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Perfect Guy Life

Perfect Guy Life

Perfect Guy Life is a podcast hosted by Sam Hyde and Nick Rochefort based in Providence, RI. The show discusses topics such as comedy, film, pop culture, conspiracy theories, automotives, business, and much more. They've featured guests such as Shane Gillis, Luis J Gomez, Dan Soder, Ryan Long, amongst other comedians.
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AARP’s weekly podcast The Perfect ScamSM tells the stories of people who find themselves the target of a scam. Host Bob Sullivan introduces listeners to those who have experienced scams firsthand, as well as professional con artists and leading experts who pull back the curtain on how scammers operate.
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Alex & Per

Bauer Media

Hva er de 5 største spørsmålene vi trenger å stille oss denne uken? Uansett hvilke spørsmål det er - i denne podkasten vil Alex Rosén og Per Hustad ha svarene. Hver uke.
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Hörspiel-Klassiker aus 1981 in 6 Folgen: Die Kult-Geschichte von Douglas Adams ist zurück - und zwar als Hörspiel-Serie! Dort reisen die Freunde Ford Prefect und Arthur Dent nicht nur per Anhalter durch die Galaxis und entdecken skurrile Geheimnisse, wir erhalten auch die Antwort auf die Frage aller Fragen! Mehr Infos unter https://1.ard.de/per-anhalter-infos Schickt uns eure Meinungen an [email protected]
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Future Perfect explores provocative ideas with the potential to radically improve the world. We tackle big questions about the most effective ways to save lives, control new and potentially dangerous technology, and address world poverty to create a more perfect future. Good Robot is a new series about AI from Unexplainable and Future Perfect. Produced by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
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Frames Per Second

Dead End Media Group

Frames Per Second Podcast covers all the hot topics and issues related to cinema with in-depth discussions and reviews of the films and television shows we watch today.
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Pixel Perfect Videojuegos

Pixel Perfect Videojuegos

El programa de radio de ninguna radio presentado por Dani Turienzo (DOF6, Game40, Dreamcast Official Magazine, PlayStation Power) y Nacho Hernández (DOF6, Game40, Micromanía, Computer Hoy Juegos). Actualidad, debate, noticias, entrevistas, retro y todo lo relevante del mundo de los videojuegos. Grabado en directo en formato radio desde Madrid y Praga,
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Perfecting Motion® is a new STLE podcast series, hosted by Dr. Neil Canter, STLE Advisor – Technical Programs and Services, that features conversations with leading industry professionals sharing their insights about current issues and trends impacting the global tribology and lubricants community.
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Perf Damage

Adam & Charlotte

Adam and Charlotte dive into the exciting world of film, examining it from their unique perspectives of film restoration and development. This self-proclaimed film geek husband and wife team tackle lost treasures, explore subgenres, directors and actors and discuss the art of the perfect double feature. They may even have some friends drop by to help them tackle the important questions.
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Casa Perfetta

Gianluca Torre - Dopcast

Gianluca Torre, l’agente immobiliare più conosciuto della tv, apre le porte di Casa Perfetta, il primo podcast in cui personalità del mondo dello spettacolo racconteranno le loro case, ma anche le loro storie. Parquet o resina? Muri total white o carta da parati? Funzionalità o estetica? In ogni puntata, Gianluca proverà a scoprire di più sulla vita dei suoi ospiti dimostrando quanto le case somiglino a chi le vive più di quanto si possa immaginare. Che experience! Una produzione Dopcast.
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Il nuovo servizio di rassegna stampa audio di www.winenews.tv, curato dal giornalista Federico Pizzinelli, presenta, da lunedi al sabato, in modo semplice, essenziale e completo, una sintesi dei pi interessanti articoli sul mondo del vino.
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¡Bienvenidos al podcast de Jornada Perfecta! 🎙 Seguimos la actualidad de LaLiga en clave fantasy cada semana con las mejores previas, alineaciones probables y chollos. Dirigido por Javi Rando, presentado por Antonio García y con la colaboración de Fabian Fuentes. Síguenos y únete a nuestra comunidad para disfrutar cada semana mientras te haces campeón en Biwenger, LaLiga Fantasy o Kickbase. ¡Conviértete en el rey de tu liga fantasy con Jornada Perfecta! 💪 Puedes seguir más del proyecto Jorna ...
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An accomplished God fearing first generation college turned corporate career professional experienced burnout early in her career and vowed “never again” sharing lessons learned navigating careers, personal life, and entrepreneurship.
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Ningú no és perfecte és un podcast de cinema i sèries amb la mirada posada al fantàstic i als còmics. Ressenyes, monogràfics i especials de pel·lícules, sèries i còmics. Espais per a fans de Star Wars i Star Trek, entrevistes, superherois, terror, ciència-ficció i anàlisis de productes de gènere amb els millors col·laboradors. Escolta tots els programes aquí: https://www.ningunoesperfecte.cat/
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Practice Made Perfect

