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Biologia In Situ

O Biologia In Situ é um podcast de Divulgação Científica em Biologia que traz o conhecimento científico a partir de assuntos cotidianos. Assim, facilitando a aproximação do público ao processo científico e à Biologia.
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Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la biologie influence notre santé et nos choix nutritionnels. Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions enrichissantes avec des experts, visant à comprendre et soulager vos inconforts chroniques grâce à une nutrition personnalisée.
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Non Human Biologics is a creepy but necessary podcast about The X-Files. Each week Chris and Jeremy bring you goofs and chuckles and tears as they wonder if life really is out there. Join us as we go episode by episode, week by week, wondering just where the heck Scully keeps that katana. Art by Rideth_Mochi, music from bansheebeat, Jake Lionheart, and Heather Milette.
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Filled with stories of people living out their soul’s calling, the So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist podcast is your go-to resource for exploring the connection between humans, the land, and the high seas. If you’ve ever dreamed of journeying the ocean’s depths, wondered where your food comes from, or thought about how it all fits together, this podcast is for you. This show dives into science, conservation, and living in connection with our blue planet. We’ll hear stories from people fol ...
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Avid anglers Corey Oakley and Ben Ricks are North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologists. Listen in as they help anglers understand more about the fish and fisheries in North Carolina while promoting conservation of valuable natural resources. These monthly podcasts will link the research and surveys conducted by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to fishing in North Carolina. Our hope is to help anglers learn more about fish, so they can catch more fish. Our expert ...
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Podcast da página Biologismo, onde os administradores e convidados conversam sobre Biologia, Meio Ambiente e Ciência. Novos episódios a cada duas quartas-feiras às 10 da manhã. Ajude a Biologismo a produzir conteúdos com cada vez mais qualidade através do e ganhe recompensas.
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Storie di Biologia

Edoardo Palazzetti

Storie di biologia è la serie di podcast che vuole ripercorrere le vite di grandi scienziati. Persone che con le loro scoperte hanno dato un contributo enorme alla biologia e più in generale allo sviluppo scientifico dell’umanità. Un viaggio nelle loro vite e nel contesto storico che li ha accompagnati. La prima stagione è interamente dedicata a ripercorrere la vita di Louis Pasteur a distanza di esattamente 200 anni dalla sua nascita. La seconda stagione ripercorre la vita di Gregor Johann ...
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Dans ces Chroniques Biologiques, vous serez surpris d'apprendre les liens inattendus qui peuvent exister entre des éléments apparemment sans rapport. Quel est le lien entre l'île de Pâques et la quête de la jeunesse éternelle ? Entre le combat de David et Goliath et les voies nerveuses de notre vision ? Entre le cyclope rencontré par Ulysse et le rôle du fœtus dans le déclenchement de l'accouchement ? Pour avoir la réponse à ces étranges questions, suivez simplement ces Chroniques Biologique ...
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Herzlich Willkommen beim BiOfunk Podcast! Hier dreht sich alles um die spannende Welt der Biologie. Wir behandeln grundlegende Fragen: Wie machen Viren und Bakterien krank? Was sind Proteine und welche Aufgaben haben sie? Und warum gibt es überhaupt Sexualität? Auch die Wissenschaftsgeschichte kommt nicht zu kurz. Wir möchten zeigen, dass Wissenschaft Spaß machen kann. Also, hört rein!
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Ask A Biologist Podcast

Charles Kazilek (a.k.a. Dr. Biology) - School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University

You have been reading about the biologists behind the Ask A Biologist website. Now you can listen to them on our popular biology podcast show. Dr. Biology has been speaking with many biologists who are discovering new worlds and exploring new frontiers in biology. There are over 100 episodes and we continue to add more interviews. Each show includes a full written transcript and content log. But wait, there's more. Many episodes also have companion content including stories, games, and activ ...
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Biologia no Sofá

