Komedyen, yazar Deniz Alnıtemiz’den birtakım gündelik hikâyeler.
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V oddaji Iz naših krajev spremljamo dogajanje po slovenskih občinah. V njej poročamo o različnih prireditvah, slovesnostih, običajih in drugih zanimivih dogodkih. Oddajo z izjavami oziroma sodelovanjem v krajših pogovorih posamezniki, ki delujejo v različnih družbeno-političnih sferah lokalnega okolja.
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Welcome to "Learn Levantine Arabic On The Go," your go-to Arabic podcast for interactive, downloadable Arabic lessons. I'm your host, Khaled Nassra, a seasoned Arabic teacher, content creator, and writer. In this podcast, I'll guide you through a fast, fun, and engaging journey to mastering Levantine Arabic through audio lessons and transcripts. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate learner, this podcast is tailored just for you. Join me for engaging and practical lessons that break f ...
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Find out what you need to know to start your day the right way. Tune in to get the news, weather - and maybe laugh a little, too.
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Nilay Örnek mikrofonu mesleklerini ustalıkla icra ettiğini düşündüğü insanlara yöneltip onlara aynı soruyu soruyor; Nasıl Olunur?
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A New York Islanders podcast brought to you by The Hockey Podcast Network hosted by Jon Zella. Each week, Jon will discuss the latest Isles news and interview guests from across the Isles community.
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Come get curious with NASA. As an official NASA podcast, Curious Universe brings you mind-blowing science and space adventures you won't find anywhere else. Explore the cosmos alongside astronauts, scientists, engineers, and other top NASA experts who are achieving remarkable feats in science, space exploration, and aeronautics. Learn something new about the wild and wonderful universe we share. All you need to get started is a little curiosity. NASA's Curious Universe is an official NASA po ...
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After being nominated one of the Worlds Finest Beach Clubs, Nassau Beach Club wants to bring you every week the freshest vibes straight from Ibiza island. Get ready to have journey to Ibiza without leaving home, now you will have the chance to enjoy anywhere at any time the Nassau Beach Club sounds by Alex Kentucky one of our resident Djs. Stay tuned for the best beach mixes.
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Licht ins Dunkle, oder Schaum in die Ritze - wie auch immer du es nennen magst. In diesem Podcast behandeln wir die spannendsten Fragen rund um das Thema Autopflege und Detailing. Oder quatschen einfach nur.
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Resenha, corneta e futebol! Debates sobre as notícias diárias do futebol com humor, opinião e informação. Episódio novo aqui de segunda a sexta! Integrantes: @rodrigoadams @lelebortholacci @espinosapedro @lucianopotter @rafeldiverio @diorv @gomesraphael @oleooliveira
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Naš pogled je kolumna, ki jo pišejo sodelavci Radia Ognjišče. Pogled je sicer rezerviran za oči. Kot takšen pozna več perspektiv. Ker je »naš«, se trudimo, da ima pogled na dogodke, ki se dotikajo vseh nas, tudi globino, še več, naša želja je, da se naš pogled sreča z vašim.
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Oddaja Sami naši je namenjena pripadnikom etničnih skupnosti s prostora bivše Jugoslavije in tudi vsem poslušalkam in poslušalcem, ki želijo širiti svoje vedenje o delovanju teh skupnosti in njihovih posebnostih. Polurna oddaja bo mozaično sestavljena iz novinarskih prispevkov, reportaž, informacij, intervjujev in glasbe.
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The NASS Podcast is a great way to consume education content on-the-go! The episodes offer in-depth discussions of a variety of topics in spine from key opinion leaders, including: 3D Printing; ACDF vs. Cervical Disc Replacement; Complications; Laminoplasty vs. ACDF; Neuromonitoring During Spine Surgery; Cellular-Based Allografts; Is Surgery for Axial Back Pain Still an Option?; Surgical Management of Degenerative Spondylolisthesis; SpineLine Author Discussions.
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Portret umetniške in življenjske poti ustvarjalca, glavnih postaj na njegovi poti, umetniških smernic in ciljev. Gostimo umetnike vseh zvrsti, tako s področja literature, scenskih umetnosti, filma, glasbe, arhitekture in vizualne umetnosti.
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Podcast by Autokult.cz
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Pogovorna oddaja „Naš gost“ prinaša pred poslušalce potret znane osebnosti. Navadno gostimo ljudi, ki so s svojimi znanji, uspehi na kulturnem, športnem, glasbenem, znanstvenem ali kakem drugem področju dosegli izstopajoče uspehe. Po drugi strani pa v teh oddajah prisluhnemo tudi osebam, ki so si tekom let pridobile veliko življenjskih izkušenj in modrosti. Oddaja Naš gost je vsekakor ena od kronskih oddaj našega sporeda, saj lahko poslušalcu predstavi zanimive ljudi, pa tudi življenjske oko ...
