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Mikas Matrix

Bascha Mika

Willkommen in Mikas Matrix! Hier herrscht ein feministischer Blick auf die Politik und kein Platz für Ignoranz. Bascha Mika stellt sich streitbar diskussionsfreudigen Männern des Patriarchats entgegen. In intensiven Gesprächen mit klugen Gästen wird der laute Ruf des Feminismus gepflegt. Ja, wir sprechen sogar über Frauen! Witzig und wütend, jeden zweiten Freitag. Der Podcast für jene, die das Unerwartete erwarten. Eine interessante Fahrt ins Unbekannte - weichen Sie nicht aus! Folgt Bascha ...
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Mikä meitä vaivaa?

Veikka Lahtinen & Pontus Purokuru

Prekaarisuus, taide, feminismi ja ilmastokriisi. Podcast, joka antaa voimaa kamppailla arjessa. Äänessä Veikka Lahtinen ja Pontus Purokuru. Yhteydenotot ja yhteistyöehdotukset: [email protected] Arvostelukappaleet yms. posti: Mikä meitä vaivaa / Purokuru, Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, PL 14, 00530 Helsinki (huom. iso B oleellinen)
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Vill du öka din försäljning ännu mer? Vill du få insikter från toppsäljare och erfarna säljchefer? Då har du kommit rätt! I den här podcasten diskuterar vi världens bästa ämne, sälj!🚀 Mikael Arndt är en av Sveriges främsta föreläsare inom försäljning. Han har över 40 års erfarenhet av försäljning och har de senaste 20 åren föreläst för säljare i över 25 länder runt om i världen. Han har också byggt upp säljbolag med över 300 säljare samtidigt och sålt flera bolag till internationella storbol ...
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Podcast MIKAIL

MIKAIL Kaiserslautern

Your weekly dose of Islamic Podcast from MIKAIL Kaiserslautern. Seri monolog, dialog, dan tanya jawab interaktif tentang keislaman. yuk follow dan share jika dirasa bermanfaat !
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# times-mikan

mikan Co.,Ltd.

株式会社mikanの Podcastチャンネルです。 プロダクト開発の考え方や、社内のカルチャーを中心に話します。 お便り・ご感想は #timesmikan または https://app.mikan.link/times-mikan まで。 --- mikanは採用強化中です。 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご連絡ください! ■会社紹介資料 https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/culture-deck ■メンバーページ。入社理由ブログやSNSリンクが記載されています。 https://mikan.link/members ■技術ブログ https://mikan-tech.hatenablog.jp/ ■技術スタック https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/techstack ■公開カンバン https://app.mikan.link/issueboard ■募集職種 https://herp.careers/v1/mikan
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Today, we talk about the popular topic, should phones be allowed in the classroom. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Moments with Mikaylia

