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这里是東京ステーションズ。 来自不同行业的几位在日华人,以在地视角带你体验另一种日本生活和东京文化。 This is Tokyo Stations Podcast. Several Chinese from different industries will tell you another Japanese life and Tokyo culture from their perspectives.
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这里是東京ステーションズ。 来自不同行业的几位在日华人,以在地视角带你体验另一种日本生活和东京文化。 This is Tokyo Stations Podcast. Several Chinese from different industries will tell you another Japanese life and Tokyo culture from their perspectives.
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1872年就通车的品川车站,是日本最具代表的交通枢纽之一。去过东京的游客,是不是都曾路过这个车站呢?交通便利的品川车站,自然是很多公司总部聚集地。而除此之外,在日本,说到品川还会让人联想到它不可胜举的医美医院。这一期我们请到了曾任职医美翻译的嘉宾,为我们来讲述一下日本医美的现状以及游客在海外进行医美项目时的注意事项。变美,不仅仅是女人的专利哦。还有男性医美项目也是让主播们大呼精彩。带上你的纸和笔,一起和我们云游品川,了解日本医美吧。 Shinagawa Station, which is opened in 1872, is one of the most representative transportation hubs in Japan. I guess almost all of t…
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1872年就通车的品川车站,是日本最具代表的交通枢纽之一。去过东京的游客,是不是都曾路过这个车站呢?交通便利的品川车站,自然是很多公司总部聚集地。而除此之外,在日本,说到品川还会让人联想到它不可胜举的医美医院。这一期我们请到了曾任职医美翻译的嘉宾,为我们来讲述一下日本医美的现状以及游客在海外进行医美项目时的注意事项。变美,不仅仅是女人的专利哦。还有男性医美项目也是让主播们大呼精彩。带上你的纸和笔,一起和我们云游品川,了解日本医美吧。 Shinagawa Station, which is opened in 1872, is one of the most representative transportation hubs in Japan. I guess almost all of t…
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农历新年还在尾声,和以往不同的是,无论你身在世界的哪一个角落,回家仍然是一件比较困难的事。即使身在日本,我们中的大多数人仍然会遵照传统,在家中贴上福字,准备一顿年夜饭。这种仪式感让人们的心产生联结。在东京不远处的横滨中华街,也在上演热闹众彩的新年仪式。 横滨的精彩不止中华街,海滨之城让它开放、悠闲、步调缓慢。就连皮卡丘们每年都要来开 Party。 The Lunar New Year is not over yet. What is different from the past is that going home is still more difficult no matter where you are in the world. Even if we are in Japan, m…
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农历新年还在尾声,和以往不同的是,无论你身在世界的哪一个角落,回家仍然是一件比较困难的事。即使身在日本,我们中的大多数人仍然会遵照传统,在家中贴上福字,准备一顿年夜饭。这种仪式感让人们的心产生联结。在东京不远处的横滨中华街,也在上演热闹众彩的新年仪式。 横滨的精彩不止中华街,海滨之城让它开放、悠闲、步调缓慢。就连皮卡丘们每年都要来开 Party。 The Lunar New Year is not over yet. What is different from the past is that going home is still more difficult no matter where you are in the world. Even if we are in Japan, m…
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农历新年快乐 伴随农历新年的到来,我们的节目也来到了第二季的收尾。早前的提问箱收到了很多朋友的留言,这一次,我们依旧会在站长室特辑中进行回答。在这漫长的一年中,不论你经历了什么,我们都祝愿你:新年快乐,万事安康。我们新的一年再见。 With the Lunar New Year's arrival, our show has also reached the end of the second season. In the question box, we received many messages from friends. This time, we will still answer in the extra edition show of the "Stationmaster's …
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🧧新年快乐🧧 伴随农历新年的到来,我们的节目也来到了第二季的收尾。早前的提问箱收到了很多朋友的留言,这一次,我们依旧会在站长室特辑中进行回答。在这漫长的一年中,不论你经历了什么,我们都祝愿你:新年快乐,万事安康。我们新的一年再见。 With the Lunar New Year's arrival, our show has also reached the end of the second season. In the question box, we received many messages from friends. This time, we will still answer in the extra edition show of the "Stationmaster's …
