Inspirational podcasts to make your day! Our mission is to glorify God by inspiring people to look to Jesus for salvation and spiritual growth. Messages in both Spanish and English, are bible-based and brought by trusted men of God. Please contact us if you want more information or help in your Christian walk.
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Viviendo para Jesucristo 2 Corintios 5:14-21 Enero 12, 2025 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios viviendo para Jesuscristo, y no para nosotros mismos. Vivir para Jesucristo significa que: 1. Somos nuevas criaturas. 2. Todo lo nuestro le pertenece a Dios. 3. Somos embajadores del cielo.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Living for Jesus 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 January 12, 2025 Main Point: We glorify God by living for Jesus, and no longer for ourselves. Living for Jesus means recognizing: 1. We are new creations. 2. All we have belongs to God. 3. We are ambassadors of heaven.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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A Fresh Start John 21:7 January 05, 2025 Un Nuevo Comienzo Juan 21:7 05 Enero, 2025CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Viviendo para la Gloria de Dios
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55:24Viviendo para la Gloria de Dios Romanos 8:1-11 Diciembre 29, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios con nuestras vidas andando conforme al Espíritu. Andar conforme al Espíritu significa: 1. Que no hay condenación. 2. Pensar en las cosas del Espíritu. 3. Ser resucitados por Dios.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Living for God’s Glory Romans 8:1-11 December 29, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by walking in the Spirit as we live out our lives. Walking in the Spirit means: 1. There is no condemnation. 2. Setting our mind on spiritual things. 3. Being resurrected by God.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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La Persona de la Navidad Lucas 1:26-33 Diciembre 15, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando Jesucristo es reconocido como la razón por la Navidad. La persona de la navidad: 1. Tiene un nombre. 2. Tiene un Padre. 3. Tiene un reino eterno.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Person of Christmas Luke 1:26-33 December 15, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified when Jesus Christ is acknowledged as the reason for Christmas. The person of Christmas: 1. Has a name. 2. Has a Father. 3. Has a Kingdom.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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La Promesa de la Navidad Mateo 2:1-12 Diciembre 8, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado por el cumplimiento perfecto de sus profesías navideñas. La profesía acerca del Salvador require: 1. Un nacimiento virginal. 2. Ser descendiente de Abraham. 3. Ser descendiente de David.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Promise of Christmas Matthew 2:1-12 December 8, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified through the perfect fulfilment of His Christmas prophesies. The prophesy of the Savior: 1. Was of a virgin birth. 2. Was of a descendant of Abraham. 3. Was of a descendant of David.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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La Necesidad de la Navidad
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43:39La Necesidad de la Navidad Mateo 1:18-25 Diciembre 1, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado por el reconocimiento de nuestra necesidad del Salvador. La Navidad es necesaria: 1. Por la caída del hombre. 2. Por el pecado del hombre. 3. Por la incapacidad del hombre.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Need for Christmas Matthew 1:18-25 December 1, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified with the acknowledgement of our need for the Savior. Christmas is needed: 1. Because of man’s fall. 2. Because of man’s sin. 3. Because of man’s inability.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Sabiduría en Gratitud Efesios 5:15-21 Noviembre 24, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado por medio de la gratitud de sus hijos.Los cristianos debemos ser agradecidos: 1. Por estar vivos. 2. Por conocer a Jesucristo. 3. Por tener el honor de servirle.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Wisdom in Thankfulness Ephesians 5:15-21 November 24, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified through His children’s thankfulness.We christians must be thankful: 1. That we are alive. 2. That we know the Lord. 3. That we get to serve Him.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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El deber del hombre Eclesiastés 12:13-14 Noviembre 17, 2024 Punto Prinicipal: El hombre tiene la responsabilidad de responder a DiosCrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Duty of Man Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 November 17, 2024 Main Point: Man has a responsibility to respond to GodCrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Haz Firme tu Salvación 2 Pedro 1:1-11 Noviembre 10, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios viviendo en el gozo de la seguridad de nuestra salvación. Certidumbre de salvación: 1. Le pertenece a los hermanos. 2. Es beneficiado por diligencia. 3. Produce perseverancia.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Make Your Calling Sure 2 Peter 1:1-11 November 10, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by living in the joy of the certainty of our salvation. Certainty of salvation: 1. Belongs to the brethren. 2. Benefits from diligence. 3. Produces perseverance.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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He’s Not Done Philippians 1:3-6 November 3, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by being good examples of God’s grace and faithfulness. God is not yet done: 1. Building His Church. 2. Saving His People. 3. Sanctifying His children. 4. Working in, and through CrossPoint Aún no Acaba Filipenses 1:3-6 Noviembre 3, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios…
