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The Vertical Relationship Show: Relationship Goals, Healing Trauma, Biblical Counseling, Dating Advice & Christian Marriage

Melia Diana- Christian Counselor. Biblical Therapist. Relationship & Dating Coach for HSP’s. Best-Selling Author. Inner Healing Facilitator. Spiritual Warfare Specialist. Prophetic Ministry Founder

***Top 1.0% Global Podcast*** *Rated #13 –Top 60 Christian Counseling Podcasts* *Rated Top 20 Motion Graphics Podcast* Desire to have a stronger Vertical Relationship with JESUS? Need GODLY relationship advice? Are their areas of your life that need authentic HEALING? Struggling with your highly sensitive gift in the prophetic? Or just fed-up of living in bondage of the enemy? I get it! I went from a hot mess to totally blessed. Truth… We all have hidden wounds that lie deep within our wound ...
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show series
Is laying hands on others for healing always necessary, or even advisable? Many claim YES, and others say NO ... Without a doubt, if you carry a unique "feeler anointing," like me, you're going to want to tune into this powerful episode! Melia highlights the importance of discerning divine guidance from the Holy Spirit over societal pressures and p…
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Religion over Relationship? Feeling a disconnect between your outward religious activities and spiritual life? Many Christians are unaware they can be oppressed by a spirit of religion! Spirit of religion is characterized by outward righteousness – attending church and performing religious duties – without the corresponding inner transformation of …
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As a Christian, you can be oppressed by a demon(s) but NOT possessed! Possession requires ownership. You must understand the effects of a wounded soul to grip this eye-opening reality! The enemy loves open doors. Therefore, desiring inner healing, deliverance, and understanding the pitfalls of spiritual warfare as a follower of Christ is vital. It'…
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Do you desire to hear the voice of God? Join International & Best-Selling Author, Christian Counselor, and Prophetic Mentor Melia as she embraces the hard truth of discerning God's voice! Learn how to awaken your soul through the Holy Spirit; our teacher, advocate, and comforter, who serves as the third person of the Trinity. Your connection and ve…
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Are you going to believe the doctor's report? Is your "faith" in human reasoning or a supernatural God? In today's episode of The Vertical Relationship, Melia highlights the need for balance between acknowledging scientific evidence and embracing spiritual truths. She touches on how worldviews shape our culture and encourages listeners to seek Jesu…
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A prophetic warning for the nations: More fires, floods, plagues, weather disturbances, war, food shortages, sickness, and famine … Repentance is vital in this hour! To many Christians are worshipping ancient gods of the moon and stars. Why, you ask? Rebellion! No heart for true repentance! God's feed-up and He must do something. “For after all thi…
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Have you heard of the demon goddess, LILITH? Jewish mysticism believed it was a tale of Adam and Eve, but it's not. Lilith is mentioned in the Bible, and the deity has connections with early views on sorcery, witchcraft, magic, vampires, pregnancy, sexual dreams, and even feminism. Lilith is after God's chosen ones! Especially those in the womb. Me…
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Are Hollywood celebrities genuine or superficial? Let's take a critical look at Hollywood's superficial faith declarations, with a call for genuine repentance and discipleship. Does this mean everyone is Hollywood is inauthentic? The Lord will expose the heart! In this compelling segment, Melia shares a prophetic dream about Mark Wahlberg trying to…
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What are open gates? Are you worshipping other gods or our Creator? Melia takes a deep dive into Psalms 24:7-9, among many other Scripture verses for the nations. A heedful prophetic warning about the dangerous deities, false prophets, and leaders of this world that many are worshipping, intentionally and unintentionally. "Indeed, the Sovereign Lor…
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Ancient Chinese practice or modern-day myth? Melia is exposing the hidden roots behind the three popular treatments recommended in the medical, health, and fitness fields. Learn about its controversial origins and the potential risks involved that can impact your health. Uncover the hidden roots behind Acupuncture, Yoga, and Chiropractic Care; and …
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Prophetic Warning: Not all healing ministries are safe! Melia shares a testimonial of volunteering and co-leading an event for a healing ministry, which brought unexpected challenges and demonic attacks. Melia shares a tidbit from her new audiobook, Fear Not, as she delves into the unsettling journey of a Jezebel spirit who was serving as a leader …
