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This podcast will help you build the insight needed for a better Christian living. Life's issues are many and only God's Word has been exalted above all. You need God to speak to you everyday because one word from God is able to contain an entire life changing formula. This podcast will bring you God's word daily. Stay blessed.
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Joshua has received instructions from God - be strong and of good courage. His first instruction to the children of Israel is this - prepare yourselves for in three days we are passing over this Jordan to take the promise land. The first city to be taken was going to be Jericho. During this time also the river Jordan has overflowed its banks. How a…
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Joshua has now taken over from Moses. The first command God gives to him is this - Be strong and of good courage. Three times God repeats this instruction to Joshua the son of Nun. What does it mean to be strong and courageous? How can one be strong and courageous? Why is it needful for him to be strong and courageous? Remember this - God had assur…
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The children of Israel are now at the border of the promise Land. The spies complained - the land is truly a land of milk and honey though, but the cities are walled and the giants are there. They chose to return back to Egypt. For their unbelief God promised them that they will not enter the promise land. Hence that generation wandered in the wild…
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There are times in life we lose opportunities or fail to cease an advantage. Such that we continue to look back thinking - if there was a, way to turn or go back in time, we'll go back and make some good changes. This was the case of Eve when Cain killed his brother Abel. Abel was a great guy, full of life and the fear of God. He's been raised by h…
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It is good and acceptable I’m the sight of God our Savior if we pray for all men. Especially kings and those who are in authority. The reason being that if leaders lead well it will make our Christian life easier and our Great Commission work smoother. A typical example is how the church struggles through the Cold War in Russia under a pitiless ath…
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There are time God deliver us from suffering and challenges that comes our way but there are other times He does not. Not because we are wrong but because suffering for righteousness is part of the Christian life equation. Job was a perfect man and eschew evil yet he suffered for his faith and confidence in God. Precious One. Jesus said,”Blessed ar…
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It is the will of God that you live a sanctified life. This is because whatever belongs to God he sanctifies. Not only that, those who are associated with God must be sanctified. God is the supreme One. Everyone who comes near must come to him sanctified. Sanctification brings holiness. It is interesting to know that it is sanctification that makes…
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Shall not a man understand and walk in the will of God? Sure definitely. Had Adam and Eve continued in the will of God they wouldn’t have lost the garden of Eden. Neither would they have had to till the ground to put food on the table. As a child of God, until you understand what His will is, you may be wandering in the wrong places and struggling …
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In the armoury of God, the most powerful weapons are very small. Actually, in Christ the most effective things are not big, the most powerful weapons are not complex, etc. Paul and Silas were cast in prison because they did cast out a demon out of a little girl. They were placed in the inner part of the prison with chains on their hands Abd feet. A…
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You know, Isaac said to Esau "your brother with subtilty has taken your blessing. I have blessed him and he shall be blessed. Esau wept and asked his father - Do you have only one blessing? In other words, speak and declare another and heavier blessing for me. But Isaac knew that blessing Esau won't be easy. The reason is that he had already made J…
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Every situation and every circumstance work together for good to those who love God. Those who are the called according to His purpose. A man who is purposeful will always have the forces of heaven and earth working for him. Without purpose, unnecessary struggles and challenges are inevitable. Joseph had a dream. His dream meant that he will become…
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David was a man of faith. He made a profound statement in 2 Sam 22, “By I have run through troops. By my God have I leaped over a wall... He teaches my hands to war; so that a bow of steel is broken by my arms”. This statement shows how David blazed through his challenges with God on his side. Remember this, every one whose name was mentioned in th…
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When Rehoboam, a weak man wanting power, failed to unite Israel, Judah fell to Rehoboam and the remaining 10 tribes fell to Jeroboam. This was made possible by the prophecy of Ahijah in the days of Solomon. Jeroboam is now King of Israel by the prophetic word of God but then he began to think - the temple is in Jerusalem, Judah. If my people contin…
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Rehoboam had just arrived in Shechem to be make king over Israel. Before he would be anointed, the elders of Israel together with Jeroboam came to see this young prince. They asked him if a favour - please make our burdens lighter...*. As young King he had no idea. But Rehoboam forgot that his position as a king was granted by God. Such that if he …