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Salvo 1 Juan 5:9-13 Octubre 27, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado por la salvación de sus hijos. Aseguranza de la salvación: 1. Es enseñada en la Biblia. 2. Se encuentra en Jesucristo. 3. Es confirmada por el Espíritu Santo.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Saved 1 John 5:9-13 October 27, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified by the saving of His children. Assurance of Salvation: 1. Is taught in the Bible. 2. Is found in Christ. 3. Is confirmed by the Holy Spirit.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Propenso a Vagar Santiago 5:19-20 Octubre 20, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando sus hijos se cuidan los unos a los otros y por otros. Corazones propensos a vagar: 1. Se encuentran en todos nosotros. 2. Necesitan ayuda de afuera. 3. Te pueden mantener fuera del cielo.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Prone to Wander James 5:19-20 October 20, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified when His children look out for each other and for others. Wandering hearts: 1. Are in all of us. 2. Need outside help. 3. Can keep you out of heaven.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Prayer Needed James 5:13-18 October 13, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified by His children understanding the need for prayer. Prayer is needed for: 1. Comfort during trials. 2. Restoration from weakness. 3. Fellowship among brothers. 4. Power of the righteous.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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El Fin se Acerca Octubre 6, 2024 1 Peter 4:7-11CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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In need for a Healing October 6,2024 Main point: We are made well when we let go John 5:1-15CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Paciencia Divina Santiago 5:7-12 Septiembre 29, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios al resistir pruebas con paciencia divina. Paciencia divina bajo pruebas: 1. Fija su mirada en la venida de nuestro Señor. 2. Lucha contra la frustración. 3. Confía en la bondad de Dios.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Godly Patience James 5:7-12 September 29, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by enduring trials with godly patience. Godly patience under trials: 1. Looks to the Lord’s return. 2. Fights against frustration. 3. Trusts in the Lord’s goodness.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Wicked Wealth James 5:1-7a September 22, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified when His children are patient toward wicked injustices. Wicked wealthy people: 1. Are hoarders. 2. Oppress and defraud. 3. Live for luxury and indulgence.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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La Incertidumbre de Mañana
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49:07La Incertidumbre de Mañana Santiago 4:13-17 Septiembre 15, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios reconociendo su soveranía sobre nuestro futuro. La incertidumbre del mañana significa que: 1. Deberíamos considerar a Dios en nuestros planes. 2. Deberíamos considerar nuestra mortalidad. 3. Deberíamos hacer lo bueno con lo que tenemos.…
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The Uncertainty of Tomorrow
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46:54The Uncertainty of Tomorrow James 4:11-12 September 15, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by acknowledging His sovereignty over our future. Tomorrow’s uncertainty means: 1. We should consider God in our planning. 2. We should consider our mortality. 3. We should do good with what we have.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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El Pecado de la Calumnia Santiago 4:11-12 Septiembre 8, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios hablado honorablemente de nuestro prójimo. Hablar con calumnia: 1. Daña la familia de Dios. 2. Es peligroso para uno mismo. 3. Es una ofensa hacia Dios.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Sin of Slander James 4:11-12 September 8, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by speaking honorably about one another. Slanderous speech: 1. Hurts God’s family. 2. Is dangerous to ourselves. 3. Is an offense to God.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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El Remedio para el Mundanismo