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Are your problems always demonic? One of the key takeaways from this teaching on, The Vertical Relationship Show, is the distinction between demonic influences and the consequences of unhealthy decisions. In my book, Fear Not, I speak on the subject of healing, deliverance, and warfare; that not all problems stem from demonic activity. Yet pride, u…
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Did you know false prophets and teachers can twist God's truth? It's called whitewashing! Many Christian leaders appear to look and sound phenomenal, but underneath the surface is evil and corruption. Melia's gives an encouraging and truthful prophetic word to the body of Christ! We must be careful who we follow and listen to when it comes to the h…
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As a Christian, it's important to remember that being kind, compassionate, and showing love; does not mean allowing others to walk all over you at their convenience! For that reason, your identity as a follower of Christ should not be based on always saying, "yes" to others. You're not a doormat! First and foremost, it is crucial to pray for discer…
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The "feeler anointing" is a rare gift from the Lord but can be used for Satan's kingdom. Yes, if you're a feeler, you're going to get labeled as a hypochondriac, overly emotional, oversensitive, crazy, and too sensitive! So, embrace it and know who you are in Christ. Many struggle with this highly sensitive gift and feel extremely overwhelmed. Feel…
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Healing can look like it's from our Lord and Savior, but twisted with Satan's antics. Many Christians think they are following God and His ways, but actually following the devil's crooked pathways. Healing can come in many different versions and forms... we must trend with caution and have wise discernment of each path to know the main difference b…
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First off, we must first recognize, we are even building up the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan. You’re running with the devil or running with God. Spirit of deception (antichrist) or spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit). In a world filled with spiritual beliefs and practices, it can be challenging to discern between what is true and what is de…
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Prophetic Warning: Territorial spirits are not to be tempered with alone! This will take a cooperate team and can cause unnecessary warfare without a team of chosen leaders. I’m observing too many people think they should cast out a second heaven demon. Just because you watched a glorified YouTube video, does not mean you should follow suit. This i…
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Unforgiveness is an ugly stronghold! It can cause so much inner turmoil to one's soul without true healing with our Lord. Many people, including Christians, say they "forgive" but deep down inside, have unhealthy emotions toward their offender! Without forgiveness; spiritual poison starts to slowly leaks into the soul, turning into many other forms…
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Ready to discover the inner depths of trauma? Uncloak from fearful strongholds? Go deeper into healing and deliverance without a showy stage production? Introducing Melia's brand-new audiobook- FEAR NOT; No-Nonsense Guide to Healing Trauma "God's Way" Warfare-Healing-Deliverance for Wounded Souls! FEAR NOT: A No-Nonsense Guide to Healing Trauma "Go…
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In today's tumultuous world, it's easy to lose sight of God's love for us. The palpable anger of the Lord reveals 70x7 of guilt, shame, and rebellion of mankind. God must take action for a generation that continually grieves Him! Discontent stems from a loving Father who desires nothing but the best for His children. Melia shares a personal testame…
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Facing challenges in discernment? Without the Holy Spirit guiding us to God's truth, no discernment is dispersed! Too many Christians are not testing the spirit (See 1 John 4:1) because they don't spend time with Jesus or study their Bible to know the difference between a spirit of truth (Holy Spirit) verses a spirit of deception (Satan). Nobody, i…
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Christians who are following and in agreement with false prophets, fall under God's judgment! False prophets and those who seek their guidance will all be punished for their sins. (Ezekiel 14:4-10). False prophets and leaders are only after your money, selfish ambitions, high status, vain imaginations, and loads of followers ... Unfortunately, fals…
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Did you know that many people, including Christians, can function quite well in their dysfunction? Many times, people operating in unhealed trauma have no idea anything is wrong because it's their normal. But, it's not someone else's. Perhaps, yelling and screaming was an ordinary occurrence in your family? Or promoting promiscuous or hateful behav…
