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Welcome to the Tech Interviews podcast. For the very latest in business focussed tech. We chat with tech community leaders on wide range of topics from containers to cloud, from data to DevOps, you can find them all here! Enjoy the show and if you do, tell your friends!
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Entdecke inspirierende Geschäftsideen und Startup-Ideen in unserem Business-Podcast. Wir sprechen über innovative Konzepte für neue Unternehmensgründungen und teilen die besten Strategien, wie du dein eigenes Unternehmen erfolgreich machst. Ob du in die Selbstständigkeit starten möchtest oder nach frischen Ideen für dein bestehendes Geschäft suchst – hier findest du Tipps und Erfahrungen rund um Unternehmensaufbau, Entrepreneurship und Startup-Erfolg. Klaue diese Geschäftsideen auf deiner Re ...
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This is a fun show by two IT sales reps trying to add some color to the DMR [Direct Market Reseller] world. In it they interview customers and prospect clients on good IT planning and implementation strategies. Enjoy!
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Doing Business with Matt Hartman is a podcast where a startup builder turned venture capital investor interviews founders of non-venture capital backed startup companies. Discussions include management, marketing, finance, and revenue. The companies have had a business plan on day one, revenues, on day two, and have been around for years or decades.
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The IT Job Coach podcast delivers tips on how to make your IT resumes, interviews, cover letters, and job search the best it can be. Whether you are just entering the technology workforce, a professional seeking to make a career pivot into IT or you have experienced recent job loss this podcast is here to support you. If you are looking for IT job help from an experienced IT and career coach professional you are in the right place. This show will provide answers to questions like: *How do I ...
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Tech, Innovation & Society - The Creative Process: Technology, AI, Software, Future, Economy, Science, Engineering & Robotics Interviews

Technology, AI, Software, Future, Economy, Science, Engineering & Robotics Interviews - Creative Process Original Series

Rethinking tomorrow. We focus on technology, innovation, society, AI, science, engineering, the economy & issues facing people & the planet. Leading thinkers, organizations & environmentalists discuss technology, creativity & pathways for a more sustainable future. Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winners of Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer, leaders & ...
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show series
#196 | Longevity Hacks mit Kati Ernst | Kati Ernst | ooia Kati Ernst ist Gründerin des FemCare Startups ooia und Longevity-Expertin. Ihr Podcast "Lifestyle of Longevity" wird von Tausenden Menschen gehört. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Kapitel (00:00) Intro (xx:xx) Was ist Longevity? (xx:xx) Die Rolle von C…
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“I think a lot of joy comes from helping others. One of the things that I've been really focusing on is finding that balance in life, what’s real and what’s true and what makes you happy. How can you help other people feel the same and have a happier life? I think whatever that takes. So if that's charity, if that's photography, if that's documenta…
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Bringt AI den Menschen an die Grenze zum Wahnsinn oder zum Gott? Anders Indset ist 5-facher Spiegel-Bestseller-Autor und Wirtschaftsphilosoph. Sein aktuelles Buch "Wikinger Kodex" ist jetzt verfügbar. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Mehr zu Wikinger Kodex, das neue Buch von Anders Indset. Kapitel (00:00) Intr…
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Alex ist in San Francisco zum 1. Mal selbstfahrendes Auto gefahren: wie groß wird das Business von Waymo? Wir sprechen auch über Founder Mode in Deutschland, Yolo-Ideen und natürlich pitchen wir uns 2 neue Geschäftsideen. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Die Themen: (00:00) Intro (02:55) Founder Mode lebt in D…
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How and when will we transition to a clean energy future? How have wetlands become both crucial carbon sinks and colossal methane emitters in a warming world? What lessons can we learn from non-human animals about living in greater harmony with nature? Richard Black (Author of The Future of Energy · Fmr. BBC Environment Correspondent · Director of …
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Trump oder Harris? Julius van de Laar, politischer Experte und ehemaliger Obama-Helfer, sortiert die Lage. Was heißt der Wahlkampf für Deutschland? Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Kapitel (00:00) Intro (02:50) Das überraschendste am US-Wahlkampf 2024 (05:00) Wer wird US-Präsident am 5.11.? (09:39) Wie lief de…
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“So, syncopation is now the big thing. It will induce people to groove and to like your music more. So let's have a lot of syncopation inside your music and you'll sell a lot. By chasing superficial beauty, which is what AI gives us at the moment, it aims for perfect outcomes. Not that anything these models produce is perfect, because how do you ev…
