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Rusty George is the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie. Under his dedicated leadership, Crossroads Christian Church aspires to flourish as a vibrant community committed to guiding individuals in their journey to discover and follow the path of Jesus. Beyond leading Crossroads Church, Rusty is a global speaker, leader and teacher focusing on making real life simple. Rusty has also written several books and can be heard weekly on his podcast, Leading Simple with Rusty ...
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show series
Get a fresh perspective on invitations and belonging in today’s devotional. I remember sixth grade when a girl handed out red envelopes for her party, and I didn’t get one. Even years later, that moment sticks with me. Maybe you’ve experienced something similar—being overlooked for a party, a meeting, or a call. But here’s the good news: Jesus has …
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Ever longed to be reunited with loved ones? Today, we will explore this deep yearning. In today's chapter, we reflect on the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the vivid imagery from Revelation 15, where John describes a sea of glass glowing with fire and those victorious over the beast standing beside it. This reminds us of the promise that one day,…
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Do you ever think about Jesus returning? Today’s devotional reminds us that we serve a reigning king who will one day come back and end all our trials. Just like the triumphant return of a king in stories, Jesus promises to set everything right. Remember, you are not just His subject, but His friend. You can purchase the book here: https://pastorru…
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Ever heard the legend of the bird in the Yellowstone fire? Imagine a mother bird that protecting her chicks from flames by covering them with her body. This image parallels how our Heavenly Father shelters us under His wings, as described in Psalm 91:4. John, in Revelation, discovers that Jesus, our conquering hero, continually protects God's child…
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Ever felt like you're stuck on the losing team? Today, we’ll discuss how being on the right team changes everything. Just like athletes who find success after joining a better team, John’s life transformed when he joined Jesus. Despite the ups and downs, he realized he was on the winning team. So, have you embraced that you're a saint who sometimes…
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Have you ever thought about Jesus being the only one worthy to unlock the gates of Heaven? It's pretty mind-blowing stuff! Today, let's explore that together. Reflect with me on the incredible significance of Jesus' sacrifice and what it means for our lives. And let's take a moment to thank Him for His unmatched worthiness and the gift of eternal l…
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You know that promise Jesus made about preparing a place for us? Well, it's not just a pipe dream; it's real! Join me as we unpack what this means for us today. Let's reflect on how Jesus constantly surprises us with His goodness, and hey, let's say a prayer together, thanking Him for His incredible love and the hope of Heaven. You can purchase the…
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Ever find yourself wondering if Jesus sees everything? Well, today we're exploring Revelation chapter 30 together. We're unpacking those letters John wrote to the churches. It's a real eye-opener, reminding us that Jesus is always with us, seeing it all, but not in a "gotcha" kind of way. Join me as we explore what it means to live knowing Jesus is…
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Ever felt like your best years are behind you? Day 29 brings us to John, seemingly stuck in prison, until Jesus shows up with a new mission. Just like Clint Eastwood found his greatest success in his later years, John discovers there's more to come. What if God isn't finished with you yet? Today, let's embrace His purpose for us. You can purchase t…
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Ever felt unsure about the book of Revelation? In today’s devotional, we will explore into its mysteries. Revelation starts with John's vivid encounter with Jesus on the prison island of Patmos. Despite the chaos and suffering around him, Jesus appears in glory, reminding John that he is never alone. Even when we can't see Him, Jesus is near, in ou…
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In today's reflection on 3 John 1:4, John expresses his joy in seeing others follow Jesus. It's a sentiment shared by many parents, grandparents, and pastors. John's journey from a close-knit family to a diverse group of disciples taught him the value of unity in Christ. Despite differences, he recognizes the importance of relationships rooted in J…
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Ever thought about what guarantees God offers? In today's chapter, we dive into the concept of guarantees. What assurances can we have from God? Hopefully better than failed products like Olestra or New Coke. As we ponder our requests to God, we may wonder if there's anything He always says yes to. In 2 John, John shares three things we can count o…
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I wonder how many of us have prayed and then thought, "I must not be doing it right." Or maybe you've prayed and didn't get what you wanted, wondering if there was sin or a lack of manners in your request. In my book "After Amen," I explore what comes after we hang up the phone with God. Is there something we can do to determine His response? While…
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Did you know that even seemingly crazy ideas can lead to great decisions? I heard a story about a company struggling to speed up packing glass items because workers kept reading newspapers. Someone joked about hiring blind people, which turned out to be a brilliant solution. Similarly, Jesus' teachings might seem unusual, like when He said, "Whoeve…
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Get a fresh perspective on being chosen and how it applies to your everyday life in today’s devotional. I told a story in the book about a guy coming to the children's ministry, pointing at his kids, and saying, "Well, not you, not you, not you. I choose you." The joy in that kid's eyes was unforgettable. This is important for us as followers of Je…
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In today’s devotional, we're talking about the priceless gift of freedom and forgiveness Jesus gives us. Just like the goats in Leviticus—one slaughtered, one set free—Barabbas was guilty and freed, while guiltless Jesus was crucified. Because of Jesus, we receive atonement and freedom we couldn't afford. Think about this: Jesus gives us what we ca…
