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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! If you’re just trying to learn some survival Chinese or looking to start a lifelong relationship with the language, this ChinesePod - Beginner Level Podcast Channel is where to start. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Intermediate and ChinesePod - Advanced Podcast channels. For more lessons, go to ...
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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy! In this Intermediate Level Podcast Feed, explore broader contexts and applications of frequently used expressions needed to navigate comfortably in a Mandarin speaking environment. Deepen your knowledge on current affairs while learning and increase your confidence level in speaking Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Advanced Podcast channels. For a more in de ...
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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! In this Advanced Level Podcast Feed, lessons are the black-belt of ChinesePod - You can already speak circles around your friends, but are looking for “complete” fluency Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Intermediate Podcast channels. For a more in depth Mandarin Langua ...
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网络世界里可不只有红“人”,也有人是靠着对于兴趣的坚持而得到关注的,这类的博主通常确实有本事,也很用心,今天的对话里面我们就会看到一个对表达美食之"美"有强烈坚持的博主。另一方面,透过对话中夸张的情感表达,要让同学更进一步认识“语气词”的丰富色彩。 Episode link:
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You've designed the apartment of your dreams. You've picked out furniture in your mind. Now it's time to get cracking on the details. We're not talking about decorative details here - we're talking about essential, practical details like electrical outlets, plumbing and even where to keep the rice cooker. Join us to learn all of this valuable langu…
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中医的许多道理听起来总是非常抽象,然而却深深影响着中国人对于生活作息的观念与作法,同时也无处不在地出现在日常生活用语或是成语当中,今天我们就从语言上来稍微破解中医的基本养生观念,了解这些,你就能更进一步地从语言进入到中华文化的另一个层面了。 Episode link:
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Tired of making do with rented apartments designed in ways that don't suit your needs? Well today's ChinesePod lesson will cover the basics for designing your new apartment. Get everything you want (or, as the case may be, everything your spouse wants) in your new place! Episode link:…
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气得要命的时候,身边只有中国朋友,好想马上发泄一下又不知道该怎么说?快来听听今天的课吧!In this dialogue, a husband returns home from work in a terrible mood, having just had an argument with someone on the street. The wife tries to calm him by preparing some tea and putting on his favourite jazz. Episode link:
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除了美国的奥斯卡奖,你还知道哪些电影奖呢?今天的课程要介绍的是华语电影界主要的一些奖项,也要聊聊过去一年优秀的华语电影作品,并且从金马奖的得奖记录里看看华语电影过去数十年间的演变与发展,喜欢电影的你,别错过咯! Today we learn about the Chinese film industry, and a famous awards ceremony. Episode link:
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Interested in starting out the new year with fortune in your favor? Considering starting a business? Well check out this podcast to learn how to get the cosmos on your side. Today's lesson has a bit of everything: great language and cultural insight! Episode link:
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Do you get anxious at the thought of your boss? Imagine if your boss ran a criminal syndicate! In today's Chinese podcast, the ever-diligent Lao Wang finally meets his employer. To learn how to introduce yourself to the boss in Mandarin Chinese, please listen to this exciting podcast. Episode link:…
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婚姻大事往往被过度严肃地看待,不过朋友之间这也可以是个拌嘴搞笑的老话题,这一课,我们要摆脱为了父母的期待而找对象这个沉重的大帽子,换个轻松的态度来聊聊“脱单”这个让人有点尴尬又带着点趣味的话题。 Listen to a conversation between two friends discussing marriage and being single. Learn some modern terms for relationships and being single. Episode link:
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Flu season is upon us. Don your surgical mask, get jacked up on Vitamin C, and embrace obsessive-compulsive disorder in any form that involves non-stop hand sterilization. Someone's a-sneezing and if you don't watch out, it's gonna be you. In this lesson, learn to discern if that sneezer is a harbinger of colds to come, in Chinese. Episode link: ht…
