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FreedomProject Media

Katie Petrick and David Fiorazo are here to bring you the facts and provide answers to help protect the next generation of patriots. Stay Educated!
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Projeto Educa Dor

Projeto Educa Dor

O Projeto Educa Dor é uma ferramenta de informação em saúde, criada por várias mãos, envolvendo as principais especialidades da área médica que trabalham diariamente com dor crônica.
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Podcast especializado en diseño curricular, competencias profesionales, técnicas didácticas, entornos educativos, innovación educativa, evaluación del aprendizaje para profesores de medicina y de carreras de la salud
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A Politize! é a maior plataforma de educação política do Brasil. Conteúdos totalmente gratuitos, nos mais diversos formatos, de forma objetiva e divertida, sem vinculações político-partidárias. Está esperando o que pra aprender e se tornar um cidadão mais consciente e engajado? Vem com a gente!
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Snacks Education


Willkommen bei dem Podcast, der deinen süßen Zahn auf eine geschmackliche Reise schickt! Jules und Kevin springen mit offenem Mund voraus in das quietschbunte Universum der verlockenden Leckereien, bewerten beliebte Köstlichkeiten und gehen auf Schatzsuche im zuckersüßen Dschungel endloser Snack-Möglichkeiten.
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提供教育趨勢、學校資訊及文教新知等,不可不知的教育事! 師培、家長都必須掌握的教育資訊攏底家! 內容為社區大學資源利用,希望能將在臺灣設置推動將近25年、遍及各縣市超過80所,紮根在地與社區,以形塑公民社會、進行知識解放為辦學目標的終身學習教育場域之實踐經驗,邀請社區大學全國促進會與各地社大共同參與,讓社大的經驗、反思、成果,能再次成為台灣社會的養分,同時激發更多的創新與想像。 國中教育會考即將來臨,教育電臺在考前1個月特別企劃「技職新領航」系列節目,透過在技職教育中表現優異的學生說明學習歷程與各職類特色,讓學生獲得相關資訊決定自己的升學進路。 帶領聽眾認識台灣在地農產品、在地飲食文化與特色,並介紹各級學校及民間團體具特色之食農教育學習與體驗活動,培養聽眾食農素養,包括建立均衡飲食、實踐在地農產品消費、減少食物浪費、瞭解農業生產方法及農業科技與研發等。期望透過「產地到餐桌」讓每日飲食可以「吃出好健康」、「吃出好家庭」、「吃出好環境」。 ----- COVID-19疫 ...
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Everyday Educator

Classical Conversations Inc.

Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. We believe there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.
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Education Eclipse

WSU College of Education

These are the conversations happening inside education that are going to transform education. Covering all aspects of teaching and learning, educational leadership and psychology, counseling psychology, kinesiology and sport management, it’s Education Eclipse from Washington State University's College of Education.
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The EducateHer’s Sanctuary is a personal development podcast created for women educators, homeschool moms, and school leaders who spend their days pouring into others. But this space isn’t about the classroom—it’s about you. We talk about setting boundaries, protecting your time, and prioritizing your well-being. Because when you take care of yourself, you show up better in every part of your life—whether in the classroom, at home, or beyond.
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Educatalyst Africa podcast explores the triumphs, challenges, and solutions within the educational landscape of Africa. We aim to spotlight transformative solutions that can stimulate Africa’s development through top-notch equitable and inclusive education. We will have deep conversations with some of the most brilliant minds in and outside of Africa. Hosted by Nneka Otokwala, a Nigerian lawyer and development enthusiast with a passion for building sustainable and equitable education systems ...
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Education Research Reading Room