Leandro Carvalho e Ágatha Ferreira

Notícias e entretenimento envolvendo ciência e principalmente biologia. Episódios comandados por Leandro Carvalho e Ágatha Ferreira. Junte-se ao podcast que celebra a vida! Support this podcast:
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De vez em quando você se pergunta: como os ornitorrincos ainda estão por aí? Por que saímos do oceano? As abelhas podem mesmo sentir cheiro de medo? Se essas perguntas te parecem interessantes, então este é o podcast para você. Aqui no Biologia Bar & Lanches eu falo sobre biologia, principalmente sobre evolução. Isso porquê "Nada em biologia faz sentido exceto sob a luz da evolução". A evolução molda as coisas, define o que se tornam, o que são, e eventualmente o que serão. Aqui vou te ajuda ...
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Platinum Biologics

Platinum Biologics

At Platinum Biologics, we are dedicated to providing regenerative products of exceptional quality while ensuring affordability. Our goal is to deliver the most effective solutions possible without compromising on quality. This unwavering commitment to excellence means you can offer the best possible care to your patients with confidence. By choosing Platinum Biologics, you benefit from superior products and comprehensive support, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your patients’ hea ...
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BioLogisch Boeren

Provincie Gelderland

Welkom bij de podcast BioLogisch Boeren, over omschakelen naar de biologische melkveehouderij. In vier afleveringen nemen we je mee in de verschillende aspecten van omschakelen naar biologisch boeren. Want het woord omschakelen zegt het al: het zal wennen, zoeken en ontdekken zijn, maar je staat er niet alleen voor. Neem de tijd en laat je informeren. Heb je behoefte aan nog wat meer verdieping? Over deze thema’s zijn door onze sprekers ook interactieve pdf’s gemaakt die je kunt inzien via d ...
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O Cubo Biológico

O Cubo Biológico

Esse podcast foi idealizado por cinco amigos estudantes de Ciências Biológicas da UFRPE, que no meio do isolamento social, se juntaram para compartilhar seus conhecimentos na área de biologia e tornar a ciência mais acessível a todos que se interessam pelas temáticas abordadas nos áudios. Aqui, vamos discutir assuntos da atualidade, fatos científicos e importantes temas da biologia que muito provavelmente vão te ajudar no processo de aprendizagem para as provas escolares e até o ENEM. Dá o p ...
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Biología del Perro

Centro Canino Nube

Podcast dedicado a la Biología del Perro Doméstico tratado desde el rigor científico y abordando temas sobre etología, fisiologia, evolución de su especie, nutrición,etc. Dirigido por José Heriberto Martínez, Biólogo y director del Centro Canino NUBE situado en Valdemanco,Madrid,España.
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BioCast - O Fantástico Mundo da Biologia

O Fantástico Mundo da Biologia

Por: Renan Farias Soares Esse é um canal para você que ama BIOLOGIA, mas também para você que ODEIA mudar de ideia sobre esse universo fantástico!!!Aqui você terá acesso a conteúdo de qualidade sobre os mais diversos assuntos relacionados às Ciências.Aprenderá mais sobre meio ambiente, saúde, atualidades científicas, ciência e tecnologia, além de muitas CURIOSIDADES que poderão te auxiliar na VIDA, VESTIBULARES, ENEM, pós-graduação e muito mais...[A MAIORIA DOS BIOCASTS POSSUEM VÍDEOS NO YOU ...
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Im Biologie Passion Podcast beschäftigen wir uns gemeinsam mit den Grundlagen der Biologie! Mein Name ist Christian Schweda und es freut mich sehr, dass du deinen Weg hierher gefunden hast. Damit ich möglichst viel Zeit in die Produktion vieler, neuer Podcastfolgen investieren kann, bin ich auf eure finanzielle Unterstützung angewiesen. Mir ist es allerdings sehr wichtig, dass meine Lernhilfe jedem kostenlos zur Verfügung steht – also unterstützt deine Spende nicht nur mich, sondern auch all ...
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Smart Biotech Scientist | Master Bioprocess CMC Development, Biologics Manufacturing & Scale-up, Cell Culture Innovation

