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ABOUT PASTOR WICKWIRE Jeff Wickwire is an author and radio teacher and has served in ministry for over 40 years. Jeff was saved as a teenager in a juvenile detention center and has passionately followed God. He founded HARDWIRED radio, which can be heard in over 120 countries worldwide. He also founded Turning Point Church of Fort Worth, TX, and currently serves as the Senior Pastor.
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show series
We all face defeat. It doesn’t matter the amount of wins that we have, losing to our flesh stings worse and worse every time. Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to buck the trend and live a life set apart from the pain of this world, give your heart to Jesus. There’s nothing that you have to do except simply accept…
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When we get confused about what course of action to take, it can feel like the road ahead is cloudy and uncertain. But Pastor Jeff reminds us today that if we take the time to pray for guidance from the Lord, He will begin to remove the doubt and the possibilities that we’re not meant to pursue. Eventually, He will make the correct path forward cle…
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Have you ever been stuck in traffic without knowing what caused the holdup? Maybe there is an accident up ahead, or a school bus dropping children off in their neighborhood. It can be easy to get impatient and frustrated, but you can also choose to be patient and trust that you will be on your way again soon. Pastor Jeff teaches you today that Jesu…
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The easiest way to know you are following God’s path for your life is when you see the obstacles in front of you fall away as if they were nothing. See, God isn’t just guiding your steps, He is also clearing the way ahead, like the leader of an expedition cuts away heavy brush with a machete. Pastor Jeff reminds you today that you can never venture…
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When was the last time you drove somewhere new without using GPS or a map? If you know the area well enough, you can usually find where you’re going pretty easily. But if you’re in a new region, you need a guidemap to tell you where to go. Pastor Jeff reminds you today that God has given you the ultimate guidemap: His Word. If you want to know wher…
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Life is full of decisions. Modern society has given you so many options that even a simple trip to the grocery store can be overwhelming as you choose from thousands of products to find the right ones for you and your family. You can take on all of life’s decisions on your own, and risk making some mistakes along the way, or you can trust in the Lo…
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Have you ever fallen from great heights? Have you ever been at the highest of highs in your life, only to see it all crumble away in an instant? Today, Pastor Jeff reminds you that while failure is unavoidable, there is a way to find hope no matter what storm you're facing: Jesus. If you want to be at the top of your game and remain the person you …
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When’s the last time you let God open your eyes to His Word? It’s one thing to spend time in the Bible, but it’s another thing entirely to fully open your eyes to His truths. Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to step into the glorious purpose that God has for your life, you need to fully consume His Word. Don’t ta…
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Have you ever driven home on a foggy night? There are times when you can barely see ten feet in front of you, and you have to pull over for your own safety. Well, that’s how life works, too. You don’t know what is coming your way in the next few minutes, much less the next few days or weeks. Pastor Jeff says that’s why it’s so important to trust Go…
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Are you a wise person who seeks God’s guidance before making a decision? Oftentimes the decisions we are faced with seem like we need to make a choice immediately. But Pastor Jeff wants us to know that it’s always a wise choice to ask the Lord and wait for His counsel. We may not always get a firm “yes” or “no”, but the Lord can prompt us through t…
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One of the most common prayers a believer will pray is asking for God’s guidance. However, Pastor Jeff reminds you today that He has already given you a whole book of guidance in the form of the Bible! Even though the events of the Bible took place thousands of years ago, God’s wisdom hasn’t changed. What He said to Abraham still has an application…
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How does your local church bring in the money to keep operating? Through faithful tithes and offerings. Many modern churches have amenities like coffee shops and new sound systems, but there are countless more that are getting by with the bare minimum, only because of their faithful members. Pastor Jeff encourages you today to remain faithful with …
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Giving to the Kingdom of God is like investing in a long-term project where you don’t immediately see the result. Ministry is hard work, and even the early leaders such as Paul needed financial support in order to do the work that God had called them to do. That is why Pastor Jeff is teaching about generosity today: giving from the portion God has …
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It’s safe to say that at one point or another, we’ve all experienced times of approaching our faith casually. We get so used to who God is and what He does in our lives that we turn on autopilot. In today’s message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that there’s nothing more harmful to your faith than approaching it aimlessly. When you’re lukewarm and …
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Do you know that when you accepted Jesus into your heart, you became a citizen of Heaven? Did you know that you’re part of a family of faith that extends far beyond what you could ever comprehend? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff reminds you that you are a child of the one true God and no one can take that away from you. You have a ticket to etern…
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What should the signs of true Christianity look like in today’s society? Well, in a world where everyone hates everyone, Jesus calls you to be a peacemaker. Pastor Jeff knows that so many of the world’s conflicts are caused by humanity’s sinful nature, and the blood of Jesus has the power to bring the peace that we long to see in the world. The wor…