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41:43El Remedio para el Mundanismo Santiago 4:6-10 Septiembre 1, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios viviendo vidas marcadas por humildad, no mundanismo. Humildad que cura el mundanismo: 1. Se somete a Dios. 2. Se acerca a Dios. 3. Confía en Dios.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Cure for Worldliness James 4:6-10 September 1, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by living lives that are marked by humility, not by worldliness. Humility that cures worldliness: 1. Submits to God. 2. Draws near to God. 3. Trusts God.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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La Causa de Conflicto Santiago 4:1-6 Agosto 25, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando sus hijos viven en paz y harmonía. Amistad con elm undo es cause de: 1. Conflicto con otros. 2. Conflicto con uno mismo. 3. Conflicto con Dios.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Cause of Conflict James 4:1-6 August 25, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified when His children live in peace and harmony. Friendship with the world is a source of: 1. Conflict with others. 2. Conflict with self. 3. Conflict with God.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Sabiduría de lo Alto Santiago 3:13-18 Agosto 18, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado cuando las vidas de sus hijos reflejan su sabiduría. Sabiduría dada por Dios: 1. Se muestra por buena conducta. 2. No es el único tipo de sabiduría. 3. Se parece a Jesucristo.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Wisdom from Above James 3:13-18 August 18, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified when the lives of His children reflect His wisdom. God given wisdom: 1. Is shown by good conduct. 2. Is not the only kind of wisdom. 3. Is Christlike.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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El Poder de la Lengua Santiago 3:1-12 Agosto 11, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios cuando hablamos para propósitos justos y honorables. Hablando honradamente: 1. Es requerido de maestros. 2. Es contrario a nuestra naturaleza humana. 3. Es consistente con fe genuína.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Power of the Tongue James 3:1-12 August 11, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God when we use our speech for righteous purposes. Speaking righteously: 1. Is required of teachers. 2. Goes against our fallen nature. 3. Is consistent with genuine faith.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Fe que Beneficia Santiago 2:14-26 Agosto 4, 2024 Punto Principal: Glorificamos a Dios viviendo una vida llena de fe que beneficia a otros. El tipo de fe que beneficia: 1. Es más que solo palabras. 2. Es de bendició para otros. 3. Prueba estar viva con obras.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Profitable Faith James 2:14-26 August 4, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by living a faith-filled life that blesses people around us. Faith that is profitable: 1. Is more than just words. 2. Blesses people around us. 3. Is proven alive by works.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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El Error del Favoritismo Santiago 2:1-13 Julio 28, 2024 Punto Principal: Para glorificar a Dios, no debemos usar favoritismo con la fe de Jesucristo. El favoritismo es tontería porque: 1. La fe Cristiana es igual para todos. 2. Es descriminación por razones superficiales. 3. Es comportamiento pecaminoso.…
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The Folly of Favoritism James 2:1-13 July 28, 2024 Main Point: To glorify God, we must not play favorites with people and His faith. Favoritism is foolishness because: 1. The Christian faith is the same for everyone. 2. It’s superficial discrimination. 3. It is sinful behavior.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Hacedores de la Palabra Santiago 1:19-24 Julio 21, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios es glorificado por aquellos que son hacedores de su palabra. Hacedores de su palabra: 1. Reciben la palabra con humildad. 2. Prueban que no están engañados por ellos mismos. 3. Ayudan a los necesitados.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Doers of the Word James 1:19-24 July 21, 2024 Main Point: God is glorified by those who are doers of His word. Doers of God’s word: 1. Receive His word with humility. 2. Prove they’re not self-deceived. 3. Help those in need.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Venciendo las Tentaciones
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48:55Venciendo las Tentaciones Santiago 1:12-18 Julio 14, 2024 Punto Principal: Adoramos a Dios aguantando las tentaciones con el poder de Jesucristo. Las tentaciones son vencidas: 1. Soportando con paciencia. 2. No poniendo excusas. 3. Disfrutando todo lo que Dios nos a dado.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Defeating Temptation James 1:12-18 July 14, 2024 Main Point: We glorify God by enduring temptation through the power of Christ. Temptations are defeated: 1. With endurance. 2. By not making excuses. 3. By enjoying all God has gifted us.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Pobres y Ricos Santiago 1:9:11 Julio 07, 2024 Punto Principal: Dios merece ser glorificado, sin importar nuestro estado económico. Cristianos tienen razón de gloriarse: 1. A pesar de ser pobre. 2. A pesar de ser rico.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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Poor and Rich James 1:9-11 July 07, 2024 Main Point: God deserves to be glorified by all Christians, despite our economic status. Christians have reason to glory: 1. Despite being poor. 2. Despite being rich.CrossPoint Christian Church tarafından oluşturuldu
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