Um espaço de conversas e partilhas sobre cultura, actualidade e filosofia.
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Viajantes contam histórias do mundo todo
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R' Ari Bergmann gives an out of the box perspective on the Daf Hashavua.
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ALEGNA FALA is your quick and lighthearted podcast about technology in everyday life! In just 2 minutes, discover how innovation and artificial intelligence are transforming the way we learn, work, and live—at school, at home, at work, and even on the street. All of this with scripts written by me, Angela Rocha, and narrated by the charismatic voice of AI Jenny.
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Daily news for the podcast and on-demand audio industry - from Apple Podcasts to Spotify, YouTube Music to Joe Rogan. Podnews also covers the latest jobs and events and trending shows in a short update every weekday. - visit to get our free newsletter.
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Um programa sobre livros que encontramos na mesa (ou escondidos nela)
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Leitura de resumos de matéria escolar, para quando não puderes estudar poderás sempre ouvir Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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A companhia de carro que todas as 4.ªs feiras enche uma viagem com os temas banais e da atualidade
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Quadrinhos Além! - Este é o lema do podcast da Raio Laser, site que procura pensar as HQs em diferentes perspectivas críticas, historiográficas e comunicacionais. Mas isso sem perder o humor e a língua afiada!
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Progress By: DJ MTS The best of Progressive House and strands on Central DJ, the biggest webradio in Brazil: To broadcast Progress on your radio/webradio, click here: Follow Progress @ Twitter: Like Progress @ Facebook: Instragram: DJ MTS Instagram: Follow DJ MTS @ Twitter: ...
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Discover updates, analysis and hassle-free debates on the main topics covering the Maritime and Port Infrastructure sector in Brazil and worldwide. Connect has experts in each subject to bring you the essentials about services, products and innovations that leverage this industry and develop countries and their people.
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Rock and pop (and Brazilian music), mainly of the 70's and 80's, mostly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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Podcast sobre comércio, investimento , informações sobre mercado da soja no Brasil e as vantagens para investir nessa comodite. Podcast on trade, investment, information on the soy market in Brazil and the advantages to invest in this commodity
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A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant in Brazilian Portuguese. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
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Profiling the biggest movers from the past week on Mojo's market and previewing the next week of NFL action!
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A simple story in 26 parts in Brazilian Portuguese. A good place to start your studies. It is a good idea to listen
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A simple dialogue introducing some common greetings and salutations in Brazilian Portuguese. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
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Wyrd is a podcast about Norse mythology and runes. A place where Stories are told and public figures of the neo-pagan world are interviewed. Season 1 episodes are spoken in Portuguese. My views on the Norse myths are not necessarily canon, nor do I have that pretension. Wyrd é um podcast sobre mitologia nórdica e runas. Onde se contam estórias, entrevistam personalidades do mundo neo-pagão e se fala das runas e da sua aplicabilidade na vida quotidiana. Os episódios da primeira série estão em ...
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Falando sobre mangás e quadrinhos desde 2012!! Podcasts focado em quadrinhos e o mais antigo programa sobre mangás da podosfera! Mangá², podcast quinzenal sobre o universo dos quadrinhos japoneses; Re:En², nosso clube de leitura de mangás; Quadrinho ao Quadrado, nosso programa sobre quadrinhos brasileiros!
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::. A REVOLTA do Vinyl .:: 1 hora de música cheia de energia para respirar e também para dançar com Ricardo Guerra. Sábados, 23h - Meia-Noite, na Oxigénio 102 6 fm, Lisboa. 1 music hour full of energy to breathe and also to dance, with Ricardo Guerra in the mix. Saturdays, 23h - 00h, on Oxigénio Radio 102 6 fm, Lisbon.
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Do vinil ao streaming: 60 anos em 60 discos, livro de Daniel Setti, agora é também podcast. Coproduzidos com a produtora Audioink, os episódios são reestruturados em imperdíveis listas do tipo "top 10", criadas pelo autor com base nos seus textos sobre grandes álbuns do pop internacional das últimas seis décadas. Seja um apoiador desse podcast no Catarse: Créditos: Pesquisa, roteiro, locução e gravação: Daniel Setti Edição: Guilherme Rodrigues ...
