more. Follow the show at reformedlibertarians.com and discover how to think about liberty and human flo ...
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A podcast by journalist, author, editor, broadcaster, and educator, Jeff Riggenbach.
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Libertarian News And Views Within Virginia And Beyond!
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Political conversations between myself and a guest.
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Selected readings from voluntaryist.com and other sources. Audio content for the on-the-go supporter of voluntaryism and libertarianism.
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Covering news, events, and pop culture while crusading for libertarian values.
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Podcast sobre Jeová Deus, sobre Jesus, sobre a Bíblia Sagrada e sobre a minha jornada espiritual e sobre interesses que tenho. Tu sabes aquelas Deep Conversations
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A Libertarian view on politics current events and other goings-on.
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LIBERTAS je sprievodný podcast k celovečernému dokumentárnemu filmu s rovnakým názvom. Film je sondou do sveta kryptotechnológií v Čechách a na Slovensku. Hľadá odpovede na otázky ako tieto technológie fungujú, aké výhody prinášajú, aké môže mať ich plošné rozšírenie dopad pre spoločnosť a jednotlivcov, a prečo je dôležité sa o ne zaujímať. Podcast LIBERTAS vám ponúka pôvodné verzie rozhovorov s mnohými významnými osobnosťami českej a slovenskej kryptomenovej scény nahraté pri nakrúcaní doku ...
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Welcome to Tierra y Libertad. In this podcast, we listen to agricultural professionals, researchers, and activists from around the world. We explore the sustainable transition of the agricultural and food system while examining social and racial justice, land concentration, the impact of agricultural technology, and the dangers of green capitalism.
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Soul Sharing e testimone della propria esistenza e del tempo nel suo respiro
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Libertarian insight for Millennials
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Bienvenido al Podcast Libertario, el lugar donde aprenderás a recuperar tu libertad de pensamiento.
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Podcast by Señal Liberta
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A podcast about libertarianism.
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This podcast is about having the discussion and evolutions in reason that will lead us to freer society.
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Escucha los podcast creados por estudiantes del colegio Libertador San Martín de Conchalí
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Political and social commentary from a libertarian woman's perspective.
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COI #773: Israel To Begin Annexing Gaza, Will Kill or Remove Palestinians
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39:54On COI #773, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest news from Ukraine, Gaza and Yemen. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe Apple Pod…
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Ep 016 “Fixing Fight Club: Just Say No to NATO: Part Two”
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54:52A continued discussion of the NATO debacle. It is time for America to completely reassess alliances and partnership around the world starting with NATO and then working its way down the list of useless and toxic relationships and promises to commit American blood and treasure to flashpoints planet-wide. The sheer insanity of EU/SSR behavior and the…
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Elección Judicial, ¿votar o no votar?; con Rodolfo Martínez y Raúl Flores
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1:53:59Bienvenidos a la emisión #156 de nuestros podcasts semanales Pensar Libertad, donde analizamos los temas de políticas públicas a través de nuestro proyecto #ThinkFreedom, además de entrevistar a los referentes del libertarismo. En esta ocasión Rodolfo Martínez, Abogado Constitucionalista, Catedrático y socio en Trusan & Roma Abogados; y Raúl Flores…
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3/20/25 Ken Klippenstein on How the US Would Wage War on Iran
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46:06 Download Episode. Ken Klippenstein joins Scott to discuss some articles he recently wrote about the plan the American government has for fighting a war with Iran. They start with a discussion of Trump’s strike…
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3/20/25 Ken Klippenstein on How the US Would Wage War on Iran
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46:06 Download Episode. Ken Klippenstein joins Scott to discuss some articles he recently wrote about the plan the American government has for fighting a war with Iran. They start with a discussion of Trump’s strike…
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PRL Podcast Episode 529: Oh, Tulsi
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56:56Tulsi isn't Anti-war, JFK Assassination records released, AutoPen Joe and more! ----- Help out the show at PRLFans.com!! Buy our shirt at libertariancountry.com and enter code PRL to save 10%!Punk Rock Libertarians Podcast tarafından oluşturuldu
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3/14/25 Muhammad Sahimi on how Trump’s Return and Israel’s War are Affecting Iran
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58:40Download Episode. Scott brings Muhammad Sahimi back on the show to talk about recent developments in Iran. They discuss the Trump administration’s relationship with the Iranian regime, the political dynamic within Iran and much more. Discussed on the show: “’Max pressure’ 2.0 on Iran could trigger a nuclear crisis” (Responsible Statecraft) “How Ira…