David Brühlmann - CMC Development Leader, Biotech C-level Advisor, Business Strategist

The Go-to Podcast for Biotech Scientists Who Want to Master Biopharma CMC Development and Biomanufacturing. **TOP 10 LIFE SCIENCES PODCAST** Are you ready to simplify bioprocess development and scale with confidence to reduce time to market? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complexity and guesswork of biologics development and biomanufacturing? Do you wish you had more time to enjoy the beauty of science, without worrying about failing your cell culture process development and commercializ ...
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Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

The logic behind the science: Conversations with Broad researchers exploring what they do and why they do it, from Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
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Phil Richardson

Dr Phil Richardson explores how to solve complex problems in strategy, innovation and change management using business models created from biological systems. Based on 3.8 billion years of evolution biological systems can provide a unique, if not counterintuitive way of thinking differently. The approach has been successfully used in product and service development, creating new ways of working, improving collaboration and delivering disruptive change.
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Biologic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Pioneers in Research, is a monthly series of podcasts featuring interviews with today's giants in rheumatology sponsored by Schering-Plough Corporation. In this series brought to you by Rheumatology News International, you will hear some of the greatest scientists in rheumatology describe the exploration of what was then uncharted medical territory. Their words will bring alive the journey of discovery that placed them in the annals of history's grea ...
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The A Level Biologist Podcasts

