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The Biodiversity Podcast

Zoe Atlagic, Boncho Kostadinov, Green Academy

Welcome to this series of thematic podcasts on Biodiversity. Each episode focuses on a different area of supporting Biodiversity. The primary objective of the podcast is to be a microlearning tool for gardners, landscapers and Biodiversity enthusiasts. The episode length is optimal for addressing neurodiversity needs and can therefore be enjoyed while you're on the move. This podcast is intended not only for landscaping professionals, but everyone curious on the topic of Biodiversity. Zoe At ...
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The story of our environment may well be the most important story this century. We focus on issues facing people and the planet. Leading environmentalists, organizations, activists, and conservationists discuss meaningful ways to create a better and more sustainable future. Participants include EARTHDAY.ORG, Greenpeace, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, PETA, European Environment Agency, Peter Singer,, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Ci ...
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Not your average science podcast! Forget scientist stereotypes—this is a fearless exploration of biodiversity, conservation, & more. Melanie (the last common sense, environmental research biologist) educates with friendly chats giving you expert insights, real-world impact & tools that could damn well save a life. Igniting your curiosity & challenging your perspective. Tune in, geek out, & make a difference! Expertise: published, specialties- biodiversity, floristics/botany, & pesticide use, ...
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(English below) 土壤是一個複雜的三度空間結構🍂🌱, 有著迷宮般的物理構造、錯綜的化學環境、多樣的食物資源、以及水與氧氣的梯度變化等龐雜因子, 這些全都壓縮在土壤這小小的空間裡。 而居住在裡面的生物除了和環境有交互作用外,物種之間之內也有交互作用。 這些過程造就了現今地下生物多樣性與群落結構。🕷🐌🐜 在這裡我們將聊聊土壤生物多樣性、群落生態與演化。 藉由文獻閱讀來分享土壤生態相關的科學新知,以及聊聊我們自己的研究經歷與想法。 歡迎各位收聽~ -- Facebook專頁: ---------- Welcome to listening to the podcast on soil biodiversity! 🍂🕷🐌🐜🌱 Soil ecosystem is amazing and is one of the most biodiverse terrestrial habitats. Here we discuss scientific papers on soil biota, community ec ...
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Exploring Arizona Life Science Research and Biodiversity with the Tree of Life Web Project. The series focuses on Sonoran Desert biodiversity and research at the University of Arizona. The Bugs of the Month sub-series features entomologist Carl Olson. The work of the general community, teachers and learners is also showcased, and we welcome contributors from all walks of life, as well as features that highlight the connections between cultural and biological diversity.
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Hey, Chicagoland! You've probably encountered wildlife at some point in your life, right? If not, I'm not sure we can help you BUT IF SO, Press. That. Play. Button! Join us as we discuss our urban wildlife and just how their presence impacts our lives for the better! Our mission is to promote coexistence with urban wildlife and empower Chicagoland residents to advocate for the protection of natural resources. Is there something you want us to cover? Twitter: @CuckooPodcast FB: A Cuckoo in th ...
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“I wrote a book, Ecological Intelligence, on how the environment and human psychology interact in a rather sad way, which is this: Everything that we buy and use has a negative impact on the systems that support life on this planet. That’s a sad fact. Our material world is destroying our natural material world, and we deny it. But I have a strategy…
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In this episode, we usher in Series 2 and a new chapter for the podcast as our esteemed host Zoe takes maternity leave. Stepping in as the interim host is Boncho Kostadinov. For this installment, we've relocated the podcast studio to the prestigious Copenhagen Business School. The Dean of Landscaping at Green Academy Aarhus, Peder Glud and I, had t…
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How can we enhance our emotional intelligence and avoid burnout in a changing world? How can we regain focus and perform in an optimal state? What do we mean by ecological intelligence? Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist, author, and science journalist. Before becoming an author, Goleman was a science reporter for the New York Times for 12 …
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“Some travel writers have shared a sense of responsibility in creating narratives around travel in relation to the climate crisis. But at the same time, I think we also need to first, raise critical awareness around the media productions that glamorize travel. What I learned from the feminist framework in climate justice is that climate change affe…
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Environmentalists, writers, artists, activists, and public policy makers explore the interconnectedness of living beings and ecosystems. They highlight the importance of conservation, promote climate education, advocate for sustainable development, and underscore the vital role of creative and educational communities in driving positive change. 00:…
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"I want to be wowed by the world. I want to gaze at it in awe and wonder. And I think when we take a step back and begin to appreciate the complexity of the interactions around us. We're taking note of a very porous between the self and the rest of the world. We are literally observing our enmeshment in our environment. And it's that kind of a refe…
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How does a changing climate affect our minds, brains and bodies? Clayton Page Aldern is an award winning neuroscientist turned environmental journalist whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Economist, and Grist, where he is a senior data reporter. A Rhodes Scholar, he holds a Master's in Neuroscience and a Master's in Public Po…
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“What I think will stay with you for an entire lifetime is to be equipped with the capacity and the tools to find wonder in the world. And that is to find a language for that world, which is supplied through a folk tale, mythology, literature, poetry, and song. And then to also to have the kind of knowledge basis. I still think we suffer from this …
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How has tourism and writing about travel contributed to the ecological degradation of the planet?How does language influence perception and our relationship to the more-than-human world? Michael Cronin is an Irish academic specialist in culture, travel literature, translation studies, and the Irish language. He has taught in universities in France …