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Just because you're a Christian and in an equally yoked marriage, does not mean your life will be hunky dory. Although, God tells us to not team up with unbelievers, truth is, you're a target for Satan, now! "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14). My husband and I chat about real struggles and how to "die to self…
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Healing in not linear or what you think! Many people think they know what they need healing from, but don’t. For example, your focus is about your husband or wife, yet God might be wanting to heal a deeper problem within you, that's been buried for years. You are dating and can't seem to attract the right partner, but a traumatic event you experien…
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Many will never understand what a pure prophet, not compromised with evil, goes through on a daily basis! The high cost to follow God wholeheartedly coincides with severe demonic attacks, constant tears, Astro projection, witchcraft, and endless spiritual warfare battles. God says, "Many are called but only few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). While th…
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Did you know our loved ones, family, and friends can be operating under witchcraft? Many times, the deceptive nature of evil, that's rooted in witchcraft, has a greater potential for curses to be placed on individuals without them even knowing it! Witchcraft is used by the enemy to attack our relationships by using manipulation, intimidation, and c…
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It's finally here... Melia's self-paced trauma program just for you! “Heal my Soul Wounds” is not your typical trauma recovery program. It's a powerful 7-step trauma purification process: Inner Healing & Deliverance "God's Way" for wounded souls. This metamorphic program is based on God’s Word, biblical principles, powerful prayer, godly counsel, h…
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Many times, a spirt of infirmity, is at the root of your pain. Truth is, many disregard the spiritual realm as a myth buster and only believe what their naked eye can see. Therefore, only the physical dimension is witnessed to many wounded souls. Can God heal you from chronic pain and suffering? God is God. You must come to realize the battles are …
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Judgment is coming! The Lord is crying out for His sons and daughters to get right with Him... God is sounding the alarm for broken covenants; an agreement with God, a promise to forgive our sins and restore fellowship with those who turn their heart towards Him. Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant. Yet, many Christians are not abiding and co…
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No matter if your single or married... You have a responsibility to heal your soul wounds if you desire to have thriving relationships upon your life. Unhealed trauma is an open door for the devil to cause havoc in your relationships and health. Let's not forget that unhealed trauma will also stunt your healing progression causing discord in every …
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When you think of Rahab, you most likely think of the prostitute who helped hide the Israelite spies from the enemy. (See Joshua 2). But that is not the Rahab I’m talking about … The Lord revealed a water spirit named Rahab; hovering over cities, countries, states, and nations, affecting people worldwide! Rahab is a prideful, quarrelsome, arrogant …
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Listen up .... God's Chosen Ones! Our Lord and Savior takes witchcraft very seriously. Point blank- it's forbidden. (See Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Friends, we can't be half in the world and half in Christianity and think the Lord is going to bless and protect us for being disobedient to His Commandments. Especially, His chosen ones who He has called t…
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Let's be honest... Healing trauma hurts! Nobody loves to have their weaknesses and strongholds exposed to the light for correction. Being convicted in your spirit is not fun, but the truth is what will free your soul from the bondage of the enemy! Remember: All Scripture is inspired by God for correction and to teach us His truth so we can realize …
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Truth be told, if you call yourself a Christian, you should NOT be messing around with the Enneagram! Yet, it's commonly being used worldwide in churches, Christian counseling services, business events, and Kingdom conferences. Even popular Christian book publishers are promoting this New Age tool. Be careful, my friends! The Enneagram is dangerous…
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A worldwide shaking is happening ... this nation is under the consequences of disobedience to God. The Lord's anger is fierce, and He expresses great frustration with false prophets, pseudo teachings, the worshipping of other gods, disobedience to His Word, and the prevalence of treachery in the world. Melia emphasizes the need for repentance and f…