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O CanaryCast é o podcast da Comunidade Brasileira do Norwich City Football Club. O programa é comandado por Lucas La Torre, o Brazilian Canary (@NorwichCityFCBR nas redes), que é fundador do grupo, membro e representante oficial dos Global Canaries no Brasil. On the ball, City!
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Mia the “Love Goddess of The Airwaves” Williams is the host and producer of the syndicated show " N’ite Moods" digital radio’s #1 old school quiet storm show. In addition,’ Mia is a published author, businesswoman, community activist, certified business and family life coach. “With that said” Join the Love Goddess... As she sways you on a sensual journey spinning only the best of the best throwback R&B slow jams from the 80’s and 90.s and don’t forget about N’ite Moods “The Classic Soul Sess ...
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O podcast em 84 países e regiões!!! 105 Plataformas 244 parceiros: 86 Bibliotecas (Portugal (81) Brasil (5)) 68 Rádios e Jornais (Portugal (54), Brasil (4), Moçambique (2), Angola (2) Egito (1), Bélgica (1), Holanda (1), Alemanha (1) França (1), África do Sul(1)) 54 Editoras e Livreiros (Portugal (50) França (1) EUA (2) Brasil (1)) 25 Assoc. de Estudantes Universitários (Portugal (24 + Universidade (Angola (1)) 4 Assoc. de Solidariedade Social 3 Associações Culturais (Portugal (2), Itália (1 ...
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Taste&See is a weekly devotional podcast focused on revealing the nature of Jesus. Share it with your friends, family and churches. Taste it yourself! 🇺🇸 Taste&See é um podcast semanal focado em revelar a natureza de Jesus. Compartilhe com amigos, família e igrejas. Prove você mesmo(a)! 🇧🇷 IG :
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Welcome to Singularidade Podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Um bate papo sobre filmes e séries da Netflix e do universo on demand
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Ko ha ngaahi tokoni fakalaumalie mei he ngaahi himi, na'e hiki 'e Rev. Siupeli Taliai 'i he Letio Tonga, hili 'a e Hala 'a Tupou V 'i he 'aho 18 Ma'asi 2012. New episode released every Saturday. These devotions in the Tongan language, were presented by Rev. Siupeli Taliai on Radio Tonga, after the passing of King Tupou V on 18 March 2012. “In service of the people of Tonga”
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Bem vindo ao podcast de 10 segundos, você já parou pra pensar o quanto de informação que pode existir em 10 segundos?pois é, não é muito... Cover art photo provided by HENCE THE BOOM on Unsplash:
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Bookings: . Binho Uckermann, born in the vibrant city of São Paulo, Brazil, is an electronic music aficionado with over 15 years of experience as both a DJ and a music producer. His sonic tapestry weaves together the pulsating rhythms of progressive house, circuit, and tribal beats, creating an electrifying and versatile sound that captivates audiences worldwide. . From the outset of his career, Binho has been renowned for his energetic and dynamic performances, ...
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Empowered Living is the only way to lead a meaningful life of purpose and fulfillment because it revolves around the principle that everyone is free to lead their most authentic lives. The focus is on empowering individuals to overcome personal insecurities. Stephanie helps busy parents and professionals stress less about work so that they have more time and energy to enjoy life without guilt. Download my FREE 5-Step Productivity Blueprint for parents and entrepreneurs: https://www.schangram ...
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Welcome to the first installment of Off Screen, a series where I interview Game Masters of various actual plays to discuss the differences between running a home game and running an actual play. Off Screen’s inaugural guest is Tony Kiger. In this first episode, Tony and I discuss their love of the Monsterhearts system, their theatrical improv background, and how their improvisational GM style can create more reactive stories to their player’s choices, but can sometimes get them into trouble. ...
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Roteiros para você fazer sua caminhada com seu guia. No seu tempo, na sua pegada e com sua liberdade!
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music. Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age. At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years old, and had another invitation to be the DJ resident of a discotheque in Lisbon. Due professional reasons years late, he left his career of Re ...
