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Jose Luis Vigi

Aor/westcoast desde los 70 hasta nuestros dias. Gran selección de canciones unicas. Unete a nuestro grupo de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vigilanteaor/
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¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos al podcast! Aquí, donde la sabiduría se condensa en dosis concentradas, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo de los resúmenes de no ficción. Cada semana, exploramos los temas más relevantes e intrigantes del mundo actual, desde ciencia y tecnología hasta negocios y filosofía. ¿Te falta tiempo para leer esos largos libros que llevan meses en tu lista de pendientes? ¡No te preocupes! Nuestro equipo de expertos hace el trabajo por ti, destilando las ideas clave y en ...
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Fresh talkative show, with topics that can help you to understand how the South American culture and the Australian culture can be blend together without any judgments. Stay and listen, I will be here to answer your questions. Please leave a comment, your voice is important here. Estás en un show fresco y relajado donde vas a conocer sobre la cultura Australiana, sus diferentes matices y vivencias, con un estilo moderno y tranquilo. Quédate y escucha el primer episodio y déjanos tus comentarios.
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Blog independiente de Cine y series de Televisión en el que se aborda tanto la actualidad cinematográfica como los clásicos de toda la vida, así como todo tipo de series de televisión. Listas, críticas, artículos, secuencias, crítica corta...
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Acá Andamos

Hector Fernandes Mosqueda

Héctor Fernández nos lleva por los caminos de diversos géneros musicales bien perrotes. También tratamos algunos temas de interés para quienes quieren vivir de (o al menos en) la música. Y nomás por que puedo, también le ñoñearemos de vez en cuando a los aparatos tan fabulosos para hacer música. Comentarios, mentadas etc al hashtag #AcaAndamos o a mi Twitter @h_fernandez Si no le gusta o no le caigo bien, no haga iris, nomás no lo escuche y ya.
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Celso Díaz

Celso Díaz

Aquí tienes todas las sesiones de música ¡¡PONTE EN FORMA!!, para bailar y hacer deporte al aire libre y en el gimnasio. (Fitness & Running Music - Best Music Gym) Los nuevos podcasts "JauSETe by CELSETE", música house desde la isla de Ibiza. Y además, los programas emitidos del radio show "Super HITS" con Celso Díaz en www.efectobaileradioibiza.es, para todas las cadenas de radio en península.
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Podcast independiente con noticias y novedades sobre la entrañable línea de colecionables de Star Wars de Hasbro en México. Con un énfasis especial en las figuras de acción. Fechas de lanzamiento, promociones especiales, cápsulas históricas, preguntas y respuestas y guía de figuras con información oficial de Hasbro México.
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Scalpel ASMR