Arian Mirzarafie Ahi

TAB Podcasts brings the most diverse set of experiences and people in life science. Scientists, business people, educators, investors and healthcare professionals all live here. Based on the first A level biology hub in the world, TAB Podcasts jumps on the podcast as the most entertaining medium to share the most exciting area in the world. Your host, Arian Mirzarafie Ahi, boasts a dizzying breadth of life science experience across academia, research, business and communication. Beyond the s ...
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show series
Um tubérculo rico em amido. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com Mila Massuda, como a batata mudou o mundo. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Vee Almeida Técnico de Gravação: Caio de Santis (@caiodesantis) Editor: Lilian Correa (@_li…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Continuando a nossa programação de férias, em fevereiro, teremos episódios especiais vindos diretamente de Luanda, Angola. A nossa coordenadora Heloá Caramuru fez parte de seu doutorado em Angola e isso incluía desenvolver podcasts com as turmas que ela conversava. Daí que vêm esses episódios que você vai ouvir. Os temas foram es…
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Send us a text As biotechnology rapidly evolves, cell therapies are emerging as a groundbreaking frontier with the potential to transform medicine. In this episode of the Smart Biotech Scientist Podcast, host David Brühlmann speaks with Armon Sharei, founder and CEO of Portal Bio, about the complexities, challenges, and future of cell therapies. Ce…
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Send us a text Farmer, fisherman, and founder of Smoke in Chimneys, Ty Walker joins us on the show today. After living in LA and following his calling as a DJ, Ty returned to his farming roots in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It’s there that he charted a new path for himself and his young family– in aquaculture. On the show today, Ty shares ho…
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Send us a text Intracellular delivery is essential for advancing research and clinical applications, yet it presents unique challenges when working with different cell types and biomolecules. In a recent episode of the Smart Biotech Scientist podcast, David Brühlmann spoke with Armon Sharei, the founder and CEO of Portal Bio, about the future of ce…
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Spoiler sulla terza stagione di "Storie di Biologia", ma non solo. Lo scorso ottobre 2024 ho partecipato a un viaggio in Turchia con Marco Cappelli (Storia d'Italia) e una fantastica comitiva di appassionati di storia. Insieme abbiamo ripercorso le tracce dell’Impero Romano fra Costantinopoli e la Cappadocia. Da quel viaggio è nata una chiacchierat…
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Dans cet épisode, nous avons eu le plaisir de recevoir une nouvelle fois Agathe Leroy, neuropsychologue spécialisée dans le TDA/H. Ensemble, nous poursuivons notre exploration de ce trouble souvent mal compris et répondons à vos questions, avec des conseils pratiques pour mieux le comprendre et mieux vivre avec au quotidien. Au programme : 🧠 Le TDA…
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É comum ouvirmos falar de parasitas animais. Mas, você sabia que uma planta também pode ser parasita? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com Mila Massuda, como essas plantas interagem com seus hospedeiros, quais estratégias usam para sobreviver e as curiosidades por trás desse comportamento fascinante da natureza. Apresentação: Mila Ma…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Continuando as nossas férias, agora é a vez da Luiza, bioescritora na revista Bio In Situ, contar sobre uma saída de campo do laboratório dela e quando ela quase voltou pra casa sem nenhum incidente. CONTATOS [email protected] Instagram, Facebook e LinkedIn: @biologiainsitu Twitter e TikTok: @bioinsitu APOIO Apoio r…
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Send us a text In part two of our insightful conversation, Dr. Susan Sharfstein builds on our previous discussion of developability assessment to explore how AI is revolutionizing protein manufacturability predictions. As a Professor of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the University of Albany, she shares groundbreaking insights from her collab…
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Podcast 6 - Découverte de la Physiologie - Thème 2 : La Digestion - 1. Aspects historiques de la digestion et rôle de l’estomac Auteur : Yves Muller - Professeur Agrégé de classe exceptionnelle - Docteur en Neurosciences - Université de Montpellier - Département d’Enseignement et deRecherche : Biologie et Mécanismes du Vivant Sommaire : 1. Introduc…
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Send us a text In this eye-opening episode, we dive deep into the critical yet often overlooked world of protein manufacturability with Dr. Susan Sharfstein, Professor of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the University of Albany. As part of the broader developability assessment process, manufacturability evaluation helps determine whether a the…
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Minúsculos detritos de plástico. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com Mila Massuda, o que são, de onde vêm, para onde vão e os danos que os microplásticos podem causar. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Vee Almeida Técnica de Gravaçã…
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In this episode everything is gross. Everything. Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Chris, Jeremy, Autumn, and Judi. A video for the song ca…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Dessa vez é o Leonardo, designer e bioescritor na revista Bio In Situ, que vem trazendo a história de como foi quando ele entrou aqui na equipe, na terceira edição da revista, sobre mudanças climáticas. CONTATOS [email protected] Instagram, Facebook e LinkedIn: @biologiainsitu Twitter e TikTok: @bioinsitu APOIO Apoi…
