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show episodes
Dans "La France bouge", Elisabeth Assayag et ses invités font le tour de France des initiatives positives et novatrices. Travail, éducation, santé… ils œuvrent aux quatre coins du pays pour faire bouger les lignes et casser les codes : qui sont ces citoyens, ces entreprises, ces collectivités qui s’engagent et inventent le monde de demain ? Des portraits et des témoignages inspirants.
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Fale, escreva e entenda francês com extrema naturalidade e confiança em 6 meses ou menos com o Método Francês Ativo. Lembre-se que quanto mais você ouvir francês, melhor você vai se comunicar em francês. Então, aproveite para ouvir francês enquanto lava louça, anda de bicicleta, de transporte público, de táxi, ou até mesmo enquanto dirige. "Ative" o seu francês com o avec Elisa! Muitas dicas e áudios inteiramente em francês pra você desenvolver seu francês. Bienvenue! Fale francês com podcas ...
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This show is all about YOU! Well, actually it’s all about me and how I have been navigating this crazy life. But once you start listening you will see that we are all the same. And together, we will have a one sided conversation about everything LIFE related! Once upon a time, I was a World Cup level athlete. When I quit, I gained 85 lbs in a year, got married, got divorced a year later, hated my job, hated life and just sort of gave up and hung out at rock bottom. Then, one day, I took the ...
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What’s up, everyone? This is Elisa Camara. Welcome to Cafe Tayo podcast where I share my thoughts and family life so I can leave something for my children and grandchildren one day. What inspires us? What motivates us? What is inside of us that keeps us moving forward? Every Monday at 8 in the morning, I will tell you my story while having coffee. You can pause for a while, make coffee, take notes, reflect, and ponder while we engage our hearts together. Let's figure out a road map so we can ...
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Elisabeth & Co

Elisabeth & Co

Äkta paret Elisabeth och Leif samtalar om livet. Happy Boy Theme Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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I'm the friend who talks about all things mindset, healing, compassionate self development, and overall wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. Join me on my journey to live with intention as I talk to subject matter experts, share my learning, and ask the questions we all want answers to. We take things one day at a time and learn together without judgement. Connect with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/elisabethwithan.s/
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At the Wool Academy Podcast, the show's host Elisabeth van Delden, talks to one wool industry expert every week. Guests of the show are wool growers, marketing experts, retail brands, researchers and many more. The focus of the Wool Academy Podcast is to find out what is working now to be successful in wool while discussing different business, product, brand and social media strategies. You will be surprised how many wonderful stories wool has to tell.
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Meu Nome Não é Elisa

Meu Nome Não é Elisa

Para que falar com as paredes se podemos ter um podcast para falar sobre cinema, literatura e novela?! Apresentado por Jessica Bandeira e Patrícia Jarra, pós-graduadas em sofrência por causa de filmes e novelas.
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Aprendiendo juntos (Camille y Elisabet)

Aprendiendo Juntos (Camille y Elisabet)

