Quiet Riot, the politics podcast with more passion, less shouting and lots of laughter
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Book Riot's Jeff O'Neal and Rebecca Schinsky discuss the latest news in the world of books and reading, including hot new releases, adaptations, publishing industry events, and more. Book Riot is the largest independent editorial book site in North America and home to a host of media, from podcasts to newsletters to original content, all designed around diverse readers and across all genres.
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Sermões, aulas e materiais em áudio da Igreja Presbiteriana de São José do Rio Preto
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Official podcast for the Rio Grande Guardian, the first online newspaper to launch on the South Texas border, starting out in July, 2005. The Rio Grande Guardian has an excellent reputation for accurate and thorough news reporting, with a specialty for border business, legislative, political, healthcare, environment, and education issues.
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O Podcast Rio Bravo, no ar desde 2007, é uma entrevista semanal onde os convidados da @Rio_Bravo falam sobre economia, investimentos e cultura. O Podcast Rio Bravo é produzido pelo jornalista Fabio Cardoso, e você pode ouvi-lo onde quiser: no SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin ou no Facebook da Rio Bravo.
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Run The Riot Podcast is a podcast dedicated to ultrarunning, ultra runners, trail runners, and endurance athletes, their mindset, methods, and accomplishments. Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/runtheriotpodcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/runtheriot
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I believe actors can be happy and fulfilled before they succeed...in fact, they almost have to be. I am bringing you conversations, coaching, and personal stories of hope, resilience, and success in life (and the acting career). From side job life to series regular, from costar, guest star, or the lead in the musical...I think every actor in Chicago and the world deserves a whole life. Acting is unlikely to fill your cup 100% of the time, so let's fill it together.
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Nuestra misión es hacer visible los milagros que Dios hace en las vidas de gente como tú y como yo. Aquí puedes escuchar testimonios y enseñanza de como Dios cambia vidas.
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From its base in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Rio Vista Church serves to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. These are our weekly messages.
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Seja bem vindo ao Podcast de Mensagens do Fronteira! Aqui você pode ouvir as mais recentes pregações dos nossos Pastores na nossa igreja na Barra da Tijuca. Ouça, compartilhe e seja abençoado!
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Rio Life Community Church is located in Mercedes,TX.
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As notícias que impactam o dia a dia de milhões de cariocas e fluminenses, com Bianca Santos e Carlos Andreazza.
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Billy Riot and Eric Maddox talk about all things. Even things that shouldn't be talked about.
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Radijska igra za otroke je žanrsko raznolika. Giba se od personifikacij do umetniške pripovedi. Ta radiofonska zvrst je nadgradnja pripovedovanja pravljic, torej kompleksnejša zvočna oblika, ki pri najmlajšem poslušalstvu krepi slušno senzibilnost, abstraktno mišljenje in nagovarja njegove notranje svetove. Po večini je namenjena starostni skupini 3+ do zaključka druge triade OŠ oziroma dopolnjenega 11. leta starosti.
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This podcast is all about navigating your way around life regardless of what season of life you are currently in. 'Spill it With Rios' is a place where you can sit back, relax, and chat with your friend about any struggles experienced, tangible tools to break down negativity in your mind, and ignite personal growth. Nerisa Rios discusses about her journey as a millennial parent, daughter, friend and individual while having real talk conversations to help YOU take ACTION in your life.
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Hosted by Reverend Billy and Savitri D, EARTH RIOT is a comedy-infused, music-filled exploration of humanity’s most urgent issue -- the planet’s Sixth Extinction. Made by "Earth-loving urban activists" from The Church of Stop Shopping, this podcast educates, inspires and urges listeners to embrace reality and take action. Featuring “News From the Natural World,” a weekly gathering of climate change’s latest science, and insightful interviews with radical leaders in environmentalism and activism.
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Get your geek on with idobi Radio’s Geek Girl Riot. Each week our hosts take turns on the mic to discuss all the things close to our geeky hearts, topped off with fresh and far-out segments, and special guest appearances for talks and spotlights. It promises to be a rowdy good time.
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Sandy Rios is a seasoned radio host and former longtime Fox News contributor who has traveled the world and served in various leadership roles in Washington, D.C. Her new podcast, Sandy Rios 24/7, promises to bring unfiltered, insightful commentary from a Christian worldview. Here is what listeners have to say about Sandy: "A trusted source in a sea of fake news!", "There is not another Sandy Rios!", "Spectacular range!", "Great discernment and understanding for our time", "Irreplaceable!"
