Historier, kunnskap og erfaringer om ADHD. Dette er podcasten for deg som ønsker å vite mer om ADHD, hva som kjennetegner diagnosen og hvordan man kan lære seg å leve godt med ADHD. La oss knuse myter og bidra til mindre stigma rundt ADHD og psykisk helse.
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Iltalehden uudessa Kuka minä olen -podcastissa politiikasta tutut nimet kertovat avoimesti elämästään ja avaavat itsestään täysin uusia puolia. Millainen ihminen on julkisuudessa nähtävän poliitikkoroolin takana? Miksi he tekevät sellaista politiikkaa kuin tekevät? Millaisia haaveita heillä on? Toimittaja: Marko-Oskari Lehtonen Tuotanto ja leikkaus: Riikka Nyman
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Mord i mina tankar är en true crime-podcast som görs av Jessica Thyselius och Amanda Nilsson. Varje vecka berättar vi om ett mordfall på det enda sättet vi kan, lättsamt. Vi väljer även att varna känsliga lyssnare redan här. Hoppas vi hörs! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Mina talks all things football with her unique brand of humor and insight. Her friends join each episode to talk about the NFL's latest storylines along with her football loving dog, Lenny, making frequent contributions.
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Minajdarapper Radio show , Hot Tea , Hot topics And more .
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Em Minas Gerais, grandes empresas geram riquezas, empregos e desenvolvimento. São referências na indústria, na tecnologia, na logística e no extrativismo, atividades econômicas decisivas para a economia de todo o país. Um Estado como este merece um conteúdo completo como o Minas S/A. O programa é ancorado pela jornalista Helenice Laguardia, com mais de 20 anos de experiência em economia, e mostra as transformações dos setores e o que as empresas oferecem ao Brasil e ao mundo.
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O NBA das Mina é um podcast que nasceu em 2017 com o objetivo de falar do mundo do basquete americano de forma apaixonada, comprometida e, ao mesmo tempo, descontraída. Comandado por torcedoras e admiradoras da liga, o programa traz debates sobre jogos, franquias, movimentações no mercado, tendências e muito mais. Tudo isso com a voz delas – e de convidados e convidadas especiais. Novos episódios às segundas e quintas.
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Beauty Bar Chat is where we dive deep into the world of beauty, style, hair, and fashion and have meaningful conversations with industry professionals worldwide who share their vision for the future. I am your host, Salvatore Minardi, and I am thrilled to have you join us on this exciting journey.
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The Mina’s House Podcast (MHP) is hosted by Media Personality Mina SayWhat and was originally recorded in Mina’s home studio. Mina is the host and occasionally her friends Shana B, Sherlock Homeboi and Dex The One join the pod. MHP can be heard on Pandora, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, IHeartRadio and anywhere else you listen to podcasts. Mina started her podcast in December of 2015. It was initially called “Mina’s Mind” because it featured Mina’s thoughts on current topics and inte ...
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Mina vänner-boken är en intervju-podd där komikern Robin "Maskinistet" Berglund intervjuar kul folk och utgår från frågor som skulle kunna stå i en mina vänner-bok. kändiscrush? Messi eller Ronaldo? jag har alltid lena fötter, vad har du haft kroppslig tur med? Följ @maskinistet på sociala medier och stötta podden på www.patreon.com/minavannerboken. Woop Woop! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Islam Selamatkan Negeri
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Личный канал писателя, журналиста, телеведущего, сценариста и — помимо вот этого всего — главного редактора журнала Esquire Сергея Минаева.
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Young queer men of color popping bubbly and smoking trees while we talk about life and serve the tea
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It a program were u get to say hi to your love ones
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You can download my podcasts on my Telegram channel: @IELTSMINA
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Julkisuudesta tutut ihmiset avaavat sisintään poikkeuksellisella tavalla, kun erinomaisena haastattelijana tunnettu Sanna Ukkola selvittää, mitkä onnistumiset ja vastoinkäymiset ovat muovanneet heistä juuri sellaisia ihmisiä, mitä he ovat nyt.