Mikaylia Aleece Dudley

Moments with Mikaylia is a podcast to discuss issues from faith, to Black millennials, life, and everything in between. Be sure to follow, like, share, and subscribe on all social media outlets! YT: Mikaylia Dudley FB: @momentswithmikayliapodcast Twitter: @mikayliamoments IG: @momentswithmikayliainc LinkedIn: Mikaylia A. Dudley Periscope: @mikayliaaleece To patronize the podcast, please see below Cash App: $momentswithmikaylia Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/momentswithmikaylia For Booking ...
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Junior the Himbo although a genuis about anime. Broghan (Yes it's a weird name) our favorite GenZ Boomer. And Mikayla who is just happy to be here :) Three friends who are just trying to make it to 30yrs.
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Mikä maksaa? etsii vastauksia tavallista kansalaista askarruttaviin talouden kysymyksiin. Minne rahamme menevät? Ja kuka rahan kulkusuunnan lopulta päättää? Entä mitä kansalaisen pitäisi tietää kansantaloudesta ja globaalitaloudesta? Ohjelma on suora lähetys, ja vieraina on talouselämän vaikuttajia ja asiantuntijoita. Toimittaja Juho-Pekka Rantala Taustatoimittaja Jussi Pylväs Kuva Jukka Lintilä & Hans Weckman Tuottaja Marjo Harju
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bonjour dans cette chaîne de podcast vous trouverez ici des conseils pour mieux vendre ou mieux louer votre bien bien immobilier, notre site web : https://www.kwpartners.fr/ tous nos réseaux sociaux : https://www.apibots.io/mikaelmoing
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Was essen die Grönländer am liebsten? Zu welcher Musik tanzt man in Tansania? Welche Tiere leben in Australien? Wo gibt es die längste Eisenbahnstrecke der Welt? Mikado nimmt euch mit auf eine akustische Reise rund um den Erdball. Ihr hört Wale singen und Rentiere rufen, das Grummeln der Vulkane in Island und die flirrende Luft der afrikanischen Wüste.
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show series
Lehdistökatsauksessa käydään läpi Hamasin pysyvyyttä, maanpuolustuskurssia lobbausefforttina, tekoälykauhistelua, Suomen työttömyyttä ja Trumpin mahdollista kolmatta presidenttikautta.Veikan kuuluminen: Järkeä kaivataan takaisin politiikkaan ja tunteita halutaan vääntää pienemmälle. Tämä on mielekästä siltä osin kuin puhutaan tunteessa jumittamises…
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MikaySA Feb Mixtape 2025 Tea White - Earth Over Us MikaySA - The Story (Unreleased) Kquesol - Sun Set Breeze C-Blak feat. Munsite - Three Birthday Gifts SoulLab & Polyphonik - Grown Forks Music MikaySA - Thanx 4 Grace (Unreleased) Exte C - Give Me Issa Pando G - Prophet Baby (Original Mix) Ntsakosoul - Elevate…
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I denna veckans avsnitt så pratar jag om olika avslutstekniker som du kan använda dig utav för att stänga fler affärer. Jag pratar om allt från ta bort-avslut, testavslut och invändningsavslut och orderräddare! In och lyssna, nu kör vi! Vill du vinna biljetter till Closers Only Event 3 april? Var med och tävla här!…
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On this episode of Hands-On Tech, Mikah Sargent helps Jerry, who is experiencing issues getting iTunes to recognize their iPhone 16 on their Windows PC. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer during the show! [email protected] Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subscribe to Hands-On Tech at https://twit.tv/shows/hands-on-tech Want access…
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Wisst Ihr, was mich im Wahlkampf am meisten gefreut hat? Dass hunderttausende Menschen seit Wochen auf die Straße gehen, um ihre Demokratie zu verteidigen und den Rechten die Arschkarte zu zeigen. Und eine Gruppe ist mir dabei besonders aufgefallen, deshalb wollte ich sie unbedingt in Mikas Matrix einladen – die „Omas gegen rechts“. Ältere Frauen, …
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In this episode, Mikah Sargent is joined by Jennifer Pattison Tuohy of The Verge to discuss NVIDIA's work on an AI platform for American Sign Language and her review of the Skylight Calendar Max. Zac Hall of 9to5Mac talks about the new iPhone 16e, and Scott Stein of CNET discusses the end of the Humane AI Pin. - NVIDIA is collaborating with the Ame…
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In this episode, Mikah Sargent is joined by Jennifer Pattison Tuohy of The Verge to discuss NVIDIA's work on an AI platform for American Sign Language and her review of the Skylight Calendar Max. Zac Hall of 9to5Mac talks about the new iPhone 16e, and Scott Stein of CNET discusses the end of the Humane AI Pin. - NVIDIA is collaborating with the Ame…
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In this episode of iOS Today, hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard show viewers the powerful photo and video editing capabilities available on iOS and iPadOS devices. They explore both built-in editing features and third-party applications that can enhance one's photo editing experience. Built-in Video Editing Tools: Mikah demonstrates how iOS …
