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Have you ever felt like your spiritual life is lukewarm and lacking? If so, this podcast is for you. In Leaving Laodicea, we will explore truths that will allow us to embrace the Higher Christian Life or experience the "abundant life" (John 10:10) as Jesus called it. You'll find practical tips and tools on how to live a more victorious life in Christ. Leaving Laodicea is a podcast by Steve McCranie for those who are dissatisfied with the lukewarmness of their own spiritual lives and desire t ...
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show series
The Trinity… Right Before Our Eyes In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians 1:7 Critics often point out that the word “Trinity” isn’t found in the Bible, and they’re right. But the truth of the Trinity is revealed throughout both the Old and New Testaments, and we can see …
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The Antidote for Self-Doubt To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 As believers, one of the most incredible truths we can embrace is that God has made us, even with all our failures and shortcomings, “accepted in the Beloved” or “accepted in His Son” (Eph. 1:6). This short phrase reveals …
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“In Him”… and it Only Gets Better In Him also we have obtained an inheritance… Ephesians 1:11a In this passage, we see more of the blessings that are ours because we are “in Him” or “in Christ.” Again, I suggest you spend a little time with Blue Letter Bible or another Bible software program of your choice and search the phrases “in Him” and “in Ch…
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Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery Jesus did something that seems so out of place for us today, living in a culture that exalts pride, ambition, and independence— He voluntarily lived in a dependent relationship with His Father and deferred all glory to Him. But He didn’t have to live this way. This was His voluntary choice between equals. A…
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Persecution: An Inconvenient Truth As followers of Jesus, we are promised that trials, tribulations, and persecution will come to all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 3:12). It simply comes with the territory. After all, Jesus warned, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18). And so, what …
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“Follow Me, and I Will Make You… Whatever I Want” In the Gospels, we encounter a radical figure who issues a bold invitation to those He calls unto Himself: “Follow Me.” These words, spoken by Jesus, are not merely a suggestion but a summons, a mandate to leave life as we have always known it and embark on a journey that has no end— at least on thi…
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Challenging the Status Quo We live in a world where the term “radical” often evokes images of extremism and division and has developed a rather nasty reputation in our culture since the ’60s. Therefore, it may come as a surprise that at the very heart of Christian discipleship lies a call to a radically different way of life. This radical lifestyle…
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Disclaimer: Let’s Define Some Terms As we discovered in Part One of How to Experience God When You Pray— when we talk about experiencing God in prayer, we are specifically defining prayer as more than a monologue, but something even deeper. It is a true, two-way conversation with God, where you speak, and He listens, and He speaks, and you hear His…
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The Joy of Prayer What if your times of prayer could become so much more than reciting words or listing random requests? What if your prayers could transport you into a holy place to experience God’s presence in a very real and tangible way? What if you began having personal, life-changing encounters with the Creator of the universe every time you …
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Just Get Out of the Boat! In almost every area of life, when we commit to a plan of self-improvement, we expect to spend time, incur costs, and suffer strain during the process. It just comes with the territory. Whether we decide to get in shape and eat healthier, or go back to school and change careers— everyone seems to follow the same pattern of…
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Three Small Words from John 15 In John 15, Jesus lays out our position in Christ and the key or path to the Higher Christian Life in the story of a vine and its branches. I mean, it really couldn’t be more clear. This key is found in the simple word abide. We are to abide in Him— which means “to rest, remain, dwell, to make our home.” Or, literally…
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The Problem: Dry Ritual Without Relationship For many believers, Christianity has become a religion of rules devoid of a relationship. We know we should have a quiet time, serve in church, avoid sin, and so on. But all this outward conformity easily lacks the inward reality of actually connecting with God. We act spiritual, without ever experiencin…
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How to Experience God Through Repentance In our quest for a deeper relationship with the Lord, we have been talking about what genuine repentance looks like in real-time. And we found ourselves in the middle of Psalm 51, examining six key words in David’s prayer of repentance that show us how to not only receive forgiveness from the Lord, but how t…
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Embracing Who We Really Are D.L. Moody, while on his European crusade in 1873, was so inspired by a conversation he had with British revivalist Henry Varley that he prayed: “The world has yet to see what God can do with, and for, and through, and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. By God’s help, I am to be that man.” This is the e…
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Ten Aspects of True Repentance that Gets God’s Attention Giving God a flippant “my bad” when we mess up just won’t cut it, no matter how hard we try to make it work. Too often, we deal with our sin through superficial apologies, not grasping the gravity of how our choices offend our Creator and grieve His Spirit. But in Psalm 51, David shows us a b…
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The Conditional Promises of God One familiar “if / then” passage, often called the “believer’s bar of soap,” is found in the first chapter of the first letter of John. In it, we find one “if” condition and two implied “then” promises God grants to those who meet His one “if” condition. And the two promises of God encompass the totality of salvation…
