I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
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??? ? ???????-????
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Real Synthetic Audio EBM and Industrial net radio show blog and RSS feed.
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Onderhoude met uitvoerende en beeldende kunstenaars oor die teater- en die kunswêreld.
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'n Reeks dokumentêre programme deur 'n span gesoute RSG en SABC omroepers en joernaliste
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SEGA News, Reviews, and more!
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freie-radios.net (limited to Beitragsart Hörspiel)
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Matt Waldman’s NFL and college football scouting podcast.
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“The Trusted Advisor,” powered by the Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA), is a content series designed specifically for point of sale resellers and software developers.
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Keep up with news from your local ABC station.
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Interviews, messages, & more by Rock Solid Ministries Evangelists.
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Conservative Talk Radio
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World-changing ideas. For free. For everyone. Featuring the world’s most exciting public thinkers, innovators and changemakers, RSA talks bring people and ideas together to shape a better future for all.
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Exile FM Radio - Podcasts RSS
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Listen to the latest informational podcasts from RSC New Jersey fertility experts Dr. William Ziegler, Dr. Alan Martinez, and Dr. Virginia Mensah.
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www.adnkronos.com mette a disposizione dei lettori le news pubblicate con il sistema Rss. Con Rss è possibile infatti ricevere in tempo reale sul proprio computer le notizie che vengono messe on line dal Gruppo Adnkronos.
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The CEO of RSVP conducts informal conversational interviews with the top professionals in the global wedding and party industry. Expect colourful characters and a touch of salaciousness.
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Haos semi-radiofonic de umor și de viață
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Katy Bisraor, Miri Maman, Julien Bahloul, Rina Bassist et Emmanuelle Adda décryptent l’actualité israélienne, du lundi au vendredi, à 8h08.
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L'émission jazz sur Radio Campus Angers
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RSG Geldsake is die grootste sakeprogram in Suid Afrika. Dit fokus op belangrike sakenuus, menings en beleggingsinsigte. RSG Geldsake word elke weeksdag tussen 18:10 en 19:00 op RSG (101 – 104 FM) uitgesaai. Moneyweb redakteur Ryk van Niekerk bied die program aan.
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Latest Off The Hook radio shows!
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Dnevna informativna regionalna emisija Radija Slobodna Evropa o dešavanjima u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i svijeta. Svaki radni dan u 18:00.
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RSM’s talkBIG podcast will make you better with money. This is edutainment at its finest, suited for financial geeks or newbies. We discuss all things financial with straight-shooting opinions from our hosts. Sit back and relax with a cold one and get your hit of personal and business money talk. This podcast delves into real-life stories and inspires listeners to talk and think BIG, setting them up to save, create and protect their wealth.
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A list of recent events from the New Church Audio library for Westville, RSA.
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The Investment Perspectives podcast from RSMR helps financial advisers understand the economic landscape by analysing current events from an expert investment perspective. With two decades of experience delivering independent fund ratings to advisory businesses, our forward-looking research process is dedicated to constant market monitoring and assessment. Our investment team is a fountain of knowledge and as Client Engagement and Marketing Manager at RSMR, I’m always looking for ways to get ...
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Music RSS Feed
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Pour ceux qui se posent encore la question : Radio Méridien Zéro, une web-radio aux émissions engagées et au ton résolument corsaire !
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Information is power. And wherever there’s power, there are people looking to steal it. But that’s also where you’ll find us. We’re RSA Conference. And we’re here to stand against cyberthreats around the world. That means being here for you. Connecting you with the people and insights that will empower you to stay ahead of cyberthreats. We do this through our online outreach and with our events around the globe. And we make a great host, if we do say so ourselves. Some say it’s impossible to ...
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Latest available episodes from your Iono.fm playlist
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“Hear” for the music
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Podcasts e programas de rádio produzidos pela Gerência de Comunicação da Emater/RS-Ascar com informações sobre o meio rural e o serviço oficial de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e Social (Aters) do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresentação: Mateus de Oliveira. Edição: José Cabral. #AgriculturaFamiliar #Agronegócio #Agro #Saúde #Alimentação #MeioAmbiente #Sustentabilidade
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Latest available episodes from your Iono.fm playlist
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RCJ Midi est une session quotidienne d’information diffusée à la mi-journée sur RCJ de 12h à 13h. Du lundi au jeudi, Elsa Pariente, Rédactrice en chef RCJ, reçoit l’invité(e) de RCJ Midi
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Tips and techniques that demonstrate how to coach, counsel, or mentor people with problems. Great interviews with people whom Dr. Cecil Cockerham coached, counseled, or mentored.