American College of Cardiology

This occasional series from the American College of Cardiology, developed by members for members, features conversational expert interviews on non-clinical competencies, skills, well-being, and best practices for the entire heart care team.
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The Perfectionism Project

Sam Laura Brown

Perfectionism makes even the smartest business owners get in their own way, which is why the Perfectionism Project is a podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. Your host is Sam Laura Brown, perfectionism coach and founder of Perfectionists Getting Sh*t Done. With her conversational podcast episodes and relatable stories, Sam will motivate you to get out of your own way and help you feel less alone as you navigate the ups and downs of business. Filled with practical advice, th ...
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Take #ImperfectAction to start your project, build your business and up-level your life… Nothing fun ever happed in Perfection Land - it’s a boring myth and I want to teach you practical and mindset hacks to make real change for yourself and the world!
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In My Perfect Console, Simon Parkin, award-winning writer for the New Yorker and The Observer newspaper's video game critic invites a well-known guest from the worlds of gaming, film and television, music, comedy and more to pick the five video games they would like to immortalise on their very own fictional games machine. They discuss those five games in chronological order of release, interspersed with biographical chat about the guest’s life and career –– a lens that often leads to new an ...
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Blancos Perfectos Podcast

Oscar Uriel, Peli de la semana y Mauricio Valle

Blancos Perfectos es un podcast temático semanal con Óscar Uriel, Peli de la Semana y Mauricio Valle, dedicado a la discusión de películas icónicas, con la misión de descubrir, a partir de debates encarnizados, qué es lo que hace que una películas deje de ser mero entretenimiento para convertirse en un blanco perfecto de la historia del cine. Construye junto con ellos la lista de las mejores películas sobre los temas mas relevantes de la actualidad🎯
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Perfectionism Rewired

Perfectionist Solutions

How do I stop living in fear of failure? Why can't I stop overthinking? When will I feel good enough? Why am I so hard on myself? Why do I self-sabotage? Will ruminating + catastrophizing ever end? There's a BETTER Way to Perfectionism, that's empowering highly driven, Type-A, ambitious perfectionists to OWN their perfectionistic tendencies instead of being owned by it. Perfectionism Rewired host Courtney Love Gavin (CLG) illuminates this in every episode. Listen for fierce insights for perf ...
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Un podcast cu şi despre literatură. Din când în când mă întâlnesc cu autori contemporani şi despicăm firul în patru pentru a vedea de ce scriem, ce e în spatele unei cărţi, despre impulsurile care ne pun în mişcare şi nu numai. Nu e nimic „perfect” la Perfect Contemporan, dar totul e mai mult sau mai puţin contemporan.
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CRASH – La chiave per il digitale

