Oasis Faith Community at Church of the Lakes Global Methodist Church in Canton, Ohio. Meeting weekly at 11am.
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Jesus is the light of the world. As his followers, we must walk in fellowship with God and with one another, reflecting his light to those around us, and surrendering fully to him as the only light worth following. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In John 8, we see Jesus claim to be the great I AM – directly invoking God speaking to Moses at the burning bush. In our lives today, we must all answer the question “Who is Jesus?” Our answer changes everything. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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What is your life? Life is chaotic, stressful, and uncertain. Make the most of your life by following the advice of James: surrender to God’s will. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In Mark 9 when we read about the transfiguration of Jesus, we see that Jesus revealed a glimpse of his glory to his disciples. We are not meant to stay in our “mountain top moments,” but to trust Jesus completely and carry his glory into the ordinary moments of life as well. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In Mark 1:29-39, we see Jesus’s healing as both comprehensive and personal. He not only meets our temporary needs but offers us a salvation that lasts forever. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In Mark 1, we see that Jesus’s authority is revealed. This authority demands a response from us, as we determine who or what has authority over our own lives. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In Mark 1, we see the urgency that comes when we follow Jesus. This urgency stems from a realization that Jesus is the embodiment of the kingdom of God, we are called to follow Him, and He is everything we need. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In Matthew 11, we see John the Baptist grapple with doubt as he asks, “Jesus, are you the One?” We each have situations in our lives that cause us to doubt, but through this passage, we learn that Jesus exceeds all of our expectations. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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During the baptism of Jesus, a voice from heaven proved his identity as the Son of God beloved by the Father. In our baptism, the water reminds us of the cleansing of our sins, and a new birth through the Lord. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In Matthew 2, we read about the Magi seeking Jesus by following a star. This demonstrates God’s pursuit of us through signs and wonders, the global nature of salvation, and the truth that we have all been tasked with carrying the light to those who have not yet known it. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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Jesus calls us to leave a legacy of love with every interaction that we have. That means, we are to extend ourselves for the benefit of others, even when it doesn’t make sense. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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Jesus: What a Beautiful Name churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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The first of the signs of Jesus is supplying the source of abiding joy for a wedding feast. In a world that is often searching for joy in all the wrong places, Jesus reminds us that when we do whatever he tells us, we experience real glory. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” We are invited to come and see for ourselves that the Jesus way of service and sacrifice leads to eternal and abundant life. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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In John 1:1-14, we read about our God, who did not stay distant, but who lived as God’s ultimate message for us, bringing light into the darkness, offering us grace and truth, and inviting us into His family. churchofthelakes.orgOasis Faith Community tarafından oluşturuldu
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