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In this episode of Hands-On Mac, Mikah Sargent explores the Print Center utility in macOS - an essential but often overlooked tool for managing printers and print jobs. Mikah gives a comprehensive walkthrough of the app's features, showing how it can help troubleshoot printer issues and manage your printing needs without requiring bloated third-par…
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I veckans avsnitt så går jag igenom 3 kraftfulla principer, varför du ska göra tuffaste uppgiften först, varför konkurrensen suger och hur din identitet styr ditt liv. Jag visar hur dessa principer kommer hjälpa dig att vässa ditt mindset och öka försäljningen. In och lyssna nu kör vi! Här kan du läsa mer om min säljutbildning "The Academy"…
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In this episode of Hands-On Tech, Mikah Sargent addresses a question from listener Faye about the setup they should go with to start with voice acting, covering how one should approach getting into voice acting and providing some resources for Faye to look into. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer at [email protected] Host: Mikah S…
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Wusstet ihr, dass Menschen wohl schon immer das Bedürfnis hatten, zu malen? Von den Höhlenmalereien vor Zehntausenden von Jahren bis den bunten Bildern des berühmten Malers Pablo Picasso - und bestimmt habt auch ihr schon im Kindergarten jede Menge Bilder gemalt. Aniko hat zwei Kinder zu Gast, die leidenschaftlich gerne malen und zeichnen und den K…
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It's an AI-filled episode of Tech News Weekly! Is AI making us think less critically than before? Are AI chatbots accurately summarizing news? A BBC study finds that they are not. Google plans to use machine learning to estimate a user's age. Thomson Reuters wins the first major AI copyright case within the US. Amanda Silberling of TechCrunch joins…
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It's an AI-filled episode of Tech News Weekly! Is AI making us think less critically than before? Are AI chatbots accurately summarizing news? A BBC study finds that they are not. Google plans to use machine learning to estimate a user's age. Thomson Reuters wins the first major AI copyright case within the US. Amanda Silberling of TechCrunch joins…
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Mikah Sargent shares essential tips for troubleshooting Bluetooth issues on your Mac in this episode of Hands-On Mac. Learn how to resolve connectivity problems and get your devices working smoothly again with these step-by-step instructions. In this episode, Mikah covers: - Restarting your Mac: The simplest and often most effective first step in r…
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In this Valentine's Day-themed episode of iOS Today, hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard explore a few iOS apps and features perfect for sharing love and appreciation with others. From physical card-sending services to digital solutions and customizable widgets, they cover multiple ways to make Valentine's Day special using Apple devices. Felt…
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Elon Musk's Business Empire Scores Benefits Under Trump Shake-Up Trump plans to nominate Brian Quintenz, a16z Crypto's head of policy to lead the CFTC Annual letter: YouTube CEO Neal Mohan says TV has overtaken mobile as the "primary device for YouTube viewing in the US", indicating YouTube is "the new TV" Thomson Reuters Wins First Major AI Copyri…
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Elon Musk's Business Empire Scores Benefits Under Trump Shake-Up Trump plans to nominate Brian Quintenz, a16z Crypto's head of policy to lead the CFTC Annual letter: YouTube CEO Neal Mohan says TV has overtaken mobile as the "primary device for YouTube viewing in the US", indicating YouTube is "the new TV" Thomson Reuters Wins First Major AI Copyri…
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Patch Tuesday has arrived and Windows 11 23H2/24H2 gets those preview updates we talked about two weeks ago: Taskbar preview improvements, Windows Studio Effects on taskbar, File Explorer improvements, Mouse improvements, Time Zone changes without admin privileges, OneDrive continuity (23H2 only), Windows Share improvements (23H2 only), new keyboar…
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Patch Tuesday has arrived and Windows 11 23H2/24H2 gets those preview updates we talked about two weeks ago: Taskbar preview improvements, Windows Studio Effects on taskbar, File Explorer improvements, Mouse improvements, Time Zone changes without admin privileges, OneDrive continuity (23H2 only), Windows Share improvements (23H2 only), new keyboar…
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On Hands-On Tech, host Mikah Sargent addresses a listener's concern about their Apple devices seemingly listening to conversations in their office and offers a few way to disable this functionality. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer during the show! [email protected] Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subscribe to Hands-On Tech at h…