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King Solomon is considered one of the greatest kings in Israel. He was a gifted man. A man God gave a blank cheque and asked him - “what would you have me do for you”. A question that revealed a type of favour, where heaven is eager to do anything just for you. The man never asked for so much. He asked for wisdom. That was surprising. Many would ha…
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Remember - When the prophet Nathan appeared before King David he spoke to him with a case scenario. David the King was quick to judge that such a person who has taken a poor man ewe lamb must die. Nathan replied - It is you. It is a king-size error to take that which does not belong to you. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not covert your neighbour…
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Remember that God has made us kings and priests unto God. And those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in this life by Jesus Christ. If we are kings, if we reign in this life by Christ Jesus, then it means the Christian, the child of God can only reign by Christ who is the Word of God. The early men who walked …
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How Shall a man define himself? What do you say about yourself? Who are you really? If a man is born again who really is he? Scriptures says, if the Son (Jesus) therefore shall set you free, you shall be free indeed. This means that if Jesus has set me free I am a free man indeed. See, many people are looking to be free - from sin, sicknesses, dise…
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Imagine finding yourself in a position where retreating is cowardice, halting is disastrous and yet it is impossible to go forward. What will you do? This exactly the state Moses found himself with the children of Israel at the Red Sea. The Egyptians were pursuing after them. The Red Sea was before them. Any man in this situation will be greatly co…
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One of the major conundrum of many believers is how God can reveal His glorious mind to us, especially about our future, and what follows is a myriad of challenges pressing us almost beyond what we can bear. As a result, I have heard this conclusion many times - hell breaks lose when your prophesy becomes open. But not necessarily so. God is the ov…
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Faith is faith when it comes out of hearing, and hearing by the word of God. If faith comes by anything else its not the God-kind of faith. See, science can give people faith. After all, before the current crisis it had been believed by many that science will change the world for the best. Money can give people faith. That their future is secured. …
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True is audacious. Faith is confident. Faith does not consider that doubt - "what if..." Faith is daring.Abraham received the word of faith - leave your father's house, your country and your people to a place I will show you of. Lord where am I going? At least let me know so I can see if I like the place. Can you imagine embarking on a journey you …
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Until we practice to respond to faith and respond by faith we are not going to build the unbreakable faith required in the foreseeable future. Paul said to Timothy and the church in general that in the last days, know that perilous times shall come. When that time comes which is not far from us, it will be futile to now build your faith.Remember th…
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The years ahead, mankind will not require prosperity message, or psychology message to live a healthy life, it will require our consistent response to the word of faith. In the face of crisis, pandemic, persecution and severe oppression it will require an unbreakable faith. But, you know, faith must contend with different kind of oppositions to sta…
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Some Christians, if not many, have come to a kind of an understanding that when it comes to dealing with the devil, you have to plead or entreat God. In other words, "O Lord let the devil fail in his effort against...". But that is wrong. If you say Lord let, it means you are requesting God to take the responsibility of stopping the devil. The Bibl…
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Why are you fearful? Is it not because your faith has become little? And as a result fear is trying to fill the vacuum. Why are you fearful? Is it not that you have not been building on your faith day by day? Hence the circumstances of life are overwhelming you and fear is trying to lord over your peace. If faith is little we will need to build it …
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Definitely, we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, suggesting that fear is a spirit. Fear is a demonic bondage. As children of God we have been redeemed from bondage. Hence we can no longer be subject to fear. Never nurse fear but deal with fear quickly. The demonic spirit of Fear has the ability to open doors for other demons to…
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Every person has a reputation and if two people are going to walk together they must agree. Often when you want to agree with someone one thing you will consider is his or her reputation - has he done this before and succeeded? Does he keep his word? Is he/she reliable? Often when you are dealing with someone you trust you don't need to understand …
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You are the righteousness of God in Christ. This means that if God says He is a righteous God the proof of His righteousness is you and me. We are the physical representation of God's righteousness. This is big. This is why God expects and demands that you live righteously. To live Righteously is for you to produce the fruits of righteousness. What…