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Nassau Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), located on Palmer Square, in Princeton New Jersey. The Rev. Dr. David A. Davis serves as head of staff, and preaches most Sundays. The Rev. Lauren J. McFeaters is the associate pastor.
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Omar Nassra, a native Arabic speaker with 20 years of teaching experience, is a highly skilled Arabic teacher. He specializes in teaching various dialects of Arabic, including the Levantine dialect (used in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria), Gulf Arabic (Khaliji Dialect), Business Arabic, and Media Arabic. His students range from students to journalists, businessmen, diplomats from the Foreign Office, and even actors and actresses. Omar has a wealth of experience teaching individuals fr ...
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An in depth biography of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser, presented by WhyQuran. Watch these lectures with video at http://why-quran.org
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NASAA Talks is a podcast on issues of interest to investors, policymakers, and the securities regulation industry.
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Leandro Trajano é administrador, autor de seis livros, palestrante, consultor, colunista de jornal, sites, rádio e TV. Viveu em outros oito países além do Brasil e, desde 2013, trabalha com Planejamento, Educação Financeira, Finanças Pessoais e para casais. www.leandrotrajano.com @personalfinanceiro
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Unscripted talks.
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Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują. Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądroś ...
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Nasir starling
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Different things. Things as in topics fam!
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I'm talking about Russell Westbrook who i am learning about.
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A weekly show all about sports, make sure to check it out!
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Financial journalist and host of 'The Core Report' Govindraj Ethiraj speaks to thought leaders in technology to explore pivotal technological transformations and innovations shaping the future.
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Welcome to the Nasirah Sahar Mitchell podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Sarapan Nasi
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Welcome to the null podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Get podcast describing NASA's flights and missions!
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Welcome to my podcast!
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Welkom by die Nasie Stasie! Sleepvoet Dromer #vatvlam #nasieinspirasie
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Welcome to Nasser Dadras, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason
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Latest news and updates on wire and cables.
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I like trying new things out.
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Aulas dadas pelo professor José Monir Nasser. Google podcasts: https://cutt.ly/Ehk8L3G Spotify: https://cutt.ly/jhk8X5s Apple podcasts: https://cutt.ly/Yhk4eKI
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Here’s local Music From CT. Events, Artist Interviews & other Interesting Topics to engage in, tune in every Day
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Previsões astrológicas pela astróloga Fernanda Penteado www.fernandapenteado.com
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V našich podcastoch Vám prinesieme naše postoje a pohľady na aktuálne dianie v zámorskej NBA.
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Nasir the anchor is king of Voice who mesmerized people by his voice. Keep updated for listening new audios daily.
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Bazen basit sıradan bazen ise büyük toplumsal sorunları aşmak için sıra dışı önerilerde bulunuyoruz. Üstesinden Nasıl Gelsek
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Viewpoint of a 6 year old on life Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/soroda-nasiri/support
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sebuah obrolan dari sekelompok makhluk hidup yang ingin terkenal dan mencerdaskan anak bangsa melalui karya receh
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Potem ko je mladi ameriški podpredsednik J.D. Vance v svojem dolgem govoru zbranim predstavnikom evropskih zaveznikov natočil čistega vina, ko jim je pridigal o nujnosti jasnih ciljev, o temeljih demokracije, svobodi govora, nesprejemljivosti cenzure, pomenu dialoga in poslušanja ljudstva in brezglavosti nekontroliranih migracij ter jih spomnil, da…
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Gostili smo pilota in avtorja knjige Pozabljeni babilonski stolp, Kajetana Bajta.Mateja Subotičanec tarafından oluşturuldu
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Tak, Susan Sontag była feministką
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54:27Nieregularny cykl Shero wraca. Razem z Angeliką Kucińską rozmawiamy o Susan Sontag - ikonie, która zmieniła status popkultury, wplatając ją z rozmachem w filozoficzną analizę. Miała niesamowitą biografię i dorobek, ale dla nas pretekstem do rozmowy jest wydany niedawno zbiór "Kilka uwag o emancypacji" (wyd. Karakter). Zastanawiamy się m.in. dlaczeg…
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#682 Debate na CBN - Como ajustar as contas do ano
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41:45Wagner Gomes conversa com Débora Moura, Educadora Financeira; Leandro Trajano, Personal Financeiro; e Sandro Prado, Economista.[Texto via CBN]Leandro Trajano tarafından oluşturuldu
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#169 Michal a Ondra - NEJLEPŠÍ OKRUHY SVĚTA: Tohle Jsou Skryté Poklady!