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MikaySA The Weekend Rush Feb 2025 Edition !Sooks feat. Secret Souls - Litje BillowJazz - Cunning Nature MikaySA & S.V.O. - From Siyabuswa With Jazz (Original Mix) The Deep House Surgeons & Deejay Lux - Give Me DJ Zesta SA & MikaySA - Left Wondering Why? (Unreleased) Exte C & Soultouch Deeps - I'm Awake Ntsakosoul - Feeling Good MikaySA & Dani3lle -…
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Snackst du ok platt? Nach unserem Podcast schon! Vor allem in Norddeutschland ist Plattdeutsch verbreitet, aber nicht mehr so sehr wie früher. Viele Kinder wollen die Sprache trotzdem lernen. So wie die acht Jahre alte Stine. Sie erzählt im Mikado-Studio, was ihr an Plattdeutsch besonders gefällt. Und wir besuchen eine Plattdeutsch-AG an einer Grun…
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Das haben sich in den letzten Wochen wohl viele von Euch gefragt. Friedrich Merz, Kanzlerkandidat der Union, kümmerte sich einen Dreck um sein früheres Versprechen und paktierte im Bundestag fröhlich mit der AfD. Tabu gebrochen, Brandmauer geschreddert, Hunderttausende gehen seitdem aus Protest auf die Straße. Die Stimmung im Land ist aufgeheizt wi…
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In this episode of Tech News Weekly, Mikah Sargent and CNET's Abrar Al-Heeti talk the latest developments in self-driving tech, Sonos' work on a new streaming box, an AI-assisted Beatles song winning a Grammy, and the current state of Meta's Quest platform according to developers. - Uber is expanding its partnership with Waymo, allowing people in A…
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In this episode of Tech News Weekly, Mikah Sargent and CNET's Abrar Al-Heeti talk the latest developments in self-driving tech, Sonos' work on a new streaming box, an AI-assisted Beatles song winning a Grammy, and the current state of Meta's Quest platform according to developers. - Uber is expanding its partnership with Waymo, allowing people in A…
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This episode sees Mikah Sargent walking through the newly announced Apple Invites app. This event invitation tool allows one to invite friends and family to an occasion (like a BBQ) even if the recipients don't have an iPhone. Importantly, a user needs to have an iCloud+ subscription in order to create an event. Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subs…
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Tekoäly on avain koko internetin kehityksen anatomiaan: yhteisten resurssien kasvava hörmiminen yksityistettyyn käyttöön kulminoituu tekoälyssä. Mikael Brunila avaa tässä jaksossa, miten tekoäly tuottaa kokonaan uuden logiikan, joka leviää kaikkialle yhteiskuntaan, ja pakottaa meidät sopeutumaan itseensä. Tämä jakso on samalla näyte Patreon-sisällö…
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In this episode of iOS Today, hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard dive into a comprehensive comparison of popular note-taking apps for iOS, examining their unique features and use cases. They also discuss Apple's surprise launch of a new event planning app called Apple Invites. Apple Notes: New iOS 18 features including Math Notes, collaborati…
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Vill du vara med på Closers Only Event 3 april och få tillgång till erbjudandet på 50% rabatt under en begränsad tid? Läs mer och boka dina biljetter här! I veckans avsnitt pratar jag om The Challenger Sale, som skrevs av Matthew Dixon och Brent Adamson och gavs ut 2011. Boken bygger på en omfattande studie av CEB med över 6 000 B2B-säljare, där Ch…
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On Hands-On Tech, Mikah helps Mark rein in Siri after a recent update caused Mark's Siri to start having activation issues and responding inconsistently to voice commands. Send in your questions for Mikah to answer at [email protected] Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subscribe to Hands-On Tech at https://twit.tv/shows/hands-on-tech Want access to the ad-…
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Die Zeugnisse sind verteilt und das nächste Halbjahr steht an. Und viele nehmen sich vor: ab jetzt lerne ich mehr! Aber wie macht man das eigentlich am besten? Wir wollen von euch wissen: was sind eure besten Lern-Tipps oder was fällt euch am schwersten und wo habt ihr Probleme? Zusammen mit einer Lernexpertin bei uns im Studio sammeln wir die best…
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Pontuksen kuuluminen: Käänne-festivaali tuotti energiaa ja innostusta. Vaikuttaa siltä, että Suomessa on kysyntää suunnilleen kaikelle: hyperteoreettisten kirjojen julkkareissa on tupa täynnä, ihmiset jonottavat politiikkafestareille korttelin ympäri ja lukupiirit pursuilevat porukkaa. Osallistujia on. Sen sijaan järjestäjistä on pula. Miksi? Pontu…
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