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两国紧邻隅田川,汇集了许多传统工艺品作坊和相扑力士的训练班。 没错,这里是日本国技“相扑”的重要场所。两国国技馆每年会举行 3 次大相扑比赛,因此有许多相扑训练场,也成为力士生活的街区。传统运动、匠人工艺,使得这里充满江户时代精神。 Ryogoku is close to the Sumida River, where there are many workshops for making traditional crafts and training grounds for sumo wrestlers. Yes, this is an important place for Japan's National sport "Sumo." The Ryogoku Kokugikan hold…
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两国紧邻隅田川,汇集了许多传统工艺品作坊和相扑力士的训练班。没错,这里是日本国技“相扑”的重要场所。两国国技馆每年会举行 3 次大相扑比赛,因此有许多相扑训练场,也成为力士生活的街区。传统运动、匠人工艺,使得这里充满江户时代精神。 Ryogoku is close to the Sumida River, where there are many workshops for making traditional crafts and training grounds for sumo wrestlers. Yes, this is an important place for Japan's National sport "Sumo." The Ryogoku Kokugikan holds…
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作为港区的一个町地,赤坂是优雅之地的代名词。过去,它紧邻江户城,拥有赤坂离宫、高级公寓和神社。现今,众多米其林星级餐厅、奢华酒店和公司本社汇聚于此,富人和精英阶层常留驻于此。坐落在赤坂辽阔境地的神社是热门的传统婚礼举办地,在新年期间,也常有附近各大经纪公司和唱片公司的艺人前来祈祷事业顺利。 As a town in Minato City, Akasaka is synonymous with an elegant place. In the past, it was close to Edo Castle and contained the Akasaka Palace, high-end apartments and shrines. Now, many Michelin-starred…
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作为港区的一个町地,赤坂是优雅之地的代名词。过去,它紧邻江户城,拥有赤坂离宫、高级公寓和神社。现今,众多米其林星级餐厅、奢华酒店和公司本社汇聚,富人和精英阶层常留驻于此。坐落在赤坂辽阔境地的神社是热门的传统婚礼举办地,在新年期间,也常有附近各大经纪公司和唱片公司的艺人前来祈祷事业顺利。 As a town in Minato City, Akasaka is synonymous with an elegant place. In the past, it was close to Edo Castle and contained the Akasaka Palace, high-end apartments and shrines. Now, many Michelin-starred r…
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1901 年,制造销售惠比寿啤酒的日本麦酒酿造会社(现 SAPPORO 啤酒)开通了专门运送啤酒的货物车站,这里因此得名“惠比寿”。因为距离涩谷和代官山很近,惠比寿自然成为了高雅成年人聚集的街区。旧时的札幌啤酒惠比寿工场被改造为啤酒纪念馆,并带动了周围的商业、餐饮和文化,成为那些对于日常生活有所追求的人热爱的文化之地。华灯初上,忙碌完的善男信女们聚集于此,开始他们的都市夜生活。 In 1901, the Japan Beer Brewing Company, responsible for the manufacture and sale of Yebisu beer, opened a cargo station dedicated to transporting beer, and th…
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1901 年,制造销售惠比寿啤酒的日本麦酒酿造会社(现 SAPPORO 啤酒)开通了专门运送啤酒的货物车站,这里因此得名“惠比寿”。因为距离涩谷和代官山很近,惠比寿自然成为了高雅成年人聚集的街区。旧时的札幌啤酒惠比寿工场被改造为啤酒纪念馆,并带动了周围的商业、餐饮和文化,成为那些对于日常生活有所追求的人热爱的文化之地。华灯初上,忙碌完的善男信女们聚集于此,开始他们的都市夜生活。 In 1901, the Japan Beer Brewing Company, responsible for the manufacture and sale of Yebisu beer, opened a cargo station dedicated to transporting beer, and th…
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あけましておめでとう 巢鸭的地藏通位于旧中山道,江户时代,作为中山道的第一个休息站而繁盛。现在,这里有一个更时髦的称呼 - 奶奶们的原宿。商店街入口处的 Sugamon 屁股,据说摸一下可以获得爱情;高岩寺的拔刺地藏可以替你除去病痛;红色内衣还能为你招来好运,因为日本人相信人在 60 岁时会迎来第二人生。这是充满温和怀旧气氛的街区,新年假日,去这里感受奶奶们的热情。 Sugamo’s Jizou-dori Street is located on the former Nakasendo highway. During the Edo period, it flourished as the first rest area on Nakasendo. Now, there is a more…