Scalpel ASMR

You are very welcome here! Have you ever thought that you may relax watching and listening surgical instruments? In these channel you can find it out, let me show you! #ScalpelASMR# I am creating the proper atmosphere for you to liberate stress and making you feel comfortable and cared. Do not forget to visit my Youtube Channel and my Instagram for more content and keeping update about the new videos! (Click the links in profile) Bienvenidos!! Alguna vez habías pensado que te podría relajar ...
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Canal no oficial del economista libertario y anarcocapitalista gallego Miguel Anxo Bastos ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ℹ️ Este programa forma parte de Free Cuban Podcasts : https://www.ivoox.com/escuchar-free-cuban-podcasts_nq_593331_1.html Un proyecto independiente y personal que nace con la intención de difundir las ideas de la libertad ℹ️ 🤝 Puedes ayudar a su continuidad a través de BIZUM: 692/163/601 🤝 ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ¡¡¡Muchas gracias!!!
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show series
# 219 | Contra el CARPE DIEM: "Tu ABUELO POBRE Ahorraba Más que Tú" Entrevista a Miguel Anxo Bastos donde nos cuenta la evolución de la riqueza de las naciones gracias al capitalismo. ¿Cómo sale el Humano de la Pobreza? Religión y Capitalismo 11:46 ¿Viven Peor los Jóvenes de ahora? Los valores Javier Millei Consejos para los Jóvenes 23 abril 2024 A…
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How does the concept of "letting my people go surfing" tie into Chouinard's overall business philosophy? The concept of "letting my people go surfing" ties into Chouinard's overall business philosophy by emphasizing the importance of work-life balance and allowing employees the freedom to pursue their passions outside of work. Chouinard believes th…
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How does the novel portray Michelangelo's struggles with self-doubt and insecurity as an artist? In the novel, Michelangelo's struggles with self-doubt and insecurity are portrayed through his internal monologues and interactions with other characters. He constantly questions his talent and whether he is truly capable of producing great art. His in…
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What role do schools and communities play in promoting outdoor play and exploration for children, as emphasized in the book? Schools and communities play a vital role in promoting outdoor play and exploration for children by providing safe and accessible outdoor spaces for them to engage in active play. By creating opportunities for children to exp…
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What message or lesson does The Agony And The Ecstasy convey about the nature of artistic genius and the pursuit of perfection? "The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone tells the story of Michelangelo, emphasizing the struggles and sacrifices that come with pursuing artistic genius and perfection. The novel conveys the message that true artistic…
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How can parents and caregivers balance concerns about safety with the benefits of outdoor play and exploration? Parents and caregivers can balance concerns about safety with the benefits of outdoor play and exploration by taking the following steps: Establish clear guidelines and boundaries for outdoor play. This could include setting specific area…
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How might Wade's research influence public policy and discussions around race, genetics, and identity? Wade's research may influence public policy and discussions around race, genetics, and identity by sparking debate and raising awareness about the complexities of these issues. His findings may prompt policymakers to consider the implications of g…
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How might the ideas presented in A Troublesome Inheritance impact future research in the fields of genetics, anthropology, and sociology? The ideas presented in A Troublesome Inheritance, particularly those related to the role of genetics in shaping human behavior and social hierarchies, may have a significant impact on future research in the field…
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# 218 | Alternativas de mercado a la política social El profesor Miguel Anxo Bastos presenta alternativas más eficientes y de menor costo que ofrece el mercado, para atender hospitales, asilos, guarderías, escuelas y otras instituciones, actualmente mal administradas por el Estado. Explica Bastos que su propuesta no es quitar el apoyo a los más nec…
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What are some key takeaways and actionable insights that readers can apply to their own professional practices from The Checklist Manifesto? The importance of implementing checklists in any profession or industry to improve efficiency, productivity, and reduce errors. The power of simplifying complex tasks into a series of actionable steps that can…
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What are the key characteristics of a successful checklist, according to Gawande? According to Gawande, the key characteristics of a successful checklist are: Clear and concise: The checklist should be simple, easy to understand, and not overly complicated. Specific: Each item on the checklist should be clearly defined and actionable. Relevant: The…
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# 217 | "La eliminación del Estado" ¿Cómo PARAR su PODER? Ponencia impartida por el Doctor Miguel Anxo Bastos en la Universidad de las Hespérides (h.) el 1 de abril de 2024, donde responde a las preguntas de los alumnos relacionadas con el anarcocapitalismo, minarquismo, el poder estatal y las distintas formas de gobierno. ¿Cómo puede desaparecer e…