Andrea Daniele Signorelli & VOIS

Intelligenza artificiale e deep learning, realtà virtuale, social network, bitcoin e criptovalute, capitalismo della sorveglianza: le nuove tecnologie digitali stanno cambiando il mondo in cui viviamo a velocità sempre crescente, lasciandoci spesso pieni di domande senza risposta. Ogni settimana faremo chiarezza e approfondiremo i temi più inquietanti e affascinanti del mondo digitale, cercando di capire qual è il futuro che ci attende. Sono Andrea Daniele Signorelli, da anni racconto i risc ...
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show series
Eat smart with Factor. Get started at FACTOR MEALS dot com slash fps50off and use code fps50off to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. That’s code fps50off at FACTOR MEALS dot com slash fps50off to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box. Link is in our description! -- Go to BUY RAYCON dot com slash friends to get 20% off the be…
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L’ospite di questa puntata di Crash Talk è Alessandro Aresu: scrittore, consulente scientifico di Limes e autore di Geopolitica dell’intelligenza artificiale, da poco uscito per Feltrinelli. Abbiamo parlato delle grandi promesse e ancora maggiori difficoltà dell’Unione Europea in campo digitale, del gigantismo infrastrutturale degli Stati Uniti e d…
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Guido Olimpio spiega gli attacchi aerei delle forze Usa (e del Regno Unito) contro la milizia sciita in Yemen, i primi dal ritorno del tycoon alla Casa Bianca. Federico Cella racconta l’attracco della navicella Dragon sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, da cui riporterà due astronauti sulla Terra dopo molti mesi. E Daniele Sparisci analizza il …
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Living Lent as People Baptized Into the Death of Christ This reflection opens with prayer and introduces the theme . . .. . . of a spiritual recollection centered on living out our baptism during Lent, particularly as people baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection. It draws from Romans 6:3-11, emphasizing that baptism unites us with Christ’s …
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Where does our DeLorean take us this week? Since the original episode was taken down, we decided to re-upload it but removed all the movie soundbites. Enjoy this extra long episode about the end of the world. All this and more before heading Back to the Future. 88 Miles Per Hour Podcast: The Podcast that travels Back in Time to revisit the movies &…
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Steig ein ins Neurosubstrat mit Go Stuntboi Kazumi: Im Hamburg des Jahres 2112 herrschen Cyberdrogen, illegale VR-Wettkämpfe und Machtmissbrauch vor. Die Menschen überleben in schwimmenden Containern. Kann Go Stuntboi Kazumi in dieser dystopischen Zukunft herausfinden, wer sie wirklich ist? Ab 26.2. in der ARD Audiothek erleben. https://1.ard.de/ne…
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A descontração pode não ligar com liderança ou pode? E até onde deve ir a descontração? Mas há mais perguntas; será que Ursula von der Leyen, presidente da Comissão Europeia, merece um “sim, chefe”? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Observador tarafından oluşturuldu
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As perfectionists, we want our marketing to be perfect before we release it into the world. But the truth is that our best marketing for our clients won’t feel perfect to us. In this episode I share with you why this is the case and how imperfect marketing has helped me grow my business. Tune in to learn why imperfect marketing works, and how your …
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Those who’ve accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior have seen something. Eyes that were once blinded to the truth of His death, burial and resurrection have seen that indeed He is the Christ. Having seen and accepted that truth our lives have been radically and eternally changed. We have seen something and we have to say something!…
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"Striker" von Helene Hegemann ist ein Roman über Gegensätze und erzählt die Geschichte von N, die in einer Berliner Kampfsportschule unterrichtet. N beginnt eine Affäre mit einer Politikerin aus dem Verteidigungsausschuss. Und dann ist da noch Ivy. ********** Weitere Beiträge Literatur: Die Taube von Patrick Süskind Literatur: "Die Ladenhüterin" vo…
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Nuova puntata dell’appuntamento domenicale di «Giorno per giorno»: le repliche dell’editorialista alle domande e osservazioni che avete mandato via WhatsApp al 345 6125226. I link di corriere.it: Stati Uniti ed Europa tra guerra e pace Fra Trump, Putin e Orbán: gli entusiasmi senza freni di Matteo Salvini Un ricordo di David Sassoli…
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When a robot does bad things, who is responsible? A group of technologists sounds the alarm about the ways AI is already harming us today. Are their concerns being taken seriously? This is the second episode of our new four-part series about the stories shaping the future of AI. Good Robot was made in partnership with Vox’s Future Perfect team. Epi…
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Repasamos la liturgia de los dos primeros domingos de Cuaresma con sus cantos emblemáticos, entre ellos el largo tracto Qui habitat. Y escucharemos también una de las piezas emblemáticas del repertorio ligada a este tiempo litúrgico en el que nos encontramos: el responsorio Media vita in morte sumus. Escuchar audio…
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Nuovo appuntamento con il sabato di «Giorno per giorno»: l’editorialista torna sugli argomenti di cui ha scritto durante la settimana nella sua rubrica «Il Caffè», integrandoli con i commenti nel frattempo ricevuti dai lettori. I link di corriere.it: Treviso, mamma di un giocatore di basket insulta l’arbitra: Vai a fare la prostituta Piccolotti (Av…