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🎍あけましておめでとう🎍 巢鸭的地藏通位于旧中山道,江户时代,作为中山道的第一个休息站而繁盛。现在,这里有一个更时髦的称呼 - 奶奶们的原宿。商店街入口处的 Sugamon 屁股,据说摸一下可以获得爱情;高岩寺的拔刺地藏可以替你除去病痛;红色内衣还能为你招来好运,因为日本人相信,人在 60 岁时会迎来第二人生。这是充满温和怀旧气氛的街区,新年假日,去这里感受奶奶们的热情。 Sugamo’s Jizou-dori Street is located on the former Nakasendo highway. During the Edo period, it flourished as the first rest area on Nakasendo. Now, there is a m…
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MERRY CHRISTMAS 在昭和时期曾是一片杂木林的代官山,自关东大地震后兴建起公寓,进而形成现在的高级住宅区,并成为高级时装店、咖啡店与甜品店聚集的时尚街区。现代主义建筑和精致的商业氛围,让这里的圣诞气息更显浓厚。 In the Showa period, Daikan-yama was just an area overgrown with weeds. After the Great Kantō Earthquake, apartments were built to form the current high-end residential area, and it became a fashionable area with high-end fashion shops, c…
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🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS🎄 在昭和时期曾是一片杂木林的代官山,自关东大地震后兴建起公寓,进而形成现在的高级住宅区,并成为高级时装店、咖啡店与甜品店聚集的时尚街区。现代主义建筑和精致的商业氛围,让这里的圣诞气息更显浓厚。 In the Showa period, Daikan-yama was just an area overgrown with weeds. After the Great Kantō Earthquake, apartments were built to form the current high-end residential area, and it became a fashionable area with high-end fashion shops,…
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原本为渔村地带的浅草,因渔夫在隅田川捞起观音佛像,而后供奉此佛像并建造浅草寺而闻名。江户时代之前,这里是东京最繁荣的街道。经历了地震、火灾与二战的满目疮痍,仍旧快速复苏,这里是有神明庇护对的下町街市。 Asakusa was originally a fishing village. It is well-known because the fisherman picked up the Guanyin Buddha statue on the Sumida River, then enshrined it and built Sensoji Temple. Before the Edo period, this was the most prosperous street in Tokyo…
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原本为渔村地带的浅草,因渔夫在隅田川捞起观音佛像,而后供奉此佛像并建造浅草寺而闻名。江户时代之前,这里是东京最繁荣的街道。经历了地震、火灾与二战的满目疮痍,仍旧快速复苏,这里是有神明庇护的下町街市。 Asakusa was originally a fishing village. It is well-known because the fisherman picked up the Guanyin Buddha statue on the Sumida River, then enshrined it and built Sensoji Temple. Before the Edo period, this was the most prosperous street in Tokyo.…
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咖啡在你的生活中代表什么?在留有江户余韵的清澄白河,保留传统魅力的同时,逐渐兴起了各色职人咖啡馆。旧时的仓库被各种在地与国外知名品牌改建成摩登气息的咖啡馆,变身为东京又一处咖啡激战区。 What does coffee represent in your life? Kiyosumi-shirakawa, which is full of the Edo period, has retained its traditional charm, and various professional cafes have gradually emerged. The old warehouse has been transformed into a modern coffee shop by vari…
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咖啡在你的生活中代表什么?在留有江户余韵的清澄白河,保留传统魅力的同时,逐渐兴起了各色职人咖啡馆。旧时的仓库被各种在地与国外知名品牌改建成摩登气息的咖啡馆,变身为东京又一处咖啡激战区。 What does coffee represent in your life? Kiyosumi-shirakawa, which is full of the Edo period, has retained its traditional charm, and various professional cafes have gradually emerged. The old warehouse has been transformed into a modern coffee shop by vari…
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2020 年的我们被限制了脚步,旅行被按下了暂停键。 在多数人眼中,羽田机场不只是一座交通枢纽,也是休憩与约会的不二场所。如果把旅行比作一部电影,机场就是这部电影的开篇与结尾,上演着不同剧集。 这一年即将过去,我们都期待着即将展开的新旅行。 In 2020, our pace was restricted and travel was forced to suspend. In most people's eyes, Haneda Airport is a transportation hub and a perfect place for rest and dating. If you compare travel to a movie, the airport is the beginn…
