Get a rare glimpse into the minds and methods of sadistic murderers. From notorious names like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy to lesser-known killers like “Death House Landlady” Dorothea Puente, what turns a regular person into a predator? Serial Killers is a Spotify Original. New episodes Mondays.
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Our newest podcast, “The Good Whale,” is out now. Search for it wherever you get your podcasts, or follow it here: Serial Productions makes narrative podcasts that have transformed the medium. Sign up for our newsletter at to find out about new shows, get behind the scenes stories, and see photos and videos you can’t see on a podcast. To get full access to Serial Productions shows, and to other New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts a ...
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Serialously is hosted by Annie Elise, best known for her true-crime YouTube channel “10 to Life” with over 1M subscribers. Annie Elise discusses true crime cases and gives it to you straight in an engaging, conversational way - just like having a conversation with your best friend, or hopefully your new true crime bestie! *This podcast is not affiliated with The New York Times.
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Começamos com um site, mergulhamos nas redes sociais e agora é hora de estrear no mundo dos podcasts!
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TSK is the podcast dedicated to exploring the serial killer phenomenon. Who the killers were, what they did and how. The show makes a significant effort into exploring the serial killers' background, especially their childhood and youth. It goes into detail in the killers' development, and describes the murders in graphic detail to give the listener a truthful understanding of who these killers really were and the extent of their criminal behavior. The show is produced and hosted by Thomas W ...
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"O serialach" to podcast Bartosza Węglarczyka i Piotra Markiewicza, w którym razem z gościem przedstawiają osobiste rekomendacje najważniejszych premier. To obowiązkowa pozycja dla każdego fana filmowego i serialowego świata, podszyta wiedzą o nieoczywistych faktach.
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Sul Serial è la trasmissione di RadioAnimati che ogni settimana vi porterà alla scoperta di una nuova serie televisiva. Dagli imperdibili cult, alle serie più chiacchierate del momento.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Serial killers are both terrifying and fascinating. Here, we will explore their life stories and get a glimpse into whether they were born evil...or conditioned to be. We will also tackle other true crime stories from time to time.
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Fruitloops is a weekly podcast where two true crime enthusiasts bring you stories about people of color who rarely get media coverage - bringing diversity to the true crime conversation.
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Kids, looking for adventure? Listen daily to these Serialized Tales From The Radio Planet.
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Notoryczne oglądaczki seriali rozmawiają o tych, które naprawdę warto zobaczyć. To nie tylko nowości, ale również pozycje, których nie wypada nie znać, seriale z przesłaniem, tematyczne zestawienia i zapowiedzi. "Nie" nudnym tasiemcom mówią Zuzanna Piechowicz i Anna Piekutowska. - Radio TOK FM
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Δεν υποσχόμαστε εύκολες απαντήσεις, αλλά σίγουρα θα βρούμε τις σωστές ερωτήσεις. Στο Serial Talkers, η Αναστασία Κατζικά, ιδρύτρια του Disorder Marketing Agency, και ο ψυχίατρος Γιάννης Γενάρης μοιράζονται αλήθειες, απορίες, και λίγο χιούμορ για το πώς να βγάζουμε άκρη – είτε μιλάμε για δουλειά, είτε για σχέσεις, είτε για την ίδια τη ζωή.
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Tim and James discuss different serial killers and what makes them tick
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Podcast discussing, reviewing and analyzing topics such as movies, television shows, and overall fandom with your hosts Amanda and Mike!
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Komedia z elementami dramatu prezentująca życie Grzegorza Kowalskiego (w tej roli Grzegorz "Dakann" Barański), 35-letniego kawalera z Warszawy, borykającego się z problemami psychicznymi, będącymi następstwem życia w dysfunkcyjnej rodzinie. Bohater w zderzeniu z polską rzeczywistością stara się przetrwać i do końca nie oszaleć. Podcast bazuje na narracji w formie przemyśleń Kowalskiego i nawiązuje do kultowej produkcji o tym samym tytule, podanej w dużo lepszej jakości. Zapraszamy do odsłuch ...
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Offering you byte-sized mind-bending episodes to help you become the serial inventor you never thought you could be! A serial inventor has many product ideas they want to bring to market, and has the passion to do so. Award-winning entrepreneur and serial inventor, Courtney Laschkewitsch, will take you on an exploratory interactive journey through the product licensing industry. Whether you are new to serial inventing, or are looking for tips and tricks to up your licensing game, topics incl ...
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Serial Chiller è il podcast di ScreenWeek interamente dedicato alle serie tv. News, approfondimenti, anteprime, consigli e molto altro. Per tutti gli appassionati del binge-watching: da serie di qualità a guilty pleasure inconfessabili, parliamo di tutto!