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O Lado B do Rio debate a sociedade, a cultura e a política a contrapelo, pela esquerda, se contrapondo à mídia empresarial de direita. O programa é publicado desde 2016, às sextas-feiras, no formato que compreende entrevistas e debates. A bancada é composta pelos jornalistas Caio Bellandi e Fagner Torres, o economista Daniel Soares e a publicitária Luara Ramos. Às terças-feiras é publicado o Lado B Notícias, versão 'pocket' do Lado B, também com missão de desfazer novelos acerca de temas atu ...
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Midnight Riot Records is a internationally renowned London based independent record label. Specialising in music, merch, parties, design, marketing, rocking weekly radio shows and a worldwide monthly podcast. Always bringing the heat since day one!Owned by Andy Williams (Yam Who, Questlife, Glitterbox) Ran by Andy Williams and tea boy Phil Rose (Jaegerossa, Platinum City)
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Lic. Manuel Castañeda Riou
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Everything and Nothing explained by Rion
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The Quiet Riot Show is your go-to bi-weekly podcast for diving deep into men's mental health. Join two friends as they create a safe haven for themselves or the guests to candidly share their personal battles, the impact on their lives, and their journeys through the storm of emotions. Tune in for heartfelt conversations, raw truths, and inspiring stories of resilience and recovery. It's not just a podcast—it's a movement towards understanding, healing, and growth. Welcome to The Quiet Riot ...
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Radio LU12 AM680 de Río Gallegos: Noticias e información de Santa Cruz y la Patagonia
La Opinión Austral
Todas las entrevistas y audios de la radio más escuchada de la Patagonia Argentina. https://www.lu12.com.ar/
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Burt Fox and Sonny Noir live from Brooklyn, NY.
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Mejor programa pesca en radio RIO DE LA VIDA, es tu programa de pesca en radio BOM RADIO/TV , Presentado y dirigido por Oscar Arratia y Sebastián Cuestas , escúchanos todos los jueves en directo de 19 a 20 h a través de FACEBOOK Y SABADOS A LAS 9 EN BOM RADIO/TV Pesca y Naturaleza , el único programa exclusivo ( salmón, trucha, carpa, depredadores , pesca en el mar y todas las técnicas de pesca ) Búscanos en Facebook por RIO DE LA VIDA. y busca tus sorteos de lotes de productos de pesca, y n ...
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Welcome to Rio, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Rio Grande Podcast, the valley's newest adventure. If you live anywhere in the Rio Grande Valley, this show is about YOU. This is your home, and you're proud of it! It's time to showcase the power and beauty of this region we've all grown to love. We're going to explore the best ways to thrive living in South Texas, empower each other to stay healthy in the middle of Hispanic culture, and illuminate the faces of local business. It's time to build community and amplify the voic ...
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Podcast by PCThugs
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Creative and somewhat nerdy discussions about animation, filmmaking, and life. 📼
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For the Love of Jewelers, a Rio Grande podcast, delves into the multifaceted world of jewelry making. Through candid interviews with leaders and influencers in the field, we uncover the journeys, inspirations and challenges that shape their work. Whether you're a seasoned jeweler seeking fresh perspectives or an aspiring artisan looking for guidance, join us as we explore the intersection of artistry and business in the jewelry industry. Have questions or topics you'd like us to cover? We'd ...
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I give my fight predictions, talk about movies TV and everything else! For questions comments that will be answered on the podcast go to @riotcastofficial on instagram! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kodiakcan/support
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General social media and tech tactics that work today, I just want to give away some of the knowledge I’ve gained over the years for free! If you ever have any questions please contact me at riofxmedia@gmail.com
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Book Riot
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Frilansjournalist, rapporterar från Stockholm, Falun, Rio de Janeiro
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Welcome to RiotRadioMinistries... Where there's Freedom in Christ Jesus & Really know Who You are in Christ Jesus
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A podcast hosted by Matt Andrews Mentoring and Zak Lamb exploring all aspects of the psychological involved within cue sports, such as snooker and pool. Join us as we speak with special guests and visit various locations to provide information and advice on how to improve competitive performance, deal with nerves and to set and achieve goals.
