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show episodes
Podcast de mistério tendo na sua primeira temporada a Operação Prato como foco, que gerou vítimas reais e pânico generalizado. Aproveitando a nova onda ufológica inspirada pelos últimos acontecimentos políticos nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, ele investiga a verdade por trás dos acontecimentos para além das teorias conspiratórias. Com seriedade e em uma mistura do gênero true crime com o sobrenatural/misterioso.
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E aí, minha gente! Eu sou a Alana Anijar, psicologa, especialista em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental é esse é meu podcast Psicologia na Prática. Aqui, você vai encontrar semanalmente conteúdos práticos, simples e acessíveis para que possa aplicar os conceitos da Psicologia no seu dia-a-dia. Saúde mental, autoestima, autoconhecimento, inteligência emocional e muito mais! Me siga nas redes sociais para mais conteúdos @alanaanijar. Gestão e produção: @clavclavclav
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Aktiv Prat

Niklas og Baas

Niklas og Baas utforsker det skumle konseptet dating (ved å faktisk dra på dates), løser lytternes problemer og byr på masse helt middels god underholdning.
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In Kan'ker over praten spreek ik (oud) kankerpatiënten en professionals over hun ervaringen met kanker. Heftige gesprekken met een vleugje lichtheid en een beetje humor erbij om je inzicht te geven in de wereld van kanker.
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Rockonteurs is a podcast all about the real stories behind real music. Presented by Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp, who wrote and performed megahits like ‘Gold’ and ‘True’, and Guy Pratt, a bass player who shaped songs for the likes of Madonna and Pink Floyd, you’ll hear exclusive stories of life on the road, in the studio and what really happened behind the scenes from artists who wrote, performed and produced the some of the biggest classic rock and pop tracks of all time. Guests include Sir B ...
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Mindless Prattle

Jordon and Ripley

The Podcast from the minds of Jordon and Ripley where they talk about the random thoughts and events of their life. Join in each week for the crazy conversations and laughs about nothing in particular.
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Prato Cheio

O Joio e O Trigo

Podcast investigativo sobre alimentação, saúde e poder. Este é um projeto de O Joio e O Trigo, veículo independente de jornalismo.
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O podcast da Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, a FEA, da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Aqui, vamos conversar sobre os alimentos de uma forma acessível e abrangente, misturando conhecimentos de diversas áreas científicas, sem ser muito técnico, para que você e outros curiosos sobre o assunto da alimentação possam matar a fome de informação.
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Pratidin Ek Kavita

Nayi Dhara Radio

कवितायेँ जहाँ जी चाहे वहाँ रहती हैं- कभी नीले आसमान में, कभी बंद खिड़कियों वाली संकरी गली में, कभी पंछियों के रंगीन परों पर उड़ती हैं कविताएँ, तो कभी सड़क के पत्थरों के बीच यूँ ही उग आती हैं। कविता के अलग अलग रूपों को समर्पित है, हमारी पॉडकास्ट शृंखला - प्रतिदिन एक कविता। कीजिये एक नई कविता के साथ अपने हर दिन की शुरुआत।
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Hello, I am Stephen, and I prattle! Potentially, infinitely so...[some have said]... On the show I chat about EVERYTHING that intrigues me, such as life, the world, people as well as memories, things personal to me, things I like and all directly into your ears! Along the way I am occasionally joined by some interesting guests who share their stories and 'Prattle!' along with me. The podcast is completely Unscripted & Unedited and ideal for a casual listen to take you away from daily life or ...
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Join Chad Prather for ”Chad Prather Show,” where humor meets the heat of today’s burning issues. Each week, Chad brings his signature Southern charm and witty perspective to the table, engaging with a diverse lineup of guests. From political pundits to cultural influencers, and from grassroots activists to celebrities, this podcast is a melting pot of opinions and insights. Expect lively debates, unexpected laughs, and an in-depth look at the topics that are setting social media on fire. Whe ...
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In de Podcast Praten over . . bespreken we thema’s waar we liever zwijgen, omdat ze ons kwetsbaar of ongemakkelijk maken. Doel: een plek waar ongemakkelijke waarheden inspirerende inzichten worden. Waar we onze persoonlijke ervaringen delen, van elkaar leren en samen de taboes doorbreken die ons tegenhouden in worden wie we zijn.
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"Em Pratos Limpos" traz à mesa uma abordagem descontraída para desmistificar ideias pré-concebidas sobre a alimentação de base vegetal. Junta-te a nós para uma conversa leve, informativa e deliciosamente esclarecedora.
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Gli approfondimenti del dr. Enrico Gamba sono dedicati a tutti coloro che hanno voglia di migliorare la propria vita con semplici esercizi e attività. Il dr. Gamba è psicologo clinico, psicoterapeuta, ipnoterapeuta e formatore. Per info e approfondimenti visita
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Viviane Bellini