En este programa tratamos que la audiencia pueda aprender sobre diferentes temas de la actualidad. Hablaremos sobre temas educativos, noticias comunitarias y datos sobre una figura puertorriqueña histórica destacada. Además, traemos un tema muy importante, junto a una Patóloga del habla y lenguaje puertorriqueña, quien nos estará hablando sobre la voz y los daños que podemos tener si no nos cuidamos correctamente. También, sobre el abuso animal, la esterilización y adopción de animales. Por ...
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ntroducing "Fast Food with Elisa," the ultimate rendezvous for McDonald's enthusiasts! Join me, Elisa, on a mouthwatering journey through the golden arches as we exclusively explore the delectable world of McDonald's food. Each episode is a flavorful dive into the iconic menu, focusing on the classics we crave and the hidden gems that deserve the spotlight. Expect a blend of tasty tales and crispy commentary as we unwrap the stories behind your favorite McDonald's treats. From the Big Mac's ...
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Mein Podcast ist mein Geschenk an all, die das Gestalten von wertschöpfungsstarken Organisationen voranbringen möchten. Für alle, die gemeinsam im System lernen und gemeinsam am System arbeiten wollen. Ein Podcast voll mit Theorien, Menschen, Grundlagen für Agilität, für Selbstorganisation in Dezentralität, für Unternehmen und Institutionen aller Art und Größe. Ein “demokratie unternehmen” Podcast. Dabei begleitet mich der Beta-Kodex. Die Grundlage meiner Arbeit. Arbeit Deluxe - für hochwert ...
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Vorm aan Verlies gaat over ruimte maken voor gevoel. Ook wanneer je gedachten daar van alles van vinden. "Zo erg was het toch niet", "Het zou nu toch wel over moeten zijn." Alles mag er zijn. Ik deel mijn reis van de afgelopen jaren, na twee zwangerschapsafbrekingen en het doorlopen van een lang ICSI - traject. Maar ook als je ander verlies kent, kan deze podcast je hopelijk steunen. In tegenstelling tot wat je aan het eind van de afleveringen hoort, kun je me bereiken op : contact@elisabeth ...
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"Politics follow our culture, not the other way around.” With Elisa, you’ll get weekly breakdowns of our ever-changing American culture and political system and how to cope with it. Here you will find clarity in a chaotic world. Elisa will deconstruct news, movies, music, books and viral videos. Listeners are especially riveted with the occasional story time; filled with true stories of polygamy, angry liberals and the life of a Western Utah gal in East Coast Florida. Find her on Instagram, ...
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Conversations, concepts and insights from people who have dared to go after their dreams, who share their gifts with the world, and who have created the life that they want. This podcast aims to free you from whatever is holding you back, spark transformation and give you the courage, inspiration, permission and tools to live your best, most inspired and fulfilled life, so you can make the biggest positive impact in the world. Hosted by Elisabeth Valentine, Danish born London based voiceover ...
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As an author, happy-soul-life coach, creative-5-son-mom, I desire to welcome you to share your story and enlighten the world. Awaken, discover, and connect to your authentic self, to your soul. Hear Elisa's inspiring teaching about living in consciousness with the most extraordinary power of our world within us. And also Elisa's selection of awe-inspiring soulful humans, whom she calls 'soul happiness makers.' Let's explore the light we all have to create and manifest good for all and be gui ...
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Dove nessuno guarda – Il caso Elisa Claps

