How To Save LIfe on Earth as We Know it.
Manage episode 317192591 series 3302197
There are many people focusing on the technical details of how to save life as we know it on Earth. But the technical solutions will always fall short. What is needed now is a spiritual revolution that puts the interconnected-ness of all life at the center of religion and rejects tribalism as the core tenant. In this episode, I cover the main new ideas and beliefs that must be embraced if we are see A vital future for human kind.
Hello, everyone, Mike Stokes Wildlife education. Today I'd like to talk about the most important issue of our time. And I'm the topic that I'm calling this podcast YouTube episode is how to save life on Earth as we know it. So the first thing that I have to say, because I want to speak to those of you out there that may feel like a friend of mine does in that life on earth is going to be just fine and it's really about humans in our life on Earth. That is going to be the real challenge. So what I'm suggesting is there's a way to hopefully mitigate a lot of the negative impacts of human life on Earth. So that we can retain some semblance of the natural world and the way of life that we are used to anyone who's been paying attention ever since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, and even before that, the dawn of agriculture but primarily the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, we have begun to destroy the networks of life and the networks of ecosystem that have been on Earth. We simply have taken it for granted now that's Everybody knows that. Some people deny that that's important and obviously, I'm I'm not speaking to them because, frankly, you really have to have your head in the sand and be not thinking critically. But thinking dogmatically. If you believe that the collapse of biodiversity and ecosystems around the planet is not a problem. You know, even if you are not really focused on the climate crisis, and for God's sakes, for any of you that are out there, please call it a crisis. It's not a change. Climate change make wasn't as a term that was invented by a conservative think tank to try to minimize the importance of the climate crisis that we face. I got a little sidetracked there. Basically, the catastrophic collapse of all of the ecosystems on earth is happening at a faster pace. Other than when we had asteroids hitting the planet, the change is faster in biological terms than any other single event throughout biological history on Earth, or the billions of years that life has been evolving. So here's the crux of the point. The point is, is that really the only way that we are going to save life on Earth as we know it to save our life is to have a new spirituality have a new religion, there. So religions are everywhere and everyone has their own particular view of religion and spirituality. And there is, you know, obviously a small subset of the population that consumes themselves non religious and non spiritual and purely empirical. But even that segment of the population tends to turn politics and economics into a kind of religion. So really the only way that we're going to be able to thrive or even survive in the midst of this transformation that this catastrophic change and collapse, which is building every year, is by having a new religion, a new spirituality. And here's the problem, that it doesn't exist yet. Most people adhere to a religion that's 2000 plus years old. Now that religion was consistent with the scientific understanding of its age of 2000 years ago, or more. And those precepts and principles were appropriate. For that timeframe for that scientific understanding, here's the thing that most people don't get. The religions of those times, were completely consistent with the scientific understanding of the day. Now, the miracles and the faith that our spoke of, we're still created in a context of, of a scientific understan
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