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Alex und Samuel pitchen sich Geschäftsideen und diskutieren die Zukunft von Mobile Apps, ein Online-Game mit unglaublicher Crowdfunding Kampagne. Fundstück der Woche und 2 neue Pitches inklusive! Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Die Themen: (00:00) Intro (05:20) Wo ist der Founder-Mode in Deutschland? (14:32) …
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Pricing ist die wichtigste Entscheidung, die ein CEO trifft. In dieser Folge lernst du alles, was du über Pricing wissen musst. Sebastian Voigt ist Pricing-Experte und Partner bei der Berliner Unternehmensberatung hy. Werbepartner dieser Folge - Richtig gutes Rechnungswesen mit Faktorly für unter 7 EUR pro Monat: Mehr Geschä…
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Have we entered what Earth scientists call a “termination event,” and what can we do to avoid the worst outcomes? How can we look beyond GDP and develop new metrics that balance growth with human flourishing and environmental well-being? How can the 15-minute city model revolutionize urban living, enhance health, and reduce our carbon footprint? Eu…
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Alex und Samuel pitchen sich Geschäftsideen und besprechen, ob OnlyFans eine beklatschenswerte Geldmaschine oder der Untergang der Zivilisation ist. Fundstück der Woche und neue No-Code Use Cases inklusive! Werbepartner dieser Folge - Richtig gutes Rechnungswesen mit Faktorly für unter 7 EUR pro Monat: Mehr Geschäftsideen im…
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How is economic inequality undermining our democratic systems? In what ways is social media reshaping political landscapes and democracy? Can we design political institutions that adapt to rapid social and technological changes while remaining stable? How is journalism critical for the health of our democracies? Arash Abizadeh is the R.B. Angus Pro…
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Jasper Masemann vom Berliner VC Cherry Ventures erläutert Herausforderungen und Chancen, die AI Unternehmen bietet. Er erklärt, warum traditionelle Ansätze in der Software veraltet sind und welche Rolle AI bei der Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen spielt. Zudem diskutieren wir die Notwendigkeit eines besseren Zugangs zu kreativen Tools und wie Sta…
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“The running theme in all of my work has been technology. The first book that I co-authored with my dad was published in 2015. The second book I wrote was A World Without Work: Technology, Automation, and How We Should Respond, published in 2020, just before the pandemic began. My new book Growth: A Reckoning is about growth, but also technological…
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How can we look beyond GDP and develop new metrics that balance growth with human flourishing and environmental well-being? How can we be more engaged global citizens? In this age of AI, what does it really mean to be human? And how are our technologies transforming us? Daniel Susskind is a Research Professor in Economics at King's College London a…
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“This is the difference between a technological smart city and a real human smart city towards a 15-minute city as the expression of a human-centered urban approach. This is our challenge for the next decades and our target, to humanize our cities. The Olympic Games in Paris have shown the world that it is possible to recreate, to regenerate a real…
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How can the 15-minute city model revolutionize urban living, enhance wellbeing, and reduce our carbon footprint? Online shopping is turning cities into ghost towns. We can now buy anything anywhere anytime. How can we learn to stop scrolling and start strolling and create more livable, sustainable communities we are happy to call home. Carlos Moren…
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Alex und Samuel pitchen sich Geschäftsideen und klagen über GenAlpha, GenZ und Boomer - nur die Millennials kommen irgendwie gut weg. Mehr Geschäftsideen im kostenlosen Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Partner dieser Folge: Enty Wie fühlt sich das Mgmt. deines Unternehmens an? Nach Spaß? Oder eher nach einem Kampf gegen Excel-Tabell…
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“I'm one of the people who believe that anything that we as human beings can imagine will eventually happen. So, if somebody has raised the question possibility of having brain implants that augment the brain and generate additional functions, I feel like it will eventually happen. There are a lot of private companies, like Elon Musk's Neuralink an…
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Where do creative thoughts come from? How can we harness our stream of consciousness and spontaneity to express ourselves? How are mind-wandering, meditation, and the arts good for our creativity and physical and mental well-being? Dr. Ben Shofty is a functional neurosurgeon affiliated with the University of Utah. He graduated from the Tel-Aviv Uni…
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Wie wirst du ein besserer Storyteller? Warum solltest du das überhaupt wollen? Und warum ist Trump einer der besten Storyteller da draußen? Sandra von Au ist Gründerin der Speaker-Agentur Disrupting Minds in Hamburg. Hier ist ihr sehr empfehlenswerter Podcast. Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum kostenlosen Newsletter:…