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RSLASH Best Of Reddit Stories 2025 Dive Into Anything Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you. Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, wh ...
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Clara, Younna, Cédric und Franziska unseres AGKV-Teams beleuchten zusammen mit Expert:innen deutsch-französische Themen und fragen bei Studierenden, Alumni:ae und Dozierenden der deutsch-französischen Studiengänge nach, was sie beschäftigt und antreibt. Der Association Gerhard Kiersch Verein wird von der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule (DFH) gefördert und unterstützt.Miel, Cédric et Franziska thématisent avec des expert·e·s les questions actuelles et importantes à la France et l‘Allemagne e ...
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Co Host Shadow Soul, Divine Guest and Myself will speak about various things in life and in love. Personal opinions and facts..We will be doing interviews as well be over all encouraging and just honest opinions and touchy topics most shy away from.
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Keep up to date with what's going on in nature. Host Stephen Magee will have the latest news on wildlife, policy and what's going on on RSPB Scotland's amazing reserves. Get in touch @RSPBScotland on Twitter or podcast.scotland@RSPB.org.uk
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Stephs Case Files RSD Feed: True Crime
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iOS, Android, gadgets, tecnologia e essas coisas que a gente curte.
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RSV NT Voice
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Programa da Emater 06/01/2025
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Com apresentação de Mateus de Oliveira, Adriane Bertoglio Rodrigues e Taline Schneider. Edição de Jamile Duarte.
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Skupština RS razmatra prijedlog da se Dodik ne odaziva Sudu BiH
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Posebna sjednici Skupština RS-a o prijedlogu da se Dodik više ne pojavljuje pred Sudom BiH. Hiljade domaćinstava u BiH bez struje, snijeg izazvao probleme u saobraćaju širom BiH. Organizacije civilnog društva podnijele krivičnu prijavu zbog 'špijunaže' novinara i aktivista u SrbijiRadio Slobodna Evropa tarafından oluşturuldu
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Winds are starting to pick up and it will be a harsh reality when you walk out the door Tuesday.Adam Joseph tarafından oluşturuldu
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Символ ушедшего праздника - новогоднюю елку - можно просто выкинуть (но только не в мусорный контейнер - за это предусмотрен штраф!). А можно дать ей вторую жизнь в оленьих садах. Для животных еловая хвоя станет полезным угощением, а ствол и голые ветки - игрушкой и своего рода тренажером (олени чешут о них свое туловище и точат рога). Подробнее об…
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Когда праздновать Рождество - 25 декабря или 7 января? Неоднозначный вопрос, который можно использовать в политических целях. В Латвии к нему подходят с точки зрения богословия, считает ректор Европейской христианской академии Скайдрите Гутмане. Ее мнение прозвучало в утренней программе "Домская площадь”.…
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Here’s your latest ECR Newswatch bulletin from the team at East Coast Radio. Mark as Listened · WebsiteEast Coast Radio - Catch Up tarafından oluşturuldu
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Решение Air Baltic об отмене более, чем 4000 рейсов, - это сугубо операционный вопрос, который должен решаться внутри самой компании. Политики же используют эту ситуацию в своих целях, что неправильно и опасно. Об этом в передаче “Домская площадь” заявил глава фракции “Прогрессивных” в Сейме Латвии Андрис Шуваевс.…
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Raidījumā Zināmais nezināmajā jauna rubrika. Turpmāk katru otrdienu studijā būs kolēģis Toms Bricis, lai vēstītu ne tikai par to, kāds būs laiks, un skaidrotu dažādas dabas parādības, bet lai runātu par klimatu, laikapstākļiem un to, cik mainīgā un dinamiskā pasaulē mēs šajā ziņā dzīvojam. "Ik nedēļu esmu paredzējis runāt par gan ļoti reāliem laika…
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Aubrey Plaza has issued a statement following the death of her husband, Jeff Baena. News of Baena's death, was confirmed by authorities over the weekend. The film director and screenwriter was 47.ABCNews tarafından oluşturuldu
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Новый год для пассажиров регионального общественного транспорта, а именно рейсовых автобусов, начался с плохого известия – в Латгалии решено закрыть 21 рейс и большая часть из них в приграничье. В добавок ко всему на маршрутах появились автобусы общественного транспорта, которые не останавливаются и не берут ждущих на остановке пассажиров. Сельские…