Pablo Trincia – Sky Original by Chora Media

L’omicidio di Elisa Claps è uno dei casi di cronaca nera più oscuri ed eclatanti che il nostro paese abbia mai conosciuto. Un mistero cominciato la mattina del 12 settembre del 1993 e risolto, in parte, nel marzo del 2010 quando venne ritrovato il corpo della giovane ragazza, ormai mummificato, nel sottotetto di una chiesa di Potenza. Una storia ricca di colpi di scena, depistaggi, segreti ed errori commessi durante le indagini. Un caso che probabilmente si sarebbe potuto chiudere dopo pochi ...
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Easy Money: Make More, Save More and Find Your Unclaimed Money Every week on The Easy Money Show, 13-time Emmy-Winner Elisabeth Leamy (Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, Washington Post) digs up eye-opening —even jaw-dropping— ways to MAKE more money, SAVE more money and FIND your unclaimed money. MAKE more like the young woman who paid for college by becoming an egg donor; MAKE more like the med student who made $100,000 by shooting stock photos. MAKE more like the recruiter who quit her job aft ...
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show series
Quer aprender a falar francês antes da sua próxima viagem? Este vídeo é o seu guia definitivo para se preparar em apenas 1 mês! Vamos mergulhar em técnicas eficazes e dicas práticas para ajudá-lo a aprender a falar francês rapidamente. Através de lições interativas, você vai ganhar confiança no seu francês falado e estar pronto para sua viagem. Se …
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This episode has themes of: Mindset, mindfulness, intuitive awareness, culture programming, mental framing, Self-Sabotage, Healing Journey, Victim Signalling, Personal Responsibility, Hitting Rock Bottom, Changing Your Story. In this episode I break down the illusion that knowledge is power and action is everything. If you are on a healing journey …
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O QUE SERIA DE NÓS SEM O GOOGLE MAPS? Neste novo episódio do Fala Elisa discutimos qual foi o cenário no lançamento do Google Maps no mundo e o quanto esta ferramenta já evoluiu . Além disso, analisamos a estreia do filme do capitão America e apresentamos os detalhes do novo lançamento da apple, o iPhone 16e. Para fechar com chave de ouro sempre te…
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Dans “La France bouge”, Elisabeth Assayag fait le tour de France des initiatives positives et novatrices. Travail, éducation, santé… Ils œuvrent aux quatre coins du pays pour faire bouger les lignes et casser les codes : qui sont ces citoyens, ces entreprises, ces collectivités qui s’engagent et inventent le monde de demain ? Des portraits et des t…
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Marie Pognatowski, la fondatrice de la marque de bijoux haut de gamme Stone Paris, et Théo Jacquet, le créateur de la start-up Alt Paris, spécialisée dans les bijoux unisexes et intemporels sont les invités de cet épisode sur l'univers de la joaillerie et de l'entrepreneuriat. Marie Pognatowski nous raconte son parcours atypique, passant du cinéma …
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Delphine Viguier-Hovasse, directrice générale de L'Oréal Paris, partage la mission de la marque d'autonomiser les femmes à travers la beauté accessible. Le slogan "Parce que je le vaux bien" incarne cet engagement féministe depuis les années 70. Wissem Eshi présente Led by HER qui aide les femmes victimes de violences à se reconstruire par l'entrep…
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In this episode of The Gateway to Joy Podcast, we continue our series on Love That's Out of This World (https://elisabethelliot.org/LTOW). We share Gateway to Joy radio programs: - Love That's Out of This World-4_Rekindling a Dying Marriage - Love That's Out of This World-5_Q&A-Jim's death-peace-singlehood We also hear from special guest: - Davey B…
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Elisabeth Assayag nous plonge au cœur de l'univers passionnant des animaux de compagnie. Aux côtés de trois invités aux parcours singuliers, elle nous fait découvrir l'effervescence qui anime ce secteur en pleine expansion. Tout d'abord, nous rencontrons Ludovic Desoart, le PDG de Martin Cellier, une entreprise familiale française spécialisée dans …
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Elisabeth Assayag accueille Raphaël Sadaka, le fondateur de Dalma, une entreprise française qui révolutionne le marché de l'assurance santé pour les chiens et les chats. Dalma a connu une croissance fulgurante depuis ses débuts, passant de 7-10 000 utilisateurs à plus de 60 000 chiens et chats assurés en France et en Allemagne en seulement quelques…
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Fatah Hassani, un ingénieur de formation spécialisé en intelligence artificielle, a décidé de mettre ses compétences au service de l'univers des animaux de compagnie après avoir lui-même adopté un chien pendant la période de confinement. Confronté aux nombreuses interrogations et défis liés à l'éducation et à l'entretien de son compagnon à quatre p…
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abordamos os "erros comuns de brasileiros ao falar francês". Eu sei que aprender um novo idioma é um desafio e o francês não é exceção. Com isso em mente, identifiquei os erros mais comuns que os brasileiros cometem ao falar francês para ajudá-lo a evitar esses erros e melhorar suas habilidades no idioma. Desde a pronúncia até a gramática, passando…
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Plongeons au cœur de l'univers du parfum, des bougies et de la thérapie olfactive, à la rencontre de passionnés qui ont fait de leur sens de l'odorat un véritable levier d'innovation et de bien-être. Tout d'abord, nous accueillons Olivier Sillon, le PDG de Maison Berger, une entreprise historique qui a su se réinventer autour de ses produits emblém…
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Amandine Vepierre est la fondatrice de Sensible Olfaction, une entreprise dédiée à l'exploration du sens de l'odorat. Avec un parcours riche dans l'industrie de la parfumerie, Amandine a décidé de mettre son expertise au service de l'humain, développant des solutions innovantes pour stimuler notre rapport au monde à travers l'olfaction. Elle nous f…
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Elisabeth Assayag nous emmène à la rencontre de trois initiatives qui bousculent les codes pour offrir de nouvelles perspectives d'emploi. Tout d'abord, nous faisons la connaissance d'Auriel Darmon, cofondateur de Student Pop, une application qui met en relation étudiants et entreprises pour des jobs étudiants. Auriel partage son parcours et sa vis…
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Elisabeth Assayag reçoit Wassila Djelal, fondatrice de la start-up 'Les Infatigables', qui s'attaque à un sujet encore tabou : la discrimination envers les seniors dans le monde du travail. Wassila partage son témoignage personnel et les motivations qui l'ont poussée à créer son entreprise, avec pour objectif de changer durablement le regard sur l'…
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