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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen

Gretel Niemeyer & Laura Roschewitz | Business Coaching ⚓ Mastermind Mentoring

Moin, wir sind Gretel und Laura. Laura ist absoluter Kommunikation-Junkie und Gretels Herz schlägt höher, sobald es ums Verkaufen geht. Wir sind beide Nordlichter, Selbständige und lieben es, Dinge im Butter bei die Fische Style umzusetzen. Knackige Business-Impulse direkt in dein Ohr - Tolle Interview-Gäste mit spannenden Insights in ihr Business! Zweimal pro Woche um 9 Uhr gehen wir für 15-30 Minuten live, geben Impulse für ein erfolgreiches Business, teilen unsere Verkaufs-Tricks und stel ...
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Podcast for Female Entrepreneurs and Christian Entrepreneurs to help you improve your marketing and social media strategy so you can make more money. Every week your host Kay Hillman is going to share tips and tricks about social media marketing, mindset, and sales strategy. You'll learn how to start, grow, and scale a service based or coaching business - God's way. From how to create a solid foundation for starting your business to how to strategically plan the next 6-months of marketing fo ...
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Hey, My name is Chris Wheeler. Over the last several years I have had huge success and ultimate failure around business, sales, marketing, and branding. My mission is to bring value to anyone and everyone who was in my shoes a few years back, not knowing where to go or how to scale. If I stayed in my old mindset I wouldn't have had the capacity to build several multimillion dollar businesses. I want to teach you how to do that by utilizing sales techniques, marketing strategies, good brandin ...
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Creative Magic Club - Grow Your Business with High Ticket Sales, Social Media Branding & Money Mindset Coaching

Sarah Mac - Creative Entrepreneur, Copywriter for Coaches, Personal Brand Strategist, Entrepreneur Coaching

Welcome to Creative Magic Club! Together, we'll discover inspirational stories of creative entrepreneurs living out their dreams, doing the work they're MOST passionate about and building wealth in magical, FUN ways! While building a 6-figure income as writer and coach helping other women to launch their dream businesses I connected with so many people and have seen it proven again and again you CAN thrive financially doing whatever it is you are passionate about. I'm here to share life chan ...
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Grab a cup of joe or tea and join Charique Richardson and Raushawna Price every week as we discuss how we grow our businesses as Christians, mothers, and wives. We tell it like it is when it comes to the ups and downs of managing a business and family. We show you how you can improve your mindset, marketing, and sales and be the woman God intended you to be! Connect with us online at:
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show series
Are you ready to fire up your sales copywriting and magnetize new clients through your content but you’re wondering how to channel your energy into a powerful, clear message? The March Equinox just passed and Aries Season is here, which means that spring is coming, there’s fresh bold energy in the air – can you feel it? I’ve been reflecting on wher…
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Interview mit Annegret Gehrke und Anne Messerschmidt In dieser Folge von Moin um 9 spricht Gretel mit den beiden Gründerinnen von YouGrow, Annegret Gehrke und Anne Messerschmidt, über ein Business-Netzwerk, das weit über das klassische „Visitenkartentauschen“ hinausgeht. Wie kann echte, nachhaltige Vernetzung gelingen?Warum fällt es vielen Frauen s…
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Es ist soweit. Wir starten die Open-Beta für den AI B2B Marketer. Du bist B2B unterwegs? Im Startup, Unternehmen oder Agentur? Marketing, Sales, Growth sind Deine Themen? Dann trag dich unbedingt als eine(r) von max. 200 Beta-Usern ein, die exklusiv unseren niegelnagelneuen AI-Agent zur Leadgenerierung testen können. Sei einer der Ersten und erhalt…
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Hey boo heyyyy! In this episode, I'm sharing the 6 key shifts that helped me build a six-figure business as a God-led entrepreneur. From surrendering my business to God to creating peaceful, profitable strategies, I break down what it really took to reach this milestone while staying aligned with my faith. Tune in for tactical insights and faith-ba…
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Content, Content, Content – du erstellst fleißig Posts, planst deinen Redaktionskalender, steckst Stunden in deine Social-Media-Strategie … und trotzdem passiert: nichts. Keine Buchungen, keine echten Leads, kein Umsatz. 😩 Content, Content, Content – du erstellst fleißig Posts, planst deinen Redaktionskalender, steckst Stunden in deine Social-Media…
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I went from overthinking and *almost* overcomplicating my black friday sale to making $5k in sales from just a few IG story slides. I was debating running a flash sale on my bundles that I run once every couple of years and has brought me over $1000 in sales when I’ve run it once before (and made me $0 another time I ran it.) This bundle flash sale…
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Nur ganz kurz..Ich kanns nicht glauben, dass wir fast ein 3/4 Jahr pausiert haben...Aber es gab Gründe. Gute Gründe. Nein es war niemand krank. Gott sei Dank. Aber es geht wieder los...Wir haben wieder Bock, Zeit und Ideen... #executeordie Ich freue mich gaaaanz persönlich über Euer Feedback. Über Ideen was man besser oder anders machen kann. Was s…