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Welcome to Life & Safety with Jimmy Rios! Get ready to dive into a world where safety meets storytelling! Drawing from his rich background as a former firefighter, EMT and safety expert, Jimmy brings you straight into the heart of safety and emergency preparedness. Episodes feature easy-to-understand tips, real-life stories, and interviews with experts, all designed to help you protect yourself, your business, and those you care about. Whether it's advice on navigating everyday safety challe ...
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This is a 'weekly' (more like whenever we have time) podcast where we (Yash and Dilan) discuss various topics from current affairs to video games. Send in any questions or challenges you have for us at; riotcast98@gmail.com
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Philly livin’. Theatre doin’. Comics readin’. University professin’.
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Adriana podcast
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An alternative music podcast hosted by Stephen Hill and Remfry Dedman.
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Río cuarto Cover art photo by https://www.rawpixel.com
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Juan Carlos Valcuende , Señuelos para Depredadores diseñados en España y Nacho Rojo Presidente de la Asociación APCR
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1:07:12En nuestra primera entrevista, nos quedamos en Madrid para charlar con un reconocido pescador y habitual en Río de la Vida: Juan Carlos Valcuende. Hablaremos sobre sus señuelos diseñados y fabricados en España, así como sobre técnicas para sacarles el máximo partido. 🎣 En la segunda parte, conversamos con Nacho Rojo, presidente de la asociación APC…
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Neguinho da Beija-Flor diz que se consultou com psicóloga para sua despedida como intérprete no carnaval
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11:28Após 50 anos de trajetória, o intérprete Neguinho da Beija-Flor se despediu da escola de samba de Nilópolis, na Baixada Fluminense, com um desfile em homenagem ao carnavalesco Laíla e vitória no Carnaval de 2025. Em entrevista a Bianca Santos, Leandro Resende e Flávia Oliveira, no CBN Rio, ele contou que se consultou com uma psicóloga para se prepa…
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S3.EP3: Only-In-The-RGV?? Unraveling ‘Valleyisms’
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28:52This week we go back and dissect the comments section of one of our TikTok posts, discovering things that are apparently Only-In-The-Valley with a guest from California for some insight and verification. How many things can you think of that are only in the 956? #ForTheValley Thanks for subscribing to the show on YouTube and for the incredible IG s…
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Comunión con Dios – 1 Juan 2:1-2 | Joel Ruiz
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34:07¿Cómo podemos mantener una comunión verdadera con Dios a pesar de nuestras fallas? En este episodio, Joel Ruiz nos lleva a través de 1 Juan 2:1-2, donde encontramos la maravillosa verdad de que tenemos un Abogado ante el Padre: Jesucristo, el Justo. Su sacrificio es suficiente para nuestra reconciliación con Dios. No te pierdas esta enseñanza que f…
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0091 CalvinaMente: Spoilers dos Calvinabrothers
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1:17:39Episódio 91ºUm bate-papo de hosts cheio de spoilers com novidades e programações da nossa IPB Rio Preto. Confira!Você é sempre nosso convidado especial para participar com suas perguntas e dúvidas.Não se esqueça de compartilhar esse episódio com seus amigos! ESSE PODCAST É UM PROJETO DA IPB RIO PRETO:https://www.instagram.com/ipriopreto/…
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Wisdom from the Humble and the High
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42:39Hector Villanueva James 1:9-12Rio Life Community Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Italijanska ljudska pravljica: Darilo severnega vetra
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51:28Severni veter je opustošil skromno posestvo kmeta Gašperja. Družini z dvema otrokoma grozi lakota. Igra pripoveduje, kako se je kmet Gašper poskušal izkopati iz težav in kaj vse je moral storiti, da je rešil družino. Režiser: Jože ValentičPrirejevalec: Pavel LužanDramaturg: Ervin FritzTonski mojster: Miro MarinšekSkladatelj: Borut LesjakIgralci so:…
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#349 - Sambas e Enredos do Carnaval 2025
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2:08:30Chegou a hora do Lado B informar e opinar sobre os enredos e sambas do Grupo Especial do Rio. E, claro, descascar no falador de merda Paulo Barros. 🗣Com Caio Bellandi, Daniel Soares, Fagner Torres Lima e Luara Ramos 🎶Música de encerramento: Império Serrano 2025 - O que espanta miséria é festa! 📪 Ajude a financiar o Lado B nos apoiando na orelo.cc/l…
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Justicia y dolor: el pedido de un padre tras la condena al asesino de su hijo
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13:27En Radio LU12 AM680 hablamos con Oscar Sánchez, padre de Alejandro Sánchez, expresó su sentir tras la condena a Facundo Actis Grosso, el conductor que atropelló y mató a su hijo al cruzar un semáforo en rojo en enero de 2023. A pesar de que Actis Grosso fue sentenciado a cuatro años de prisión efectiva, permaneció en libertad hasta hace poco, lo qu…
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MISSION, Texas - Many of the state lawmakers that participate in next week’s Texas Water Day at the Capitol will likely know about the dire water crisis facing the Rio Grande Valley. Certainly those that traveled the region as part of the Rio Grande Valley Partnership’s recent 2025 RGV Legislative Tour will be aware. That is because they heard twic…
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S6-E2: Behind the Scenes of Our Custom Casting Services
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22:51In this episode, co-hosts Mark Nelson and Fiona Morrison are joined by Joshua Baca from Rio Grande’s Customization Team. Together, they explore every step of our custom casting service, from order placement to finishing and polishing. Plus, they share how we work with industry experts to make the CAD-to-delivery process seamless. Get 10% off select…
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The Cry for Revival | Praying for God's Presence | Week 2
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41:43Pastor Tom Hendrikse explores what scripture says about repentance and personal revival.
