Love: Marriage & Sex
Manage episode 422127149 series 3500012
Marriage is fundamental not only to individual men and women, but also to society writ large. Without marriage, there are no families; without families, there are no nations. The first relationship between two human beings was marriage — of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Without marriage there is no future for the human race.
And yet we often gloss over the actual nature of marriage — partly in deference to modesty and partly because we have so long employed euphemism that many have simply forgotten what marriage actually is. In this episode, we have a frank discussion of the nature and essence of marriage and distinguish it from many of the things our society so often pretends fall under the umbrella of ‘marriage’.
It is advisable to screen this episode before permitting your children to listen to it.
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Show Notes
See Also
Further Reading
- “On Sexual Immorality, Temptation, and Marriage”
- “Disordered Loves”
- [“On the Nature of Woman”](On the Nature of Woman)
Parental Warnings
This entire episode may not be suitable for young children. Parents: You should screen this one first. This is a frank discussion of the nature and essence of marriage, which, rather obviously, involved discussing sex.
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