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Knowing that we are living in the last days we are to live soberly, not as fools but as wise, making the best use of the time to the glory of God. It is important that we will pay attention to how we live lest we be cast out at the appearing of our Lord Jesus. To live sober is to do all things under the government of reason and letting all your rea…
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Jesus is coming again. Paul continues to admonish us by the Word to deny ungodliness and worldly lust. Not because we are ungodly or we are lustful. But rather, we are living in a time when iniquity shall abound. We will find evil becoming the accepted way of life. A time and era where the culture and the accepted way of life is contrary to the wor…
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Paul, by the Spirit, admonished that one of the critical areas to pay attention to is enduring sound doctrine. If there's one thing we have learnt during this crisis it is this - We are living in the last days. If we are going to make to the end we must prioritize our endurance of sound doctrine. The devil knows for sure that false doctrine has the…
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The world we live in today is not like before. The world has transitioned from a theonormous culture to an autonomous culture. A theonormous culture is where man looks up to God in all his efforts. Where we all believe in God’s law in the form of how our conscience dictates wrong or right. Autonomous culture is where every person lives in his/her o…
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One important lesson we have learnt during this crisis is the fact that we realize without doubt that we are in the last days. As a result re-prioritizing the important things in our lives will mean taking into consideration the things that have eternal value. The things that would count if Christ should appear today. This is why Paul, by the spiri…
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Paul was about to be executed. He wrote his final letter to his son Thimothy. In this letter Paul charges Timothy to prioritize important things in his life so that he might be blameless before at the appearing of Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead. The first thing Paul charged Timothy to prioritize is to preach the Word. Why? It i…
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Isn't it beautiful - that the eyes of the blind will see and the ears of the deaf will hear. Not only that but also the Lame will leap and the dumb will sing for joy. All because God will do what the human mind cannot conceive. And just at the seeing of the wondrous work of God the deaf would hear, the lame would leap and the dumb will sing. But at…
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Say to the fearful hearted - Be Strong. Fear is not a good thing. Fear can weaken hands to curtail performance. Fear has the ability to weaken knees to stifle progress. When hearss are full of fear our strategic mental powers gets crippled. But in the midst of the storm God will be the hope of His people. God is saying to His people to whom He said…
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Throughout the Bible we find that God has always been the hope of His people, especially in difficult times. Our times are not different. The God who does not change will be the hope of His people. God has said, "As truly as I live, the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord". This indicates that His light is going to break through the da…
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When sin is present the glory of God ceases. And pestilence fills the vacuum. This was the case when the children of Israel sinned in the days of Eli the priest and prophet of God.They went to war against th Philistines. The ark of God which is the symbol of the presence of God was in the camp of God's people. But once sin is present, His presence …
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Moses also had to intercede for the children of Israel. They had made their mind to return back to Egypt when they were just at the border of the promise land. God concluded - I will disinherit them and wipe them off the face of the earth. And out of Moses I will raise a new generation to take the land. So soon the children of Israel had forgotten …
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Daniel also had to intercede for his people in the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus. He needed deliverance from captivity for his people. He understood by the books of the prophecies of Jeremiah that the 3time of deliverance is now. Though the prophecies indicated that the time of deliverance for his people is now yet he Daniel understood …
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Abraham stood between Sodom and God. He negotiated for deliverance for Sodom and Gomorrah. He argued that because the righteous are also in the land it will not be proper for God to destroy the entire cities. God's response was this - if I find twenty people in the land I will not destroy it. How about ten righteous? God's response was the same - i…
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And I sought for a man among them, to make up the hedge and to stand in the gap.... But there was none. When the natural is overwhelmed the supernatural must be brought to bear on that realm. When man's effort becomes inadequate, divine effort must be invoked. At such a time like this God needs a man who can stand as a wall against the pandemic and…
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Crisis has a way of making you fear and perpetually have the worse case scenario set before your eyes. You are always hoping that the worse will not happen. Jacob was being cheated by his own uncle. What a crisis. He wanted to turn the situation around. God appeared unto him and said, if you want th animals to give birth to speckled and spotted off…
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