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Cold Blooded Serial delves deep into the chilling narratives of known and lesser known true crime stories. With meticulous research and riveting storytelling, each episode unravels the dark motives, twisted psychology, and haunting crimes that define these individuals. Prepare to be captivated, shocked, and perhaps even unsettled as we uncover the truth behind the cold-blooded minds of these criminals.
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History Dweebs - A look at True Crime, Murders, Serial Killers and the Darkside of History
Tim Scott, Charles Walters and Brandy Herrmann
A light hearted look at the darkside of History Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Spine chillers and serial killers is a comedy podcast where three friends (Bex, Tash and Emma) talk about true crime and the paranormal but also laugh a lot, randomly sing and struggle to pronounce words (words are hard). So come join us for some spooky, murdery stuff and a lot of off subject wandering. If you like weird stuff and odd people then this might just be the podcast for you!! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The cybersecurity podcast about application security and those who practice it. Hosted by tech industry veterans Frank Catucci and Dan Murphy, AppSec Serialized by Invicti puts a new spin on the ”two guys talking” format by starting each episode with a security-themed fiction story in the style of old-time radio shows. Each episode focuses on a specific area of cybersecurity, with the hosts and their guests sharing their practitioners’ experiences and opinions, sprinkled liberally with a sol ...
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"Catching the Long Island Serial Killer" is a gripping and emotionally charged podcast that pulls back the curtain on one of the most infamous unresolved serial murder cases in American history. Journey with us as we unravel the chilling narrative of the Gilgo Beach Killings, walking the eerie pathways where the bodies of numerous victims were discovered. We dive deep into the elusive identity of the suspected killer, Rex Heuermann, revealing his disturbing double life as a respected archite ...
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Serial Causeurs est un podcast français sur les séries TV depuis 2014. De TF1 à Disney+, de Netflix à, en passant par les chaînes américaines, les séries pas encore diffusées en France, les pépites, les nullités, on essaye de tout regarder à votre place et de vous faire notre liste de recommandations séries ! On débat en toute modestie et mauvaise foi sur les séries d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Entre nouveautés, coup de gueule, série immanquable, Serial Causeurs c'est de la ...
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It's the podcast dividing listeners as we bring unique insights and interviews with the world's most notorious serial killers. Our case files bring you the facts, but our exclusive interviews show you another side -- the human side. Amanda Howard is a best selling true crime author who doesn't just talk about serial killers, she talks to them. Now Amanda is sharing almost 30 years worth of research, including letters and never-before-heard recordings that will shed new light on famous cases. ...
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🎭 "Έλα να ρίξουμε τα προσωπεία" 🎭 Το πιο συναρπαστικό ανθρωποκεντρικό podcast στην Ελλάδα που σπάει τα στερεότυπα και αποκαλύπτει την αλήθεια! 🌟 Αγαπάς τη τεχνολογία; 💻 Σε ενδιαφέρει η επιχειρηματικότητα; 🚀 Σε καίει η κοινωνία και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα; 🌍✊ Θέλεις να εξελιχθείς; 📈✨ 🎤 Εδώ συζητάμε χωρίς μάσκες, με αυθεντικότητα και πάθος! 🗣️❤️ ➡️ Follow για να ανακαλύψεις τον πραγματικό σου εαυτό και να εμπνευστείς από μοναδικές ιστορίες και ιδέες! ✨💡 ❌ Μην φοράτε προσωπεία, δείξτε τον αληθι ...
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Nesse programa de podcast abordaremos sobre Serial Killers. Descreveremos sobre seus perfis, cenas de crime, prisão, relatos de médicos e tudo aquilo que esteja interligado. Todos os assuntos abordados possui referência na descrição de cada episódio. Indicado para maiores de 16 anos.
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Serial Napper is the perfect true crime podcast for those who love a good nap, hosted by Nikki Young. Each episode offers a comprehensive and thoughtful deep dive into an unsolved mystery or lesser-known case, told succinctly and with all the key facts, just the way it happened. Let Nikki lead you through some of the most fascinating, chilling, and puzzling true crime stories you've never heard of, all while you drift off to sleep. Follow Nikki on social media for more updates.
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Según el FBI, un asesino en serie es quien comete tres asesinatos o más, en un período extenso, con un intervalo entre cada crimen. Por el contrario, el llamado asesino en masa es aquel que mata a un grupo de personas en un mismo momento Sebastián Camelo @el__arracadas nos trae en este podcast en español las historias más terroríficas de los asesinos en serie, detalles y cosas nunca antes contadas de estos monstruos. Contacto Comercial : alejovargas@PODWAY.COM.CO Derechos Reservados - PODWAY ...