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Hey boo heyyyy! If you’re struggling with inconsistent sales, here's why... you need more leads! In this episode, I’m breaking down The 100-Lead Rule—how to grow by 100 leads every 90 days so you never worry about where your next client is coming from, and you can do it without ads mama. Tune in to hear the TEA! 💬 If you enjoyed this episode DM me …
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My intuition led me to high ticket sales as a strategy pretty early on in my business (thanks intuition!) As an immigrant who built my entire life and network over from scratch in North America, I built community around my business one new connection at a time…. So it made sense for me to focus on selling higher priced services to small numbers of …
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High-Ticket-Angebote – ein Buzzword, das polarisiert! Sind sie die Lösung für ein stabiles Business oder einfach nur Abzocke? 🤔 In dieser Folge bringt Gretel Licht ins Dunkel und zeigt dir, warum du als Selbstständige nicht um ein hochpreisiges Angebot herumkommst – wenn du nachhaltig und ohne Dauer-Hustle von deinem Business leben möchtest. 💡 Desw…
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Hey boo heyyyy! Mama - you're busy chasing toddlers, cooking dinner, and "being consistent" in creating content and it isn't leading to the results you thought. If you’re tired of showing up but not seeing sales, this strategy will change everything. Listen now to learn: Why shifting to a problem-solving approach increases sales How referring clien…
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Do you feel awkward asking your clients for testimonials? Do you ever get in your head around using old testimonials, or feel like your testimonials aren’t good enough? Or do you feel weird using the same testimonials over and over again in your marketing….? If you have ever done any of these things, listen up! While it’s SO important to share clie…
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Hey boo heyyyy! As a mom of two young kids and the primary parent, I know how challenging it can be to juggle a business and family life. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the TEA on how I run a successful business while being home full-time with my kids and no daycare. I’ll share the real strategies I use to maintain balance, stay productive, and bu…
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It’s Pisces Season! Get ready to unleash your inner artist and revolutionize the way you show up online, sell your offers, and make money in your business! In this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast, we’re diving deep into how boundaries set you up for success as a creative person—and how to navigate creating from a place of full-on …
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Heute wird es real: Laura kommt direkt aus einer intensiven Masterclass mit über 100 Frauen und bringt dir die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse mit, die dein Business 2025 nachhaltig verändern können. 🚀🔥 Erkennst du dich hier wieder?Dein Tag ist voll, deine To-do-Liste endlos – aber dein Umsatz bleibt aus?Du hast einen Bauchladen an Angeboten, aber nichts …
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Hey boo heyyyy! Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your business? It might be because you're missing the #1 skill that every successful mompreneur needs to grow and scale. In this episode, I’ll break down the skill that could be holding you back and share 3 actionable strategies you can implement today to start moving forward in your business.…
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Did you know that your astrology chart gives you a unique relationship to the land you live on? Astrocartography explains how where you live brings specific energies, opportunities and challenges. If you’re worried that where you live might not be optimal for you, don’t worry because your luck can fluctuate depending on the astrological transits. U…
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🚀 Brandneue Masterclass mit Laura & Gretel – Sei dabei! 🎉 🚀 Brandneue Masterclass mit Laura & Gretel – Sei dabei! 🎉Moin Moin und herzlich willkommen zu einer ganz besonderen Podcast-Folge! Heute gibt es News, die wir dir nicht länger vorenthalten möchten: Am Mittwoch, den 19. Februar um 13:00 Uhr erwartet dich eine völlig neue, kostenfreie Mastercl…
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Quick note - the audio is a bit off. I have been trying to get this mic situation fixed. I promise future episodes I got the mic situated! Bear with me this week, anyway... Hey boo heyyyy! Are you struggling to stay consistent with your marketing and sales efforts while juggling family life? You’re not alone! In this episode I'll share 3 simple str…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen 📢 Sei dabei beim ersten Coffee Speed Networking 2025!Moin Moin! Heute gibt es nur eine kurze Folge mit einer wichtigen Info: Am Mittwoch, den 12. Februar um 13 Uhr, findet unser erstes Coffee Speed Networking in diesem Jahr statt! 🎉💡 Was erwartet dich?✅ Ein kostenloses Netzwer…
