Minor Prophets: Zephaniah & Haggai
Manage episode 311165933 series 3086130
Have you ever had some money in your pocket, and then a little bit later you went to get that
money out only to realize you had a hole in your pocket? It’s a tough feeling when you go around
looking and aren't sure where it might be. There's a message there, and it's the message that we find
in the book of Haggai, when God's people aren't putting Him first. It's like putting money in a bag with
a hole in it. Zephaniah 1:18, God says, ‘Neither their silver nor their gold, we'll be able to save them.’
There were times of worldliness, there were times of prosperity in Israel, and yet during those times,
the people started trusting in their wealth and not in God. It created great problems for them.
Isn't that a practical message for us today? Sometimes our prosperity and our wealth gets in
the way of us putting God where He ought to be. In this lesson, we're studying the books of
Zephaniah and Haggai with this powerful message in sight.
Zephaniah is not one of the more well-known minor prophets.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
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