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2020 年的我们被限制了脚步,旅行被按下了暂停键。在多数人眼中,羽田机场不只是一座交通枢纽,也是休憩与约会的不二场所。如果把旅行比作一部电影,机场就是这部电影的开篇与结尾,上演着不同剧集。 这一年即将过去,我们都期待着即将展开的新旅行。 In 2020, our pace was restricted and travel was forced to suspend. In most people's eyes, Haneda Airport is a transportation hub and a perfect place for rest and dating. If you compare travel to a movie, the airport is the beginni…
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乡愁是每一个生活在异乡的人们最深切的感受。不管是一道食物还是一处地点,都是排解乡愁的好方式。在东京的池袋站,汇集了很多地道的小吃店和中华物产商店,还有众多的华人社区。在多数华人心中,这里算是名副其实的东京唐人街。 Homesickness is the deepest feeling of every person living in a foreign country. Whether it is food or a location, it is a good way to relieve homesickness. At Ikebukuro Station in Tokyo, there are many authentic snack bars and Chinese product…
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乡愁是每一个生活在异乡的人们最深切的感受。不管是一道食物还是一处地点,都是排解乡愁的好方式。在东京的池袋站,汇集了很多地道的小吃店和中华物产商店,还有众多的华人社区。在多数华人心中,这里算是名副其实的东京唐人街。 Homesickness is the deepest feeling of every person living in a foreign country. Whether it is food or a location, it is a good way to relieve homesickness. At Ikebukuro Station in Tokyo, there are many authentic snack bars and Chinese product…
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在东京的高円寺,聚集了很多为了梦想努力打拼的人。他们选择高円寺的原因,有因为囊中羞涩,也因为这里有很多演出剧场,让他们有更多展露的机会。这些人造就了一个特别的高円寺,期盼绽放火花。 At Koenji in Tokyo, a group of people who worked hard for their dreams gathered. Some of the reasons they chose Koenji were because there is not enough money. Another reason was that there are many theaters where they can perform, giving them more opportuniti…
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在东京的高円寺,聚集了很多为了梦想努力打拼的人。他们选择高円寺的理由,有因为囊中羞涩,也因为这里有很多演出剧场,让他们有更多展露的机会。这些人造就了一个特别的高円寺,期盼绽放火花。 At Koenji in Tokyo, a group of people who worked hard for their dreams gathered. Some of the reasons they chose Koenji were because there is not enough money, another reason was that there are many theaters where they can perform, giving them more opportuniti…
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特别篇 - 札幌 当工作与理想生活出现偏差,你会选择怎么改变?是逃离匆忙的大都市,还是寻找另一种生活方式?有幸在我们之中,有一位从东京只身去往北海道,一路向北、追逐生活的朋友。田园农舍,下地种瓜。这不是奢望,这就是理想生活。 When your work deviates from your ideal life, how do you choose to change? Is it to escape the hurried metropolis or to find another way of life? Fortunately, among us, there is a friend who went to Hokkaido from Tokyo to pursue life alo…
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特别篇 - 札幌 当工作与理想生活出现偏差,你会选择怎么改变?是逃离匆忙的大都市,还是寻找另一种生活方式?有幸在我们之中,有一位从东京只身去往北海道,一路向北、追逐生活的朋友。田园农舍,下地种瓜。这不是奢望,这就是理想生活。 When your work deviates from your ideal life, how do you choose to change? Is it to escape the hurried metropolis or to find another way of life? Fortunately, among us, there is a friend who went to Hokkaido from Tokyo to pursue life alo…