Refletir sobre a importância dos cuidados para um envelhecimento saudável em busca de uma longevidade ativa e maturidade libertadora utilizando como base histórias reais.
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Waar voel jij je thuis? Het is een vraag waarop het antwoord een plaats, een mens, een ding maar ook een geur of een uitzicht kan zijn. Zoveel mensen, zoveel verschillende antwoorden. En zijn die BV’s thuis dezelfde als wij ze kennen? Of scheelt er een introverte huismus in die luidruchtige entertainer die wij kennen? Een handige harry in die erudiete prof? Een grapjurk in die ernstige kunstenaar? Anja komt het allemaal te weten in 'Als de muren konden praten'.
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Pratap Mohanty

Welcome to the Pratap Mohanty podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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Glimt i Steigen prata Mannskjit er en podcast beregnet på alle som har et snev av interesse for våre gule helter, og/eller naturskjønne Steigen. Her prates mannskjit om alt som rører seg rundt klubben i våre hjerter, fra et supporterperspektiv. Poden ledes av Ruben Stensland og består ellers av et variert panel bestående av noen av Glimt i Steigen 2 665 medlemmer.
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show series
Vi feirer 50 episoder med det vi kan best, nemlig en helt vanlig episode!! I jubileumsepisoden får du både dilemmaer, bro code, red flags, ting som er overraskende attraktivt, spørsmål og problemer. På grunn av nyttårsaften tar vi også opp noen spesielt relevante temaer, som for eksempel om det er greit å gi årets nyttårskyss til kusinen sin. Anony…
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“ONE 365 – Un insegnamento al giorno per un’esistenza eccezionale” di Enrico Gamba è un’opera che fonde sapientemente psicologia moderna e antica saggezza spirituale, offrendo un percorso di crescita personale unico nel suo genere. Questo libro non è solo una lettura: è un compagno di viaggio per un intero anno, un mentore quotidiano che ti guida v…
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Nell'era della produttività ossessiva, paradossalmente la chiave del successo sta nel fare meno. Quando ci concentriamo su troppe attività contemporaneamente, la nostra energia si disperde come acqua tra le dita, rendendo ogni sforzo meno efficace. La mente umana non è progettata per il multitasking continuo, ma per una concentrazione profonda su s…
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Fiesta Bowl feedback - what are Boise State football fans thinking a few days after the Broncos' loss to Penn State, some fans seem frustrated and others are inspired for the future, we also celebrate the beginning of a new year and we ask our listeners two questions going into 2025 - what do you want from your sports team and what's the ONE BIG TH…
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ईश्वर के बच्चे | आलोक आज़ाद क्या आपने ईश्वर के बच्चों को देखा है? ये अक्सर सीरिया और अफ्रीका के खुले मैदानों में धरती से क्षितिज की और दौड़ लगा रहे होते हैं ये अपनी माँ की कोख से ही मज़दूर है। और अपने पिता के पहले स्पर्श से ही युद्धरत है। ये किसी चमत्कार की तरह युद्ध में गिराए जा रहे खाने के थैलों के पास प्रकट हो जाते हैं। और किसी चमत्कार की तरह ही …
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his four impressions from the Broncos' 31-14 loss to Penn State in the Fiesta Bowl. No. 1: The Nittany Lions' rush defense against Ashton Jeanty. See for privacy information.…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The Texas Supreme Court slaps down the libs at the State Bar of Texas for going after Texas Attorney General staff over 2020 election lawsuits filed by the state. The state bar libs didn’t like the politics of Paxton’s office and so, as they’ve done in other states, went afte…
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सुख का दुख / भवानीप्रसाद मिश्र ज़िन्दगी में कोई बड़ा सुख नहीं है, इस बात का मुझे बड़ा दु:ख नहीं है, क्योंकि मैं छोटा आदमी हूँ, बड़े सुख आ जाएँ घर में तो कोई ऎसा कमरा नहीं है जिसमें उसे टिका दूँ। यहाँ एक बात इससे भी बड़ी दर्दनाक बात यह है कि, बड़े सुखों को देखकर मेरे बच्चे सहम जाते हैं, मैंने बड़ी कोशिश की है उन्हें सिखा दूँ कि सुख कोई डरने की चीज़ नह…
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La verità sulla realizzazione personale risiede in una comprensione più profonda e spesso scomoda: il percorso non è lineare come ci viene raccontato. Mentre la società ci propone modelli standardizzati di successo, la vera crescita emerge proprio nelle deviazioni da questi percorsi prestabiliti, nei momenti di dubbio e nelle apparenti battute d'ar…