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"The thing that with nature that I think is most profound is that it's always truthful. And I think that that's something that always resonates with me. Whenever I'm in raw nature, there's just an undeniable truth and a sense of how it's supposed to be. And I think that that's something that I reach for in my own music, where I try to take myself o…
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What will happen when Artificial General Intelligence arrives? What is the nature of consciousness? How are music and creativity pathways for reconnecting us to our humanity and the natural world? Dustin O’Halloran is a pianist and composer and member of the band A Winged Victory for the Sullen. Winner of a 2015 Emmy Award for his main title theme …
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“When I was rereading the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, I was struck by the idea of the environmental crisis being a kind of self-executing divine retribution for disturbing the harmonies of the universe. There are so many passages in the scriptures which talk about the plagues and fires and punishments that come from failing to respect our p…
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What is the true meaning of the pursuit of happiness? What can we learn from the Founding Fathers about achieving harmony, balance, tranquility, self-mastery, and pursuing the public good? Jeffrey Rosen is President and CEO of the National Constitution Center, where he hosts We the People, a weekly podcast of constitutional debate. He is also a pro…
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"The other big hard problem in philosophy is time. And I felt, you know, who better to lead me in this exploration than turtles, who live in some cases for centuries, who've been around...they arose with dinosaurs, yet they survived the asteroid impact. They are the embodiment of patience and wisdom. It's wonderful having an animal recognize you an…
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What can turtles teach us about time, patience, and wisdom? What can we learn about the mysteries of consciousness by observing animals? How can we open our senses and embrace the interconnectedness of all life on Earth? Author Sy Montgomery and illustrator Matt Patterson are naturalists, adventurers, and creative collaborators. Montgomery has publ…
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"Of course, it creates a lot of applause when you speak about the beauty of nature that you have flown over with your hot air balloon, solar airplane, or whatever, but it changes nothing because the language of the key decision-makers is not the language of the beauty of nature. It's the language of profit, job creation, and developing the economy.…
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What is the future of green aviation? How do we share environmental solutions to unite people and change the climate narrative from sacrifice and fear to enthusiasm and hope? Bertrand Piccard is a notable Swiss environmentalist, explorer, author, and psychiatrist. His ventures include being the first to travel around the world in a non-stop balloon…
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“This book is not just about Neanderthals. It's a book about us. I wanted to warn humans, to say there is something in us that is so efficient and dangerous. We've effectively collapsed many things and are now inducing the collapse of natural environments on the planet. And after that, we might even cause the collapse of ourselves as Homo sapiens.”…
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Who were the Neanderthals? And what can our discoveries about them teach us about intelligence, our extractivist relationship to the planet, and what it means to be human? Ludovic Slimak is a paleoanthropologist at the University of Toulouse in France and Director of the Grotte Mandrin research project. His work focuses on the last Neanderthal soci…
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"So, to be able to develop an ecological mind, one must be ecological minded and really understand what it means to be interdependent and interconnected. So that brings together every kind of species we can think of, and we need to filter this way of thinking because when we are in a natural environment, we feel energized and uplifted. But how long…
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How can we create positive change? What does it mean to have an ecological mind? How can interdisciplinary collaborations help us move beyond educational silos and create sustainable futures? Paola Spinozzi is Professor of English Literature at the University of Ferrara and currently serves as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation. She is th…
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"Climate change gives us a chance to re-imagine the world in a way that every single human being can participate in. And so whether you're in a remote part of the United States or some other country, when you learn about climate change, it shouldn't just be the science. It should be the opportunity." –Kathleen Rogers Excerpts of interviews from One…
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“The natural world has its own sonic language. Its own fingerprints. And that's one of the beautiful things about being out here. There is another acoustic environment, another sort of sonic fingerprint, and it is always changing. Every day is a sort of a different sound picture. I walk out the door and you do hear it changing over time. The leaves…
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How can we better educate young people about the future & the planet? How can we address eco-anxiety while providing students with climate optimism, hope, and solutions? Bryce Coon is the Director of Education at EarthDay.ORG, a nonprofit that champions climate education for all students and is the global driving force behind Earth Day. Previously,…
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How can we reimagine a world without plastic? How can we push governments and companies to admit what they know about the health impacts of plastics and change public policy? Kathleen Rogers is the President of EARTHDAY.ORG. Under her leadership, it has grown into a global year-round policy and activist organization with an international staff. She…
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Microplastics and nanoplastic pollution are currently blanketing the planet. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink, infiltrating our bodies and even brains and human embryos. Coca-Cola alone sells 100 billion+ single-use plastic bottles each year, ending up in landfills and the ocean. Earth’s population will reach …
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