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Hi, I’m Sean, and I’m passionate about using languages to connect with people around the world. Welcome to Polyglot Fun!, the podcast where I share my language-learning journey, personal stories, and insights in different languages! My goal is to inspire you on your own language adventure! Whether you’re a language lover or just enjoy thought-provoking stories about life, culture, and beyond, this podcast is for you. Let’s dive in! ------------------------------------------------------------ ...
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The Brazilians Renegades Cover art photo provided by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash:
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Legitimo Ruminante, o podcast que desbrava fronteiras levando conhecimento sobre manejo de vacas leiteiras aqui nos Estados Unidos, para veterinários, zootecnistas, e fazendeiros ai no Brasil. Siga o nosso perfil lá no Instagram, @legitimoruminante, para acompanhar atualizações e informações sobre os próximos episódios a serem lançados.
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Vem, e Segue-Me — Recursos de Aprendizado para os Jovens | SD | PORTUGUESE
a igreja de jesus cristo dos santos dos últimos dias
This podcast is a simple and convenient way to share the videos from Come, Follow Me on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. It features the videos for the monthly gospel topic youth are studying in Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, and Sunday School.
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This is a big description!! And has a link to This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, click here ->
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Cada um tem o TED que merece, o meu segue sendo esse modelo torto onde invisto um tempo considerável da minha vida pensando na própria vida enquanto a Vida passa. Talvez Eu Desista ou para os íntimos, TED.
continue reading A visão de Ruzzo sempre foi trazer novos sons para a pista, sua musicalidade vem sendo apurada com o feeling, notas e sensações. Tendo referencias como Karmon, Jimmy & Fred, NTFO e Solomun, Ruzzo vê a musica como uma exploração, uma jornada no tempo, a descoberta de novas sensações e sentimentos. Enquanto o estúdio sempre foi seu playground favorito, Ruzzo vem avançando no cenário da House Music. Discotecando nos principais estados do Brasil, fez warm-ups para grandes ...
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Malu Rocha prepara sua moqueca virtual, contando para Web qual é o Tempero Capixaba, com humor, resgate da história, música e muita criatividade. Quer fazer contato com a Malú? Instagram @temperocapixabaes Twitter @temperocapixaba Whatsapp (27) 99762-6348
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Welcome to the Babi Lana podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Michael Benz on Unsplash:
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Metal, entretenimento e aleatoriedades sobre o mundo do rock, são os temas desse bate papo despretensioso. Indicações de bandas novas (e não tão novas assim), opiniões (muitas vezes polêmicas) e curiosidades trazidas por pessoas que fingem saber do que estão falando, com uma naturalidade única! Bem-vindos ao Metal Junkbox 🤘 Todo terça-feira: episódio novo, feito com maestria e nenhuma noção.
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Welcome to the Conhecimento E Educação podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Judson Moore on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Empreendedorismo na Prática podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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The Best of Progressive & Electro House Selected and Mixed by: NEOCREW Like Us on Facebook:
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Assine o Podnext Confidencial: Seja bem vindo ao canal do Podnext! Aqui você vai se manter informado do que acontece na geopolítica de forma descomplicada! Gostou? Inscreva-se no canal e compartilhe! Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: We do not own the copyrights to any music or images displayed on this channel.
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Podcasts da LINUXtips EdTech.
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www.aribergmann.comR' Ari Bergmann tarafından oluşturuldu
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Pocket Casts has opened its web player to everyone. You don’t need an account to listen - here’s our daily podcast to try it …
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O Mapa Cor-de-Rosa, com Hélder Pinho
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
31:35Neste episódio d'Os Meus Amigos, o Hélder vem falar-nos do Mapa Cor-de-Rosa. O meu Patreon está congelado. Mas podes tornar-te patrono em e se chegar a um determinado valor (por determinar) descongelo e começo a produzir este tipo de conteúdo com mais regularidade.