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Millions of downloads and counting, Elevating Beyond, is all about sharing the unbelievable story behind the story of what it takes to overcome adversity, and achieve insurmountable levels of significant success in all areas of life! Entrepreneur, Founder, and Active CEO of Dreamshine Since 2007, #1 Best Selling Author, World-Wide Speaker, Mark Minard, Hosts a New Style of Podcast with a 2 word mission statement: CHANGE LIVES. Elevating Beyond is about sharing the real life story behind the ...
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The MINAWYAT podcast. Your dose of dopamine during quarantine. Movie reviews, book recommendations, insightful interviews and so much more! We've got answers to all those questions you never knew you needed the answer to, like do fish pee? Tune in to find out!
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Creativity, music, movies, comics and sports. Daily musings and discussions from a creative insurgent.
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Something about the markets nobody tells you
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Stefan Jutterdal samtalar med gäster!
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Fightn ill Lze over brea thn broke instead of broken unearned spend forenever acts black out since time began at .0.00:00_0/0/0. Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88
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"كما فعلها الاخرون فانت كذلك تستطيع " هذا هو شعاري . انا امنة فتاة مرت بمرحلة جعلتها اقوى وغيرتها . اشارك هذا التغيير و ما تعلمته و اتعلمه كل مرة , احب ان احفز الاخرين والهمهم
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Traveling بالعربي - Mina Wageh كل ما يخص السفر باللغه العربيه
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The fight between these two girls is irrelevant
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We will just bullshit around with our titles and what we think should be relevant.
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Sua mini-coletânea semanal.
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Welcome to Mina’s World! We’re diving deep!!
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it's just a podcast Cover art photo provided by Tom Barrett on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wistomsin
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Podcast by Casa Cor Minas 2017
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En podcast levert av Minareten, ved Shan Mohammed og Usman Asif. Vi snakker om politikk, samfunn, religion og alt i mellom. Iblant har vi med spennende gjester også. Lytt, del, og følg oss på Instagram og Twitter (@minareten) og Facebook (Minaretens diskusjonsforum)
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Autism bil Arabi is a safe space to discuss concerns & options for our autistic children. التوحد في العربي هو مكانًا آمنًا لمناقشة المخاوف والخيارات المتاحة لأطفالنا من ذوي طيف التوحد
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O primeiro site de educação financeira para mulheres do Brasil! <3
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I talk about jokes, school, parents, and more fun stuff!! Come join me and ask questions and enjoy!! Cover art photo provided by Geeky Shots on Unsplash
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Se você é mina e vive no planeta terra, você com certeza já viveu o tal do mansplaining - o cara que quer te explicar sobre algo que você já sabe, só porque ele nasceu com a dádiva divina de ser….homem. Se você é boy e vive no planeta terra, não pode negar que já sentiu aquela coceirinha de explicar pra mina alguma coisa que talvez, só talvez, ela já soubesse. Pois seus problemas acabaram, chegou o Minaexplicando, o Podcast onde quem explica são as minas. Chega mais, puxa o banquinho e escut ...
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After learning about experimental trials for cryogenic stasis, a young woman throws herself 200 years into the future in an attempt to escape her past.
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A podcast where Mina and her dad talk about what is going on in the world and in her life.
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Fala, pessoal! Interessados em esporte e querendo saber tudo sobre com uma visão feminina? Então vem com a gente! Neste nosso Podcast, intitulado Podcast das Minas, iremos falar sobre todos os times e todos os tipos de esporte, jogadores, destaques e muito mais... Com convidados especiais e, o mais importante, você! Venham nos escutar!!!
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My podcast is about how I go about my day. What keeps me going, my lifestyle, my favourite TV shows/movies. My travels. All the good stuff.
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Mina 100 bästa vänner är en programserie där jag, Hedda Berglund, intervjuar och pratar med vänner.
