Podcast by Victoria Legal Aid
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Rowan McRae Executive Director of Civil Justice Access and Equity spoke to Patricia Karvelas on ABC 774 about our second test case against Centrelink’s robo-debt process. Our client Deanna only found out about her alleged robo-debt when her tax return was taken. ‘Our clients want these questions answered’. Read more about the case – https://www.leg…
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Heidi Deason, Manager of our Mallee region office, spoke to ABC Mildura on 4 March 2019, about the Cross-border justice report. The report outlines the complex and unique challenges in accessing justice for people living along the borders of different states.Read the report http://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/about-us/news/working-together-to-improve-ac…
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On 15 October 2018 Damian Stock, Managing Lawyer of the Economic and Social Rights Team, was interviewed by Rafael Epstein on ABC Melbourne about a new hardship program introduced to help Victorians with road-toll debts.Victoria Legal Aid tarafından oluşturuldu
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Victoria Legal Aid Lawyer Lucy Geddes on ABC's 774 Drive – 27 June 2018
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10:38Victoria Legal Aid's Lucy Geddes, Lawyer Mental Health and Disability Law Program, was interviewed on ABC’s 774 Drive program about the decision for all charges to be dropped against her client Francis.Francis became a Victoria Legal Aid client after NDIS-funded disability service providers withdrew services from him. The 20 year old, who has intel…
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Listen to our Managing Lawyer, Economic and Social Rights, Damian Stock being interviewed on ABC 774 Drive, on 29 May 2018, about a recent Supreme Court case challenging an eviction notice.More information:https://www.domain.com.au/news/iranian-refugee-served-eviction-notice-takes-case-to-the-supreme-court-20180528-h10m3w/…
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Sonia Law, Program Manager of our Mental Health Disability Advocacy team speaks to Jon Faine on ABC Melbourne about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and our calls for a provider of last resort.Victoria Legal Aid tarafından oluşturuldu
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Bevan Warner interviewed by ABC Melbourne after announcing he is stepping down
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14:29The outgoing Managing Director Bevan Warner was interviewed by ABC 774 radio about his reflections as he prepares to step down after a decade leading Victoria Legal Aid.Victoria Legal Aid tarafından oluşturuldu
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We recently launched our first health justice partnership in Mildura. The VLA Mallee Regional Office is co-located inside Sunraysia Community Health Service so that we can serve the community in a relevant and timely manner.Listen to Manager Mallee Legal Impact Heidi Deason and Executive Director Services and Innovation Peter Noble speak to ABC Mil…
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They mix like oil and water
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11:53Victoria Legal Aid Managing Director Bevan Warner's speech at RMIT University's Graduate School of Business and Law, celebrating the 10th anniversary of its Juris Doctor program. 20 July 2017.Victoria Legal Aid tarafından oluşturuldu
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Victoria Legal Aid Access to Justice Podcast – The Legacy Caseload Initiative
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21:24This edition of our Access to Justice podcast discusses bringing legal assistance to thousands of asylum seekers affected by changes to Commonwealth law in 2014. Their claims for protection became collectively known as the legacy caseload.You will hear from the Executive Director of Refugee Legal, David Manne, our Executive Director of Civil Justic…
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Steven Sapountsis, President, Law Institute of Victoria at the Means Test Review briefing event
Speakers from the Means Test Review briefing event 10 August 2016: Bevan Warner, Managing Director, Victoria Legal Aid; Mary Sayers, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Social Services; Steven Sapountsis, President, Law Institute of Victoria; Belinda Lo, Chairperson, Federation of Community Legal Centres.We are reviewing the way we…
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Mary Sayers, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, VCOSS speaking at the Means Test Review briefing event
Speakers from the Means Test Review briefing event 10 August 2016: Bevan Warner, Managing Director, Victoria Legal Aid; Mary Sayers, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Social Services; Steven Sapountsis, President, Law Institute of Victoria; Belinda Lo, Chairperson, Federation of Community Legal Centres.We are reviewing the way we…
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Speakers from the Means Test Review briefing event 10 August 2016: Bevan Warner, Managing Director, Victoria Legal Aid; Mary Sayers, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Social Services; Steven Sapountsis, President, Law Institute of Victoria; Belinda Lo, Chairperson, Federation of Community Legal Centres.We are reviewing the way we…
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Speakers from the Means Test Review briefing event 10 August 2016: Bevan Warner, Managing Director, Victoria Legal Aid; Mary Sayers, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Social Services; Steven Sapountsis, President, Law Institute of Victoria; Belinda Lo, Chairperson, Federation of Community Legal Centres.We are reviewing the way we…
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Introduction by Aimee Cooper and speech by Jamie Gardiner
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15:52Introduction by Deputy Managing Lawyer, Equality Law, Aimee Cooper and speech by LGBTI Taskforce member Jamie Gardiner at the exhibition launch of An Unfinished Journey: Law and Justice for LGBTIQ people in Victoria 1835 – 2016, curated by the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives and held at the Victoria Legal Aid Library. Find out more about the ev…
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