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SALTA INTRO è il podcast che parla di tutte le serie da vedere, ma anche di quelle da evitare. A cura di Diego Castelli e Marco Villa, autori dal 2010 di, il sito italiano più longevo dedicato al mondo delle serie tv. SALTA INTRO esce ogni venerdì mattina e racconta le serie in arrivo nei sette giorni successivi. SALTA INTRO+ esce ogni martedì mattina ed è un lungo commento delle serie uscite. È disponibile solo su abbonamento a questo link: Abbonati: https://podcaster
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learn about the lives and killings of numerous serial killers Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash:
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3 People, 3 Episodes, 1 Topic (kinda)
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The Titan City Serials podcast is a series of short-form Mutants & Masterminds actual plays set within the fantasy noir universe of Titan City. Our rotating cast of characters and players delve into the great mysteries facing the monsters, mobsters, and superheroes that call Titan City home. The existence of magic and monsters has been known to the public since 1908 giving society about twenty years to adjust to the new status quo. The government has created the Department of Monster Affairs ...
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Assessment Task 2
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No Evil is our first serial. This original fiction story follows Sam Munson as he tries to deal with a regretful past and a growing number of unsettling inci...
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ELA final
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En este podcast te recomendamos series de cualquier tipo de género en cada uno de nuestros episodios.
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Serial killer e non solo. Un podcast a base di crimine e scienza in cui si alternano le voci di Sara Uslenghi, giornalista e Cristina Brondoni, criminologa e scrittrice. Chi sono i cattivi? Come si comportano? E perché si comportano così? L'assassino o l'assassina arriva a uccidere perché ha premeditato il tutto, o perché ha avuto un moto di rabbia che l'ha spinto o spinta a un gesto inconsulto quanto definitivo. Le storie di assassini e assassine, dei loro crimini e un'analisi delle motivaz ...
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"Komiksy już dawno ostrzegały przed Trumpem". O serialu "Daredevil. Odrodzenie"
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39:58Niewidomy Matt Murdock nocą staje się Daredevilem - superbohaterem broniącym mieszkańców nowojorskiego Hell's Kitchen. "Daredevil. Odrodzenie" to kolejna marvelowska produkcja, którą można oglądać na Disney+. Jaki wydźwięk polityczny ma ten serial? Czy Charlie Cox jest lepszym Daredevilem niż Ben Affleck? Dyskutują Anna Piekutowska, Zuzanna Piechow…
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EP 19 - The Charlotte Strangler: Henry Louis Wallace
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35:16In this episode, we’re diving into the chilling case of Henry Louis Wallace, also known as the “Charlotte Strangler.” Between 1992 and 1994, Wallace terrorized Charlotte, North Carolina, claiming the lives of 12 young women—many of whom he knew personally. We’ll explore how he managed to evade capture for so long, the shocking details of his crimes…
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11x10 - C'est si bien que ça Severance, Paradise et From ?
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55:10On parle High Concept avec : From (Paramount+, aucun spoiler), Paradise (Disney+, spoiler 5 épisodes), Severance (Apple TV, légers spoilers saison 2) Mais aussi The Hunting Party (inédit), Laid (inédit), évidemment le point LOST ! On essaye de définir le high concept ! This Is Us en est un ? How I Met ? The Pitt ?…
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Uncover the Dark Side of Reality TV: The Tragic Tale of Nancy Campbell-Panitz
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29:06Join me for a gripping episode that delves into one of the most infamous television shows in history—the Jerry Springer Show—and its connection to a shocking tragedy. Meet Nancy Campbell-Panitz, a quiet single mother who found herself at the center of a sensationalized reunion with her ex-husband and his mistress on live TV. But what was supposed t…
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True Crime Science! Vol 11 | Murdering Mothers
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26:08Today I bring to you FIVE motivations of mothers who kill their children. **Spotify Links** Megan Boswell: Boy in the Box: Lindsay Clancy:…
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SI 6x26 - All'inizio gli Oscar, in fondo il finale di Paradise
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52:00La consegna degli Oscar mi costringe a quella che credo sia l'introduzione più lunga finora, ma c'erano cose da dire e da sfogare. Così come c'era da parlare dell'atteso finale di una delle migliori novità della stagione, quella Paradise con cui Dan Fogelman ha dimostrato di saper lavorare su qualunque genere, ma sempre con lo stesso cuore. Serie i…
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Generation Why x Fruitloops: Marvin Gaye
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51:33In this collab episode, Wendy & Beth team up with Aaron from Generation Why to explore the music, life, legend, and legacy of Marvin Gaye. A groundbreaking singer, songwriter, and producer, Gaye rose to fame in the 1960s and revolutionized soul music. His remarkable career was tragically cut short when he was fatally shot in 1984. This is Part 1 - …
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The Vertical Plane part 2 and The Wanda Holloway case