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वह मुझी में है भय | नंदकिशोर आचार्य एक अनन्त शून्य ही हो यदि तुम तो मुझे भय क्यों है ? कुछ है ही नहीं जब जिस पर जा गिरूँ चूर-चूर हो छितर जाऊँ उड़ जायें मेरे परखच्चे तब क्यों डरूँ? नहीं, तुम नहीं वह मुझी में है भय मुझ को जो मार देता है। और इसलिए वह रूप भी जो तुम्हें आकार देता है।Nayi Dhara Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: 2024 was a good year for the Texas economy as the Texas Miracle just continues to follow good policy choices. It was a very bad year for the Texas Lottery. And, a real pain for many of us goes away in 2025. Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Serv…
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NBA icon and Basketball Hall of Famer Julius Erving joins Prater and Mallory for a live interview from Turf Paradise in the Phoenix area. Dr. J, who has ownership in horse racing, was part of a gathering of former Boise State football stars on the eve of Tuesday night's Fiesta Bowl against Penn State. See for privacy informa…
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Live from Arizona with special edition Fiesta Bowl coverage, coaches Spencer Danielson (Boise State) and James Franklin (Penn State) meet with the media before final day of prep before Tuesday night's game, three special guests join IST at Turf Paradise race track - NBA legend Julius 'Dr. J' Erving (on why he's in the Phoenix area), former BSU wide…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, shares Fiesta Bowl interviews with Boise State left guard Ben Dooley and Penn State captain/center Nick Dawkins. See for privacy information.Cumulus Media Boise tarafından oluşturuldu
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एक आदमी दो पहाड़ों को कुहनियों से ठेलता | शमशेर बहादुर सिंह एक आदमी दो पहाड़ों को कुहनियों से ठेलता पूरब से पच्छिम को एक क़दम से नापता बढ़ रहा है कितनी ऊँची घासें चाँद-तारों को छूने-छूने को हैं जिनसे घुटनों को निकालता वह बढ़ रहा है अपनी शाम को सुबह से मिलाता हुआ फिर क्यों दो बादलों के तार उसे महज़ उलझा रहे हैं?…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The case of U.S. Representative Kay Granger is emblematic of what is wrong with a culture of elected people who begin to think of themselves as entitled to power and office. Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service i…
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It's time to sit down and think about the perfect description for your fantasy appendages as Ripley often does. We're one step closer to a new year and that means one more list of self improvement for the new year to later ignore and go get tacos anyway. This episode is brought to you by Ripley and her book, its got a title and everything! Don't wa…
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Nel complesso mosaico delle relazioni tossiche, il ritorno ciclico del narcisista rappresenta uno dei pattern più prevedibili e destabilizzanti. Come un'onda che si ritira solo per tornare con maggiore forza, questo comportamento segue una logica precisa, radicata nei meccanismi più profondi della psiche umana. Quando il narcisista riappare nella t…
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माँ, मोज़े, और ख़्वाब | प्रशांत पुरोहित माँ के हाथों से बुने मोज़े मैं अपने पाँवों में पहनता हूँ, सिर पे रखता हूँ। मेरे बचपन से कुछ बुनती आ रही है, सब उसी के ख़्वाब हैं जो दिल में रखता हूँ। पाँव बढ़ते गए, मोज़े घिसते-फटते गए, हर माहे-पूस में एक और ले रखता हूँ। मैं माँगता जाता हूँ, वो फिर दे देती है - और एक नया ख़्वाब नए रंगो-डिज़ाइन में मेरे सब जाड…
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Send us a text Can the holiday season be truly joyous without the pressure of gift-giving? Join me as I unpack the complex world of gifts, reflecting on how societal norms and commercial pressures can overshadow genuine gestures of love and appreciation. Drawing from personal memories where gifts were linked to behavior and budgets, I explore how t…
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दुख | मदन कश्यप दुख इतना था उसके जीवन में कि प्यार में भी दुख ही था उसकी आँखों में झाँका दुख तालाब के जल की तरह ठहरा हुआ था उसे बाँहों में कसा पीठ पर दुख दागने के निशान की तरह दिखा उसे चूमना चाहा दुख होंठों पर पपड़ियों की तरह जमा था उसे निर्वस्त्र करना चाहा उसने दुख पहन रखा था जिसे उतारना संभव नहीं था।…
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Dr. Prather uses The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health to evaluate the health of his patients. How does your health rate? In this episode, we talk about: --How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system. --The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flo…