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Produção experimental dos alunos da Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes da PUC Minas
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Godwin-ing Time: Picking the winners of NFL Free Agency
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1:22:14Mina is joined by Gregg Rosenthal to breakdown which free agency signings we LOVE and QUESTION. Let us know what you think in the comments! (0:00) Welcome To The Mina Kimes Show Featuring Lenny! (1:25) Notable Free Agent QB Signings (12:00) Notable Free Agent WR Signings (19:00) What Are The Patriots And Chargers Doing? (22:00) Notable TE & RB Sign…
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Quem é o MVP? com Bulgarelli
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2:28:57Um episódio mais que especial que falou de Liverpool, futsal, Cooper Flag e MVPs. Recebemos o amigo Bulgarelli e o resultado é uma resenha e tanto, Vem ouvir!
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215. Tommy Lynn Sells - Del 1
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49:54We are back bit*hes! Vi skramlar igång det ofrivilliga uppehållet med att Amanda berättar om en otroligt godhjärtad kvinna som stöter på en man som inte hade hjärtat på rätt ställe. Det hamnade fel väldigt tidigt kan vi säga. Jessica uppdaterar er om sina senaste åkommor och annat smått och gott! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more info…
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Lähes jokaisella tuntuu olevan mielipide Riikka Purrasta. Minkälainen ihminen istuu tällä hetkellä Suomen valtiovarainministerin penkillä? Mitkä asiat ovat tehneet hänestä sellaisen henkilön, kun nyt julkisuudessa näemme? Mikä Purran mielestä on suurin väärinkäsitys hänestä? Tämän jakson myötä Kuka minä olen jää kunta- ja aluevaaleja ennakoiden tau…
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Ett synnerligen viktigt meddelande till allmänheten (förlåt för click bait men det är av yttersta vikt att alla hör detta) <3 Biljetter till turnén Soliga Hälsningar: www.robinberglund.se Med det sagt: Podden finns kvar så fortsätt lyssna om det gör er glada. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Emir Cadar Filho faz a Infra Business Expo em Belo Horizonte | Minas S/A
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1:06:43Emir Cadar Filho, CEO da Cadar Engenharia, é o sexto entrevistado da Temporada Minas S/A Mercados em todas as plataformas de O TEMPO. Vice-presidente da Fiemg e presidente do Conselho de Infraestrutura da entidade, Emir também é sócio da Cubo Empreendimentos, empresa de loteamentos; e da água Ayla, alcalina e zero sódio, de Nova Lima. Agora ele org…
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Salvatore Minardi Chats with Karen Gordon
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34:09Karen Gordon, President of Karen Gordon Hair Loss Solutions, is a Certified Trichologist through the World Trichology Society (WTS). She has served as an advisory board member for WTS and the International Association of Trichologists (IAT). She has also served on the Board of Directors of Intercoiffure America/Canada, and in 2022 was awarded the O…
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Mina's House Pod Ep. 239 - Fridayy Discusses Losing His Father & Creating An Album With That Pain
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28:35The 239th episode of the Mina's House Podcast features Grammy nominated artist Fridayy speaking on his latest album "Some Days I'm Good, Some Days I'm Not."Mina SayWhat tarafından oluşturuldu
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Seahawks Sign Sam Darnold + Jets Sign Justin Fields & More Free Agency Reactions!