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“The way we understand the world and how the world actually works is just not mapped perfectly. That kind of leads to problems because we don't know exactly what we're doing in the world. We can't see all the repercussions of the things we create until later on. One silver lining about the technologies we're creating is that technologies like AI co…
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How can we design and adapt for the uncertainties of the 21st century? How do emotions shape our decisions and the way we design the world around us? Scott Doorley is the Creative Director at Stanford's d. school and co author of Make Space. He teaches design communication and his work has been featured in museums and architecture and urbanism and …
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Alex und Samuel pitchen sich Geschäftsideen und klagen über GenAlpha, GenZ und Boomer - nur die Millennials kommen irgendwie gut weg. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Die Themen: (00:00) Intro & TikToks neuester Trend: Live Matches (08:00) Samuel basht die GenZ (12:00) Südkoreas Problem mit der Geburtenrate (2…
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“The opportunity is that we have never had a public that is more passionate and obsessed with visual imagery. If the owners of the best original imagery in the world can't figure out how to take advantage of the fact that the world has now become obsessed with these treasures that we have to offer as museums, then shame on us. This is the opportuni…
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Vor 20 Jahren wollte jeder einen Online-Shop gründen. Was sind die Erfolgskriterien in 2024 für erfolgreichen E-Commerce? Experte Alexander Graf spricht mit Alex über 3 Denkfehler, die viele E-Commerce-Unternehmer in 2024 machen. Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum kostenlosen Newsletter: Alexander Graf ist Gründe…
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“We have an onslaught of information the moment we open our eyes. We evolved to deal with an onslaught of information, and we are masters at focusing and ignoring vast amounts of information. Now, AI in this digital age is a relatively new stream of information, which is man-made, so we make it more salient. So, yes, it's harder to ignore it, but p…
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Zurück aus der Sommerpause lässt Samuel die Luft aus AI und Alex pustet sie wieder rein. Alex pitcht YOLO-Geschäftsideen, die bei Samuel nicht so wirklich ziehen, und Samuels Geschäftsidee für diese Folge hätte besser "Dating-App für Fotografen" heißen sollen. Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Fundstück der Woc…
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Krieg in Europa, Unruhen im Mittleren Osten. Müssen wir unsere Verteidigungspolitik überdenken? Ja, sagt Florian Seibel, Gründer von Quantum Systems. Florian gehört zu den lautesten Stimmen in der Gründerszene, dass wir unsere Paradigmen hinterfragen müssen. Entsteht hier gerade ein neues Segment für Startups? Mehr Geschäftsideen? Meld dich an zum …
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Die USA dominieren die ersten Jahre der neu entstehenden AI-Industrie. Wie kann Europa noch aufholen? Das bespreche ich mit Rafael Laguna Dela Vera, Leiter der Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen, SPRIND. Der Newsletter macht keine Sommerpause: ⁠⁠ Mehr Infos: Smarte Geschäftsideen und wie du sie erfolgreich machst, …
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“The bridge between Out of the Darkness and my previous work, which looked at the transformation of consumer culture in the world, is morality. One thing that became clear in writing Empire of Things was that there's virtually no time or place in history where consumption isn't heavily moralized. Our lifestyle is treated as a mirror of our virtue a…
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Anfang 2024 habe ich mit Christian Leybold, General Partner des VC-Funds Headline, das Jahr vorhergesagt. Eine Vorhersage: AI wird Hollywood revolutionieren. Gelingt das noch 2024 oder war ich zu optimistisch? Der Newsletter macht keine Sommerpause: ⁠⁠ Mehr Infos: Smarte Geschäftsideen und wie du sie erfolgreich mach…
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Sollen Startups Marken aufbauen oder ist das reine Geldverschwendung? Strategie- und Marketing-Guru Simon Walter hat Dutzende Startups für den Berliner Venture Capital Fund Project A begleitet. Er verrät Alex den #1 Grund, warum Startups beim Aufbau von Marken scheitern. Der Newsletter macht keine Sommerpause: ⁠⁠ Meh…
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“The SDSN has been set up to mobilize research and science for the Sustainable Development Goals. Each year, we aim to provide a fair and accurate assessment of countries' progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The development goals were adopted back in 2015 by all UN member states, marking the first time in human history that we have a …
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How can we get 193 countries to move in the same direction for a better tomorrow? In today's podcast, we talk with Guillaume Lafortune, Vice President and Head of the Paris Office of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the largest global network of scientists and practitioners dedicated to implementing the Sustainable Developme…
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Diese Geschäftsidee hat unsere Community gespalten: Was denkst du über "Second Order Investing"? Der Newsletter macht keine Sommerpause: ⁠⁠ Mehr Infos: Smarte Geschäftsideen und wie du sie erfolgreich machst, das ist die Mission dieses Podcasts. Und weil das die Mission dieses Podcasts ist, hörst du jetzt in dieser S…