Ollie Lovell: Teacher, author, podcaster, blogger, PhD candidate. @ollie_lovell

The most in-depth education podcast available. Each episode host Ollie Lovell takes a deep dive into an important area of education with an educational thought leader from around the world, from practicing teachers to university professors and everyone in-between. If you're looking to build deep knowledge about education and how learning happens, this is the podcast for you.
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Educationally Outraged seeks to spark discussions from all sides of the political spectrum and social standing, offering alternative interpretations of various subjects. We will discuss everything from education to mental health, from politics to social issues, and all that lies in between. Each episode aims to provide a platform for voices - primarily mine, but more importantly the voices of others who may have differing opinions on topics that matter deeply to them.
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Join the PA Education Association’s CEO Dr. Sara Fletcher as she chats with leading experts in PA education, discussing trends, philosophies, programs, and issues directly impacting our profession. This conversational podcast offers a relaxed journey into the professional, and sometimes personal lives of those that focus on PA education.
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AI Education Podcast

Dan Bowen and Ray Fleming

Dan Bowen and Ray Fleming are experienced education renegades who have worked in many various educational institutions and educational companies across the world. They talk about Artificial Intelligence in Education - what it is, how it works, and the different ways it is being used. It's not too serious, or too technical, and is intended to be a good conversation. Please note the views on the podcast are our own or those of our guests, and not of our respective employers (unless we say othe ...
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American Education FM

Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

Political infiltration, corruption, whistleblowing, crime, history, health, philosophy, experiences and current news within American K12 and university education.
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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to
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“E por falar em educação” é o podcast da Associação Brasileira de Mantenedoras de Ensino Superior (ABMES), a principal representante do ensino superior privado do país. O programa tem como objetivo colocar a educação no centro do debate, apresentando diversos argumentos e diferentes visões para que os ouvintes formem sua opinião de maneira crítica. São convidados para os debates, especialistas de diferentes áreas, além de pessoas com histórias inspiradoras e com poder transformador para a so ...
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Laboratorul de educație media. Un #podcastCJI

Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent

Decantăm narațiuni, adăugăm opinii pertinente și ne antrenăm curiozitatea și gândirea critică pentru a lua decizii mai bune și pentru a nu fi manipulați. Podcastul face parte din Programul de Educație Media demarat de Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent în parteneriat cu Romanian American Foundation și este susținut prin proiectul BROD – Observatorul Bulgaro-Român de Media Digitală.
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show series
A dor relacionada ao câncer é uma realidade difícil para muitos pacientes, mas existem formas de alívio e tratamento. Neste episódio doProjeto Educa Dor, o Dr. João Rizzo e o Dr. Luciano de Oliveira explicam tudo sobre a dor relacionada ao câncer. Eles falam sobre como essa dor impacta a vida dos pacientes, os desafios no tratamento, opções para al…
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En esta emisión hablaremos acerca de la repercusión que tiene el ascenso de la derecha al poder, concretamente con el caso de Estados Unidos y el nuevo periodo de Donald Trump en aquel país. Para ello, les compartimos la visión de la antropóloga social Charlinne Curiel, ella nos platicó acerca de la crisis de DDHH que se vive en el mundo, así como …
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We're launching into a podcast series of "Empowering Partners" and Joel Penton, founder and director of LifeWise, joins us this week as our first guest who shares how bible education can change students' lives! LifeWise empowers local community members who are interested in sharing the gospel with public school students by providing a "plug and pla…
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Aprender a manejar correctamente el dinero que entra en nuestras vidas es una buena forma de cuidar de nuestra economía. Pero aprender cuáles son los errores más importantes que cometemos cuando intentamos hacernos cargo de nuestras finanzas es una de las mejores maneras para aprender a gestionarlas. ¿Quieres evitar aquellas que suelen hacerse mal?…
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Episode 217: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, John Jackson and Emma Lindley-Thompson from Ambition Institute return to explore the next extract from their expert edit—this time, focusing on concreteness fading and its role in mathematics teaching. We discuss: The relationship between procedural knowledge and conceptual understa…
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I discuss the divide in our nation on the awakening; how current happenings can be decoded if people can read between the lines; DEI’s time is now up, time to report! And the slow drip of Epstein info is out, but we don’t need it because the real juice will only be seen in military tribunals. DEI Reporting Form:…
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Welcome to Wealth Education Podcast! Hosted by Ola Williams, a certified financial wellness consultant, this podcast is designed to help professionals and entrepreneurs understand the emotions and psychology behind their money habits. Through insightful discussions and practical advice, Ola shares valuable lessons on financial literacy, wealth-buil…
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In this episode Dan and Ray sit down with Dr. Nici (Nikki) Sweaney—founder of “AI Her Way,” gender equality advocate, and globally recognized AI consultant. After a fascinating career journey from butterfly ecology to statistics to AI, Nici now helps schools and organizations create ethical, responsible, and effective AI strategies. She shares her …
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A educação inclusiva no Brasil enfrenta desafios, especialmente no atendimento a estudantes com altas habilidades ou superdotação. O Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE) tem criado diretrizes para garantir suporte adequado a esses alunos, incluindo o parecer 51/2023, que orienta sobre esse atendimento na Educação Especial. O tema foi debatido neste …
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Uffjepast, ihr Jecken! Die "fünfte Jahreszeit" hat Einzug gehalten und mit ihr mehrere Stränge des Grippevirus. Folglich hat der Podcast den nächsten Krankheitsausfall zu beklagen, aber mit der Pappnase auf und ordentlich Kamelle schafft Snacks Education es sicher bis in die Fastenzeit.bildundtonfabrik tarafından oluşturuldu
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Welcome to Wealth Education Podcast! Hosted by Ola Williams, a certified financial wellness consultant, this podcast is designed to help professionals and entrepreneurs understand the emotions and psychology behind their money habits. Through insightful discussions and practical advice, Ola shares valuable lessons on financial literacy, wealth-buil…
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In this episode of Seatton Education, host Victoria Seatton sits down with David and Sandra Snoke, a homeschooling couple with over 40 years of experience teaching their four children at home in the United States. David, a Distinguished Professor of Physics, and wife Sandra share why they chose to homeschool in the 1980s and how it transformed thei…
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I discuss the current geopolitical moves with Ukraine, Russia the US and the EU; I discuss how Ohio now has a Vivek problem and a political civil war; I discuss the Phonetic approach with a school in Ohio; How the flue is fake and proven so; and I suggest a homeschooling podcast to help people get out of the government-slave system of schooling. ht…