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1:07:05Mina is joined by Danny Kelly and Jacson Bevens reacting LIVE to the Seahawks signing Sam Darnold, the Jets signing Justin Fields, along with more free agency and trade reactions. Let us know what you think in the comments! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesESPN, Omaha Productions, Mina Kimes tarafından oluşturuldu
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Anfavea lidera setor de R$ 180 bilhões de investimentos em 5 anos | Minas S/A
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1:01:27Márcio de Lima Leite, presidente da Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea) é o quinto entrevistado da Temporada Minas S/A Mercados em todas as plataformas de O TEMPO. A entidade foi fundada em 1956 e representa um setor – 26 montadoras, 53 unidades industriais em nove Estados e 38 municípios – que vive o maior ciclo d…
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Matheus Resende, prefeito de São Joaquim de Bicas, investe em obras na cidade | Minas S/A
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1:06:22Matheus Resende, prefeito de São Joaquim de Bicas (MG), é o nono entrevistado na Temporada Minas S/A Desenvolvimento e Construção em todas as plataformas de O TEMPO. Apesar dos desafios na educação no pós-pandemia, São Joaquim de Bicas vai viver uma nova fase com a expansão no ensino.OTEMPO tarafından oluşturuldu
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10 vitórias em 9 jogos! Não é todo dia que um time tem um recorde assim, especialmente aqueles em rebuild. O TrailBlazers empolga os fãs e os irrita na mesma medida. Falamos um pouco mais do passado, presente e futuro da franquia de Oregon.
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Summer of Sam: Previewing free agency
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1:27:56Mina is joined by Dan Pizzuta to preview NFL Free Agency. We discuss the best fits for the biggest free agents including Sam Darnold, Justin Fields, Davante Adams and much more. Plus, we react to the Eagles historic extension of Saquon Barkley, the Commanders trading for Deebo Samuel and Matt Stafford re-signing with the Rams. Let us know what you …
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Freaks and geeks: Who to watch at the 2025 combine
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1:03:19Mina is joined by Mike Renner to preview the NFL Combine. We discuss the top players to watch at the combine and how they could impact their draft stock. Let us know what you think in the comments! (0:00) Welcome To The Mina Kimes Show Featuring Lenny! (0:50) Players To Watch At The NFL Combine (5:52) Oregon QB Dillon Gabriel (12:40) Tennessee RB D…
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O Melhor Knicks da década
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37:49Mais um temporada em que o Knicks faz sua graça, está no top 3 do Leste, mas peca nos meus pontos: falta de profundidade no banco e minutagens altíssimas são o calcanhar de Aquiles do Knicks. Recebemos o Alexandre do Rádio Knicks BR para falar sobre as expectativas do time já projetando os playoffs em NY. Bora ouvir!…
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Renault planeja novos investimentos no Brasil | Minas S/A
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1:04:21Carlos Henrique Ferreira, vice-presidente de Comunicação da Renault para a América Latina, vice-presidente do Instituto Renault e diretor de comunicação da Renault no Brasil é o entrevistado de hoje na Temporada Minas S/A Mercados em todas as plataformas de @otempo. Caíque, como é mais conhecido, é engenheiro mecânico mineiro, está há mais de 30 an…
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317. EXPOSING TOXIC CHRISTIAN YOUTUBERS: The Danger of Drama Porn in the Name of Faith
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34:07Thank you all for making our podcast Elevating Beyond with Mark Minard, in the top #100 on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify , and In over 52 difference countries Check out Mark's best selling book on Business & Leadership Strategy: 📗16 Reasons Why Your Business Sucks: How To Be Freakin’ Awesome At Every Level of Your Business, Leadership, Finances, …
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Can the Giants Stafford it? The big questions of Free Agency
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1:18:19Mina is joined by Kevin Clark to discuss the biggest offseason storylines including Tee Higgins, Myles Garrett, Matthew Stafford, Sam Darnold and more. Let us know what you think in the comments! (0:00) Welcome To The Mina Kimes Show Featuring Lenny! (2:30) Biggest 2025 Offseason Questions (4:24) Bengals Expected To "Slap" The Franchise Tag On Tee …
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On eräänlainen ihme, että Ben Zyskowicz istuu tänä päivänä Suomen eduskunnassa - tai että hän ylipäätään on olemassa. Zyskowiczin isä oli nimittäin sukunsa ainoa, joka selvisi hengissä keskitysleireiltä toisessa maailmansodassa. Miten Hitlerin kauhut ovat vaikuttaneet Zyskowiczin elämään? Entä mikä pelasti nuoren Zyskowiczin hengen 1970-luvun onnet…
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