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3/14/25 Muhammad Sahimi on how Trump’s Return and Israel’s War are Affecting Iran
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58:40Download Episode. Scott brings Muhammad Sahimi back on the show to talk about recent developments in Iran. They discuss the Trump administration’s relationship with the Iranian regime, the political dynamic within Iran and much more. Discussed on the show: “’Max pressure’ 2.0 on Iran could trigger a nuclear crisis” (Responsible Statecraft) “How Ira…
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The Alto Knights-Las dos caras de Robert De Niro en una gran película histórica. ¿Esta producción con cierta intriga supera a algunas de las nominadas a los Óscar? Aquí puedes escuchar mi comentario (Víctor Alvarado es el autor del libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes: https://www.ivoox.com/fe-etica-valores-de-audios-mp3_rf_13047…
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https://youtu.be/l9XMX4_SSkg For the last 15 years of my life, Progressives told me that people such as myself were the sole problem with the world. They’d say how evil I was, how racist, sexist, bigoted I was, how I was a science denier who was a useful idiot for the rich, and how I hated education and didn’t care if children were killed at school…
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Tariffs, Tesla, and Transparency
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29:00In this episode, James Just and John Cameron tackle the economic and security implications of Trump's tariff policies and the recent attacks on Tesla facilities with Molotov cocktails, arson, and graffiti. We also discuss the potential dismantling of the Education Department via a new executive order and what the release of JFK assassination files …
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Con motivo del estreno de la serie de televisión Daredevil: Born Again te recomendamos... Daredevil/Elektra: Amor y Guerra-Cómics que se pueden convertir en series. ¿Pueden autores de tebeos de acción alcanzar la sensibilidad poética? Por cierto, con motivo de la publicación de mi libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes:https://www.…
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Europe's Shifts and American Boycotts
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28:00James Just and Alexander Vazquez delve into Emmanuel Macron's call for Europe to defend Ukraine without U.S. assistance and Germany's sharp rightward political turn. They explore the Trump administration's DEI reporting portal, the effectiveness of economic blackouts and boycotts, and Americans' evolving views on the news media. Plus, insights into…
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Navigating Newsom's Mandates and Slush Fund Scandals
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28:00James Just and Alexander Vazquez dissect California Governor Gavin Newsom's latest directives, including his push to bring state workers back to offices and his new homeless accountability website. They explore the implications of Bezos' ventures on personal liberties and free markets, unravel the $20 billion slush fund fueling progressive nonprofi…
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Ep 398: The Demonic Origins of Nationalism, with David Ritchie
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1:08:17Host Cody Cook welcomes David Ritchie, author of Why Do the Nations Rage?: The Demonic Origin of Nationalism. Ritchie notes how sin can manifest in corporate and systemic structures, employing Paul's writings and John's triad of the flesh, world, and Satan to highlight these spiritual and societal dimensions. The conversation addresses the contempo…
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Misericordia-Extraña intriga rural con toque anticlerical ganadora de la Seminci. ¿Cuáles son las luces y sombras de esta cinta francesa? Aquí puedes escuchar mi comentario (Víctor Alvarado es el autor del libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes:https://www.ivoox.com/fe-etica-valores-de-audios-mp3_rf_130472988_1.html)… ¡Lectores y a…
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Reinventing the Economy w/Mike Maharrey
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1:09:45Mike Maharrey is back, and we discuss the Trump Administration’s plans for economic stability. AlpThe Libertarian Institute - All Podcasts tarafından oluşturuldu
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Medio Gobierno vota contra el Gobierno
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1:55:30📕 Puedes comprar el nuevo libro de Manuel Llamas en Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/4x7rZbv 📢 Suscríbete a nuestro nuevo canal ViOne+: https://www.youtube.com/@ViOnePlus 👉Apóyanos haciéndote socio de nuestro club aquí: https://vionemedia.com/haztesocio Jano García acompañado por Juan Andrés Rubert repasará la actualidad, y en tertulia con Pedro Herrero, …
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Vengadores secretos: miedo encarnado-la defensa de los valores del capitán américa y viuda negra en grado superlativo
Vengadores secretos: Miedo encarnado-La defensa de los valores del Capitán América y Viuda Negra en grado superlativo. ¿Qué pasa con la defensa de los derechos civiles en EEUU? Por cierto, con motivo de la publicación de mi libro: La fe, la ética y los valores de los superhéroes:https://www.ppc-editorial.com/libro/la-fe-la-etica-y-los-valores-de-lo…
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COI #772: A Ceasefire Begins in Ukraine as War Returns to Gaza
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31:52On COI #772, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest news from Ukraine and the Middle East. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe App…
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La Guardia Civil destapa 258 cuentas vinculadas al PSOE
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1:22:04📢 Suscríbete a nuestro nuevo canal ViOne+: https://www.youtube.com/@ViOnePlus 👉Apóyanos haciéndote socio de nuestro club aquí: https://vionemedia.com/haztesocio Jano García acompañado por Juan Andrés Rubert repasará la actualidad, y en tertulia con Iván Vélez, Miguel Rovira y Rubén Herrero comentarán como la nueva información desvelada por la UCO a…