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Send us a text In the second part of this conversation on digital solutions in bioprocessing, David Brühlmann and Simon Wieninger, Business Manager Digital Solutions at Eppendorf Group, discuss real-world examples of labs revolutionizing their workflows through smart digitalization. From real-time data monitoring to intercontinental data sharing, S…
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Send us a text Dr. Steve Moreau, is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner with Caribbean roots. Like so many of us, Steve wanted to be a marine biologist in childhood, but personal health challenges in high school led him to pursue a career in wellness. On the show today, Steve shares his story from eating the Standard American Diet to vegeta…
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Send us a text Digital transformation is reshaping industries worldwide, and biotech is no exception. With the integration of cloud technologies, AI, and data harmonization, bioprocessing is becoming smarter, more efficient, and more innovative. Catching up with digital revolutions in other sectors, biotech now stands at the threshold of tremendous…
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Dans cet épisode, un format de podcast un peu différent : nous serons trois autour de la table, accompagnés du Dr Audric Gilman, médecin généraliste, d'Emma Djafer, naturopathe, et de Nicolas Balon-Perin, fondateur de Symp. Ensemble, nous aurons une discussion ouverte sur un sujet qui nous tient particulièrement à cœur : la santé globale et l'appro…
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Como fatores ambientais e experiências de vida podem influenciar o nosso DNA, sem alterar sua sequência? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, o que é epigenética e como esse fenômeno intrigante impacta a expressão gênica. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@…
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Apologies to everyone, this episode is cursed. CURSED. Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Chris, Jeremy, Autumn, and Judi. A video for the s…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Em mais um episódio de férias, a Cris, nossa coordenadora das Bioescritoras, a equipe que produz a revista Bio In Situ, vem contar sobre a temida máquina de autoclave! CONTATOS [email protected] Instagram, Facebook e LinkedIn: @biologiainsitu Twitter e TikTok: @bioinsitu APOIO Apoio recorrente na Orelo ou no Apoia.s…
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Send us a text In the ever-evolving world of biotechnology, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology is driving unprecedented advancements. This transformative power was the focus of this podcast episode of the Smart Biotech Scientist, where host David Brühlmann engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with Haotian G…
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Hurricane Helene devastated many North Carolina mountain communities last September. In this episode, Corey and Ben discuss how fish respond to natural disasters, how the Commission plans to rebuild destroyed mountain trout hatcheries, and how our staff are assessing the affected streams and habitats while planning for the future.…
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Send us a text Biotechnology is rapidly evolving as innovation addresses real-world needs. At the cutting edge of this evolution, synthetic biology and AI-driven protein design are revolutionizing our approach to complex processes like protein purification. In this episode of the Smart Biotech Scientist podcast, host David Brühlmann talks with Haot…
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Sostieni anche tu "Storie di Biologia" su Patreon e ascolta l'episodio in versione integrale: In alternativa puoi sostienere il progetto "Storie di Biologia" con una libera donazione al profilo Paypal: Palazzetti tarafından oluşturuldu
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É verdade que os wombats se defendem de seus predadores com o bumbum? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, quem são os marsupiais australianos que fazem cocô em forma de cubos. Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) e Emilio Garcia (@emilioblablalogia) Revisão de Roteiro: Victor…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Continuando com o nosso especial de férias, a Bruninha, coordenadora da equipe que produz as nossas redes sociais, vem nos contar da vez em que ninguém mais, ninguém menos que a diva Beyoncé embalou o trabalho do grupo dela. CONTATOS [email protected] Instagram, Facebook e LinkedIn: @biologiainsitu Twitter e TikTok:…
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Send us a text In the second part of our conversation with Andrea Gough, Senior Director for Advanced Instruments’ Solentim Portfolio, we’ll explore how AI and machine learning have, in recent years, begun to transform various aspects of biotechnology, including cell line development (CLD). Andrea shares insights into how these cutting-edge technol…
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Send us a text Hunter, trapper, and fisherman Cody McLaughlin joins us on the show today. Cody is a season podcast producer and outdoor writer featured in several national publications including National Wild Turkey Federation’s Turkey Call Magazine and the Sportfishing Magazine. He also is a political strategist and serves on the board of the Alas…
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Send us a text WELCOME BACK! Host Kara Muzia is on the show today verifying the nearly two year hiatus from recordings, and sharing what’s next for the SYWTBAMB podcast. Support the show GET THE *FREE* COURSE: ✨ BACK TO NATURE ✨ Daily drops of goodness to bring your closer to Ocean, Nature, and Yourself ✨BACK TO OCEAN RETREAT ✨ Weigh in here Check …