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Faith and Courage— Two Sides of the Same Coin The Biblical story of Abraham is profoundly human— a narrative full of twists and turns, triumphs and failures, poor decisions and their unintended consequences, and, of course, drama— much like a Netflix mini-series. Yet, throughout the trials of his faith, we see Abraham continually return to a place …
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A Look at Our Current Situation There is so much bloodshed and brutality taking place between Israel and Hamas, that many have been looking for comparisons between what’s happening today and the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel found in Ezekiel 38 and 39. And the similarities are striking. Ezekiel foretells an end-times invasion of Israel led by Go…
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Different Strokes for Different Folks Salvation means different things to different people. For some, it’s a “get out of hell free” card, the cosmic fire insurance policy they checked off and filed away years ago. For others, it’s trying to be a good, moral, upstanding person and attend church— at least on Easter and Christmas. Most don’t give it m…
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Deception: the Currency of Our Culture Deception runs rampant in our world today. Just look around. False teaching, twisted values, distorted truths, and outright sinister lies bombard us from every side. Even in the church, not all professing believers have embraced the genuine gospel— which means not all who claim to be saved are, in fact, saved.…
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Looking at Israel Today The Gog and Magog invasion of Israel is a future event that has sparked some debate today about its timing due to what happened in Israel on October 7th. If you remember, on that day, Hamas terrorists and depraved citizens from Gaza attacked Israel and killed over a thousand people in a most horrific way and dragged several …
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No More Roller-Coaster Living When it comes to spiritual disciplines like surrender or yielding our life to the Lord, the hardest part is not the act of initial surrender, but the journey of remaining surrendered to Him in the days and months ahead. For most believers, this journey can be discouraging, filled with success and failure, ups and downs…
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We’ve Only Just Begun We are now at the last step to surrendering our lives unreservedly to the Lord. And this seventh and final step deals with how to keep close to Him, and how to remain surrendered and submitted, even after the initial awe of the experience begins to wear off and we let our guard down. Don’t be deceived— yes, it will happen to y…
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Church: The Hatfields and McCoys We live in a world that is totally at war with itself. Our nation is being torn apart by division – racial, socioeconomic, political – you name it, and we’ve experienced it. But that’s not how Christ designed His church to be. In fact, Jesus said in John 17 that when we love each other more than we love ourselves, t…
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Fellowship is More Than a Pot-Luck Dinner If you look at the book of Acts, you’ll find the amazing story of how the church was born and grew to 3,000 people after one 297-word sermon preached by an impetuous, former fisherman named Peter. It’s one of the most transforming passages in all the New Testament. But what we fail to look at is the fact th…
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First Sign of the End-Times: Deception Jesus said one of the telling signs of the end times is the expositional growth of deception worldwide, especially within the ranks of those who call themselves Christians. When asked about the signs of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus said, “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My…
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God is Three and Three in One When we decide to fully yield our lives to the Lord, one essential step is surrendering control of everything to the Holy Spirit, who is probably the most overlooked member of the Trinity. And this is because the doctrine of the Trinity, or trying to explain the triune nature of God, is one of the most confusing teachi…
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He is God, and We Are Not By nature, we are control freaks. We pray for divine healing, but only after our physician shakes his head and says, “Well, there’s nothing left to do but pray,” and our medical insurance runs out. We claim Matthew 6:33, where Jesus promises to meet all our needs, but again, only after we max out our credit cards and can’t…
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First Step Three, Then Step Four Of the seven steps to living a fully surrendered life to God, perhaps none is more vital than the fourth— offering ourselves, specifically our bodies, as a living sacrifice to Him. But this can only be accomplished after we have done the hard work of denying ourselves and dying to self, which was the point of the th…
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“Lord” Jesus Christ also means “Owner” Jesus Christ Surrendering your life fully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ is no small or simple matter. But I’m sure you are painfully aware of that by now. It requires making the conscious choice each day to deny our natural desires and humbly submit to His leadership and control. And that’s where it begins t…
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Surrender Your Life? The Choice is Yours Surrendering your life to God is a profound journey that transforms your relationship with Him into something many only dreamed about but few ever expected to happen. In fact, full surrender to Him is what He requires (that is why He is called Lord and Master), but is often conveniently glossed over in our c…
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Surrender is a Lifestyle, Not a One-Time Event When you surrender your life to the Lord, you will notice it is not a one-time event. You don’t just say a prayer or make a vow and it’s done. It is a process, usually full of ups and downs, that may take some time to master. But even as a process, it must have a starting point. And that point recogniz…
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The Living Hope We Have in Christ Dark times can profoundly shake our faith and assurance in God. Ongoing trials, deep hurts, and spiritual warfare can make us lose sight of the incredible hope we have in Jesus Christ. But despite the darkness, Christ’s resurrection guarantees our justification, sanctification, and future glorification. This living…