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“There’s the existing AI and the dream of artificial general intelligence that is aligned with our values and will make our lives better. Certainly, the techno-utopian dream is that it will lead us towards utopia. It is the means of organizing human collectivities, human societies, in a way that would reconcile all the variables, all the things tha…
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As Surrealism turns 100, what can it teach us about the importance of dreaming and creating a better society? Will we wake up from the consumerist dream sold to us by capitalism and how would that change our ideas of utopia? S. D. Chrostowska is professor of humanities at York University, Canada. She is the author of several books, among them Permi…
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3 Gründer, 3 Pitches, 1 Jury - und der Sieger kriegt Dienstleistungen im Wert von 60.000€ , um seine Idee zu bauen. Wer gewinnt? Mehr Geschäftsideen? Finde eine Geschäftsidee, die perfekt zu dir passt, im kostenlosen Quiz! In der Jury sitzen: Lilith Brockhaus, Gründerin von Visualmakers, einer der führenden No-Code Agenturen in Deutschland. Philipp…
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The planet’s well-being unites us all, from ecosystems to societies, global systems to individual health. How is planetary health linked to mental health? Charlie Hertzog Young is a researcher, writer and award-winning activist. He identifies as a “proudly mad bipolar double amputee” and has worked for the New Economics Foundation, the Royal Societ…
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“The fact is you've got a lot of industrial and political muscle now coming behind clean energy, especially from China, which is the leading country deploying wind energy, the leading country deploying solar, and the leading manufacturer and user of electric vehicles by miles. As one recent report put it, ‘We have petrostates in the world. China is…
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How and when will we transition to a clean energy future? How will the transition empower individuals and transform global power dynamics? How did China become the world’s first electrostate, leading the drive for renewable energy, and what can we learn from this? Richard Black spent 15 years as a science and environment correspondent for the BBC W…
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Viel Geld für wenig Arbeit? Wie funktioniert eine Spielerberatungs-Agentur? In dieser Sommer-Highlight-Folge berichtet Dennis Aogo, wie es wirklich ist. Dennis Aogo ist ehemaliger Fußball-Nationalspieler, U21 Europameister, Champions League Teilnehmer und jetzt Gründer einer Spielerberatungsagentur. Der Newsletter macht keine Sommerpause: ⁠digitale…
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Liquid Death hat eine Milliardenmarkt aus dem langweiligsten Produkt ever aufgebaut: Wasser. Das geht nur mit richtig gutem Marketing. Andy Pearson, Creative Director von Liquid Death, erzählt in Folge 155, wie das geht. Der Newsletter macht keine Sommerpause: Mehr Infos: Smarte Geschäftsideen und wie du sie erfolgr…
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“I think it's very early for us to see how AI is going to impact us all, especially documentary filmmakers. And so I embrace technology, and I encourage everyone as filmmakers to do so. We're looking at how AI is facilitating filmmakers to tell stories, create more visual worlds. I think that right now we're in the play phase of AI, where there's a…
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“There's something raw about The Architecture of Oppression, both part one and part two. There's a raw realness and authenticity in those songs that AI can't create. There's a lived experience that AI won't understand, and there's a feeling in those songs. And it's not just in the words from the spoken word artists, if it's not in the instruments t…
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Welche Funktion von ChatGPT uns in dieser Woche beeindruckt hat, Fundstück der Woche, Exklusiver Content für die Schweiz und Post für Optimisten. Alles drin in dieser Folge! Mehr Geschäftsideen im Newsletter: ⁠⁠ Fundstück der Woche: Synthflow Die Themen: (01:14) Intro (02:25) ChatGPT4o = Mind Blown (10:46) Fundstück …
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“Having worked in this space for seven years, really since the inception of DeepFakes in late 2017, for some time, it was possible with just a few hours a day to really be on top of the key kind of technical developments. It's now truly global. AI-generated media have really exploded, particularly the last 18 months, but they've been bubbling under…
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How is artificial intelligence redefining our perception of reality and truth? Can AI be creative? And how is it changing art and innovation? Does AI-generated perfection detach us from reality and genuine human connection? Henry Ajder is an advisor, speaker, and broadcaster working at the frontier of the generative AI and the synthetic media revol…
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In this episode of the Speaking Out of Place podcast Professor David Palumbo-Liu talks with acclaimed author and activist, and San Francisco legend, Chris Carlsson about his new novel, When Shells Crumble. It begins in December 2024, when the US Supreme Court nullifies the popular vote in the Presidential election and awards the presidency to an au…
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