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In what ways does Patagonia prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility in its operations? Patagonia uses recycled and environmentally friendly materials in their products, such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and non-toxic dyes. The company actively promotes repairing and reusing products through their "Worn Wear" program, wh…
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# 216 | La Lucha de Clases y la Escuela Austriaca (Conferencia-Mayo-2017) Conferencia del profesor Miguel Anxo Bastos Boubeta sobre la visión de "Las Clases Sociales" en la Teoría Austriaca de Economía. Instituto Juan de Mariana | X Congreso de Economía Austriaca Fundación Rafael del Pino | Madrid, España. 18 de mayo de 2017 Ayuda a la continuidad …
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In what ways does color influence our emotions and behavior? Color has a significant impact on our emotions and behavior because it can evoke certain psychological and physiological responses. Different colors can create specific moods, feelings, and reactions. For example: Red: Red is often associated with strong emotions such as passion, love, an…
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What are some examples of the ways in which artists have used pigments and dyes to manipulate color and create new visual effects? Some examples of ways artists have used pigments and dyes to manipulate color and create new visual effects include: Mixing pigments to create custom colors: Artists often mix different pigments together to create uniqu…
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# 215 | Capital humano ─ Entrevista en "Kapital" - La psicología del dinero - 28 de marzo de 2024 El consumismo nos empuja hacia la mejora y la sustitución continua pero nada hay más capitalista que el uso prolongado de las cosas. El apego, la estima hacia algo o alguien, hará que lo cuides y que lo vigiles, lo que te dará en última instancia un se…
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What do you think the future holds for the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her impact on American society? Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy is sure to endure for many years to come. She was a trailblazer for gender equality and women's rights, and her impact on American society is profound. As the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court, she inspi…
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How does the book examine the impact of Ginsburg's work on gender equality and women's rights? The book examines the impact of Ginsburg's work on gender equality and women's rights by discussing her pioneering legal work and advocacy for equal rights for women. It delves into her groundbreaking cases that challenged discriminatory laws and practice…
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Nuevo especial de esas grandes bandas y solistas que han sido los reyes dentro de la musica que nos apasiona. He disfrutado mucho haciendo espero que tu tambien lo disfrutes escuchando. AOR ON 1. TRIUMPH – TEARS IN THE RAIN 2. MITCH MALLOY – MISSION OF LOVE 3. STREETS – IF LOVE SHOULD GO 4. HAREM SCAREM – LOVE REACTION 5. GIANT – INNOCENT DAYS 6. A…
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# 214 | Miguel Anxo Bastos en Negocios TV "España no es capaz de reaccionar ante una crisis": ¿Efectos de la deuda de Sánchez? ️ Entrevista al profesor Bastos en Negocios TV donde analiza varios temas como: 100 días de Milei como líder de Argentina. La inflación en USA. Elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos en noviembre 2024. España: situació…
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How does the author portray the Viking raids on the British Isles in the book? In the book, the author portrays the Viking raids on the British Isles as brutal and relentless. The Vikings are depicted as fierce warriors who show no mercy to their enemies, plundering and pillaging villages and monasteries along the coast. The raids are described in …
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How does McChrystal address the challenge of maintaining a sense of purpose and unity within a team of teams? McChrystal addresses the challenge of maintaining a sense of purpose and unity within a team of teams by emphasizing the importance of clear communication and shared goals. He encourages active collaboration and transparency among all membe…
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What parallels can be drawn between the Viking conquests and modern-day imperialism? Motives for conquest: Just as the Vikings sought to expand their territories and gain wealth through their conquests, modern imperial powers often have similar motivations for their actions, such as the desire for resources, land, and power. Use of military force: …
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How does McChrystal recommend integrating technology and data analytics into decision-making processes? McChrystal recommends integrating technology and data analytics into decision-making processes by creating a dedicated unit within an organization that focuses specifically on collecting and analyzing data. This unit should work closely with deci…
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# 213 | Miguel Anxo Bastos en Directo con Colin Rivas << "AL ESTADO NO LE HACE GRACIA QUE LA GENTE SE DE CUENTA DE QUE ES INNECESARIO" >> Tertulia en directo en El Diestro.TV de Miguel Anxo Bastos con Colin Rivas, Javier Villacorta y Alex Diaz. 15 de marzo de 2024 Ayuda a la continuidad de este canal dándole al botón "APOYAR" en IVOOX | Hazte Patro…
