Simple reflections to help you be mindful at work, one minute at a time.
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🧘 Find your daily moment of peace in just one minute. Daily Mindfulness Minute is your quick, calming retreat, bringing you simple yet powerful mindfulness exercises, guided meditations, and uplifting insights in a short and accessible format. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve focus, cultivate gratitude, or simply reset your mind, these bite-sized episodes will help you build a daily mindfulness habit—no matter how busy life gets. Join Ethan Wells each morning as we explore br ...
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Liebe auf den ersten Blick: Gibt es die wirklich? Kann jeder zum Workaholic werden? Und: Was steckt hinter Phänomen wie dem Helfersyndrom oder Emotional Eating? In diesem Podcast beantwortet die Psychologin und Wissenschaftsjournalistin Fanny Jimenez zusammen mit Redakteurin Derman Deniz und Gästen eure Fragen rund um psychologische Themen aus dem Alltag. Never Mind hilft euch dabei, eure Gedanken und eure Gefühle im Alltag zu verstehen: wo sie herkommen, warum sie sinnvoll sind – und wie ih ...
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OMM show is overflowing with conversations, interviews and experiences.
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Thoughts, ideas and musings on the pursuit of mastery.
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Enter the mind of ZAF -an explorative journey of thoughts, ideas, love, bitterness, confusion, passion and above all stories delivered to you the listener with verbal visualizations narrated by ZAF himself. ***New episodes every Thursday .***
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Meditation instruction to support 20 minutes of home practice per day
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This podcast is about mindfulness. It is about being in the moment. It is about paying attention. It is about nonjudgmental attitude. It is about awareness. It is about making wiser decisions. I am talking about lessons I've learned on my Martial Arts and Yoga journey, and what I've learned practicing meditation. My episodes are inspired by lessons I got from World's greatest success and leadership teachers.
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Transform your pain relationship with a science-backed blend of Tai Chi, breathwork, and gratitude practice. Ethan Wells guides a 3-step method to reduce suffering, refocus neural pathways, and cultivate body neutrality. Mindfulness keywords: chronic pain management, biofeedback breathing, Tai Chi mindfulness, pain catastrophizing, somatic gratitud…
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Nothing has to be linear. Be open to unconventional, out-of-the-box pathways to achieve the same goal. Allow yourself to experience learning in a way that is not just educational, but enjoyable and creative.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Overcome creative blocks with a triple-method practice to bypass fear, engage senses, and dialogue with your inner critic. Ethan Wells merges stream-of-consciousness writing, sensory immersion, and shadow work to reignite artistic flow. Mindfulness keywords: mindful creativity, artist’s block, Julia Cameron, inner critic, divergent thinking…
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Navigate loss with a three-phase practice to process grief somatically, release trapped emotions, and find meaning in absence. Ethan Wells blends writing prompts, shaking meditation, and symbolic ritual to honor pain without fixation. Mindfulness keywords: grief mindfulness, Dr. Alan Wolfelt, somatic release, prolonged grief, bereavement ritual…
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Reduce parental burnout with neuroscience-backed strategies to de-escalate stress, model emotional regulation, and deepen bonds. Ethan Wells guides a three-step practice combining somatic pauses, nonverbal mirroring, and tactile anchoring for overwhelmed caregivers. Mindfulness keywords: mindful parenting, Dr. Dan Siegel, emotional regulation, care…
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Master empathetic dialogue with a 10-minute guided meditation to de-escalate arguments, identify shared needs, and foster mutual understanding. Ethan Wells combines role-play visualization, somatic awareness, and mantra repetition to rewire communication habits. Mindfulness keywords: Nonviolent Communication, conflict resolution, empathetic listeni…
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Recharge mind and body with a 10-minute guided Yoga Nidra session to reduce chronic fatigue, boost creativity, and activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Ethan Wells leads a four-stage practice combining body awareness, breathwork, and visualization for profound restoration. Mindfulness keywords: Yoga Nidra, delta brainwaves, chronic fatigue …
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Ohrwürmer im Kopf – Woher sie kommen und wie ihr sie wieder loswerdet