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49:23Jaký je váš nejoblíbenější závodní okruh? A znáte nějaký skrytý okruhový poklad? Dejte nám vědět do komentářů na Youtube Autokult CZ, protože dnes se budeme okruhům věnovat! Vybrali jsme naše oblíbence, které stojí za to navštívit. A často to není ani tak náročné a drahé. Ostatně podívejte se sami!Autokult.cz tarafından oluşturuldu
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Bu bölümde konuğum davranış nörolojisi ve nöropsikiyatri alanlarında çalışan Doktor Diler Acar. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi'ndeki eğitiminin hemen ardından ABD'ye giden, oradaki eğitim ve araştırmalarının ardından yaklaşık 25 yıl boyunca Harvard Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Brigham and Womens Hospital’da Davranışsal Nöroloji bölümünde çal…
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Protesti v Kragujevcu, priseljenska književnost in makedonska folklora
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31:47V oddaji Sami naši na Prvem bomo nocoj raziskovali aktualna dogajanja v regiji. V Kragujevcu so se na srbski dan državnosti zbrali protestniki, ki so blokirali ulico Lepenički bulevar v znak nezadovoljstva nad oblastmi in pomanjkanjem odgovornosti po smrtonosni nesreči v Novem Sadu. Nato se bomo posvetili priseljenski književnosti in njenemu vplivu…
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A United States representative proposed abill to make president Donald Trump's birthday a federal holiday which also happens to be Flag Day. This had The Morning Madhouse thinking about what the best birthday party ever woulod be. Some are hypothetical and some have actually taken place.90.3 WHPC tarafından oluşturuldu
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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If you could have the body part of any animal, what would it be and why?90.3 WHPC tarafından oluşturuldu
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Join My Patreon Membership in 2025! 🎉 Let me help you take your Arabic to the next level in a creative, fast, and fun way! 🚀 ✨ Access exclusive lessons, tips, and resources to boost your Arabic skills.✨ Learn the Khaled Nassra Method, designed to make learning Arabic enjoyable and effective. To learn more and join today, visit:Khaled Nassra Meth…
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mudou o favorito pro título gaúcho
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50:40Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Presidents Day is here and can you name all of the Presidents? You may be suprised by how many people cant get past Obama. The Morning Madhouse atempts to name all of the the Presidents starting from the current one going back. How good a college education, really?90.3 WHPC tarafından oluşturuldu
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Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note https://www.omarnassramethod.com/omar-nassra-arabic-podcast Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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Dragan Živadinov, prejemnik Prešernove nagrade za življenjski opus: "Hotel sem narediti gledališko umetnino, ki sem jo jaz izumil."
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21:52Dragan Živadinov je gledališki umetnik, ki je v prvi polovici osemdesetih let nastopil s svojo vizijo odnosov med gledališkimi elementi in z vrhuncem tega obdobja, Krstom pod Triglavom, ki je bil hkrati tudi krst odra Gallusove dvorane Cankarjevega doma, odločno premaknil prostor konflikta iz besedila v likovni odrski jezik ter se od političnega gl…
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Lenart, Celje, Mozirje, Novo mesto, Murska Sobota, Bled, Vrhnika
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21:13Poročali smo o večjih stiskah ljudi v Beli krajini, gradnji stanovanj v Celju, projektu zaposlovanja starejših v Slovenskih goricah, odprtju zbirnega centra na Vrhniki, vstavljanju mladic v reki Dreto in Savinjo, dograditvi nogometnega stadiona v Murski Soboti in gradnji parkirišč na Bledu.Andrej Šinko tarafından oluşturuldu
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Nassau Beach Club Ibiza 397
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1:02:32NASSAU BEACH CLUB IBIZA nbci397 01. Beije - Away 02. Tâches - Eli & Fur - Fuse (Tâches Remix) 03. Gio Vandal - Fever 04. Chris Cargo - Home feat. Sarah Whittaker Gilbey 05. London Grammar - Wasting My Young Years (Henrik Schwarz Remix) 06. Meloko, Konvex (FR), Baron (FR), Selim Sivade - Me Gusta (Janakey Remix) 07. Foletto, Victor Arruda - Life Get…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Professional Use of Social Media in Spine Surgery
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31:01Is social media good or bad? And how can it be used in a professional setting? SpineLine authors Philip K. Louie, MD and Kendra Cooper, BS discuss that and more in this podcast with moderator Vivek Babaria, DO. Read the articlehere.
