Gas Prices Going Up & Jussie Smollett Sentenced To 150 Days | The Racing Thoughts with AeroGant #30
Manage episode 322529842 series 2798855
On this weeks episode I'm joined SGT Airshow and we discuss the rising gas prices, Jussie Smollett getting 150 days in jail for his hoax, Calvin Ridley suspension for the upcoming NFL season, Brittney Griner being detained, and Aero's big move across the country, Join us for some hilarious takes on everything trending,
The Racing Thoughts Podcast with AeroGant a weekly audience driven podcast discussing topics you care about. The highly opinionated host is here to discuss what's trending.
#Live #Podcast #Podcasts #TheBatMan #BritneyGriner #GasPrices #CalvinRidley #NFL #AeroGant #TheRacingThoughts #JussieSmollett #GasPricesRising
#Atlanta #Sneakers #Nike #Jordan #sneakerhead
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