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Ever feel lost in your own life? We can all relate. In today’s devotional, we're talking all about finding our way when we feel lost. Today's reading tells a funny story about Mutlu, who gets so drunk he joins his own search party looking for himself. We've all been lost in one way or another. In 1 John, we read about how Jesus is a light in the da…
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Are you a comparing addict? Constantly measuring yourself against others, tallying up what you believe you're owed? In today's reflection, we encounter Jesus addressing this very tendency with Peter and John. Jesus's response to Peter's comparison? "What is that to you? Follow me." Reflect on the areas where comparison creeps into your life. Is it …
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Have you ever wondered why the stone was rolled away from the tomb? It wasn't so Jesus could get out; it was so we could look in and see that He wasn't there. Reflecting on Mary Magdalene's encounter at the empty tomb, we see a profound truth unfold: Jesus's resurrection not only revealed His victory over death but also opened the door for us to be…
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Did you know that you are someone Jesus trusts? It's not just about being loved or expected much of, but Jesus actually places his trust in us. Reflecting on John's account, we see that Jesus entrusted his message and mission to his followers. Just as he trusted John with caring for his mother, he entrusts us with spreading his message further. Hav…
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Did you know that you are loved as much as Jesus? Just as the Father expressed His love for Jesus through audible affirmations, His love for us knows no bounds. Imagine living each moment enveloped in the knowledge that you are cherished by God just as Jesus is. What transformations would occur if we truly embraced this reality? You can purchase th…
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While we may have grown up believing God resides solely in church buildings, Scripture reveals a different reality. God's presence transcends physical spaces; He dwells within us through His Spirit. Jesus himself spoke of the Spirit's arrival, promising something even greater than His physical presence. So, have you ever considered the Spirit as be…
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Ever feel disconnected from God amidst life's distractions? We can relate. In today’s devotional, we're talking all about remaining connected to the ultimate source of life. Reflecting on the analogy of object permanence, where things remain even when unseen, we're reminded of God's unwavering presence. So, let's explore this topic: what tends to b…
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How does Jesus being the exclusive way to God resonate with you? Jesus boldly proclaims, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." This assertion may seem narrow to some, but it speaks volumes about Jesus's unique role. He isn't merely offering one route among many; He is the definitive path to God. Reflect today on how Jesus's singular way impacts …
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When was the last time you felt Jesus close to you? Reflecting on Jesus's comforting words, "Do not let your hearts be troubled," I'm reminded of the profound peace he offers. Despite the disciples' confusion and fear, Jesus assures them of something even greater to come—the Holy Spirit. It's remarkable how the Trinity defers to one another, each p…
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Reflecting on the simplicity of Jesus's commands, I'm struck by how he distills it all down to love—love for God and love for others. In a world filled with rules and regulations, Jesus offers a refreshing perspective: love one another as I have loved you. It's not about complicated rituals or stringent guidelines; it's about genuine love in action…
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Ever pondered Jesus as a servant? Today's devotional dives deep into this fascinating concept. Exploring love languages within my own family, we will reflect on how Jesus, too, exemplifies service. From washing the feet of those who would soon betray Him to the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, Jesus's love language may just be service. Take a momen…
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Did you ever catch the verse where Jesus wept at Lazarus' tomb? It’s in John 11 and it's the shortest verse in the Bible. But why did Jesus weep when He knew He’d raise Lazarus? It's because He deeply understands our pain. Let's talk through this together and reflect on how Jesus is present with us in our suffering. You can purchase the book here: …
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Ever feel lost or unsure about whose voice to follow? We can relate. This week, we're starting a new series all about recognizing and following Jesus' voice. Join us as we explore John 10 and the profound connection between the shepherd and his sheep. Get a fresh perspective on how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, speaks to us and guides our everyday live…
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Let’s explore Viktor Frankl's wisdom and John 9's encounter with a blind man. Through their stories, we're reminded that suffering isn't always tied to personal fault—it's part of the brokenness of our world. Jesus offers hope and redemption in our pain. Today, let's pray for our pain to be repurposed and find comfort in the hope Jesus provides. Yo…
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Discover the power of grace and truth today as we discuss Jesus’ encounter with the woman caught in adultery teaches us about compassion and accountability. Are you leaning more towards grace or truth in your relationships? Let’s learn from Jesus’ perfect balance and strive to apply it in our lives. You can purchase the book here: https://pastorrus…
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Today, we explore John 5 and the story of the man by the pool of Bethesda. Jesus asked him a simple question, "Do you want to get well?" The man’s response shows how often we make excuses instead of seeking healing. What area of your life needs healing today? Maybe it’s time to stop saying "I’m fine" and ask for Jesus' help. Pray with me: "Jesus, I…
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Ever feel like an outsider? Today, we’re reflecting on the Samaritan woman in John 4 who was overlooked and rejected. Jesus saw her and included her, showing us that everyone matters. Who in your life needs to feel included today? Maybe it’s time to reach out and show them they matter. Let’s thank God for not overlooking us and think about how we c…