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在开行了十二站之后,我们抵达了第一个站长室。在这期间,我们征集了大家感兴趣的内容与提问,并挑选了一些较多受关注的话题。你想了解的内容是不是得到了答案?请先和我们一同稍作休息。 提问!回答! After the train left for twelve stations, we arrived at the first stationmaster's office. We collected topics of interest to everyone during this period and selected some topics that received more attention. Did you get the answer to what you want to know…
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在开行了十二站之后,我们抵达了第一个站长室。在这期间,我们征集了大家感兴趣的内容与提问,并挑选了一些较多受关注的话题。你想了解的内容是不是得到了答案?请先和我们一同稍作休息。提问!回答! After the train left for twelve stations, we arrived at the first stationmaster's office. We collected topics of interest to everyone during this period and selected some topics that received more attention. Did you get the answer to what you want to know?…
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不论是想住在勝どき,还是东京的其它区域,地势、学区、贷款额度、抗震能力以及未来生活,这些都是需要仔细斟酌的问题。塔楼有什么优劣之处?租房需要经历哪些过程?海外置产与内地的差异?这一期节目中,你都能找到参考。 Whether you want to live in Kachidoki or other areas of Tokyo, the terrain, school districts, loan amount, earthquake resistance, and future life are all issues that need to be carefully considered. What are the advantages and disadvantages of th…
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不论是想住在勝どき,还是东京的其它区域,地势、学区、贷款额度、抗震能力以及未来生活,这些都是需要仔细斟酌的问题。塔楼有什么优劣之处?租房需要经历哪些过程?海外置产与内地的差异?这一期节目中,你都能找到参考。 Whether you want to live in Kachidoki or other areas of Tokyo, the terrain, school districts, loan amount, earthquake resistance, and future life are all issues that need to be carefully considered. What are the advantages and disadvantages of th…
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已经在节目中出现过许多次的银座“徒步圈”,终于有机会登上台面。一边是银座商业街与筑地海鲜市场,一边是晴海“奥运选手村”,跨海大桥连接的台场海滨休闲娱乐区。勝どき是目前东京最具人气的住宅区之一。这一期,跟随我们的主播,来了解一下东京的宜居地域新手指南。 The Ginza "Hiking Circle," which has appeared many times in our show, finally got the chance to get on the stage. On one side are the Ginza Shopping Street and Tsukiji Seafood Market. On the other side is Harumi’s "Olympic P…
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已经在节目中出现过许多次的银座“徒步圈”,终于有机会登上台面。一边是银座商业街与筑地海鲜市场,一边是晴海“奥运选手村”,跨海大桥连接的台场海滨休闲娱乐区。勝どき是目前东京最具人气的住宅区之一。这一期,跟随我们的主播,来了解一下东京的宜居地域新手指南。 The Ginza "Hiking Circle", which has appeared many times in our show, finally got the chance to get on the stage. On one side are the Ginza Shopping Street and Tsukiji Seafood Market, on the other side is Harumi’s "Olympic P…
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100 人眼中有 100 种不同的秋叶原。御宅光顾女仆餐厅,动漫迷追番新作,数码爱好者淘货逛街,当然还有成年人的小世界。不同人融合在这个街区,创造了千姿百态的多次元文化。现在,我们带你来体验神奇的秋叶原。 In the eyes of 100 people, there are 100 different Akihabara. The otaku goes to the "Maid" theme restaurant; animation fans are busy watching new animation series; digital fans are shopping here; also, there are various small worlds for adults. Di…