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Send us a text Cell line development (CLD) is a cornerstone of biologics production. This intricate process involves establishing a cell line capable of consistently producing a desired product, such as a therapeutic protein. While advancing science has refined numerous aspects of CLD, bottlenecks still exist, perpetuating challenges for scientists…
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Podcast 5 - Découverte de la Physiologie - Thème 1 : La Nutrition - 4. Les vitamines du lait Auteur : Yves Muller - Professeur Agrégé de classe exceptionnelle - Docteur en Neurosciences - Université de Montpellier - Département d’Enseignement et de Recherche : Biologie et Mécanismes du Vivant Sommaire : 1. Introduction : 00:00 à 01:18 2. Quelques d…
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Você sabe o que é uma Taenia e como ela afeta a saúde? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, como esses parasitas se disseminam, quais riscos eles oferecem, as doenças relacionadas (teníase e cisticercose) e a importância de práticas adequadas de higiene e alimentação para a prevenção de infecções. 🔴 Se você curte o B3…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Feliz ano novo, gente!!! E como todo início de ano, nossa equipe entra de férias e deixa aqui com você uma programação especial. Dessa vez nossa equipe vai trazer histórias pessoais que tenham a ver com a biologia. A primeira história vem pelo Ricardo, coordenador geral do Bio In Situ, vem com umn conto quase que de terror. CONTA…
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Nell’anno 1900 tre scienziati di tre distinte nazioni pubblicano i risultati delle loro ricerche, hanno portato avanti studi sull’ereditarietà dei caratteri raggiungendo conclusioni tra loro simili. Ma la vera sorpresa è un’altra, tutte le loro scoperte sono state anticipate di circa 30 anni a Brno da un anonimo agostiniano. E' arrivato il tempo di…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Nesse episódio falamos sobre como funciona a representação estudantil na pós-graduação, o que levanta questões e pontos sensíveis como os direitos previdenciários, maternidade, empregabilidade e assédio moral. Também comentamos sobre a vida do pós-graduando tendo que se manter com uma bolsa e sem direitos trabalhistas. Quem conve…
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As zebras são brancas com listras pretas ou pretas com listras brancas? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, os detalhes dos estudos sobre as listras das zebras. 🔴 Se você curte o B30 e quer apoiar financeiramente a divulgação científica: Apresentação: Mil…
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Olá, bio-ouvintes! Natal chegando e, inspiradas pela data, nós ficamos pensando sobre Rodolfo e as outras renas, e como nós gostamos tanto dos animais que queremos tê-los por perto o tempo todo, nas nossas casas. Vamos conversar um pouco sobre como a humanidade domesticou animais ao longo do tempo, e sobre a nossa responsabilidade para com essas es…
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Uma reação do corpo caracterizada pelo aumento da temperatura. Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, o que é febre e como ela se desenvolve? 🔴 Se você curte o B30 e quer apoiar financeiramente a divulgação científica: Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassud…
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Video games, Jack Black, and Sonic the Hedgehog music? You KNOW we loved this episode. Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Chris, Jeremy, Aut…
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Send us a text The intersection of artificial intelligence and biology presents immense opportunities for transforming bioprocess development. As the biotech industry continues to evolve, data-driven innovations are critical to optimizing biologics manufacturing. High-quality datasets stand at the forefront of this transformation, empowering resear…
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In this two-part podcast series, Corey and Ben sit down with professional bass anglers Matt Arey and Bryan Thrift, two of the most respected names in the bass fishing community. Based in North Carolina, their achievements have earned them national recognition. Tune in as Matt and Bryan share their expert insights on key topics such as bass fishing …
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Send us a text Bioprocess development is transforming the biotech industry, driving innovations in life-changing therapies. Success hinges on simplifying complex mechanisms and adopting advanced technologies. By integrating high-throughput screening and artificial intelligence, we can streamline workflows, reduce trial-and-error, and speed up biolo…
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A gente respira ar, então os peixes respiram água? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com a Mila Massuda, o que são peixes e como eles respiram. 🔴 Se você curte o B30 e quer apoiar financeiramente a divulgação científica: Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: M…
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In this episode, we wrap up the three parter and are left with questions that still need answers. Mainly about Ruth's Chris. Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather…
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Send us a text Is your bioprocess facility wasting precious time and resources on traditional weighing system calibrations? In this eye-opening episode, Anders Tvegaard, COO of Eilersen Electric, reveals how digital load cell innovation is revolutionizing bioprocess monitoring and validation. Discover why weighing systems aren't the commodity techn…
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