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"Part of the reason I stay super busy is bc if I stop to rest l'll ruminate. And if I ruminate, I start spiraling. And if I spiraling I'm like a nosediving plane" Sound familiar? Discover the ANSWER to WHY you get stuck in your most annoying perfectionist tendencies, like ruminating, catastrophizing, overthinking every small mistake etc. Plus the 6…
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This Episodes Questions: Rosemarie Hi, I enjoy listening to your podcast! I have four Bambu Lab printers, each with its own issue as to why the printer is not working. There are connectors with corresponding pins which constantly fail when having to pull out the pin to clear a clog, change a nozzle, or install a replacement part. I align the pin pr…
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Suzi and Gary retire to Tucson and find the perfect house with a less-than-perfect kitchen. They love to cook and entertain, so they put their energy and money into renovating their dream kitchen. Construction starts and is going smoothly until the payment for cabinets is due. The designer requests immediate payment by wire transfer, but a week lat…
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Marco Imarisio analizza le parole del presidente russo sulla proposta di cessate il fuoco elaborata da Stati Uniti e Ucraina nell’incontro di Gedda. Claudio Bozza parla delle divisioni all’interno della maggioranza e dell’opposizione manifestatesi nel voto del Parlamento di Strasburgo sul piano presentato da Ursula von der Leyen. Fulvio Bufi raccon…
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Pixel Perfect Videojuegos, el programa de radio de ninguna radio, presenta el episodio 104 (13/03/2025). ¡Estamos en YouTube (@elpixelpodcast), TikTok y Patreon (audio en 320kbps antes que nadie)! Agradecemos a nuestra pedazo de comunidad y damos la bienvenida al nuevo patreon Germán. Suscríbete y activa la campanita. En Lo Más Fresco seguimos de c…
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Câteva lucruri spuse de Lorena Enache în acest podcast: Să fie poezia super puterea mea. Să pot să mă disting cu faptul că scriu poezie Apoi am început să fac pace cu mine cu faptul că scriu poezie și că nu trebuie să fie doar tristuță sau doar de ură sau să apară doar ca moment de respiro. Sexualitatea era o formă de putere și cu cât puteai să o a…
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Valentina Iorio parla della reazione dell’Unione europea alla decisione di Donald Trump di imporre pesanti tariffe commerciali sui prodotti importati. Sara Gandolfi analizza i risultati delle elezioni sull’isola, che ha premiato le opposizioni di centrodestra e nazional-populiste. Cesare Giuzzi spiega perché è stato riaperto il caso dell’uccisione …
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Apúntate al nuevo Challenge de Kickbase y gana hasta 200€: https://go.kickbase.com/cllge28JP Este es nuestro Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jornadaperfecta Previa de la Jornada 28 en fantasy. Con Antonio Miguel García y Javi Rando repasaremos los Onces Posibles, Consejos y Lesiones para que puedas confeccionar tu mejor once fantasy en Kickbase, B…
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Últim especial sobre Cobra Kai. En aquest programa analitzem l’èpic final de la sèrie. No us enganyarem, estem superemocionats d’un triplet de capítols finals que ens han fet saltar les llàgrimes d’emoció. Comencem fent la crítica de la tercera part de Cobra Kai VI i aspectes de producció, rodatge i els motius perquè no hem vist a Hilary Swank. Tot…
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Summary This conversation takes a deep dive into the book 'The Diamond Eye' by Kate Quinn. The discussion highlights the historical context of the story, the transformation of the main character Mila into a strong, independent woman, and the impact of war on humanity. The speakers reflect on the power of books to foster empathy and understanding, e…
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Will and Rainie join the show to discuss peeing on the mayors lawn, and making sure your astrophysicist crush likes you back. GET TIX FOR PERFECT PERSON LIVE! https://linktr.ee/perfectpersonlive Join The Patreon: https://bit.ly/PPPTRN -Weekly Bonus episodes every Friday & ad-free extended version of this episode) Watch on Youtube: https://bit.ly/Pe…
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Before AI became a mainstream obsession, one thinker sounded the alarm about its catastrophic potential. So why are so many billionaires and tech leaders worried about… paper clips? This is the first episode of our new four-part series about the stories shaping the future of AI. Good Robot was made in partnership with Vox’s Future Perfect team. Epi…
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La casa di Paolo Ruffini, ospite di questo episodio di Casa Perfetta, non è certo un’abitazione standard. Niente bollette, niente idraulici, niente ladri: da oltre dieci anni infatti Paolo ha scelto per sé una soluzione poco convenzionale in cui però si trova a meraviglia, una stanza d’hotel. In fondo, secondo Paolo, la casa è fatta dalle persone c…
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Nonostante le promesse di Elon Musk, nessuno sa quando raggiungeremo il Pianeta Rosso. L’unica certezza è che gli ostacoli non si limitano al semplice viaggio spaziale e alcuni di questi non sappiamo ancora come superarli. E per quanto invece riguarda la colonizzazione? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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Lorenzo Cremonesi racconta gli sviluppi della guerra, mentre in Arabia Saudita le delegazioni di Washington e Kiev hanno discusso di un possibile cessate il fuoco. Stefano Montefiori parla del vertice convocato dal presidente francese a Parigi, con i capi di Stato maggiore di una trentina di Paesi occidentali (ma non gli Stati Uniti). Francesca Bas…
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