UC Berkeley Extension is the continuing education branch of UC Berkeley with online courses and conveniently located classrooms to meet your needs. We also offer free public events and share some of their recordings here.
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Presenter Rebecca Andersen, Director of Career Services at UC Berkeley Information School, shares valuable tips and best practices for career changers.UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Presenter Rebecca Andersen, Director of Career Services at UC Berkeley Information School, shares valuable tips and best practices for creating your distinctive brand.UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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The Future Of Work with Marty Nemko
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1:29:22UNEX 1341 September 11, 2017 presentation, "The Future of Work," with Marty Nemko. Part of the #ProfessionalPathways series. Read more career advice from UC Berkeley Extension at http://voices.berkeley.edu/content/professional-pathways.UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Teaching at Extension: A Two-Way Street
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13:10UC Berkeley Extension Honored Instructor and author Jane Anne Staw provides her insights on why continuing education isn't pursued for the same reasons as a degree and how students and instructors alike can grow from this "pursuit of happiness."UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Poem from UC Berkeley Extension's student arts and literary journal, Ursa Minor, May 2016UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Writing student Lisa Wenzel describes the inspiration behind the poem, "Properties of Water."UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Poem from UC Berkeley Extension's student arts and literary journal, Ursa Minor, May 2016UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Writing student Lisa Wenzel describes the inspiration behind the poem, "Mercury."UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Writing student Rob Fisher describes the inspiration behind the poem, "To Go to Paro."UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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Poem from UC Berkeley Extension's student arts and literary journal, Ursa Minor, May 2016UC Berkeley Extension tarafından oluşturuldu
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