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The MLJ Trust presents original audio recordings of the sermons of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981). Dr. Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh minister who preached and taught in the Reformed tradition. He is considered by many evangelical leaders today to be an authority on biblical truth and the sufficiency of Scripture. Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ principal ministry was at Westminster Chapel, in central London, from 1939-1968, where he delivered multi-year expositions on books of the bible such as Romans, Ephes ...
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Preaching and Preachers by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Preaching and Preachers

For 30+ years, Dr. Lloyd-Jones ministered at Westminster Chapel in London and is widely considered one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. This is a series of lectures originally given by him to the students of Westminster Seminary in 1969 on the essence of powerful preaching. Lloyd-Jones challenges preachers to take their calling seriously, provides practical direction for preparing sermons, sharing insights on the shape and form of a message as well as covering such topics as th ...
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show series
Luke 12:13-21 — In this sermon on the parable of the rich fool from Luke 12:13-21, preached on a Sunday evening to the Seventh Reformed Church in Grand Rapids (Michigan), Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones exposes the danger and tragedy of self-deception. The parable arose from a man interrupting Jesus' teaching to ask him to intervene in a family inheritance …
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Luke 24:13-35 — In this sermon preached at the Sunday morning service on August 27, 1967 to Seventh Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on the encounter between the risen Christ and two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He highlights their initial state of sadness and dejection, despite the resurrection having …
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Hebrews 10:19-22 — In this sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores the topic of prayer and its challenges, focusing on Hebrews 10:19-22. The preacher begins by addressing the context of the epistle to the Hebrews, written to Jewish Christians who were becoming discouraged in their faith. He emphasizes the importance of prayer in the Christian life …
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1 Samuel 5:1-4 — In this sermon on 1 Samuel 5:1-4, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on the story of the Philistines capturing the Ark of the Covenant, drawing profound parallels to the modern world's relationship with God. He begins by recounting how the Israelites, at a low point spiritually and militarily, were defeated by the Philistines who then…
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Ephesians 2:4 — In this powerful sermon, preached at Columbia Bible College's Ben Lippen Conference Center near Asheville (North Carolina), Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on the profound significance of two simple words found in Ephesians 2:4 - "But God." He argues that these words encapsulate the very essence of the Christian gospel and should be…
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In this powerful sermon on the nature of the church, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines what truly constitutes the church according to New Testament teaching. He argues that the church is not merely a confession of faith on paper, but a living gathering of people who have been separated from the world and united together in Christ. Lloyd-Jones emphasi…
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Psalms 149:5-6 — In this sermon from 1977, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reflects on the state of evangelicalism in Britain over the previous decade since he issues his call for evangelicals to leave their mixed congregations. Focusing particularly on shifts he has observed among Anglican evangelicals, Dr Lloyd-Jones argues that the past ten years has see…
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In this powerful sermon commemorating the 350th anniversary of the Pilgrim Fathers' voyage to America on the Mayflower, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones draws profound lessons from their example for Christians today. He begins by emphasizing the importance of studying church history, particularly this period of transition in the early 17th century which para…
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Matthew 22:15-22 — This sermon by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, one of his last to be recorded prior to his death in 1981, was delivered at the final rally of the British Evangelical Council to take place Westminster Chapel in 1979. In it, Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds on Jesus's famous teaching to "render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, a…
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Genesis 26:17-18 — In this powerful sermon on revival, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones draws from the story of Isaac re-digging his father Abraham's wells in Genesis 26. He argues that the church today is in desperate need of revival, facing a crisis of faith and vitality. Dr. Lloyd-Jones contends that the solution is not to seek new methods or adapt to mod…
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1 Timothy 1:12-16 — In this sermon, delivered to commemorate the life of Dr. G Campbell Morgan, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores the making of a preacher, using the example of the Apostle Paul as described in 1 Timothy 1:12-16. He emphasizes that a true preacher is one who has been called by God and has personally experienced God's grace and mercy. …
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This historical address, delivered by Iain Murray a few months after the death of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in 1981, reflects on the life and legacy of this great preacher of the gospel. Mr. Murray, a close friend of Dr. Lloyd-Jones and his official biographer, shares personal memories and insights from the final months of Dr. Lloyd-Jones's life. He e…
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In this sermon on the Protestant Reformation, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones provides a comprehensive overview of the Protestant Reformation and its ongoing relevance. He traces the development of the Roman Catholic Church over the centuries, highlighting how it deviated from biblical teaching through traditions, papal authority, and doctrines like transub…
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In this sermon on postmillennialism and the spiritual view, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones continues his series on Great Biblical Doctrines by preaching on the other possible interpretations of Revelation and the end times. The postmillennial view, once popular in mainstream evangelical circles, holds that Christ will not return until after the millennium,…
