C'est quoi ta magie ? Tout les trimestres, retrouvez un invité qui vous partage sa pratique magique : sorcellerie, wicca, paganisme, occultisme, chamanisme, ...
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Passionate discussions on everything spiritual + witchy
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ÉPISODE 5 : le cycle, l'espace et le temps
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
35:01Je continue de vous partager ma pratique magique et spirituelle, ce qui la constitue, comment elle s'exprime avec ce nouvel épisode. Le cycle est la base de ma pratique, de ma philosophie, je vous emmène dans les saisons, les lunaisons mais aussi ma réflexion sur l'espace et le temps. Bonne écoute
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EPISODE 4 : piliers de ma pratique magique
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
39:42Instinct, foi, intuition, expérience, ... je vous présente tout mes piliers de ma pratique magique. Pour me suivre rdv sur mysticsmoons.com et pour être accompagné tout les mois dans une pratique en harmonie avec cycles rdv sur https://mysticsmoons.podia.com/magie_saisonniere
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EPISODE 3 : mon parcours, spiritualité et magie
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
40:00Petit changement dans le podcast où je vous propose une série d'épisodes sur mon parcours et mes différentes pratiques magiques, dans ce premier épisode je fais le point sur comment j'en suis arrivée à avoir ces pratiques. Bonne écoute et vous pouvez aussi me suivre sur mysticsmoons.com
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EPISODE 2 : Imaginaire, créativité et inspiration en magie avec Vae Bataille
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
51:15Retrouvez tout les épisodes sur les plateformes d'écoute de podcast, en savoir plus sur nos projets en visitant mysticsmoons.com
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EPISODE 1 : La Wicca avec Andranos, grand prêtre d'un coven
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
55:05Tout les trimestres retrouvez dans le podcast c'est quoi ta magie un nouvel invité qui partage sa pratique ésotérique, spirituelle, occulte, ... Podcast créé par mysticsmoons.com
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Je vous explique dans cet épisode ce que vous propose le podcast trimestriel : c'est quoi ta magie
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In this episode, I talk about the whole Sephora/Pinrose “Starter Witch Kit” issue, the uproar of the releasing of this kit on social media and the disrespect this kit poses to not only witches but indigenous people as well. I also talk about the issue of witches actually ~culturally appropriating~ indigenous practices and how this should serve as a…
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In this episode, I’m basically catching you all up on what’s been going on and mostly the reasons why I haven’t been able to post on the podcast much. I’ve been a busy bee in regards to my art career, my Brujeria Oracle deck and an upcoming tarot workshop that I plan on traveling with. **If listening on iTunes, please visit webpage to see links** E…
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In this episode, I dive into the topic of self-limitation in our personal practice, the “need” to choose one thing over the other and the various fears that may stop one from experimenting. I discuss why I feel it’s best that we keep ourselves open and our options limitless in order to grow and evolve on our path and I also tap into how organizatio…
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Dianna Ravenwood of Three Moons Mystic tarafından oluşturuldu
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In this episode, I talk about my relationship to the goddess Freyja, my past work with her and why I feel certain deities enter our lives and sometimes even “leave” our consciousness in order to help us grow…and then, after lessons have been learned, do they return- as it has been in my own experience. **If listening on iTunes, please visit webpage…
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In this episode, I talk about feelings of doubt coming up in your practice after discovering that your expectations weren’t met. I talk about this through my own personal experience in the episode, as well as following your heart and intuition in choosing what works for you regardless of something being historically “false”. I also talk a bit about…
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In this episode, I talk about how you can invite witchcraft, magick and spirituality into your everyday life, your day-to-day routine. I mention various ~witchy things you can do to up the magick in your “mundane” life and how to create your own little folk-every day “rituals” to bring more magick into the everyday. **If listening on iTunes, please…
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In this episode, I talk about the rising age of women, women’s rights and how I feel certain things in this new age of “girl power” has happened for us to get to where we are now and continue to make progress towards equality and women reclaiming their power. I also talk about the #MeToo and Time’s Up campaigns, the Trump presidency, Harvey Weinste…
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In this episode, I talk about what exactly the mother wound is, how it manifests and what beliefs/limitations come from it. I also talk about how not receiving our full abundance may be a result of the mother wound and how this is so. **If listening on iTunes, please visit webpage to see links** Explicit language is used. Articles mentioned in the …
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Dianna Ravenwood of Three Moons Mystic tarafından oluşturuldu
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