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100 人眼中有 100 种不同的秋叶原。御宅光顾女仆餐厅,动漫迷追番新作,数码爱好者淘货逛街,当然还有成年人的小世界。不同人融合在这个街区,创造了千姿百态的多次元文化。现在,我们带你来体验神奇的秋叶原。 In the eyes of 100 people, there are 100 different Akihabara. The otaku goes to the "Maid" theme restaurant; animation fans are busy watching new animation series; digital fans are shopping here; also, there are various small worlds for adults. Di…
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秋叶原像是一个小世界,满足了动漫迷与御宅所想要的一切,甚至是你想不到的一切。不管你是好奇心重的小白,亦或是等待淘金的漫迷,这个地方都不会让你失望。不过这一期,我们想先请来自动漫“金字塔”塔尖的“大人物”,带我们品一品日本动漫产业流水线的鄙视链,以及这个金字塔的内部构造。 Akihabara is like a small world that satisfies everything anime fans and otaku want, even everything you can't think of. Whether you are a curious beginner player or a fan of waiting for the gold rush, this place w…
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秋叶原像是一个小世界,满足了动漫迷与御宅所想要的一切,甚至是你想不到的一切。不管你是好奇心重的小白,亦或是等待淘金的漫迷,这个地方都不会让你失望。不过这一期,我们想先请来自动漫“金字塔”塔尖的“大人物”,带我们品一品日本动漫产业流水线的鄙视链,以及这个金字塔的内部构造。 Akihabara is a small paradise that satisfies anime fans and otaku, even everything you can't think of. Whether you are a curious beginner player or a fan waiting for the gold rush, this place will not disappoint yo…
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许多人都知道镰仓有着京都世外桃源的氛围,但你们知道吗?在东京的喧闹中心也有一个大隐于市的“小京都” - 神乐坂。这里有现代又古典的神社,富有新意与传承文化的祭祀,还有隐藏于只能侧身而过的小弄中,精致的日式料亭与茶寮。在东京玩闹一圈过后,来神乐坂品茶吃和菓是值得尝试的体验。 Many people know that Kamakura has the atmosphere of a paradise in Kyoto, but there’s something you don’t know. In the noisy center of Tokyo, there is also a hidden "little Kyoto" - Kagurazaka. There are modern an…
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许多人都知道镰仓有着京都世外桃源的氛围,但你们知道吗?在东京的喧闹中心也有一个大隐于市的“小京都” - 神乐坂。这里有现代又古典的神社,富有新意与传承文化的祭祀,还有隐藏于只能侧身而过的小弄中,精致的日式料亭与茶寮。在东京玩闹一圈过后,来神乐坂品茶吃和菓是值得尝试的体验。 Many people know that Kamakura has the atmosphere of a paradise in Kyoto, but there’s something you don’t know. In the noisy center of Tokyo, there is also a hidden "little Kyoto" - Kagurazaka. There are modern an…
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有别于西口的“曼哈顿”,这里是《新宿事件》里的那个新宿。歌舞伎町灯红酒绿的新宿,高级百货商店林立的新宿,也是皇家庭园新宿御苑的新宿。人们在这里穿梭,游走,停歇,书写自己的“新宿事件”。 Different from the "Manhattan" in the Shinjuku West Exit, this is the Shinjuku in the movie "Shinjuku Incident." A feasting Kabukicho Shinjuku; full of high-end department stores Shinjuku; and also the Imperial Family Garden Gyoten Shinjuku. People shuttled…
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有别于西口的“曼哈顿”,这里是《新宿事件》里的那个新宿。歌舞伎町灯红酒绿的新宿,高级百货商店林立的新宿,也是皇家庭园新宿御苑的新宿。人们在这里穿梭,游走,停歇,书写自己的“新宿事件”。 Different from the "Manhattan" in the Shinjuku West Exit, this is the Shinjuku in the movie "Shinjuku Incident." A feasting Kabukicho Shinjuku; full of high-end department stores Shinjuku; and also the Imperial Family Garden Gyoten Shinjuku. People shuttled…
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沿着新宿西口向前,围绕着东京都厅一带的摩天大楼和马路,充满着 90 年代华贵、精致的未来感。这里有宽敞整洁的马路,茂密的植被和高耸的建筑。于日本人而言,它就像东京的曼哈顿。 Shinjuku West Exit is surrounded by the skyscrapers and roads of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. It is full of the luxurious and refined futuristic sense of the 90s. There are spacious and clean roads, dense vegetation and tall buildings. To the Japan…