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# 212 | ESPECIAL 8M: el FEMINISMO explicado por Miguel Anxo Bastos Tomado del Seminario: Ideologías y Teoría Política contemporánea (Sesión 5) de Miguel Anxo Bastos Salón del Consejo Directivo Edificio Centro Estudiantil Universidad Francisco Marroquín Guatemala, 14 de agosto de 2015 Una producción de New Media-UFM. Guatemala Ayuda a la continuidad…
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# 211 | COMENTARIOS SOBRE LA ESCUELA AUSTRÍACA ️ Entrevista en el Programa Argentino "Dialogos" ️ ️ 02 de febrero de 2024 ️ El profesor Bastos conversa sobre aspectos técnicos de la escuela austriaca, que parece estar en auge, al menos, en el mundo hispanohablante. ► "Diálogos" es un programa conducido por Facundo Guadagno y Matías Suarez Holze. ◄ …
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The author of The Happiness Advantage book The author of "The Happiness Advantage" is Shawn Achor. In this book, Achor explores the idea that success doesn't necessarily lead to happiness, but rather happiness leads to success. He delves into research from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience to offer practical strategies for individu…
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The author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street book The author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street is Burton Malkiel. Malkiel is an economist and writer, best known for his work on efficient market theory and the principles of passive investing. He has been a professor at Princeton University and has authored several books on investing and financial ma…
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What is the meaning of The Happiness Advantage The Happiness Advantage is a concept introduced by positive psychology researcher Shawn Achor, which refers to the idea that being happy and positive can have significant benefits in various aspects of our lives. These benefits include increased creativity, productivity, resilience, and overall life sa…
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What is the meaning of A Random Walk Down Wall Street "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is a book written by Burton Malkiel, a renowned economist and investment expert. The book explores the concept of the random walk hypothesis in financial markets, which suggests that stock prices move randomly and are therefore unpredictable. Malkiel advocates fo…
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# 210 | Charla con Juan Ramón Rallo sobre el resultado de las elecciones gallegas Emitido en directo el 21 de febrero de 2024 ️ Juan Ramón Rallo entrevista a Miguel Anxo Bastos sobre quién ha ganado y quién ha perdido en Galicia así como sobre las implicaciones que todo ello tiene en la política nacional. ️ Ayuda a la continuidad de este canal dánd…
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The author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work book The author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is Dr. John Gottman, a renowned psychologist and relationship expert. He has conducted extensive research on marital relationships and has developed practical strategies for couples to strengthen their bonds and create lastin…
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The author of The Lucifer Effect book The author of The Lucifer Effect book is Dr. Philip Zimbardo, a renowned psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University. In his groundbreaking book, Dr. Zimbardo explores the psychological mechanisms that can lead ordinary individuals to commit acts of evil and how situational factors can influence …
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What is the meaning of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is a book written by Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist and researcher known for his work on relationships. In the book, Gottman outlines seven key principles that he believes are essential for a successful and lasting marriage. These pr…
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As I uncork the bubbly to celebrate a milestone 100th episode, I find myself awash with appreciation for the vibrant tapestry we've woven together through raw storytelling and shared laughter. It's been a journey of humble beginnings that blossomed into a community, and for that, my gratitude knows no bounds. Together, we've danced through tales of…
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# 209 | Pensar a Economía. Conversa entre Bastos e Enrique Sáez *AUDIO EN GALLEGO* 12 de febrero de 2024 << Miguel Anxo Bastos, economista, politólogo y catedrático, y Enrique Sáez Ponte, economista y presidente de la Fundación Juana de Vega, son los protagonistas del conversatorio Pensar La Economía, que forma parte de la serie Desafíos do país, p…
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What is the meaning of The Undoing Project "The Undoing Project" refers to a non-fiction book written by Michael Lewis, published in 2016. The book explores the collaboration between two Israeli psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who revolutionized the field of behavioral economics. The title suggests the idea of unravelling or undoin…
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The author of Never Eat Alone book The author of Never Eat Alone is Keith Ferrazzi. Keith Ferrazzi is an American author, entrepreneur, and business consultant. He is known for his expertise in networking and relationship-building, which is the central theme of his book Never Eat Alone. In the book, Ferrazzi explores the power of networking and bui…
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