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In this episode of The Educator Sanctuary, Dr. Lea explores the challenges of leading yourself through change. She shares her personal journey of navigating fear, uncertainty, and career pivots while offering listeners practical steps to embrace transitions with confidence. Whether you're at a crossroads in your career or facing a major life shift,…
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Unseen Question 002: In this episode of Thinking Deeply about Primary Education we're diving into an unseen question from our listeners. This week, Stuart Welsh gives his thoughts on ways to develop a consistent, research-informed approach to mathematics teaching. TDaPE Mathematics Playlist (Over 22 hours of mathematics focused episodes) Enjoy this…
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“If you just appreciate what this sector does once momentum gets started. Look at any historic junior chart, once momentum starts it just feeds on itself. What is weird is that it has not really happened; not even gold to three thousand [dollars] has been able to do that. I also think it points to how irrational this sector is. And it is all about …
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清康熙、雍正年間,漢人逐漸移入臺灣,漢番之間開始有土地買賣與贌耕等交易。漢人精於農耕技術與水利,開築水圳,借機與番人合作以擴大墾地,加上勤於經商的方式,以巧取豪奪、侵佔,原本番人土地漸轉變為漢人所有,導致番人土地不斷流失, 面對生活難為以繼的無奈與困境,這些可能都是平埔族的社民最後選擇遷移的原因。 嘉慶年間,埔里發生「郭百年事件」, 埔里地區原本的高山族埔社,深受其害,期望「招納」外界的合作伙伴,知悉中部平埔族人亦同樣面臨環境與生計的問題,因而互相取得合作的信任與基礎。終於,埔社與中部平埔族十四社社民,在道光3年(1823)共同議定,集體遷移至「山後東南勢溪埔」,這個地方應該就是現今的南投縣埔里鎮。這一年(1823),平埔族與埔社雙方簽立一份議定「公議同立合約字」契約,確定了中部平埔族人遷徒…
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屏東科技大學永續辦公室,屏東科技大學成立專責減碳研究單位,研發AR擴增實境的SDGs桌遊,配合全國科普環島列車推廣永續理念,而全國唯一的動物收容中心,更是國內外重要瀕危物種的收容救傷中心,校方持續摧動的努力,也獲得永續發展獎的肯定。 #每周三更新 #更多教育趨勢請鎖定教育非知不可官方臉書 ----- 來賓:屏東科技大學 張金龍校長 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:Education聽教育 ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by F…
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Mande a sua mensagem pra nós! Encontre mais conteúdos e serviços em: 🌐 Site Oficial: 🐾 Problemas de Comportamento: 📚 Artigos Educativos: 🎥 Confissões de uma Treinadora: 🚀 Além do Mundo dos Cães: …
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This week, explore all things “Protocol”—who it’s for, what to do, where to go, who can help. Academic Advisor Deborah Switzer lays it all out for Lisa and her listeners, while helping us understand the real point of all the pomp and circumstance. Discover the joy of learning in arts-integrated classes that combine academic subjects with fine art. …
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In this episode, Dr. Sara Fletcher, CEO of the PA Education Association, sits down with Dipu Patel, DMSc, MPAS, PA-C, professor in the Department of Physician Assistant Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and president of PAEA. Patel shares her journey to PAEA leadership, her passion for amplifying member voices, and how AI and digital health …
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Today we take a deep dive into what we mean when we talk about location and purposeful learning in education abroad. Join Host Zac Macinnes and Paul Geis, Director of Education Abroad and Away at the University of Dayton, for a thoughtful exploration of the concept of study through a lens of city as culture shock. Tune in to hear tips for practitio…
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Pro Investor David Erfle sees a “totally different gold stock bull market” in 2025 when compared to his experience in the 2000s. He also analyzes Equinox Gold’s purchase of Calibre Mining. Other topics discussed are gold stock seasonality, Newmont’s Q4 earnings and what David looks for in growth-oriented producers.David Erfle is a self-taught minin…
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I discuss how blind loyalty is perpetuating the brainwashing of the masses to fall for every negative psy-op imaginable. However, good things are happening and the brainwashed are exposing themselves as more revelations age being made by the good guys too. Book Websites: PROMO CODE: “AEFM” for 10% OFF https://arm…
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In this episode of The Elemental Educator Podcast, host Tyler Comeau speaks with Phil Willott, the Director of Education at the Raleigh Education Trust, about the power of trauma-informed practices, inclusive leadership, and values-driven decision-making. Phil shares his journey from criminology to education and how his core values of kindness, cou…
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In dieser Folge des EducationNewscast ist Diana Gajic, executive Recruiterin bei SAP zu Gast. Sie teilt wertvolle Tipps für Bewerber und einstellende Manager, diskutiert wichtige Skills der Zukunft und beleuchtet den Einfluss von künstlicher Intelligenz auf Recruitingprozesse. Dabei geht es nicht nur um Tips zur Gestaltung des CVs oder für Intervie…
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Can students do better quality work when they slow their pace? Well, in this episode Kolby, Jason and Patrick discuss Cal Newport's book Slow Productivity to apply the central principles of his book to the classroom environment. Learn about doing fewer things, working at a natural pace and obsessing over quality. Discussed in this episode: Cal Newp…
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Send us a text Housing segregations racist policies caused a generational wealth gap between black and white families. Join me as I interview Leah Rothstein author of "Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law" . Watch the video version here: #endracism #blackhistorymonth #leahrothstein #h…