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Episódio 369 - France on Trial - The Case of Marshal Pétain, Julian Jackson (Editora Penguin)
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson appeared on-stage yesterday at SXSW to record a live episode of their newly lau…
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Raptado 6 Dias Por um Cartel no México - Gonçalo Cruz - #174
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:37:59A Metamorfose Ambulante é um projecto independente que precisa de ti.Apoia em - ou comprando os livros do Pedro em www.daquiali.comSubscreve o canal, gosta e se tiveres algo a acrescentar comenta, que o Pedro lê os comentários todos.
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Video or audio podcasts? According to Gen Z podcast fans (13-28 year-olds), video is skibidi and audio is slay - they overwhe…
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#76 - A Alvorada de Diego Gerlach
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:24:11Dando pontapé inicial à QUINTA temporada do querido Lasercast, Diego Gerlach, o quadrinista que o Brasil precisa, abre seu coração macabro para falar sobre sua carreira, influências, bandas de rock, super-heróis e mais um monte de coisas. Revelações sensacionais! Participam do programa: Márcio Jr., Ciro I. Marcondes, Pedro Brandt e Marcos Maciel de…
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. It’s everyone’s nightmare: a podcast where everyone is talking over one another. It’s one of the most irritating things for l…
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Estranho e Judeu Ateu conversam sobre arte, quadros, grandes coincidências, o amor à arte e a arte do amor de Gioconda, de Felipe Pan, Olavo Costa e Mariane Gusmão.. O Quadrinho ao Quadrado é o podcast sobre quadrinhos nacionais do AoQuadrado. No próximo programa: Mais uma história para o velho Smith, de Orlandeli.…
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. JAR Audio has announced the third edition of the Emerging Women in Podcasting Pilot Competition. The winner gets a profession…
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Episode 195: Episode 195
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:13:41150CastFM plays pop, rock, plus a lot of genres of Brazilian music, mostly of the 70's and 80's, mainly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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Episode 719: A REVOLTA do Vinyl - 1 Março 2025
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:00:12Hey Champ, Franc Moody, Donna Summer, The Human League, Anish Kumar & Barry Can't Swim, Parov Stelar, Adam Port & Alan Dixon, Moontalk e mais. A Revolta do Vinyl - Ricardo Guerra, since 2009.
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. Miss Me?, the podcast hosted by Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver, performed its first live show yesterday at London’s Hackney Empire - like tonight’s show, it w…
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1 - Pourquoi j'me lance dans ce balado? (Français)
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
13:54Salut! Je suis Sean, un Canadien passionné par les langues, et je lance mon nouveau podcast dans le but de partager les joies et les défis de l'apprentissage de plusieurs langues. Dans cet épisode d'introduction, je présente les langues que j'ai l'intention d'utiliser dans le podcast. Je raconte mes expériences personnelles, comme la création de li…
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Estranho, Judeu Ateu, Luki, e Izzo (Dentro da Chaminé) fazem o segundo programa do Mangá² Taishō, falando sobre You and I Are Polar Opposites, mangá agora concluído de Kōcha Agasawa e indicado ao prêmio Mangá Taishō de 2024. Esse conteúdo aqui é um aperitivo do conteúdo extra que é produzido para nossos apoiadores. Na nossa página do temos…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. Exclusive: There’s a new comedy podcast network in town. The launch of the WITZ Podcast Network has been announced by entertainment studio Cineverse and come…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. How much can you earn by switching your podcast to Spotify’s new video podcast partner program? One company did - and actually lost nearly $1,000 in January …
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. How powerful are live podcasts? Goalhanger’s The Rest is Politics and The Rest is Politics: US both ran special live shows after the White House exchange bet…
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1 - Por qué estou fazendo este podcast? (Português)
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
13:04Oi! Sou Sean, um canadense apaixonado por línguas, e lanço meu novo podcast com o objetivo de compartilhar a alegria e os desafios do aprendizado de múltiplos idiomas. Neste episódio de introdução, apresento as línguas que pretendo utilizar no podcast. Relato minhas experiências pessoais, como a criação de conexões ao falar na língua nativa de outr…
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Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly (2015)
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