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In this sermon on the premillennial view of Revelation, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones identifies several errors with the premillennial interpretation of eschatology. First, no other passages in the New Testament reference an earthly kingdom with Jesus literally reigning on earth for 1,000 years. Second, this view makes the kingdom earthly, whereas Jesus’s…
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The spiritual conflict Christians experience is much deeper than merely a battle against people. In this sermon titled “God’s Enemies Destroyed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches on this spiritual warfare as it is written about in this last book of the New Testament. Who are the antagonists behind the opposition of men and women? Dr. Lloyd-Jones iden…
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What do the trumpets in Revelation stand for? Why are they in the book? How can their teaching be applied today? In this sermon on the trumpets, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches more about these symbols from the book of Revelation. He notes that the trumpets afflict only one-third of their objects. This is contrary to the seals of Revelation, which a…
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Symbolism is a regular part of life. Symbolism and pictures are used in language every day in order to help people better understand what they are trying to say. In this sermon titled “The Suffering and the Safety of the Redeemed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener better understand symbolism and the general themes of Revelation. This type …
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How should one read the book of Revelation? Many do not even attempt to read it because it is confusing. In this sermon on the spiritual, historicist view, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones contends that the book of Revelation is not meant to confuse the reader, but just the opposite. Revelation is meant to unveil what was once hidden. It is intended to make …
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Is the book of Revelation a mere record of what happened in time-past or is it an account of events which will one day take place? In this sermon on the preterist view and futurist views, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines two views of Revelation. First, he briefly examines what is called the “preterist view” which understands Revelation as referring …
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The book of Revelation can leave its readers with more questions than answers. The deep symbolism and imagery makes it seem impossible to understand exactly what the author was trying to say. In this sermon on Revelation, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes the listener through a brief overview of the main schools of interpretation. The preterist view, ma…
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All people have thought about the end of time and what will happen at that point. What does Scripture teach? In this sermon on the final judgment, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the final judgment as the final solution to the world’s trials, yet many people run to temporary fixes while ignoring this key doctrine. Some reject the idea of this judgm…
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The soul will live forever, but what about the body? Is there Scriptural evidence upholding a physical raising of the body? In this sermon titled “The Resurrection of the Body,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on a difficult topic by surveying the teaching of the Old and New Testament on the subject. As he demonstrates, the New Testament is clearer…
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Is the secret rapture of the church a true biblical teaching? In this sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Daniel 9 as a passage frequently used in the discussion of the end-times, yet the language it employs is often mysterious and open to debate over its meaning. At the center of the debates are verses 24–27 which refer to various weeks that…
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When will Jesus return? Daniel 9 is vital to the Christian understanding of events. However, due to its difficult nature, many Christians interpret it incorrectly or stay away from it all-together. Yet, God placed it in His word for a reason. In this sermon titled “The Interpretation of Daniel 9,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones begins with a reminder of th…
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The world will end one day. It is more than a movie plot; it is God’s plan. But what happens? Will all of Israel be saved? Will Jesus come at any time, or are there signs that will precede His coming? In this sermon on God’s plan for the Jews, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones begins with a warning against being overly-dogmatic on views of the end times since…
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Predictions of when Christ will return seem to take place every year, but what are the biblical signs of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? Does Scripture even allow the opportunity of discerning precisely when He will return again? In this sermon on the timing of Christ's return, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers these questions and more, co…
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When will Jesus return and how will anyone recognize the second coming of Christ? In this sermon on the Second Coming, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches a message on the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is much confusion over what the second coming refers to, and some argue about its timing. Did the second coming happen at Pentecost? Did it happe…
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What happens between death and the final resurrection, the so-called “intermediate state”? In this sermon on “The Intermediate State,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents and explains several views on the intermediate state. Some propose that souls sleep until Jesus comes again; some argue that the dead reside in Abraham’s bosom or a place of suffering…
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Everyone lives forever. But what happens and how does it happen? For many years, people had lost curiosity about the study of these questions because the world was so comfortable. And then World Wars I and II occurred, shattering people’s confidence and security in the things the world had to offer. Everything was uncertain, and thus, interest in s…
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In this sermon on the Lord’s Supper, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones concludes his series of sermons on the sacraments with this message, focusing specifically on communion. Like baptism, communion is a sign to the recipient of God’s work in the believer, and also a reminder of the seal of the Holy Spirit living in him or her. However, communion is uniquely…
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What is the purpose of baptism? Why did Jesus teach baptism after someone is saved? In this sermon on the sacrament of baptism (the second sermon in his series on the sacraments of the church), Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks through a topic sometimes debated even amongst believers. Baptism’s meaning, he says, is an outward illustration of the inward …