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15:58Welchen Ohrwurm hattest du zuletzt? Jeder kennt das Gefühl, wenn ein Song einfach nicht aus dem Kopf will. In rund 30 Prozent der Fälle kann dieser Ohrwurm irgendwann richtig nerven. In dieser Folge untersuchen wir, warum sich bestimmte Songs festsetzen und was das Ganze mit Langeweile und Stress zu tun hat. Wir fragen uns aber auch: Was passiert, …
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Transform overwhelming emotions into actionable insights with a 10-minute guided journaling ritual. Ethan Wells blends expressive writing prompts, somatic awareness, and creative visualization to help you process grief, anxiety, and joy with radical self-compassion. Mindfulness keywords: expressive writing, emotional resilience, grief journaling, s…
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Combat screen fatigue with a science-backed digital detox ritual to protect your eyes, mind, and attention span. Ethan Wells shares a habit-forming practice to balance tech use and cultivate intentional presence. Mindfulness keywords: digital detox, 20-20-20 rule, screen fatigue, attention restoration, mindful tech use…
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Harness anger’s energy constructively with breathwork and somatic exercises to prevent outbursts and spark solutions. Ethan Wells teaches a qigong-inspired method to cool emotional heat and access inner clarity. Mindfulness keywords: anger management, qigong breathwork, emotional regulation, somatic release, mindful assertiveness…
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Combat insomnia with a dual-method bedtime practice proven to accelerate sleep onset and improve sleep quality. Ethan Wells combines breathwork and body gratitude to quiet mental chatter and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.Ethan Wells tarafından oluşturuldu
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Turn chores into stress-relieving rituals with a neuroscience-backed approach to mindful productivity. Ethan Wells shares techniques to infuse presence into mundane tasks, boost satisfaction, and reframe household duties as self-care.Ethan Wells tarafından oluşturuldu
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Master uncertainty with a therapist-approved mindfulness tool to reduce change-related anxiety. Ethan Wells teaches the RAIN framework to help you process transitions, identify actionable steps, and cultivate radical acceptance. Mindfulness keywords: mindfulness for change, RAIN method, impermanence, adaptability, life transitions…
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Unburden your heart with a Hawaiian forgiveness ritual proven to reduce emotional pain and improve physical health. Ethan Wells guides a 4-step meditation to help you let go of grudges, cultivate self-compassion, and reclaim inner peace. Mindfulness keywords: forgiveness meditation, Ho’oponopono, emotional release, resentment healing, self-compassi…
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Warum träumen wir? Was die Forschung über den Traum weiß
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12:53Ich hatte neulich einen bizarren Traum. Dabei fand ich mich in einem Haus wider, das ich nicht kannte, sehr verwinkelt und unordentlich. Und dann tauchten, wie in einem schlechten Film, Zombies auf und wollten mir an den Kragen. Zum Glück hatte ich eine Wasserpistole dabei – und habe einen nach dem anderen Zombie erledigt. Im Traum habe ich mich st…
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Harness nature’s healing power with a guided visualization to lower blood pressure, boost mood, and restore mental clarity—no hiking required. Ethan Wells leads a biophilic meditation using sensory memory to activate nature’s calming effects. Mindfulness keywords: forest bathing, biophilic healing, nature visualization, stress reduction, urban mind…
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When it feels like we're facing the same problems over and over again, we need to ask ourselves - what would excite us right now?Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Combat burnout with a 3-step self-compassion practice proven to reduce shame and emotional exhaustion. Ethan Wells shares a science-backed method to acknowledge pain, connect with shared humanity, and respond with radical self-care. Mindfulness keywords: self-compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff, burnout prevention, emotional resilience, inner critic…
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Experience a modern twist on ancient sound therapy to reduce cortisol and induce deep calm. Ethan Wells guides a vibrational meditation using resonant tones to balance your energy, improve sleep quality, and reset overstimulated minds. Mindfulness keywords: sound healing, theta brainwaves, vibrational meditation, stress reduction, insomnia relief…
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Reset your relationship with food using a mindfulness exercise shown to reduce binge eating and enhance meal satisfaction. Ethan Wells guides a sensory-rich practice to help you eat with intention, gratitude, and joy. Mindfulness keywords: mindful eating, intuitive eating, hunger awareness, sensory meditation, gratitude practice All scripts use del…