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Do you ever wonder why we keep saying yes to the behaviours that hold us back from the things we deeply desire? Why do we continue to say yes to the work, clients, pay rates, busywork, pushing and hustling that doesn’t actually fulfill us OR change our lives in the way we say we want? We all have a part of our inner world that developed survival te…
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Hey boo heyyyy! In this episode I'll be sharing the 2 key areas every mom in business should focus on to grow their business and make the money they desire—revenue and time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by trying to balance family life and business growth, this episode is for you! I'll break down actionable strategies for maximizing both revenue a…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen Moin Moin und willkommen zu einer neuen Folge von Moin um 9, dem Business-Schnack für deine Selbstständigkeit! 🎧 Heute dreht sich alles um Workshops, Trainings und Online-Formate – und vor allem darum, wie du sie so gestaltest, damit sie begeistern, statt deine Teilnehmerinnen…
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Are you feeling uncomfortable in your relationship with money lately? Well the fact that Pluto has recently moved into Aquarius, where he will stay for 20 years, might have something to do with it. It’s a time where power and accountability will be very present themes, and if you’re like me, you feel the growth in your relationship with money parti…
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Hey mama hey! Let's build on last weeks episode. By now you know that you DON'T need to spend hours every day building a loyal, buying community. In this episode, I’m breaking down a simple, time-efficient framework for growing your audience with just 5 hours a week. Learn how to focus on the essentials, prioritize connection, and maximize results …
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen Moin Moin und willkommen zu einer neuen Folge von Moin um Neun – dem Business Schnack für deine Selbstständigkeit! Heute ist Jenny aus dem Team Laura und Gretel am Mikrofon und teilt wertvolles Wissen rund um das Thema digitale Liveformate.🤘🏻 In dieser Folge erfährst du:Welche…
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Calling all big hearted healers and creatives who KNOW you could be making SO much more in your business! Do you think that maybe your desire to help everyone is holding you back from REALLY helping those who can benefit from your unique genius and skillset? Are you holding back from fully owning the way you do because you’re afraid of upsetting ot…
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Hey Boo Heyyyy! Discover how to grow a loyal, buying community with just 20 minutes a day. In this episode, I’m breaking down simple, actionable daily habits to nurture your audience, build trust, and drive sales—without overwhelming your schedule. If you’ve been looking for practical strategies to fit into your busy mom life, this is it! 💬 If you …
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen „Eine Website ist kein fertiges Buch – sie darf sich weiterentwickeln und wachsen.“ In dieser Folge von Moin 9 begrüßt Gretel die Webdesignerin und SEO-Enthusiastin Carina Haferkamp von Carina teilt ihre inspirierende Reise von der Festanstellung in die Selbsts…
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Building a loyal, buying community doesn’t have to mean working around the clock. In this episode, I’ll share three simple, time-efficient strategies to create a community that’s ready to purchase from you—without overwhelming yourself in the process. Whether you’re a busy MamaCEO or just starting out, these tips will help you prioritize connection…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen Spezial-Folge - denn erstmals in der Geschichte von Moin um 9 begrüßen dich weder Laura noch Gretel. Stattdessen nehmen dich Jenny, Johanna und Julia mit hinter die Kulissen von SMASH IT! Erfahre mehr über ihre Rollen, ihre Expertise und die Leidenschaft, mit der sie selbststä…
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Stop wasting your life working with the wrong clients who drain you, don’t get results, or don’t want to pay the high ticket prices you know you’re ready for. This clarity got me from selling my coaching offers for a few hundred dollars, to signing clients who spend $10,000+ working with me. Who I ADORE. And who do the work and get results. Why lis…
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Stop wasting your life working with the wrong clients who drain you, don’t get results, or don’t want to pay the high ticket prices you know you’re ready for. This clarity got me from selling my coaching offers for a few hundred dollars, to signing clients who spend $10,000+ working with me. Who I ADORE. And who do the work and get results. Why lis…
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Building trust isn’t just a feel-good concept, it’s the secret sauce to converting your community into paying clients. In this episode, I’ll break down actionable trust-building strategies that busy moms like you can implement today to grow a loyal buying community. Learn how to nurture relationships, overcome skepticism, and create a foundation fo…
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Stop wasting your life working with the wrong clients who drain you, don’t get results, or don’t want to pay the high ticket prices you know you’re ready for. This clarity got me from selling my coaching offers for a few hundred dollars, to signing clients who spend $10,000+ working with me. Who I ADORE. And who do the work and get results. Why lis…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen “Lasst uns selbst der Wandel sein, den wir uns für die Welt wünschen.” Mit dieser Aussage beendet Gretel ihr Podcast-Jahr 2024 und du kannst ihr dabei lauschen, wenn sie darüber spricht, warum ein respektvoller Umgang 2025 wieder ein Ziel werden muss. Denn was in 2024 auffiel,…