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1:19:58Hey and welcome back sorry but we had AUDIO ISSUES this week. Skip straight to the stories at 17 mins in, if you want to miss the banter, however be warned we do wander off topic occasionally. Emma continues the bizarre story of the vertical plane, more strange messages from the 1500s, more stacks and more poltergeist activity. Ken and Debbie start…
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In questa puntata: Buffy l’ammazzavampiri (con Regina Cosplay) Buffy l’ammazzavampiri (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) è una serie televisiva statunitense horrror – action scritta da Joss Whedon, già autore dell’omonimo film del 1992 che costituì un insuccesso commerciale, e la cui trama fu ripresa per la nuova serie televisiva. La protagonista della ser…
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The blade sliced her open, her flesh separating with a cold precision, skin and fat sliding apart as if they’d been primed to rupture all along. Blood saturated everything—her dress, the grass, his hands, the knife—a predictable mess, though far worse was still to come. He set the knife aside and forced his fingers into the incision, pushing past t…
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The Lewis Clark Valley Murders
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40:10Five missing people in five years. And that’s far from the only fact that aroused suspicion of a serial killer operating along the Idaho-Washington border in the early 1980s. While some victims have been found, the hunt for the killer is still on. Keep up with us on Instagram @serialkillerspodcast! Have a story to share? Email us at serialkillersto…
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#2 - Πως η δουλειά σκοτώνει την προσωπική μου ζωή
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40:55Αν νιώθεις ότι η δουλειά σου ρουφάει κάθε λεπτό της ημέρας, αν οι φίλοι σου κάνουν πλάκα πως θα σου στείλουν πρόσκληση για να σε δουν, αν έχεις ξεχάσει πότε ήταν η τελευταία φορά που έκανες κάτι μόνο για εσένα… τότε αυτό το επεισόδιο είναι για σένα! 📌 Στο Serial Talkers, η Αναστασία Κατζικά και ο ψυχίατρος Γιάννης Γενάρης βουτάνε στη σκοτεινή πλευρ…
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[#207] UCIECZKA Z MIASTA | Piątek - serial oryginalny
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11:28Wypad za miasto w męskim gronie. Ta biwakowa przygoda może się skończyć tylko w jeden sposób.
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Serial Productions & The New York Times tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Gilgo Beach Trial: One Case or Five Separate Trials?
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14:58The Gilgo Beach Trial: One Case or Five Separate Trials? The suspected Gilgo Beach serial killer, Rex Heuermann, was back in a Suffolk County courtroom, and the debate over how his case should be tried took center stage. Prosecutors laid out their argument: all seven alleged murders should be handled in one trial. The defense? They want five separa…
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246: Tinder Serial Killer, Valentine’s Day Murder, Fire Captain Stabbing, Cannibal Released, & Deadly Black Widow
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48:18Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime with @_annieelise. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. Join our True Crime Club for access to BTS, Bonus Content, Our Private Group Chat, Giveaways and More! Shop Our True Crime Merch Follow the podcast on: IG, Facebook and TikTok For Business Inquiries: 10toLi…
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Courtney shares real-world examples, practical ways to implement accountability with someone else, in product licensing, and how this simple shift can keep you engaged, learning, and moving forward. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck or struggling to stay on track, this episode will give you the tools to build consistency into your process. Tune i…
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Love on the Titanic
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1:12:03Join us as we discuss the tragic lives of John and Madeline Astor Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Le serie tv da vedere nel 2025
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44:59Tutte le serie tv da vedere in questo 2025. Dai grandi ritorni alle novità. In più: parliamo dei potenziali revival di Buffy e One Tree Hill. Chi tornerà?screenWEEK tarafından oluşturuldu
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DeFi & AI: Η Επανάσταση της Χρηματοδότησης (powered by 8lends)
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14:38Το DeFi, η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη και το crowdlending αλλάζουν τα δεδομένα στη χρηματοδότηση! Στο νέο επεισόδιο, ανακαλύπτουμε πώς η 8lends συνδυάζει το blockchain με AI-driven επενδύσεις, φέρνοντας αποκεντρωμένες ευκαιρίες για όλους. 💡 Μάθετε πώς μπορείτε να επενδύσετε, να κερδίσετε και να αξιοποιήσετε το DeFi με έξυπνες κινήσεις. 🎙 Ακούστε το επεισόδι…
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S17E11 The assassination of RFK
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21:46June 6, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles a jubilant Robert Francis Kennedy spoke of winning the Presidential nomination in California. To a throng of media, members of the Democratic party and supporters, he said “My thanks to all of you and now it’s on to Chicago and let’s win there, thank you very much”. He gave a peace sign and then br…
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Saturday Morning Serial Podcast: Captain America: Brave New World
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48:41On this episode of Saturday Morning Serial, we review the new MCU movie, Captain America: Brave New World! Check out our website and follow us on our socials! Podcast Essentials Here:…
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