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Release chronic tension with a clinically-proven method to reduce physical stress symptoms. Ethan Wells leads a targeted sequence to relax muscles, improve circulation, and break the body’s anxiety feedback loop. Mindfulness keywords: progressive muscle relaxation, stress relief, chronic pain management, sleep meditation, somatic mindfulness…
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Boost concentration and productivity with an athlete-approved visualization technique. Ethan Wells guides a 4-minute session to help you dismiss distractions, enhance task retention, and enter flow states. Mindfulness keywords: focus visualization, mental clarity, productivity meditation, flow state, distraction management…
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Break cycles of resentment with a guided metta meditation proven to enhance empathy and emotional resilience. Ethan Wells teaches a three-step method to direct compassion inward and outward, even toward difficult people. Mindfulness keywords: loving-kindness meditation, metta practice, compassion training, emotional healing, Buddhist mindfulness…
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Verlust eines geliebten Menschen: Wie ihr mit eurer und der Trauer anderer umgeht
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20:05Der Verlust eines geliebten Menschen trifft uns in der Regel tief und kann das Leben vieler Menschen nachhaltig verändern. Der Umgang mit der eigenen Trauer sowie der Trauer anderer stellt oft eine große Herausforderung dar und kann überwältigend wirken. Ein besseres Verständnis des Trauerprozesses hilft uns nicht nur dabei, unseren eigenen Schmerz…
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Turn daily walks into mindfulness rituals with this scientifically-backed practice to reduce overthinking and enhance sensory awareness. Host Ethan Wells guides a step-by-step kinhin meditation to help you walk with intention, clarity, and gratitude. Mindfulness keywords: walking meditation, kinhin practice, sensory grounding, mindful movement, anx…
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Feeling lost? You're not alone. This is something everyone goes through. Give yourself ample time, patience and support to get through it.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Stop spiraling thoughts with a trauma-informed grounding technique used by therapists worldwide. In this episode of Daily Mindfulness Minute, host Ethan Wells guides you through the 5-4-3-2-1 method to disrupt anxiety, regulate your nervous system, and reclaim mental clarity. You’ll learn: The science behind sensory grounding How to short-circuit p…
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Unlock neuroscience-backed joy with a simple gratitude ritual shown to rewire your brain for resilience. In this episode of Daily Mindfulness Minute, host Ethan Wells shares a 3-step journaling method to amplify optimism, deepen relationships, and reframe challenges. You’ll learn: How gratitude physically changes your brain structure Prompts to unc…
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Unlock deep calm with a science-backed body scan practice designed to release tension and quiet mental chatter. In this episode of Daily Mindfulness Minute, host Ethan Wells leads a step-by-step meditation to help you reconnect with your physical self, reduce stress hormones, and cultivate mindful presence. You’ll learn: How body scanning interrupt…
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Learn how a body awareness scan can dissolve physical stress and quiet mental chatter in just minutes. Host Ethan Wells guides you through a grounding practice to reconnect with your body, identify hidden tension, and cultivate deep relaxation. Discover the science of somatic mindfulness, how to listen to your body’s signals, and a simple mantra to…
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Discover how a 100-breath mindfulness practice can rewire your brain for calm in just minutes. Host Ethan Wells guides you through a portable breathing exercise to reduce stress, sharpen focus, and anchor yourself in the present moment. Learn the science-backed benefits of breath counting, how to adapt the practice for busy days, and a timeless man…
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Natürliche Stimmungsbooster: Was gegen den Winterblues hilft
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Daha Sonra Çal
14:29Der Winter zieht sich, es ist dunkel und kalt, und das schon eine ganze Weile. Viele fühlen sich in dieser Zeit antriebslos und schwermütig, manche schlafen schlecht und können nur schwer Energie aufbringen für irgendetwas. Warum es den Winterblues gibt und wie man mit ihm umgehen kann, darum geht es in dieser Episode. Die Folge zu den Traurigkeits…
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When things get super overwhelming, always remember - it's all temporary.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Psychologie des Geldes: Warum gebe ich ständig mehr Geld aus, als ich will?