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Stāsta kino kritiķe, Rīgas Starptautiskā kino festivāla radošā direktore Sonora Broka Šādu apzīmējumu ieguvusi Holivudas ārzemju preses asociācijas ikgadējā “Zelta globusa” balvu pasniegšanas ceremonija, kurā tiek svinēti gan kino, gan televīzijas paši labākie. Mūsdienās “Zelta globusa” balvas tiek pasniegtas 27 kategorijās, ceremonija tiek translē…
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Kad pirms diviem gadiem tika grozīts Pašvaldību likums, politiķi sabiedrībai stāstīja, ka izmaiņas liks vietvarām vairāk ņemt vērā pašu cilvēku domas, lai svarīgu lietu izlemšana nebūtu tikai domnieku rokās. Viens likuma pants paredz konsultatīvo padomju izveidi, bet vēl cits – iedzīvotāju padomju dibināšanu. Taču likumdevējs to nav noteicis kā paš…
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С нового года в Латвии начала действовать новая модель установления цен на лекарства. Среди заметных изменений - введение платы за обслуживание рецептов. Отныне пациенты должны добавить к стоимости медикаментов 75 центов – за один рецепт. У многих это вызывает недоумение и вопросы. Всем ли нужно платить это «взнос»? Увеличивается ли сумма оплаты пр…
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Pēc Krievijas pilna mēroga iebrukuma Ukrainā pirms gandrīz trim gadiem rietumvalstis aizliedza luksusa preču eksportu uz Krieviju, bet daudzi pazīstami ārvalstu zīmoli pameta Krievijas tirgu. Taču, neraugoties uz sankcijām, Krievijas bagātnieki joprojām var iegādāties Rietumos ražotus dizaineru apģērbus, dārglietas un arī sporta automašīnas. Visbie…
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Новости и актуальные темы для в утренней передаче “Домская площадь” на Латвийском радио 4.
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Procesam ir jābūt citādākam – tā par Latvijas Bankas prezidenta amata kandidāta izvirzīšanu un meklēšanu šorīt Latvijas Radio raidījumā Labrīt sacīja „Progresīvo” partijas pārstāvis, Saeimas deputāts Andris Šuvajevs. Viņš norādīja, ka vienošanās par kritērijiem, ko partiju sadarbības sanāksmē vakar izdevās panākt, stiprinās koalīciju.…
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Why don’t we make iPhones in Africa?
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Andile Ngcaba from Convergence Partners discusses the expansion of Ctrack and questions why iPhones aren’t made in Africa. Mark as ListenedSimon Brown tarafından oluşturuldu
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The first snowstorm of 2025 arrived early Monday morning, bringing a significant amount of accumulating snow to the Philadelphia region.6abc Digital Staff tarafından oluşturuldu
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It's a situation Chief Millisky says most members of the Chews Landing Fire Department have never experienced.Sharifa Jackson tarafından oluşturuldu
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In the northern part of the state, they say police reported about two dozen crashes, which were attributed to the weather.Caroline Goggin tarafından oluşturuldu
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This Cape May County man has taken the snow day to a whole other level by creating a beautiful snow sculpture.Nick Iadonisi tarafından oluşturuldu
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While the snow is certainly fun to be in, it can also bring an increase in injuries like slips, falls and even muscle strains.WPVI tarafından oluşturuldu
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An investigation is underway after authorities say a University of Delaware police officer shot a person who was armed with a knife.6abc Digital Staff tarafından oluşturuldu
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The homeowners are hoping their surveillance video will help warn other families about the organized burglars who break into homes, knowing people are inside and dash off only if they are confronted.Toni Yates tarafından oluşturuldu
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Assignment: South Korea - the feminist hunters
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Why feminism has become a dirty word in South Korea. In South Korea being a feminist is now something that can only be admitted in private, thanks to a fierce backlash against feminism. Anti-feminists accuse women who advocate for equality as being man-haters, worthy of punishment. Online witch-hunts - spearheaded by young male gamers - target wome…
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Four years after launching a push for more diversity in its ranks, McDonald's is ending some of its diversity practices, citing a U.S. Supreme Court decision that outlawed affirmative action in college admissions.AP tarafından oluşturuldu