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Is communion a means of receiving grace? In this sermon on sacraments, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones begins a series on the sacraments and their place in the lives of believers. This topic provokes many different views but as Dr. Lloyd-Jones says, keeping these practices is one of the ways that believers receive God’s grace. Protestants have held that the…
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Jesus Christ is the leader of the church. In this sermon on the government of the church, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delves into the practical aspects of why and how Christ created and leads His church. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that a church exists to preach the word, for the upbuilding of the saints and the strengthening of faith, for evangelism, for …
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Why is the church so important and is it really necessary for the Christian’s personal walk with Christ? Many Christians throughout history have minimized the church and it continues today. Is the kingdom of God the same thing as the church? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in this sermon titled “The Doctrine of the Church,” most problems flow f…
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What are spiritual gifts and how does a Christian determine their spiritual gift? In this sermon on spiritual gifts, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes the listener through this topic as he preaches on Scripture’s teachings regarding spiritual gifts. These are extraordinary powers that separate Christians from one another and enable them to serve effecti…
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Can a Christian ever lose their salvation? What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit? This term of “being sealed” is used three times in Scripture. Throughout history, seals have been used to certify, authenticate, and demonstrate ownership over something. It also provides an element of security. How does this concept of a seal relate to th…
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Christians can be confused about the role emotions and experiences should play in their faith. Is doctrine the only way through which one learns about God? In this sermon on the Baptism of the Spirit, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives further thoughts and Scriptural exposition on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and on why it is a mistake to rely too much…
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What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit? This phrase is often misunderstood by many Christians, and Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones brings clarity to this topic in this sermon on being filled with the Holy Spirit. Many people will say that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the same as salvation. Yet, this implies that the apostles were not saved…
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What is the believer’s relationship to sin? In this sermon on sanctification, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this topic, saying “It is impossible for a Christian to remain in continual sin due to sanctification.” This is a freeing truth. From the moment of conversion, the Spirit of Life dwells in the believer, and they cannot be subject to the ca…
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According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, God’s purpose for everything He does is the Christian’s sanctification. In this sermon titled “The Mighty Process of the Holy Spirit,” he outlines three dangers: Christians must not separate justification and sanctification; Christians cannot believe to both receive sanctification at the time of salvation and al…
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Does a Christian ever stop sinning? Is sanctification an experience over a lifetime? In this sermon titled “Sanctification: God’s Work and Ours,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tackles these issues and more in this sermon on the Holy Spirit’s work in the life of a believer. Sanctification is the process by which Christians are changed to be more like Jesus…
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Every Christian still battles with sin. But how should Christians approach this issue? The doctrine of sanctification is filled with hope, and in this sermon on the different views of sanctification, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones guides the listener through the different views of this doctrine. Sanctification means to be set apart for God and His service,…
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Adoption is a beautiful picture of selflessness and the strong protecting the vulnerable. To be a Christian means to be adopted into God’s family. Christians are chosen by God and brought into His family through no righteousness of their own. In this sermon on adoption, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains through Scripture how God transfers His people …
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“Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” The author of Hebrews 11 is clear: the path to pleasing God is paved by saving faith. Faith is the channel through which salvation in Jesus Christ is given to a believer. What exactly is faith? Is there a place for reason? In this sermon on saving faith, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones analyzes the two elemen…
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What is the difference between repentance and remorse? In this sermon on repentance, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the incredible weight of these topics that separate eternal life from death. Repentance is a turning from sin to Christ. It is a genuine regret and full confession of sin. But how does it differ from worldly remorse? Dr. Lloyd-Jones…
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False converts are more common than one might think. True conversion is an act of God upon the human heart. But what exactly are characteristics of a true conversion? In this sermon on conversion, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tackles these questions, showing how conversion is the first exercise of the new nature in ceasing from old forms of life and star…
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In this sermon on union with Christ, Dr, Martyn Lloyd Jones states that “The union of the believer with Christ is one of the most glorious doctrines of the Christian faith.” What makes this biblical doctrine extremely beautiful and incredibly vital to one’s understanding of Christian living? How does it differ from the false views of eternity and s…
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What is regeneration, and how can one know if it has taken place in their life? In this sermon on regeneration titled “A Child of God in Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tackles these questions as he leads through key passages in 1 John and Galatians. Dr. Lloyd-Jones systematically shows how salvation is proven in the life of a believer. Regeneratio…
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