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Il concetto del corpo del dolore, elaborato da Eckhart Tolle e interpretato attraverso la lente di Enrico Gamba, si manifesta come un'eredità emotiva che attraversa il tessuto stesso della nostra esistenza. Questo fenomeno rappresenta l'accumulo stratificato di sofferenze non elaborate che, come un'ombra invisibile, influenza le nostre reazioni e p…
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It's Fiesta Bowl Flashback Friday, we examine all three of Boise State's appearances in the Fiesta Bowl - and we do it with a different twist, the 2014 game has massive similarities to 2024, the 2010 game and how it impacted (or didn't impact) Kellen Moore's legacy, and we play the What If Game in regards to the 2007 game, BSU fans check in with th…
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बचपन की वह नदी | नासिरा शर्मा बचपन की वह नदी जो बहती थी मेरी नसों में जाने कितनी बार उतारा है मैंने उसे अक्षरों में पढ़ने वाले करते हैं शिकायत यह नदी कहाँ है जिसका ज़िक्र है अकसर आपकी कहानियों में? कैसे कहूँ कि यादों का भी एक सच होता है जो वर्तमान में कहीं नज़र नहीं आता वर्तमान का अतीत हो जाना भी समय के बहने जैसा है जैसे वह नदी बहती थी कभी पिघली चा…
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Boise State reporter B.J. Rains ( joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about the Broncos' preparation for next week's Fiesta Bowl against Penn State. Rains attended Friday practice and reports that injured RB Sire Gaines did not take part in the open portion of BSU's practice. See for privacy info…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Another reliable Texas electric power generation plant is going offline because Democrats are handing its owners over $ 1 BILLION of your money to bribe them into stopping use of coal generate power. Are they going to replace it with cheap, abundant, effective, and clean natu…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share memories of four famous trick plays from Boise State's previous trips to the Fiesta Bowl. See for privacy information.Cumulus Media Boise tarafından oluşturuldu
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We celebrate 2024 as the Year of the (Boise State) Fan, listeners join the show to share their favorite memories from the football and men's basketball seasons, BSU running back Ashton Jeanty dominates the list of memories - how many people gave (or received) Jeanty gear for Christmas gifts, Bob shares his four favorite moments from 2024 in Bronco …
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डेली पैसेंजर | अरुण कमल मैंने उसे कुछ भी तो नहीं दिया इसे प्यार भी तो नहीं कहेंगे एक धुँधले-से स्टेशन पर वह हमारे डब्बे में चढ़ी और भीड़ में खड़ी रही कुछ देर सीकड़ पकड़े पाँव बदलती फिर मेरी ओर देखा और मैंने पाँव सीट से नीचे कर लिए और नीचे उतार दिया झोला उसने कुछ कहा तो नहीं था वह आ गई और मेरी बग़ल में बैठ गई धीरे से पीठ तख़्ते से टिकाई और लंबी साँस …
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share audio highlights of his four favorite moments in 2024. Bob's top plays include two from the football season and two from basketball. See for privacy information.…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas colleges and universities are in need of more reform by the Legislature – but don’t forget that Governor Abbott’s appointed regents already have the power to act and stop the Leftwing foolishness and racism on campus. Why haven’t they? Why did we even need a DEI ban? Ou…
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La ricerca del benessere emotivo attraversa da sempre il cammino umano, intrecciandosi con i ritmi naturali del nostro corpo e della nostra mente. La serotonina, spesso chiamata "l'ormone della felicità", emerge come un elemento chiave in questo delicato equilibrio, guidando le nostre risposte emotive alle esperienze quotidiane. Il nostro corpo pos…
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देहरी | गीतू गर्ग बुढ़ा जाती है मायके की ढ्योडियॉं अशक्त होती मॉं के साथ.. अकेलेपन को सीने की कसमसाहट में भरने की आतुरता निढाल आशंकाओं में झूलती उतराती.. थाली में परसी एक तरकारी और दाल देती है गवाही दीवारों पर चस्पाँ कैफ़ियत की अब इनकी उम्र को लच्छेदार भोजन नहीं पचता मन को चलाना इस उमर में नहीं सजता होंठ भीतर ही भीतर फड़फड़ाते हैं बिटिया को खीर पसं…