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Pastor Alvaro nos leva nessa mensagem à uma oração que todos precisamos fazer: a busca de avivamento por parte do Senhor! Ouça e seja abençoado por essa palavra e compartilhe com alguém!Pr. Alvaro Cruz tarafından oluşturuldu
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Suenan las Campanas en Soria, Kike Calleja Pregonero de la 21ºEdición del Campano Soriano.
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20:16El Campano Soriano: Un Campeonato con Historia y Buen Humor En nuestra última entrevista en Río de la Vida, tuvimos el placer de conversar con Óscar Fernández, presidente del Campano Soriano, quien nos habló sobre la importancia de este campeonato anual de pesca, considerado uno de los más relevantes de España. Con 21 ediciones a sus espaldas, este…
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Moisés González Díez Alcalde de La Vecilla, " La 27º Feria de la Pluma y la Pesca , está más viva que nunca
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11:28Muy bien lo sabe, nuestro Alcalde Moisés La 27º Feria de la Pluma y la Pesca , está más viva que nunca. Un año más, La Vecilla de Curueño seprepara para acoger a numerosos visitantes en su tradicional Feria de la pluma. Los asistentes podrán disfrutar de una amplia oferta de artesanía, degustaciones culinarias, exposiciones y actuaciones folclórica…
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Campeão, carnavalesco da Beija-Flor admite preocupação em enredo sobre Laíla: 'nunca trabalhei com ele'
Em entrevista ao CBN Rio, João Vitor Araujo, carnavalesco da Beija-Flor, destaca que a escola estava pronta para o título. Segundo ele, toda a agremiação "estava confiante na possibilidade de disputar o título".
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Em uma apuração emocionante na Cidade do Samba, a Beija-Flor foi aclamada a grande campeã do carnaval carioca, conquistando seu 15º título. A escola de Nilópolis fez um desfile carregado de emoção ao prestar tributo a dois de seus grandes nomes: o diretor de carnaval Laíla, morto em 2021, e o intérprete Neguinho da Beija-Flor, que se despediu ofici…
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From Five Eyes to Wise Guys
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1:06:53Alex Andreou and Naomi Smith welcome special guest More in Common's Luke Tryl to discuss the latest from Washington and how it is making life very difficult for right wing politicians in the UK, including Nigel Farage, suffering rejection-by-association. PLUS We take a deep dive into 'Blue Labour'. Is it genuine? Is it attractive? Is it coherent? W…
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Mais de 800 toneladas de lixo foram recolhidas durante o Carnaval no Rio, diz presidente da Comlurb
Em entrevista ao CBN Rio, o presidente da Comlurb, Jorge Arraes, faz um balanço da megaoperação de limpeza realizada durante todo o Carnaval nos blocos de rua e na Sapucaí. 'Nós tivemos aí, de sexta-feira até terça-feira, um recolhimento de cerca de 890 toneladas'. Ouça!
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'Não é o fim de uma relação, Neguinho da Beija-Flor vai desfilar, vai ter outra função', diz jornalista
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24:57Em entrevista ao CBN Rio, o jornalista Aydano André Motta falou sobre as vitórias do Standart de Ouro, destacando a escolha de Neguinho da Beija-Flor como Personalidade do Ano no ano de sua aposentadoria. Ele ressaltou que apesar da despedida, ainda veremos muito do icônico intérprete de Nilópolis. Ouça.…
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Em entrevista ao CBN Rio, Brenno Carnevale, secretário de Ordem Pública, destaca que o trabalho foi especialmente sob a fluidez no trânsito e a apreensão de itens, em que mais de dois mil proibidos foram recolhidos.
