It is normal for humans to wonder about the origin of everything ." In the beginning", gives us the key to this entire mystery. Consider this: It all started with Start Dust. Faith comes by hearing. Science comes by seeing. Together that will enrich our faith and beliefs. Studying scriptures and science will deepen your relationships, and communion, and enrich your worship experiences. When you earnestly ask questions and seek answers you will find new revelations that lead you back to the C ...
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A new question to consider is where do microbes and viruses fit in the creation scenario ? Life, as we know it, would be impossible without these invisible tiny organisms.
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"The Almighty has given me life" Job 33:4; Genesis 7:15,22
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Respiration is one of the most vital operations to sustain life. Respiration is the act of breathing. Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of the lungs.
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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education is important to humanity's global future that shapes our daily and future experiences. Eve and the daughters of Eve used creativity, curiosity, observations, motivation, and innovations to address the critical demand placed on humanity from sin. Access to new knowledge and practices is …
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The Bible is sacred and holy. It is a collection of 66 books written by different authors over a span of many years. The Bible is divided into two divisions that consist of the Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books). The Bible records the interactions of God with historical people and nations. The Bible reveals the meaning of lif…
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What are your thoughts on pre-science found in the Bible?
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
The study of science involves observing the natural world through your senses. You can sense the world around you through your senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. A microscope and telescope help us discover the world around us by aiding our senses. As well as exploring our surroundings and extending beyond them, science encompasses a…
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Science in all our actions
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Why is it important to study The First Law of Thermodynamics
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