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The hardest thing to do when building a healthy habit is taking the first step. Whether it’s getting up early to read Scripture, praying on your way to work, or even something mundane like brushing your teeth twice a day, habits become easier to maintain the longer you do them. Pastor Jeff wants you to know that it may be hard to make the choices t…
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When Jesus died on the cross, He conquered death itself. In Matthew 16, He proceeds to pass down His authority over death to the early Church. Pastor Jeff wants you to know today that the strength of the Church is stronger than sin and death – you have the keys to freedom from sin. You have the ability to reach out and set people free from their bo…
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Have you ever been indoors when the power goes out? Unless there are windows or other light sources nearby, you are plunged into darkness. It takes the power coming back on, or someone opening a door to the outside, to bring light back into the dark room. Well, Pastor Jeff teaches you today that the Church is meant to be the light of the world. By …
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Why is it so important to be in fellowship with other believers? Pastor Jeff teaches you today that being in church is like being a log in a fireplace: if you’re apart from the other logs, you will burn out quickly, but together you burn bright. The body of Christ was made to be in community, to withstand trials together, and grow stronger because …
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It doesn’t matter if we have Jesus in our hearts, being a loving person can be difficult. Whether we’re having a bad day, don’t have the energy, or simply dislike the person we’re conversing with, often times it’s easy to ignore others instead of love them. Today, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that the most important calling placed over your life i…
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When was the last time you felt a fire in your faith? When was the last time you were energized to finish God’s work for His kingdom? In today’s message from Pastor Jeff, he wants you to know that there’s nothing more important to your walk with Jesus than remaining active. As soon as you lose your vigor for following His calling, you lose your con…
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How do you know that you have been on God’s mind? The fact that Jesus went to the cross to redeem all of humanity is evidence that He was thinking about you. Pastor Jeff wants you to similarly think of others when attend church. How can you serve someone else at church? What words of encouragement can you share with the person you meet in the lobby…
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Have you ever messed up at a task so badly that you started over from scratch? Unfortunately, life doesn’t have do-overs, you need to get right with God the first time. Pastor Jeff doesn’t want you to be deceived by false teachings of reincarnation, because those take away the urgency for you to come to know Jesus in this lifetime. In fact, don’t w…
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Have you ever heard something called a “dumpster fire”? Well, in Jesus’ time, there was a literal dumpster fire called Gehenna, where Jerusalem’s garbage burned with an endless fire, but where children were sacrificed in the worship of false gods. That is why Jesus used Gehenna as the framework to describe the horrors of Hell. Pastor Jeff doesn’t w…
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People who struggle with gender dysphoria are confused about their identity. There are so many things that society says you have to be in order to fit into the box of “man” or “woman”, that when you don’t fit perfectly into your box, you start to doubt your entire identity. But Pastor Jeff wants you to know today that the only person who can tell y…
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There are countless people worldwide who have begun to identify with a gender that is different than the one they were born with. It’s a difficult issue for Christians to navigate, especially when you want to show Christ’s love towards them. But Pastor Jeff wants you to be clear about one thing: transgender people cannot change their genetic makeup…
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Have you ever experienced false teachers in your walk with Jesus? Have you ever been unsure of what to believe in our rapidly evolving world? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff shows you the importance of weeding out bad teachings. When someone claims to be a prophet or have alternative knowledge beyond the Bible, it’s not a good sign. Turn to God’s…
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When you accepted Jesus into your life, did you realize the deepness of His promises? Did you know that He’s always had a divine purpose for your life? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that you must never forget God’s beautiful plans. No matter how sure you may be of what you’re supposed to do, it’ll never trump what He has in st…
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Think of the past sins of your life, especially those that came before you knew the love of Jesus. They mark your past like scars on a burn victim, they may never fully heal. But yet, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that in the eyes of God, you have been justified and sanctified. Your past no longer defines you, but rather you have been made into a n…
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How many sources of absolute truth can you think of off the top of your head? You won’t be able to come up with more than one! The Bible is the ultimate source of truth because it is the inspired word of God. Pastor Jeff wants you to be sure today that when you hear the word of God, you can trust it to be true, and you can trust the wisdom within t…
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One of the reasons you can trust Scripture as deeply as you do is that there is a high amount of confidence that the Bible has been accurately preserved for millennia. Pastor Jeff teaches you today that there are hundreds of manuscripts dating back to 100 AD, and the accuracy of the transcriptions means that the ancient scribes did a fantastic job …
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Have you ever read a ridiculous claim about someone online, only to find out later on that there were details that were made up that spoil the whole story? Well, Pastor Jeff argues today that the book of Enoch doesn’t belong in the canon of the Bible because of some of the outlandish claims that it makes. Enoch may be a valuable text from the ancie…