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互联网已经成为许多人生活的一部份了,关于互联网对人类社会的影响与冲击也成为热门话题。究竟互联网创造了哪些机会?又造成了什么问题?都是世界互联网大会关心的事情。今天的课程将提供你大量与互联网议题相关的词汇,保证让你收获满满。The development of the Internet is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, and we are now at a stage where we can't even predict what will come in the future, and how it could influence society, both for better or worse. Listen to a dialogu…
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庄子是中国道家重要的思想家,他的散文以许多充满哲思的寓言为主,处处挑战人们对世界既有的认知,同时也启发人反省自我的生命,从两千年前到现在,始终在中国知识分子的心灵修养上有着不可取代的地位。今天的课程要挑战高级班的你们,从庄子最受欢迎的《逍遥游》原文去接触”第一手”的庄子。现代人虽然已经不说文言文了,但文言的文法、典故在生活中仍是随处可见,有助于提升阅读能力以及对文化的体会。 Episode link:
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Everyone's favorite lovable lug, Lao Wang, is in another tight spot. He's out of work and on the outs with his wife. But wait! Is an old friend offering to help? Or is something more sinister going on? Tune in to this exciting Mandarin podcast and learn how to talk meaningfully about the underworld in Chinese. Episode link: https://www.chinesepod.c…
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你应该常常听到关于上海、北京等等地方的事情,但是“绍兴”你可能没听过;也许你知道中国人爱喝茶,但你可能不知道“酒”对中国人的精神生活有多深的影响。这一课要带你来认识绍兴的黄酒,以及中国文人的饮酒文化。 Episode link:
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朱自清是最重要的中国现代散文家之一,他的作品《背影》更是同时被选入两岸三地的中学教科书中,因此几乎人人都读过这篇文章,甚至能够背诵其中的一些句子,由此可知此文的重要性与经典性质。今天就跟着我们的课程进入作家对父亲的思念当中,并从中探讨父子亲情在传统社会中如何表现。由于篇幅的关系,分成(上)(下)两课讨论。 Episode link:
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朱自清是最重要的中国现代散文家之一,他的作品《背影》更是同时被选入两岸三地的中学教科书中,因此几乎人人都读过这篇文章,甚至能够背诵其中的一些句子,由此可知此文的重要性与经典性质。今天就跟着我们的课程进入作家对父亲的思念当中,并从中探讨父子亲情在传统社会中如何表现。由于篇幅的关系,分成(上)(下)两课讨论。 Episode link:
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吃当季、当地的食物可不是现代人的专利,中国自古就有讲究“当令”食材的传统,按着大自然中万物熟成的规律,才能品尝到食材的最佳风味。现在正是入秋时分,来听听秋天该吃什么才最道地吧! Episode link:
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You want to be polite. But after a day of sightseeing in vinyl shoes, you are slightly apprehensive of the Chinese tradition of taking off one's shoes. Plus the slippers look like they are about four inches too short. What will you do? Learn in your sweaty socked anxiety how to ask your host apprehensively... 'Do I need to take off my shoes?' in Ch…
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First impressions. Intent stares. Is he sizing up the map of your face--determining your future wealth, lack of it, sexual prowess, eyebrow hair luck factor? Or is he just trying to decipher your nin hao? In this lesson, get introduced to your friend's father, and learn the Chinese equivalent of a firm handshake, in Mandarin. Episode link: https://…
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你以为中文流行歌曲都是恋爱和失恋吗?其实还有一种中文歌结合了古今诗词,把古人为歌咏吟唱而做的词,配上现代的乐曲,让人在音乐中重温古代诗人深幽细腻的情感,这就是我们今天要介绍的歌曲“但愿人长久”。 Episode link:
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Just when you thought that Lulu and Shen Jiawei had put their past indiscretions behind them - Yangyang re-asserts herself as that hot and spicy flame of temptation. For your addictive dose of extra-marital affairs, deception, feigned innocence and saucy love triangles go ahead and listen to today's Mandarin podcast. Episode link: https://www.chine…
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每个文化都有它较为核心的一些价值观,谈到中国文化,就不能不谈“孝”这个观念,“孝”不仅是对待父母的方式,其实更重要的是子女如何看待自己的角色,才能让这个“孝”不是表面功夫,而是能真正体现人伦之美的德行。 Episode link:
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You can't understand the cows 'mou', the chicken's 'gege,' the sheep's 'miemie,' the horse's 'huirhuir,' nor the pig and its incessant 'hengheng.' In China, you even need a translator for the animals. The good thing is, they mostly look the same. In this podcast, learn how to ask about animals, in Mandarin Chinese. Episode link: https://www.chinese…
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In part 4 of this sordid tale, we feel a bit of the tension as an unfaithful couple reunites under one roof. No admissions of guilt yet, but the household gender roles are as strong as ever. Learn about this social issue through Shen Jiawei and Lulu's tangled web. Episode link:…
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