Every Tuesday at 3pm, The Buzz Hour Talk Show, hosted by Tami Mase aka Tami-Q, creates a powerful platform for everyone needing to regain their voice and be empowered. The Buzz Hour seeks to empower women and young talent in personal growth and wealth creation. It tackles issues that are obstacles to growth like women and child abuse and also shares buzzing trends in innovation, science and technology, pushing young people and women to kick open these doors of opportunities. Tami invites & i ...
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The Buzz Hour Show aims at uniting and empowering the collective of women towards building a Continental Legacy of African economy.
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My guests, B. Taylor and Terry Reece from Las Vegas are joining me in the conversation where the waves of the Uni erse are shifting towards women. We are celebrating women achievement of selflessly fighting for humanity through their leading roles. Both Taylor and Reece have dedicated a huge chunk of their time in celebrating and empowering women. …
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Finding a platform for your voice in the media space
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
This episode highlights challenges experienced in the media industry and how to elbow your way through the noise and find your voice, share your story with the world, i spire and empower. Through my conversation with Kendal Brown, whom I call the Media Master, we will unveil opportunities available in the media space where presenters can come and f…
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This is the very first episode of The Buzz Hour. It s more of an informal introduction to the host and the talk title. Talking a little about the difference between the hustle and grind and how the transition between the two need to take place.
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