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The It Books of March 2025
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44:38Jeff and Rebecca get ready for Spring with March's It Book Knockout Round. Subscribe to the podcast via RSS, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. Sign up for the Book Riot Podcast Newsletter and follow the show on Instagram and Bluesky. Get more industry news with our Today in Books daily newsletter. Trust your reading list to the experts at Tailored Book …
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Senator Tommy Tuberville joins to discuss the speech and protecting women in sportsSandy Rios 24/7 tarafından oluşturuldu
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Wales Special - Come Taith With Me
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35:42Naomi Smith is joined by award-winning journalist - and QR regular - Will Hayward for a timely stock-take of political life in a part of the country that we Quiet Rioters love, and a look at the Welsh budget (you will never believe how it got through), how farming complaints are different to the rest of the UK, a very inventive youth mobility schem…
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Midnight Mass: Steel Porcupine
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22:28Alex Andreou and Naomi Smith with a short debrief at the end of a historic day, on which Starmer has brought Europe (and friends) together, to make a stand for Ukraine. ***SPONSOR US AT KO-FI.COM/QUIETRIOTPOD*** ALEX ANDREOU'S PODYSSEY can be found here: APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/alex-andreous-podyssey/id1798575126 SPOTIFY: https…
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Liesa nos tirou o sabor da maratona de Carnaval
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11:53Flávia Oliveira faz uma análise do que está dando certo e errado na experiência inédita de três dias de desfile na Sapucaí. Além do encurtamento da festa, a comentarista critica os espetáculos paralelos dos camarotes: 'uma parte do público desatento que está lá mais para ser visto e curtir outra festa do que para se entregar às escolas de samba'.…
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#159 - Earth Makes Love Makes Change
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29:00When there's so much love in me that we cross the property line of a climate criminal called JPMorgan... we know that behind the desks, there is love to light up inside Chase. It took 9 weeks. all the way into March, to figure out a new year's resolution for the Stop Shopping Chxrch. It's the promise that we keep singing: "Can we be Strange Enough …
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Casa do Cinema Brasileiro será inaugurada em 2026 com cenários de 'Ainda Estou Aqui'
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15:04Prefeitura do Rio negocia exibição da estatueta do Oscar no local onde a obra foi filmada e confirma espaço interativo para contar a história do Brasil na premiação. Em entrevista ao CBN Rio, secretário de Cultura confirma convite para Fernanda Torres desfilar no Sábado das Campeãs.
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Beija-Flor celebra despedida de Neguinho, Salgueiro aposta em projeções e Vila Isabel enfrenta problemas técnicos.
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Com alegorias grandiosas e projeções inovadoras, escola se junta à disputa pelo principal troféu da premiação organizada por O GLOBO e Extra
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How We Accidentally Became Business Owners
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25:39Some people plan to start a business; others stumble into it through a series of unexpected events. That’s exactly how Jimmy and Jenny found themselves becoming unexpected entrepreneurs. It all started when Jenny took a safety training class while working at a Silicon Valley startup, and unknowingly crossed paths with the company that would later c…
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Ainda estamos aqui... comemorando o Oscar!
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11:11Não se fala em outra coisa. 'Ainda Estou Aqui', de Walter Salles, Fernanda Torres e grande equipe conquistou o tão aguardado (e inédito) Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional. Ronald Villardo analisa a conquista e traz outros destaques da premiação. O comentarista também traz um longa que não conseguiu nenhuma estatueta, mas não deixa de ser uma bela…
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Do Japão para Madureira: Keita Shibuya e a paixão que atravessou o mundo pelo Império Serrano
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12:42Percussionista japonês, apaixonado pelo samba, se tornou integrante da bateria da tradicional verde e branco e fundou uma filial da escola em Tóquio.
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Vencedores e indicados ao Oscar ainda estão em cartaz no cinema, não perca a chance de assistir!