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Just as trees requires clean and properly soiled roots to bear good fruit, we must examine our own rooting system, if we want to become a replica of Jesus Christ. We must ask ourselves: Are we rooted in God or the things of this world? Don't settle for surface-level Christianity! Just like tree roots go deep into the ground to obtain water and nutr…
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Is it hard for you to forgive someone who betrayed you? Double-crossed you? Cheated on you? Lied to you? I bet! Who really feels like forgiving someone who did us wrong... But, did you know that unforgiveness leads to bitterness and resentment? These unhealthy emotions will turn in bitter poison for our soul without healing and truly forgiving some…
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No doubt... and form of narcissism is emotional abuse! Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. Narcissist men and women see everything from a question, “how does this affect me” perspective? This deeply hurts others and lacks genuine empathy. Underneath …
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God is testing your character. Testing your obedience. Testing your faithfulness. Testing your heart ... Just because you’re a chosen one, a prophet of the Lord, a Christian leader; does not mean you’re saved from persecution or suffering. In fact, you will suffer more for being a mouthpiece of the Lord. The Lord is weeding out the pure and impure.…
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Back in December of 2023 the Lord started giving me prophetic dreams and messages about vineyards! Vineyards represent the nation of Israel and exists to glorify God and point people back to Him. I started to "see" and "hear" His timely Word as a repetitive confirmation. When the Lord confirms; it's a prophet’s job to go forth and tell people what …
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Understanding the role of a prophetic watchman is vital for our nation! A watchman is a chosen prophetic vessel picked and appointed by God to guard, guide, warn, and protect people. Prophetic watchmen are called to sounds the alarm, blast the trumpet, and cut off evil intrudes from getting inside the heavenly gates. Watchmen have keen discernment,…
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Are you an easy target for gaslighters? Gaslighting techniques can easily slide into your relationships ... thinking you're the crazy one! These psychological tactics undermines one's perception of reality, causing confusion and self-doubt. These kind of behavior patterns deeply affect your personal and professional relationships, targeting your se…
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Striking our ego does not come from a thumbs up, smiley face, or heart on social media. Truth be told, for true healing to take precedent in our lives; internal healing must be initiated. Healing your wounded soul takes internal work, not superficial pictures of you flexing in the mirror. Yikes! It's more than external beauty. It's our inner beauty…
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It's a CHOICE to Believe God is HEALING you! Your faith must be activated, it must supersede head knowledge or any naysayer throwing doubt your way. The enemy's desire is to have you focus on your symptoms rather than your emotional and physical healing. Unfortunately, this kind of negative thinking only takes your focus off God! You must trust God…
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Many walk around oblivious that the spiritual realm is no big deal−a myth buster. I've been hearing the Lord whisper to me about deaf and dumb spirits blocking people's ears and eyes; an invisible veil over many minds and hearts. Yes, even Christians! Essentially, the veil that covers our mind and heart needs to be removed when dealing with the spi…
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The Lord revealed two high-ranking territorial spirits affecting our nations! While both slithery serpents seem innocent and genuine ... underneath their scaly surface is deception and pride. Furthermore, Melia unpacks the global epidemic of demonic influence, particularly in Christian leadership, and its negative impact on marriages, ministries, a…
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Ever wondered about the heavenly realms? Many scholars believe there are three heavens; I believe this to be true as well. The very first sentence in the Bible mentioned the word heavens. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). We must understand God’s Kingdom is highly structured. Satan’s kingdom is the sphere of de…
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The devil is trying to cut off our communication with others ... Put us more in isolation and cast a spirit of fear upon our lives! Covid worked for a bit, and now testing the waters again, with total isolation from our loved ones. The Lord gave me many prophetic dreams about the weather; hurricanes, flooding, and specifically 4 tornadas in Florida…
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