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沿着新宿西口向前,围绕着东京都厅一带的摩天大楼和马路,充满着 90 年代华贵、精致的未来感。这里有宽敞整洁的马路,茂密的植被和高耸的建筑。于日本人而言,它就像东京的曼哈顿。 Shinjuku West Exit is surrounded by the skyscrapers and roads of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. It is full of the luxurious and refined futuristic sense of the 90s. There are spacious and clean roads, dense vegetation and tall buildings. To the Japan…
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吉祥寺,是你体验精致休闲生活的理想地。这里不是国际连锁品牌林立的街区,却有众多独立经营的精致手冲咖啡店。杂货、古着、二手书店、手工家具,一切让生活美好的商店都在这里。约上好友或恋人,悠闲的在井之头公园散步,探索丛林中的各式餐厅,去吉卜力美术馆寻找回忆。傍晚再去口琴横丁的无座酒吧喝上一杯。至于天鹅船,不要随便坐哦。 Kichijoji is a fancy place for you to experience a relaxing leisure life. This is not a block full of international chain brands, but many exquisite hand-brewed coffee shops which are operated…
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吉祥寺,是你体验精致休闲生活的理想地。这里不是国际连锁品牌林立的街区,却有众多独立经营的精致手冲咖啡店。杂货、古着、二手书店、手工家具,一切让生活美好的商店都在这里。约上好友或恋人,悠闲的在井之头公园散步,探索丛林中的各式餐厅,去吉卜力美术馆寻找回忆。傍晚再去口琴横丁的无座酒吧喝上一杯。至于天鹅船,不要随便坐哦。 Kichijoji is a fancy place for you to experience a relaxing leisure life. This is not a block full of international chain brands, but many exquisite hand-brewed coffee shops which are operated…
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高田马场,这是东京最具代表性的学生天堂,也是华人留学生的集合地,它人见人闹。拥有神秘钉子户的站前小花坛,学生联谊碰头的 7 Eleven,还有遍布街道的补习班和各式“早稻田”牌匾,这是一个你不能错过的“大学生图鉴”。(晚 10 点,和学生们一起来“兴风作浪”。) Takadanobaba, the most unique student paradise in Tokyo, and also a gathering place for Chinese students studying abroad. It is very crowded. There is a small flower bed in front of the station with a mysterious rats h…
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高田马场,这是东京最具代表性的学生天堂,也是华人留学生的集合地,它人见人闹。拥有神秘钉子户的站前小花坛,学生联谊碰头的 7 Eleven,还有遍布街道的补习班和各式“早稻田”牌匾,这是一个你不能错过的“大学生图鉴”。(晚 10 点,和学生们一起来“兴风作浪”。) Takadanobaba, the most unique student paradise in Tokyo, and also a gathering place for Chinese students studying abroad. It is very crowded. There is a small flower bed in front of the station with a mysterious rats h…
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对于银座,大家一定不会陌生。在银座,旗舰店不再只是店,而是一栋栋的品牌大楼。树立于银座中央通り(中央大道)两侧的各品牌旗舰大楼,店内摆放着当季最新的限定单品、主题博物馆,以及高级品牌的 Cafe 、餐厅和 Bar。店外则是著名设计师的建筑装置和陈列设计。在中央大道两侧的街区中,更是隐藏了大大小小数千个日本传统的和服、抹茶、花艺店和米其林餐厅。请跟我们一起来看看不止于奢靡的名品街区,其实你正在被日本传统艺术和百年老铺包围着。 Everyone is surely familiar with Ginza. In Ginza, the flagship store is no longer just a store, instead it is a brand building. There ar…
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对于银座,大家一定不会陌生。在银座,旗舰店不再只是店,而是一栋栋的品牌大楼。树立于银座中央通り(中央大道)两侧的各品牌旗舰大楼,店内摆放着当季最新的限定单品、主题博物馆,以及高级品牌的 Cafe 、餐厅和 Bar。店外则是著名设计师的建筑装置和陈列设计。在中央大道两侧的街区中,更是隐藏了大大小小数千个日本传统的和服、抹茶、花艺店和米其林餐厅。请跟我们一起来看看不止于奢靡的名品街区,其实你正在被日本传统艺术和百年老铺包围着。 Everyone is surely familiar with Ginza. In Ginza, the flagship store is no longer just a store, instead, it is a brand building. There a…
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