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पूरा दिन | गुलज़ार मुझे खर्ची में पूरा एक दिन, हर रोज़ मिलता है मगर हर रोज़ कोई छीन लेता है, झपट लेता है, अंटी से कभी खीसे से गिर पड़ता है तो गिरने की आहट भी नहीं होती, खरे दिन को भी खोटा समझ के भूल जाता हूँ मैं गिरेबान से पकड़ कर मांगने वाले भी मिलते हैं "तेरी गुज़री हुई पुश्तों का कर्जा है, तुझे किश्तें चुकानी है " ज़बरदस्ती कोई गिरवी रख लेता है, …
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Nel viaggio della vita, spesso il nostro peggior nemico si cela proprio nello specchio, manifestandosi attraverso un dialogo interno intessuto di autocritica spietata e svalutazione costante. Questo atteggiamento autolesionista, radicato nelle esperienze passate e nei condizionamenti sociali, crea una prigione invisibile che limita il nostro potenz…
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ओंठ | अशोक वाजपेयी तराशने में लगा होगा एक जन्मांतर पर अभी-अभी उगी पत्तियों की तरह ताज़े हैं। उन पर आयु की झीनी ओस हमेशा नम है उसी रास्ते आती है हँसी मुस्कुराहट वहीं खिलते हैं शब्द बिना कविता बने वहीं पर छाप खिलती है दूसरे ओठों की वह गुनगुनाती है समय की अँधेरी कंदरा में बैठा कालदेवता सुनता है वह हंसती है। बर्फ़ में ढँकी वनराशि सुगबुगाती है वह चूमती ह…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has found a good angle from which to sue the NCAA over its letting men play in women’s sports – suing them for violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Read the actual lawsuit filed in Lubbock County here– no matter it’s legal claim…
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Don't throw out all the scrabble words yet cause we've got some to throw at you this holiday season! That's right its Mindless and her sidekick Prattle back at it again before that special time of year where snapchat makes a reappearance and the test for rabies are deadly. So get your baby pig pardon on and rear against the seasonal affective disor…
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[REPRISE] Chegamos ao final do ano e com isso a nossa primeira reprise. E com vocês, nosso episódio mais ouvido do quadro arroz com feijão no ano de 2024: Insetos comestíveis! Que tal um espetinho de inseto? Achou estranho? É seguro? Saudável? Sustentável? Acredite ou não, o consumo desses animais é mais antigo, nutritivo e comum até os dias de hoj…
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Endelig er det jul, og i denne episoden blir det skikkelig koselig<3 Hvordan burde man respondere på gavene på julaften? Hvordan sørger for at barna ikke legger merke til promillen din? Hvilke samtaletemaer kan man ta opp for å fyre opp stemningen? Til slutt har vi fått kanskje den beste tilbakemeldingen så langt i denne podcasten. Anonymt skjema f…
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सौंदर्य का आश्चर्यलोक | सविता सिंह बचपन में घंटों माँ को निहारा करती थी मुझे वह बेहद सुंदर लगती थी उसके हाथ कोमल गुलाबी फूलों की तरह थे पाँव ख़रगोश के पाँव जैसे उसकी आँखें सदा सपनों से सराबोर दिखतीं उसके लंबे काले बाल हर पल उलझाए रखते मुझे याद है सबसे ज़्यादा मैं उसके बालों से ही खेला करती थी उसे गूँथती फिर खोलती थी जब माँ नहा-धोकर तैयार होती साड़ी …
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Send us a text Ever wondered what it's like to work in an industry that doesn't take a break for the holiday season? Join us as we explore the unique challenges and rewards of balancing work in the UK railway sector during Christmas. I share my personal story of managing the demands of shift work while juggling family obligations, especially during…
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La capacità di farsi rispettare e proteggere i propri confini personali non è un dono innato, ma un'abilità che possiamo coltivare consapevolmente. Quando ci ritroviamo costantemente in situazioni di sfruttamento, sia sul lavoro che nelle relazioni personali, spesso stiamo perpetuando schemi appresi nell'infanzia che ci hanno insegnato a mettere i …
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संकट | मदन कश्यप अक्सर ताला उसकी ज़ुबान पर लगा होता है जो बहुत ज़्यादा सोचता है जो बहुत बोलता है उसके दिमाग पर ताला लगा होता है संकट तब बढ़ जाता है जब चुप्पा आदमी इतना चुप हो जाए कि सोचना छोड़ दे और बोलने वाला ऐसा शोर मचाये कि उसकी भाषा से विचार ही नहीं, शब्द भी गुम हो जाएँ!Nayi Dhara Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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'Tis the season to be jolly! But it's also the season where we feel the additional stress of holiday obligations. Dr. Prather says there are ways we can help manage this stress and remain healthy through the holidays. In this episode, learn: --What stress does to our health and our immune system. --Why Dr. Prather says that stress is "the number on…
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