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Today, we explore John 3:16 and the powerful conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus revealing how much God loves us and how He sent Jesus not to condemn but to save us. Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be born again? Join me as we unpack this profound truth and consider the incredible gift of baptism. Let’s reflect on how Jesus is lo…
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Ever been burned in a relationship? Today, we're looking at John 2:23-25 to see how Jesus handled trust and heartbreak. It's amazing to see how He trusted His heart only to the Father. Let's think about who we've trusted our hearts to and how we can give that trust back to God. You can purchase the book here:…
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Today, we're exploring John's vivid account of the upper room, where Philip's longing to see the Father echoes our own. But Jesus's response is revolutionary: 'If you've seen me, you've seen the Father.' Join me as we explore the profound unity of the Trinity and what it means for us to call God our Father. Have you embraced this invitation? Let's …
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Ever thought about what it means to be "the one Jesus loves"? In today's devotional, we're kicking off our series with a deep dive into this incredible concept. John faced unimaginable trials, yet he defined himself by Jesus' love. Join me as we explore how viewing ourselves as loved by Jesus can reshape our identity and transform our daily lives.…
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I am joined by Mike Linch he is the Senior Pastor at Northstar Church outside Atlanta, Georgia for the last 27 years. We talk about Mike's baseball career at Liberty University and his love of baseball which led him to start a prayer group over zoom before the pandemic with baseball managers, coaches, and scouts. Enjoy as Mike and I talk about adve…
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I am joined by my friend Gregg Pruett who is the President of Pioneer Bible Translators and has the important task of translating the Bible into different languages. That might sound simple, but Gregg explains how difficult that really is. In the podcast, Gregg shares about his time living in Africa and explains how messages can be lost in translat…
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I am joined by my good friend Ben Cacharias, who has been the Lead Pastor at Mountain Christian Church outside of Baltimore, Maryland for the past 27 years. MCC is about to celebrate its 200th year as a church. Ben talks about Round 2 of the upcoming United States Presidential elections this fall, we also discuss how to address your congregants abo…
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Rusty is joined by three people he knows fairly well. He is joined by his wife and two daughters. They discuss the move from California to Texas. His daughters talk about the slight culture shock of living in Southern California to college in Joplin, Missouri. The family also gives advice to Pastors that are thinking about relocating. Finally, the …
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Joel Smallbone is a Grammy winning Christian music artist from the group For King and Country. He is also an Actor and Director having appeared in several films. He has a movie coming out titled "Unsung Hero" that will be released in theaters April 26, 2024. The movie is about his family moving from Australia to Nashville, Tennessee. Joel and Rusty…
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Mike Nave is a Vice President of the Accelerate Group out of Phoenix, Arizona. Mike is a longtime member and Elder at the Christ Church of the Valley, and his mission is to help bridge the gap with church Elders and Senior Pastors. Mike and Rusty discuss what is the purpose of Elders? They also discuss what makes a good Elder. This is a great conve…
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Kevin Burrell is an Area Supervisor Scout for MLB's Chicago White Sox. Kevin discusses being a Christian in a secular place, he also talks about analytics vs conventional scouting, how he is a Minister disguised as a scout, and finally, he gives us baseball nerds a prospect to watch.Rusty George tarafından oluşturuldu
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Welcome to the Simple Faith Podcast with Rusty George! In this episode, Rusty is joined by special guest Clay Scroggins, author of "How to Lead When You're Not in Charge." Clay and Rusty dive into a lively conversation about sports, the unique challenges of young pastors working alongside popular lead pastors, and their shared connection to Crossro…
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Gavin Adams is a speaker, author, and Pastor. In this episode Gavin explains how he started with a business degree and then felt called to go into ministry as a part time bi vocational middle school teacher in Georgia, to then a full time Pastor for 16 years. Gavin takes you inside to how he uses blogs to help cultivate ideas and strategize. Gavin …
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Join Rusty George in this thought-provoking episode as he sits down with J. Warner Wallace to delve into the importance of Easter and the case for the resurrection. Can the resurrection be proven? Rusty and J. Warner Wallace explore the profound impact of Christ on history, science, and the modern world. Gain insights on how to engage the next gene…
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Dayton Morre is currently a Senior Advisor of Baseball Operations for the 2024 World Series Champion Texas Rangers. He was also GM of The Kansas City Royals from 2006-2021, which included a World Series win in 2015. Rusty and Dayton talk about keeping the faith in a competitive and sometimes thankless industry. Dayton also discusses the disappointm…
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Rusty is joined by his former College Professor Dr Mark E. Moore. Mark is currently a New Testament Scholar and resident Pastor at Christ Church of the Valley in Phoenix, Arizona. "Is this the end times?" Mark goes in depth about the history of Palestine and Israel. This is an episode you do not want to miss, especially if you love history and bibl…
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In this episode, Rusty is joined by Chad Moore, the Lead Pastor at Sun Valley Community Church in Arizona. Listen to how a friendship started with the movie "Tommy Boy". Chad goes on to explain the process in which his messages are created, and how he will use everything around him to craft his messages. Finally learn how he helped grow his church …
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