Podcast by Esther Choi & Christina Liang
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Marriage? Weddings? Kids? Join us as we talk about the things girls think about when it comes to growing up.Esther Choi & Christina Liang tarafından oluşturuldu
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Join us as we chat about what we see for ourselves in the future and more. We finally figured out why the mic kept cutting out. Problem fixed!Esther Choi & Christina Liang tarafından oluşturuldu
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Episode 4: Happy New Year!
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41:40Can you even believe 2017 is already over? Here are our 2017 reflections and 2018 "resolutions" with our special guest Sean! There was a technical issue at the end of the video so the audio cuts out suddenly! Still learning the entire process of this Podcast thing. It'll get better!! Happy New Year!Esther Choi & Christina Liang tarafından oluşturuldu
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Here's us talking about our experiences with online dating with special guest Cindy. There were some technical issues when recording this podcast so there are some cuts in between!Esther Choi & Christina Liang tarafından oluşturuldu
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