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Disney's Hulu + Live TV and sports streaming service Fubo are combining in a deal that will also see the settlement of a lawsuit against the creation of Venu Sports.AP tarafından oluşturuldu
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Legend Napa Valley Estate Winery's Andre Crisp struggled with recurring infections and a gradual decline in his hearing until he was offered a life changing repair surgery.KGO tarafından oluşturuldu
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Snow fell steadily at the Jersey shore as a winter storm passed through the area on Monday.Trish Hartman tarafından oluşturuldu
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Miri MamanRCJ tarafından oluşturuldu
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FX's "Shōgun" won every category it was nominated for at the 2025 Golden Globes Awards. It's streaming now on Hulu.OTRC tarafından oluşturuldu
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In the two-page order, Merchan criticized Trump's lawyers for repeating arguments the court has already rejected and incorrectly citing legal authorities.ABCNews tarafından oluşturuldu
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All Abilities Fitness Center provides safe space for those with intellectual and physical challenges
The center welcomes individuals with both intellectual as well as physical challenges. It's a safe space where people can socialize, have fun and also build some muscles along the way.WPVI tarafından oluşturuldu
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A very loose cover of Limerence by Yves Tumor using emulated OPL instrumentation. 2025 Creative Commons Copyright All rights reservedSanczo Zapiekanka tarafından oluşturuldu
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Jaunās mūzikas raidījuma “Vakara Nagla” labākās pašmāju jaunās mūzikas rubrikā ''Zelta Nagla'' ietvaros jaunā repere Revolūcija piesaka savu otro singlu un tā videoklipu ar nosaukumu “džeku virtuve”. Singls ieturēts 90.gadu manierē, tā muzikālo pavadījumu veidojis un ieraksta pēcapstrādi veicis mūzikas producents Tablis “401” studijā. Dziesmā pieda…
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A weekly phone conversation between fantasy veterans Bob Harris and Matt Waldman is a quick and dirty run-down of NFL players, units, or teams.https://youtu.be/O39BHpeM9lYTopics RSP Contest Giveaway Trent Baalke Trevor Lawrence Caleb Williams Jared Mayo Drake Maye Saints Rex Ryan Aaron Rodgers Shane Stechen and Chris Ballard Anthony Richardson Bria…
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RSG Geldsake met Moneyweb – Maandag 06de Januarie 2025
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Ryk van Niekerk – Moneyweb Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterRyk van Niekerk tarafından oluşturuldu
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Nicolaas van den Bergh, eienaar van Redline Breathalysers gesels oor sy hofsaak teen die Franse regering. Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterRyk van Niekerk tarafından oluşturuldu
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Skoolfooie styg met meer as dubbeld die inflasiekoers
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'n Peiling deur News24 bevind dat skoolfooie met meer as dubbeld die inflasiekoers sal styg. Riaan van der Bergh, adjunkhoof van die Federasie van Beheerliggame van Suider-Afrika (Fedsas), gesels oor skole wat moontlik meer stewige kwytskelding aan ouers kan toestaan. Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterRyk van Niekerk tarafından oluşturuldu
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Die publikasie van die netwerkverklaring is verlede maand vrygestel. Prof. Jan Havenga, emeritus professor in bedryfsingeneurswese aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en logistieke raadgewer vir die regering en die Wêreldbank, verduidelik hoe die tariewe vir private operateurs bereken sal word, en gesels oor die vooruitsigte. Volg RSG Geldsake op…
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Die Reserwebank het onlangs boetes teen Capitec opgelê. Kokkie Kooyman, fondsbestuurder by Denker Capital gesels hieroor. Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterRyk van Niekerk tarafından oluşturuldu
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Nerina Visser, ETF strateeg en adviseur by etfSA gesels oor die plaaslike beurs in 2024, en kommoditeitspryse. Volg RSG Geldsake op TwitterRyk van Niekerk tarafından oluşturuldu
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Raidījumu klausieties audio pielikumā. Kādi nosacījumi jāņem vērā, lai privātmājai no plašā piedāvājuma izvēlētos un ierīkotu efektīvu ventilācijas sistēmu. Raidījumā būveksperta padomi un ieteikumi. 1.jautājums. Vienstāva privātmāja no gāzbetona blokiem. Siltināta ar akmens vati no iekšpuses un ar 5cm putupolistirolu no ārpuses. Plastmasas logi. I…
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