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Have you ever heard the song, “Jesus Take the Wheel”? It’s a song about someone surrendering control of their life in a moment of crisis. But Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to resist the desires of your flesh, you can’t just surrender to God when things are hard, and expect to see lasting change in your life. The Lord wants you to g…
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In a world of rapidly evolving standards, what are we supposed to do as Christians? Do we let certain beliefs infiltrate who we are? Or do we cling to what we know to be true? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that no matter what the world throws at you, nothing matters more than remaining true to God’s Word. When you’re unsure of…
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In our world today, it’s easy to live a life full of double standards. We live in a culture that says it’s okay to do what you want to do, so long as we know who God is, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Today, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that when you give your life to Jesus, you make a commitment to live a life set apart from the res…
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Do you ever wonder why you still desire to do sinful things? Well, Pastor Jeff gives you the comfort that this is a deeply human experience. Even though you are a child of God, you are undergoing the process of sanctification. You don’t instantly become righteous with the flip of a switch, you have to train yourself over a long time to squash those…
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In a restaurant environment, employees are taught to take many steps to avoid outside contamination. The smallest contaminant can ruin a batch of food due to the risk of illness. Well, a holy lifestyle can be contaminated by outside sources as well. Pastor Jeff teaches about how the family line of Seth, who followed and obeyed God, began to intermi…
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Do the long lists of names in Biblical genealogies make you drowsy? It can be difficult to find meaning in a list of names of people who lived thousands of years ago. But Pastor Jeff gives you a compelling reason to take genealogies seriously in today’s message: they help you trace the lineage of Biblical figures from Adam all the way to Jesus Chri…
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When you purchase something at the store, you’re usually offered a receipt as proof of your purchase. It proves to the other store employees that the items you bought belong to you, and were paid for with some kind of currency. Well, Satan may try to lay claim to the souls of believers, but Pastor Jeff reminds you that you have been bought and paid…
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Do you believe that you are doomed to repeat the same mistakes your parents did? Maybe there are a lot of people in your family that struggle with addiction, or with abusive tendencies, and you think that you will end up just like them. Well, Pastor Jeff assures you today that Scripture doesn’t teach that those curses are handed down by God. Rather…
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When the darkness of this world consumes you, do you forsake the name of Jesus? When disaster is at its peak, do you curse Him? or worship Him anyways? Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that when you stand firm for God’s Gospel, you store up treasures in Heaven. Even when it seems impossible, God will always come through. Let Him …
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It’s safe to say that as Christians, we’ve all been persecuted at one time or another. No matter if it’s our family members or someone from the internet, adversity in our faith can’t be avoided. In today’s message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that in the midst the world’s mistreatment of Christians lies an eternal promise: you are saved by God’s …
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One of the easiest ways to avoid spreading false rumors about someone is to bring things up with them in private. By taking the hard step to talk to your neighbor about an offense or a disagreement, you give yourself and your neighbor the opportunity to understand each other, and to get ahead of any potential conflict that the enemy may be trying t…
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To Satan, you’re nothing more than a pawn. He doesn’t care about you, but he wants to use you to sow division within the body of Christ. And Pastor Jeff reminds you that the enemy will pit you against those closest to you, to split up families and friends. Because when believers are isolated from each other, it is easier for them to fall away from …
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Do you remember what your life was like before you knew Christ? Did you feel the pull that Jesus had on your life, the people that He placed in your path to lead you to a relationship with Him? Well, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that you may be part of God’s plan to bring someone else into the flock of Christ. You can’t know how or when it’s going…
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Have you ever had a puppy follow you around everywhere you go? Even when you try to use the bathroom or leave the house, the puppy never wants to leave your side. Well, Pastor Jeff teaches you today that in many ways, Jesus pursues you like an affectionate pet, but instead of Him needing something from you, He stays with you because you need someth…
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Nowhere in Scripture does it say that the Christian life is going to be easy? In fact, there are many examples in the Bible of people suffering and even dying for their faith. But Pastor Jeff reminds you today that God gives you the strength to not only endure the trials but to thrive and even grow because of them. When you are weary and beaten dow…
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Of all the religions in the world, there is only one that worships a living, breathing God: Christianity. Even when there’s a living prophet or “guru,” they themselves always die. Today in his message, Pastor Jeff wants you to know that if you want to worship a God who’s alive and never passing away, give your heart to Jesus. There’s no prophet, st…
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Have you been comfortable with sitting on the sidelines? Have you been getting used to waiting in the wings instead of putting in the work for God’s kingdom? In today’s message from Pastor Jeff, he shows you the dire importance of being on the field for Jesus. He doesn’t want the army reserves, He wants active soldiers, battle-tested in the spiritu…
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