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Sharing this episode from the MamaCEO Unfiltered Podcast! Today I'm sharing 3 goals you can set for your business in 2025. This will work perfectly for you if you are in a position where you are un-goaling but want to navigate 2025 with intention. I hope this encourages you. 💬 If you enjoyed this episode DM me on Instagram @momsdobusinessdifferent …
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What does having a spiritually-rooted, authentic online brand that puts your wellness at the heart of it actually look like? You’re about to find out in an exciting interview with Isabel Bagsik, Soulful Brand Designer and Creative Wellness Guide, and past client of mine. On this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast you'll get the insid…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen "Das Problem bei Arbeitszimmern ist oft, dass sie die 'Auffangstation' für alles werden, was keinen anderen Platz hat." In dieser Folge von Moin um 9 – Dein Business Schnack für selbstständige Frauen ist Tanja Priefling, Ordnungscoach und Organisationsexpertin, zu Gast. Gemein…
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Feeling disorganized? Or like the lack of order in your home or business is cramping your creativity and progress? I FEEL YOU! While I LOVE to tidy up as a Virgo-rising (though cleaning can be a way I procrastinate!) my digital organization is a real weakness for me. While we can definitely come a LONG way without sweating the small stuff, when day…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen Wenn ich von meinen Kund:innen höre, dass sie a) Aktuell nicht genügend Kund:innen haben b) “Irgendwie” nicht so genau wissen, woher die Kund:innen, die sie gerade haben, eigentlich gekommen sind Dann stelle ich immer dieselbe Frage ❓: “Hast du deine Verkaufsroutine gemacht?” …
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With Capricorn in my 4th & 5th house it's meant that developing CREATIVE RITUALS has been key to creating success and sustainability in my business. As an ADHD-brained creative person, Manifesting Generator in Human Design I LOVE to switch things up, I do NOT like to be boxed in or to have a rigd schedule. Finding ways to flow creatively in my busi…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen „Selbstwirksamkeit und Unabhängigkeit sind nicht nur Buzzwords – sie sind das, was du dir schaffst, wenn du in dich und dein Business investierst.“ In dieser Folge Moin um 9 sind Laura und Gretel gemeinsam am Mikrofon. Sie werfen heute einen ausführlichen Blick in den Prosecco…
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It’s my 200th episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast!! To celebrate, I’m pulling back the curtain on what it’s really taken to sustain a business I love for the past 7 years, and to consistently publish a podcast for 4 years. In this week’s episode I cover: What it really takes to build a 6-figure online brand without burning out. I share how I…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen “Es ist ein fantastisches Gefühl, unterm Weihnachtsbaum zu sitzen und zu wissen: Ich bin bereit fürs nächste Jahr.“ In dieser Folge von Moin um 9 nimmt dich Gretel mit auf ihre ganz persönliche Reise – von einer absoluten Hassliebe zum Thema Planung hin zu einer echten Freunds…
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Sagitarius Season is a time to TAKE A STAND for your ideologies in your content. It's an expansive energy that can feel fun and easy when you let your curiosity lead... Anyone else been feeling the 'more is more' vibes and like you have an unquenchable urge to CREATE??!! Here are some juicy content prompts to dive into to blow up your content this …
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen “Wir wissen aus eigener Erfahrung: Die besten Entscheidungen für unser Business haben wir immer während Retreats oder Workations getroffen.” In dieser Episode entführt dich Laura in die Sonne und Wärme der kanarischen Insel La Palma – zumindest gedanklich. Denn heute dreht sic…
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If you feel like getting good at sales in a way that feels AUTHENTIC to you is the missing piece in taking your work to the heights you know you're capable of - you will LOVE this episode with world-famous astrologer and business coach, Natalie Holbrook. She shares which astrology placements can help you to find your own unqiue magic and sales stra…
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Der Business Podcast - Sales & Mindset Impulse für selbstständige Frauen “Ich bin kein perfekter Experte. Aber das, was ich mache, funktioniert verdammt gut – und das reicht.” In der heutigen Folge von Moin um Neun haben wir Dan Bauer zu Gast und to be honest: Gretel hat es nicht geschafft, diesen Unternehmer in eine Schublade zu packen und auf die…
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Astrologer, trained therapist and relationship expert, Elliott Lea, shares how she manifested getting booked on TV, attracting 7 and 8-figure clients and living creatively free as her fully-expressed and confident Leo self! Relationships are at the heart of EVERYTHING, but particularly business and money. Understanding how people communicate differ…
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