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Cada día, los medios nos bombardean con información y noticias de todo tipo. Da igual el medio. Da igual la corriente ideológica. Todos y cada uno de ellos nos cuentan lo que pasa en el mundo desde su punto de vista. Y la mayoría de las veces este punto de vista no es para nada experto... Así se crean sentencias como: El gasto público genera riquez…
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Episode 216: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, I’m joined by Juli Ryzop and Elliot Morgan to explore disciplinary literacy—what it means, why it matters, and how it can transform learning across subjects. Understanding how literacy functions within different disciplines helps students access, engage with, and critically interpre…
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More evidence of the plan is unfolding, but we must be cautious; reversing 2020 has to be on the docket moving forward, and this has been the largest week of COVID lie and shot disclosure that’s ever taken place. These events will wake up the masses, whether they’re ready or not. Substack:…
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Nesse episódio o Dr. Lucas Oliveira também traz um caso clínico. Vamos discutir como definir a fibrilação ventricular refratária, e o que existe de evidência para manejo. O Dr. Lucas Oliveira é residente de terceiro ano do programa de medicina de emergência do HC-FMUSP. Se você gosta do nosso podcast, por favor compartilhe o nosso conteúdo em redes…
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This episode is a LIVE recording from the Hagerstown, MD Teacher LIFT Dinner hosted by Christian Educators on 2/2/25 where Jesica Glover invites listeners to consider 3 truths that help us follow and 2 lies that can hinder as the Good Shepherd invites us to partner with Him. Her message finds it's home in John 10:1-5 where we as the sheep know our …
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In this episode, Ray and Dan are joined by Danny Bielik, President of the Digital Education Council, to discuss the findings of a global AI faculty survey. With insights from 52 institutions across 28 countries, Danny shares how higher education faculty are adopting AI, the biggest concerns around academic integrity and assessment, and why AI liter…
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Tudor Mușat este jurnalist de radio și televiziune și este autorul podcastului de interviuri "THIS IS THE STORY". Discută cu Julia Nagy, gazda podcastului CJI, despre rolul jurnalistului în 2025 - de la alegerea subiectelor și a unghiurilor, până la crearea conținutului care să răspundă la nevoile publicului din era social media. „Nu-i nimic rău să…
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El Dr. Guillermo Jacobo es un destacado ginecólogo y profesor de la clase de anatomía en la Universidad de Nuevo León. El Dr. Jacobo ha tenido un gran éxito en su clase de anantomía gracias a la incorporación de diferentes estrategias didácticas innovadoras que les resultan fasinantes a sus alumnos.
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Für ein vegetarisches Banh Mi zunächst 200 g festen Tofu in Scheiben schneiden und in einer Mischung aus 2 EL Sojasauce, 1 TL Ahornsirup, 1 TL Sesamöl und optional 1 TL Sriracha marinieren. Während der Tofu zieht, eine kleine Karotte in feine Streifen schneiden und mit etwas Limettensaft und Salz marinieren. Danach den Tofu in einer Pfanne goldbrau…
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Are you considering home education but unsure if it’s the right choice for your child? In the latest episode of Seatton Education, Victoria sits down with Tamara Strijack, the Academic Dean of the Neufeld Institute, to explore the benefits of homeschooling and how it supports child development.Tamara explains the principles of attachment-based lear…
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Welcome to Education Matters presented by the Public School Forum of North Carolina. In today’s episode, we’re taking a look at Eggs & Issues 2025 where the Public School Forum presented our Top Education Issues which represent the Forum’s legislative priorities for the 2025-26 biennium. Today, we’ll hear from policymakers who took part in a discus…
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Dr. Lisa Bailey and Ms. Jourdan Scoggins explain the core idea behind the “Declare Yourself” leadership process and how it builds trust between students and educators. They use the “Declare Yourself” process in their clinical courses and share their experiences. Learn more about this strategy and how you can use it in your courses in this podcast a…
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Health inequities across the United States, particularly in rural and medically underserved communities, are fueled by disparities in education, poverty, and social determinants. The shortage of accessible primary care providers exacerbates health inequities, leading to adverse outcomes and perpetuating disparities. Drs. Jannyse Tapp and Shannon Co…
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The FNP program includes a series of clinical courses: Primary Care I, II, and III, with Primary Care III occurring the semester of graduation. Dr. Elizabeth Phenneger and other FNP faculty incorporated a self-evaluation for students taking Primary Care III at the end of the semester and identified gaps in students’ competencies. Faculty created an…
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