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The Higher Christian Life Let’s talk about something that has captivated believers for generations— the Higher Christian Life. This term refers to a life of intimate fellowship with God that goes beyond the ordinary Christian experience. Popularized by 19th-century revival and devotional preachers such as Andrew Murray, Oswald Chambers, and R.A. To…
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There is So Much More to This Life in Christ As followers of Jesus, you and I long to live the spiritually charged, victorious life He promises in Scripture— an abundant, overcoming life marked by joy, peace, purpose, and the wonder of having the mind of Christ. But let’s face it, our everyday experience often falls painfully short of the dynamic f…
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Steps to Change a Culture for the Worse Saul Alinsky (1909–1972) was an American community activist and political theorist whose teachings have had a profound effect on the radical Democratic agenda and the philosophy of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In 1971, right before his death, he published Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for R…
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What the Next Eighteen Months Will Look Like People see the chaos all around and want to know where we are as a culture today and what the next eighteen months will look like. As a preview, we can expect economic turmoil, especially inflation and hyperinflation. There will be deception, falsehoods, and lies coming from our sacred institutions. Jesu…
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Has Church Outlived its Usefulness? Some say that “familiarity breeds contempt,” and this is true even in the church. We come to church each Sunday to perform our duty to God. We sing, sometimes. We listen to the message, hopefully. And we worship, maybe— and then head back home to do the more important things in our day. I know this sounds harsh, …
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Our Blueprint for Church Growth: Acts In the movie “Field of Dreams,” Kevin Costner’s character hears a voice that says, “If you build it, they will come.” While this quote has become iconic, part of Hollywood folklore, the truth is, if we let God build His church the way He intended, He will come. And when He comes, He will bring with Him the powe…
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Three Questions and One Long Answer We find the Olivet Discourse recorded in three places in the New Testament: Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21. The entire teaching is Jesus’ response to some questions asked by His disciples after they were admiring the beauty of the Temple. But Jesus did not specify which answer corresponded to which question.…
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Scripture Divides Everything into Two Categories When we look at Scripture, God has a tendency to make things simple for us and categorize everything into only two groups. There is almost never a third option. For example, you have light or darkness, evil or good, heaven or hell, the wide road or the narrow path, sin or righteousness, good fruit (t…
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How to Understand Prophecy When we are faced with either believing God’s Word or the prevailing, confusing, and ever-changing voices of our culture, many Christians find themselves in a conundrum. They want to believe everything God’s Word says, yet they don’t want to be called a bonehead by their high school biology teacher or to be deemed anti-sc…
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How to Take Every Thought Captive to Obey Christ In God’s word, some of the hardest things to obey are the sanctification passages that are specifically our responsibility to fulfill. These are passages like the command to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes. 5:17), or “to walk by the Spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16). We all agr…
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What is Church? This is a question we should ask ourselves each time we trek off to a worship service on Sunday mornings. What is church or what is church supposed to look like? Is church a building? Or is it something more? Is it something we do or something we become? And if church is something we do, how do we do it? How do we “do” church? But i…
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Don’t Fall in the Same Hole Twice In the first chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon, once the wisest man who ever lived, tells us how he really feels about life. He says, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” (Eccl. 1:2). Or, all of life is meaningless, useless, pointless, of no real value, and a colossal waste of time. And so is everything a man does or…
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Everyone Has to Choose Between Right and Wrong In the Christian life, God makes it pretty simple for His children to follow Him by offering them only two choices, and two outcomes. These two choices, however, are portrayed in several different ways in Scripture. For example, there is the choice between light and darkness, life and death, good fruit…
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Making the Most of the Time You Have Left Solomon, it would seem, was in the middle of a spiritual mid-life crisis. When he was young, he ran after God with reckless abandon and God blessed him with wealth and wisdom beyond compare. And what did Solomon do with all God had given him? He took it for granted, made unbelievably bad decisions about the…
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Trying to Follow God in the Flesh Living the Chistian life is hard, even for the most committed. Why? Because it is a life of surrender, of giving all to Him and allowing Him to live His life through us. And when we attempt that, our flesh, our independence, screams in rebellion. There is no way to live the life of faith in the flesh. No way to man…
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The Depression of Solomon The old adage goes something like this: “Everything the Bible speaks about is true. And the Bible speaks about everything.” This is also true, especially concerning some of the timeless questions we ask ourselves, such as “What is the purpose of life?” or “How can my life have meaning?” Both questions, and many more just l…
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The Problem is Not the Growing Darkness… As we shared last time, the problem today in our culture is not the increasing darkness, but the ever-diminishing light that is found in believers. And this seems to be a problem that has stalked believers since the beginning of time, both in the Old and New Testament. It’s not that our enemy is too big, but…
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