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Not Your Moms Valentines Day Cards
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12:12Valentines Day has offically arrived and regardless of how you feel about it the Hallmark cards are making their rounds. The Morning Madhouse trys to guess what some Hallmark Valentines Day cards say on the inside without opening them but with looking at the cover. From cheesey and corny to what in the absoulte hell. Happy Valentines Day!…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Sesli mesaj tadındaki podcast’imin 60. bölümü, dur kalkı bol bir bölüm oldu. İyi dinlemeler.Deniz Alnıtemiz tarafından oluşturuldu
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Levantine Arabic Conversation: When will you take your vacation? ايمتى رح تاخد عطلتك Level A2 to B1 #63
Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note https://www.omarnassramethod.com/omar-nassra-arabic-podcast Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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Protesti v podporo srbskim študentom, gledališče brez meja in izzivi kulturnega menedžmenta
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31:33V tokratni oddaji Sami naši se bomo odpravili na proteste v Ljubljani, na katerih so udeleženci izrazili podporo srbskim študentom, ki že tedne vztrajajo v boju proti režimu Aleksandra Vučića. Nato bomo obiskali festival Ruta v Mestnem gledališču ljubljanskem, ki je na enem odru združil vrhunska gledališča iz nekdanje Jugoslavije. Za konec pa se bo…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Raketentechnik und Schrumpfkopfpflege
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1:02:47Marvin Mieth tarafından oluşturuldu
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alice bastos neves no bola
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51:01Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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V človeka je položena želja po življenju, po možnosti dolgem življenju. In seveda želja po zdravju, za katerega radi rečemo, da je naše največje bogastvo. Za starozavezne pisce je to znamenje božjega blagoslova, bolezen pa prekletstvo. Radi bi živeli dolgo in tako rekoč umrli zdravi. Priznam, v svojem življenju še nisem bila resno bolna, zato ne mo…
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clima tenso entre os bolas
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50:33Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Super Bowl 59 is in the books! The one game a year that sports fans and non sports fans unite and watch the same game. That's because its more than just a game. Its about the commercials, Kendrick Lamar's halftime perfromance and what celebrities are in attendance. The Morning Madhouse goes back and forth with what they thought were the highs and l…
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#684 Reserva de emergência: como se preparar para imprevistos financeiros
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10:08Imagina essa situação: quebra a geladeira em casa. Quando você vai atrás pra consertar, a TV também fica ruim. Uma pessoa da família fica doente e precisa de medicamentos… tudo ao mesmo tempo. Não tem dinheiro que seja suficiente, porque é tudo de uma vez só. Mas e se você tivesse uma reserva de emergência?Ajudaria, né?!Mas como fazer pra ter essa …
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#683 Grana curta? Dicas para fazer o dinheiro render até o fim do mês!
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11:49Minha coluna semanal "É da sua conta" na Rádio Jornal.Leandro Trajano tarafından oluşturuldu
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Naš gost nagrajenec Prešernovega sklada Julij Zornik
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57:14Julij Zornik se z zvokom ukvarja že 30 let. Začel je kot tehnik na radiu RGL, sledila so ozvočenja na koncertih, studijsko delo v sinhronizaciji in pri reklamah, zatem pa so se začeli odkrivati projekti, ki so se dotikali filma. Kot piše v utemeljitvi nagrade Prešernovega sklada, je njegovo delo pri filmu prepoznavno in izstopajoče zlasti zaradi iz…
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Kiparka Dragica Čadež, prejemnica Prešernove nagrade: "Danes vsi vse vejo, na vse se spoznajo. Pa ni res. Treba je poznati osnove, tudi v umetnosti"
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20:11Akademska kiparka Dragica Čadež je ena najbolj uveljavljenih slovenskih umetnic, ki že več kot šestdeset let ustvarja v domačem in tudi mednarodnem likovnem prostoru. Za svoje delo je prejela številne nagrade in priznanja. Je tudi letošnja dobitnica Prešernove nagrade za življenjsko delo. Mladost je preživela v Mariboru, kjer jo je za kiparsko obli…
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Maribor, Bled, Murska Sobota, Ptuj
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18:23Poročali smo o odprtju coworking prostora na Ptuju, prenovi ledene dvorane na Bledu, nosprotovanju novim načrtom za umeščanje hidroelektrarn na reki Muri, nerešenih vprašanjih v zvezi z upravljanjem Vintgarja in več zahtevah mariborske krajevne skupnosti Kamnica v zvezi z urejanjem prometa.Andrej Šinko tarafından oluşturuldu
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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People are outed all the time. Sometimes for harmless matters and some have horrid consequences. The Morning Madhouse crew reminisce abou the times they were outed. This comes with a man who has been outed for an affair he's been having for a long time.90.3 WHPC tarafından oluşturuldu
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time misto, reserva ou titular?
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48:54Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Otroške vasi v Bosni in Hercegovini, režiser Vardan Tozija o filmu M in predstava Mirna Bosna sarajevskega Komornega tetra 55
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30:17V tokratni oddaji Sami naši vas popeljemo v svet filma, humanitarnega dela in gledališča. Spoznali boste, kako delujejo otroške vasi v Bosni in Hercegovini ter kakšno vlogo imajo SOS-starši pri pomoči otrokom brez družin. Nato bomo poslušali Vardana Tozijo, makedonskega režiserja filma M, ki prinaša pretresljivo zgodbo o odraščanju, na koncu pa se …
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