43:13Dez razões para ouvir o álbum que firmou Kendrick Lamar como o rapper mais importante de sua geração. Todos os detalhes de uma obra inovadora em termos líricos e conceituais que, atualizando o vínculo entre o hip-hop e o jazz, gerou um hino antirracista. O podcast "Do vinil ao streaming: 60 anos em 60 discos" é uma coprodução com a Audioink baseada…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. A new online magazine for Canadian Podcasters has launched. It’s called Canadian Podcaster, and it’s free - coming with a podcast, too. The goal of the publi…
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Episode 194: Episode 194
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:06:27150CastFM plays pop, rock, plus a lot of genres of Brazilian music, mostly of the 70's and 80's, mainly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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Progress #547 Subscribe for free on iTunes: -- Progress By: DJ MTS To broadcast Progress on your radio/webradio, click here: Follow Progress @ X: Like Progress @ Facebook: htt…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! The average age of CNN viewers is 67, and FOX News v…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! YouTube released a new headline data point, suggesti…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! Heavyweight is to return, as Jonathan Goldstein and …
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! Since launch, Acast has paid over AUD $44.9mn (US $2…
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Judeu Ateu, Estranho, Luki, Boxa, Tojyo e Izzo (Dentro da Chaminé) finalizam a Maratona de Mangás Enquadrados de 2025, falando sobre conhecer o diferente, quebrar preconceitos e estreitar laços familiares presente em O Marido do meu Irmão, de Gengoroh Tagame. Este é um podcast do quadro Mangá Enquadrado, no qual é feita uma análise completa do mang…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! Breaking: Subscription-based podcast and audiobook c…
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Episode 193: Episode 192
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:13:11150CastFM plays pop, rock, plus a lot of genres of Brazilian music, mostly of the 70's and 80's, mainly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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Millie Manders and the Shup Up | Metal Junkbox Interviews
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
26:52Join us for a down-to-earth chat with Millie—a dedicated musician who’s spent over a decade turning challenges into creative triumphs. In this episode, she shares her journey from a tough record deal to forming a band that values honest music and eco-friendly practices. Millie talks about writing “Wake Up, Shut Up Work,” creating sustainable merch,…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA traz uma reflexão sobre identidade e cultura com Black-ish. A série mistura comédia e questões profundas ao explorar a vida de Dre, um pai que está prestes a ser promovido, mas se preocupa com a desconexão dos filhos com sua herança cultural. Ao lado de sua esposa Rainbow, eles embarcam em uma jornada de risadas, …
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! After last year’s Podnews Report Card highlighted th…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! There are more ads in podcasts than ever, says Magel…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! First look: Branded podcasts work - listeners like t…
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FLY_TP1121 by Paul Jam - To my old friend Chico.RIP
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
58:03Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Episode 718: A REVOLTA do Vinyl - 15 Fevereiro 2025
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
59:47Booka Shade, Robyn, Moullinex, Moon Boots, Groove Armada, Roisin Murphy, Mira Ló, Solange and more. A Revolta do Vinyl - Ricardo Guerra, since 2009.
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! While you fill out the Podnews Report Card, we’d als…
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Judeu Ateu, Estranho, Luki, Boxa, Tojyo e Izzo (Dentro da Chaminé) seguem na Maratona de Mangás Enquadrados de 2025, falando sobre os fetiches distorcidos, o vore e o poder dos nomes de MADK, de Ryo Suzuri. Este é um podcast do quadro Mangá Enquadrado, no qual é feita uma análise completa do mangá, e com spoilers! Apoie o AoQuadrado² no Cr…
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Sinéad O’Connor - I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got (1990)
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
48:10Dez razões para ouvir o álbum que transformou Sinéad O'Connor na mais relutante das estrelas pop internacionais. Imergimos nesta personagem fascinante que, dotada de uma voz única e uma coragem rara para abordar assuntos espinhosos dentro e fora de suas canções, deu ao mundo um dos testamentos discográficos dos anos 1990. O podcast "Do vinil ao str…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! The Podcast Academy has announced the nominees for t…
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Episode 192: Episode 192
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
1:15:45150CastFM plays pop, rock, plus a lot of genres of Brazilian music, mostly of the 70's and 80's, mainly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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