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Pedro Manuel González, autor del libro «La Justicia en el Estado de partidos», en el capítulo nº 256 de «La lucha por el derecho» distingue la postura pacifista de ser pacífico. En el siguiente enlace pueden acceder a los artículos de Pedro Manuel González: https://www.diariorc.com/autor/pedromgonzalez --------- ¡APÓYANOS! - Vía iVoox: haz clic en …
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Cuando blancanieves pidió misericordia a robert de niro y a borja cobeaga
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55:34¡Lectores y amigos de Cine y Libertad! Cuando Blancanieves pidió misericordia a Robert de Niro y a Borja Cobeaga Esta es nuestra propuesta... #DirectoALasEstrellas. Programa 783 de estrenos (#Blancanieves,#TheAltoKnights, #LosAitas, #8, #LaChicaDeLaAguja…) y variedades. Incluye la crítica: #Misericordia y #El Guardián. Recomendamos los cómics: Veng…
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Donald Trump a anunțat pe 18 martie, după o convorbire la telefon cu Vladimir Putin, că acesta a căzut de acord să oprească imediat atacurile asupra infrastructurii și sectorului energetic al Ucrainei. Jurnaliștii Europei Libere la Kiev au întrebat trecătorii ce cred despre aceste discuții.Yaroslava Tregubova tarafından oluşturuldu
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El cine en su punto 95: disney frente a la mafia de robert de niro (los mejores estrenos de la semana) - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! El cine en su punto 95: (los mejores estrenos de la semana) #ElCineEnSuPunto 95 Mi colaboración en el programa de #InformaRadio: #EnLaBocaDelLobo de Javier García Isac @Javiergaciaisac @javiernegre10 @Edatv_News @informaradio ¿No…
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¡Que angustia¡ ¡Qué miedo¡ ¡Qué terrible se siente cuando nada funciona y cuando todo sale mal¡ ¿Como lo resuelvo? Support the showLuis Morales tarafından oluşturuldu
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PRL Podcast Episode 528: The Doge Deceit
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58:47Elon Derangement Syndrome, Stonks and Bitcoin drop, white people getting deported and more! ----- Help out the show at PRLFans.com!! Buy our shirt at libertariancountry.com and enter code PRL to save 10%!Punk Rock Libertarians Podcast tarafından oluşturuldu
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El pacto PP-VOX revoluciona la política nacional
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1:25:55📢 Suscríbete a nuestro nuevo canal ViOne+: https://www.youtube.com/@ViOnePlus 👉Apóyanos haciéndote socio de nuestro club aquí: https://vionemedia.com/haztesocio Jano García repasará la actualidad, y en tertulia con Pedro Insua, Pedro Lecanda y Julio Llorente comentarán la guerra política iniciada a causa del pacto de Mazón con Vox. Escucha el episo…
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What’s Trump saying about Second Amendment rights and Christianity?
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37:18Trump’s Executive Orders - A deep dive: Episode 1 Date recorded: Feb 20, 2025 Do you want to understand what’s coming out of the White House? We do too! In our first episode of a three-part series, Terra and Peter dive into President Trump's executive orders and discuss some orders he didn't rescind, as well as taking a look at Second Amendment rig…
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Ep 189: Private Charity is Better than Government Welfare with Gerard Casey
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1:01:07In this episode I talk with Dr. Gerard Casey, professor emeritus at University College Dublin and associate scholar at the Mises Institute, about charity and welfare. Dr. Casey argues that a libertarian approach to charity, which is based on the principles of non-aggression and localism, are a more efficient method of providing for those in need th…
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El nuevo presidente de PRISA declara la guerra a Sánchez
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1:11:40📢 Suscríbete a nuestro nuevo canal ViOne+: https://www.youtube.com/@ViOnePlus 👉Apóyanos haciéndote socio de nuestro club aquí: https://vionemedia.com/haztesocio Jano García repasará la actualidad, y en tertulia con Luis F. Quintero, Rubén Arranz y Nuria Richart comentarán la guerra entre Joseph Oughourlian de PRISA y Pedro Sánchez. Escucha el episo…
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Tipos de inteligencia y Napoleón como ejemplo de inteligencia política. -Fuentes del audio- Radio libertad constituyente: http://www.ivoox.com/informativo-rlc-3-12-12-separatismo-catalan-sociologia-los-audios-mp3_rf_1619277_1.html Música: Escena, Capricho español, Rimsky-Korsakov (Rusia 1844-1908) ---------------------------- Escucha la lista de re…
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Recuadro positivo , Meditación guiada
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24:10"Hoy es un nuevo día. Recuerda lo que te hace feliz. Recuerda lo que te trae alegría. Recuerda a quién amas. Las fuerzas que pudieron haberte detenido en el pasado ya no existen. Comprométete a emprender el camino de la vida nuevamente con confianza y certeza,..En el pasado, es posible que hayas aquietado tu corazón, pero ya no,.." Monica Berg Acce…
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COI #771: Trump, Netanyahu Seek African Nation to Take Palestinians
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32:12On COI #771, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest news from Ukraine and Israel. The Kyle Anzalone Show Odysee Rumble Donate LBRY Credits bTTEiLoteVdMbLS7YqDVSZyjEY1eMgW7CP Donate Bitcoin 36PP4kT28jjUZcL44dXDonFwrVVDHntsrk Donate Bitcoin Cash Qp6gznu4xm97cj7j9vqepqxcfuctq2exvvqu7aamz6 Patreon Subscribe Star YouTube Facebook Twitter MeWe Apple Podcast …
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