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Crime-Thriller-Mystery-Swapan-Kumar NRITYE UTSতস । নৃত্যে উৎসব। স্বপন কুমার
Manage episode 326479398 series 2837184
Crime-Thriller-Mystery-Swapan-Kumar NRITYE UTSতস । নৃত্যে উৎসব। স্বপন কুমার
স্বপনকুমার : এক জিনিয়াস, এক বিস্মৃত প্রতিভা
Writer Swapan Kumar
swapan kumar. Samarendra Nath Pandey was born on October 26, 1927, his other identity- a detective story writer Swapan Kumar, astrologer Sribhrigu
Samarendra Nath Pandey was born on October 26, 1927, his other identity- a detective story writer Swapan Kumar, astrologer Sribhrigu, Dr. S.N Pandey. He was an Indian Bengali writer, doctor and astrologer. Under the pen name Swapan Kumar, he wrote hundreds of detective books and created the detective character- Dipak Chaterjee. The end of life, to make money he has been practiced astrology as astrologer Sribhrigu and wrote some of the books under the pseudonym ‘Jyotishi Sribhrigu’. Wrote several medical writing books as name of Dr. S.N Pandey. He Played the three roles together. Swapan Kumar’s written detective story books will be about more than 100 and according to the publishers that all books was ‘Hotcake’. Today I want to share with all goyenda story lover twenty best detective stories collection ebook of the forgotten author
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