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Daha Sonra Çal
18:04Eigentlich wolltet ihr genug Geld sparen, um irgendwann doch mal eine eigene Wohnung zu kaufen oder eine kleine Weltreise zu finanzieren. Aber irgendwie klappt es nicht so richtig mit dem Sparen – obwohl ihr so motiviert seid. Warum wir uns oft mit bester Absicht und höchster Motivation hohe Ziele stecken, wenn es darum geht, mehr Geld auf die Seit…
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Don't just have a network. Build a community of mutual support.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Trennungsrisiko: So einfach lässt sich vorhersagen, ob eine Beziehung scheitert
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Daha Sonra Çal
11:08„FÜR VIELE IST DIE LIEBE EIN KOMPLETTES MYSTERIUM. DABEI IST SIE SO VORHERSAGBAR“. Dieser Satz stammt von John Gottman, einem der einflussreichsten Beziehungsforscher der Welt. Er hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das große rätselhafte Gefühl der Liebe messbar zu machen. Und es ist ihm gelungen. Fast 200 wissenschaftliche Studien hat er veröffentlic…
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Don't let work thoughts invade your personal life. Shut them down and allow your mind and body to relax.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Romantische Beziehungen: Warum sie für Männer viel wichtiger sind
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Daha Sonra Çal
14:09Filme, Geschichten – und manche sagen auch – das reale Leben – suggerieren uns oft, dass Frauen romantischen Beziehungen viel mehr Wert beimessen als Männer. Dabei ist es, wenn man sich die Forschung dazu ansieht, genau andersherum: Eine Partnerschaft hat für Männer eine viel größere Bedeutung als für Frauen. Warum das so ist und was das für eure B…
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Endless ambition is all around us, but that doesn't mean that you need to constantly be pushing for accelerated growth. Take your career at your own pace and set goals that truly align with your heart.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Don't agonize in isolation. Share your fears and stressors with your community and allow those around you to provide validation, encouragement and perspective, as you would for them if they were in the same situation.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Meine Berufung, meine Bestimmung: Wie finde ich mein wahres Talent?
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Daha Sonra Çal
15:22Es gibt Menschen, die wissen von frühester Kindheit an, was ihre Bestimmung im Leben ist, wofür sie berufen sind – oder behaupten das zumindest später. Viele aber wissen es nicht und stellen sich öfter im Leben die Frage: Was ist mein wahres Talent? Und inwiefern spielen meine Interessen auch eine Rolle dafür, wozu ich berufen bin? Wie ihr das find…
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(Wie viel) Geld macht glücklich?
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Daha Sonra Çal
16:32Macht Geld glücklich? Und wenn ja, wie viel davon wie sehr? Die Frage habt ihr euch sicher auch schon mal gestellt – und wir wollen sie heute beleuchten. Denn wir immer bei solchen großen Fragen ist die Antwort: Jein oder auch: Es kommt darauf an. Ob das Gehalt eines Menschen über sein Glücksgefühl entscheidet, was Geld mit dem Selbstwertgefühl mac…
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Nothing is ever set in stone. In life or at work. Keeping your expectations flexible helps you to prevent being stressed or disappointed when things don't go your way.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Große Ziele, hohe Ansprüche: Woher Perfektionismus kommt – mit Leon Windscheid
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Daha Sonra Çal
17:35Große Ziele, hohe Ansprüche: Woher kommt Perfektionismus? Und was kann man gegen ihn tun? Darüber sprechen wir in dieser Episode noch einmal mit Leon Windscheid, den viele von euch kennen durften: Er ist Psychologe, Unternehmer und Autor. Ihr könnt ihn hören, z.B. in seinem Podcast "Betreutes Fühlen", oder auch lesen, etwa in seinem Buch "Besser Fü…
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Each failure can be a chance to learn rather than a moment of disappointment.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Instead of focusing on what is going wrong in your workplace, try to begin your day with one thing you're grateful for.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Think of ways to bring yourself back to the present moment and stay grounded at work for the upcoming year.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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Dilemma an Weihnachten und Silvester: Wie man dafür einsteht, was man will
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Daha Sonra Çal
19:27Wer Weihnachten feiert, kennt wahrscheinlich zumindest eines der folgenden Dilemmata: In welcher Konstellation feiern wir wo, wann und wie lange zusammen? Was gibt es zu essen und wer kocht das? Und die Frage: Will ich das alles überhaupt? Egal, wo ihr heute gelandet seid und den Weihnachtstag verbringt: Diese Folge soll euch helfen, besser für das…
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As we move into holiday season, take some time to think about what this year was like, and what you want out of next year.Mindfulness Minute tarafından oluşturuldu
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