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10:37Ronald Villardo fala sobre seus vencedores favoritos do Oscar ainda em cartaz nos cinemas: o brasileiro 'Ainda Estou Aqui', 'O Brutalista', que levou três Oscars, 'A Verdadeira Dor', com Kieran Culkin ganhando Melhor Ator Coadjuvante, e 'Um Completo Desconhecido', cinebiografia de Bob Dylan, que não levou prêmios, mas se destacou pela atuação de Mo…
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Após vitória histórica no Oscar, casa de 'Ainda Estou Aqui', na Urca, vira ponto turístico obrigatório no Rio
Após o filme 'Ainda Estou Aqui' ganhar o primeiro Oscar da história do Brasil na categoria de Melhor Filme Internacional, a casa onde o filme foi gravado, na Urca, na Zona Sul do Rio, virou ponto turístico e parada obrigatória.
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Rerelease: Imposter Syndrome with James Vincent Meredith
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1:13:13Courtney sits down with actor, James Vincent Meredith to discuss all things acting...including imposter syndrome! Born in Chicago, raised in Evanston, now residing in Oak Park, James Vincent Meredith is proud to call Illinois and the Midwest his home. Meredithʼs body of work spans film, television, and theater. His feature credits include Widows, t…
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Unidos de Padre Miguel marca retorno ao Grupo Especial, Imperatriz impressiona com alegoria de água, e Viradouro leva labaredas à Sapucaí.
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Escola de Ramos encantou com enredo sobre Oxalá e impressionou com alegoria de cinco mil litros de água
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Kaitlynn Wheeler on being forced to change in a locker room with a man. Senator Tuberville taking Action TODAY!
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47:33Kaitlynn Wheeler on being forced to change in a locker room with a man. Senator Tuberville taking Action TODAY!Sandy Rios 24/7 tarafından oluşturuldu
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10 Days in a Coma—The Fight to Rebuild Dave Jacobson’s Life | Ep.46
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1:05:57Email us at quietriotshow@gmail.com. WANT TO HELP US? Click here. Not everyone gets a second chance at life. Dave Jacobson did—but it came at an unimaginable cost. Like many Canadian kids, Dave grew up with dreams of playing professional hockey. He made it further than most, getting drafted and stepping into the world of pro hockey. But sometimes, …
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Give Me Liberty AND Give Me Jeff
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1:00:31With Rebecca out, Liberty Hardy joins Jeff on the occasion of the 500th episode of All the Books! They talk about being book podcasters and a host of other reading-related topics. Subscribe to the podcast via RSS, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. Sign up for the Book Riot Podcast Newsletter and follow the show on Instagram and Bluesky. Get more industr…
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Sunday School: With Friends Like These
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52:41Alex Andreou and Naomi Smith talk through the week's news, with a focus on the gangsters who have taken over the White House. ***SPONSOR US AT KO-FI.COM/QUIETRIOTPOD*** NAOMI: "It's not so much that the world has changed as that the world has finally realized how much the world had already changed. For those for whom the penny hadn't already droppe…
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Iñigo Tellaeche, Artesanos Jibioneras, poteras, pajaritos para calamar
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15:26En el mercado disponemos de amplia variedad de señuelos luminosos con colores llamativos, colores glow, colores UV (ultravilestas) y con diseños realistas, los señuelos más efectivos para atraer la atención de los calamares, de esto sabe muy bien nuestro entrevistado Iñigo , que ya fué entrevistado en el programa Río de la vida Las jibioneras, tamb…
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We're Not Done Yet - with Elijah Windle
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:07:56"Institutions have a life cycle... but apparently Rio Grande's is not finished yet." Listen in as Elijah Windle shares his story, growing up in Bolivia, his calling, and why he believes that God still has work for us to do here at Rio Grande. "Follow us for more content that edifies and transforms! 📖✨ Find us on Entre Hermanos Podcast de Río Grande…
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CBN Rio Especial de carnaval recebe convidados para celebrar o aniversário cidade
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
2:10:26O Rio de Janeiro completa 460 anos, neste sábado (1), e o CBN Rio preparou um programa especial para celebrar a data. Nesta sexta-feira (28), Bianca Santos e Leandro Resende receberam convidados ilustres para falar sobre a cultura, história e identidade carioca. Acompanhe o programa completo.
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Portela homenageia Milton Nascimento no samba de 2025
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
14:54Em entrevista ao CBN Rio, representantes da Portela falam sobre a expectativa para o carnaval de 2025, que vai homenagear Milton Nascimento. Bianca Monteiro, Gilsinho e Leandro Lima da Silva Araújo destacam a força da escola.
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