Welcome to "Lets Go Up" where we explore the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. The word "obedience" brings up numerous scenarios to different people. Just the mention might conjure up both positive and negative connotations depending on what your experience has been, how you grew up, or how you view God as he leads and guides us through life. Join hosts, Karitas Townsend and Dean Maerz, as they take a fresh, redemptive look at obedience and what it might look like in the kainos, new creation life. This podcast is filled with freedom, glory, and unconventional thought. You don't want to miss this one!! Website: https://letsgoup.us Video podcast playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLryf2wQr5uVBxLbLUOwjmuf2jYzF-lI9v Audio podcast: https://letsgoup-podcast.podbean.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090809596581 What is heaven like? Do you have a burning hunger to encounter God’s glory? Have you ever wondered at the vastness of the universe? Do you want to go up? We are already seated in heavenly places so why not go there!! Join hosts, Karitas Townsend and Dean Maerz every Monday as they explore the unknown and find language for the timeless realms of eternity. “Let’s Go Up” is all about having ascending conversations – tapping into the manifold (many faceted and colourful) mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Are you ready for this!! Hold on – you can’t make this stuff up! #LetsGoUp #podcasting #mysteriesofthekingdom #immortality #newcreationlife #asheissoareweinthisworld #asheis ##ascending #ascention #divineintelligence…