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Hallo, Namasté und schön, dass du da bist, bei Yogisch Erfolgreich, deinem Podcast für alles Rund ums Thema Yogabusiness, Selbstständigkeit und Marketing. Mein Name is Michaela und mit Yogisch Erfolgreich möchte ich dir dabei helfen deine online und offline Angebote endlich sichtbar zu machen. Du unterrichtest Yoga und willst dich selbstständig machen? Du hast (bald) ein Yogastudio und träumst von ausgebuchten Yogaklassen, Yogaretreats und Workshops? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!
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The Yogipreneur: Business and Marketing for Yoga Teachers

The Yogipreneur: Business and Marketing for Yoga Teachers

Welcome to the Yogipreneur Podcast, brought to you by Digital Yoga Academy - the leader in business and marketing education for yoga teachers worldwide. The Yogipreneur is for entrepreneurial yoga teachers who want to stop the hustle and overwhelm and instead create more income, freedom and success. In each episode, you'll learn business and marketing strategies to grow your community in a way that makes it easy for you to take action today. Hosted by Kelly McHugh, the founder of Digital Yog ...
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show series
Ich nehme dich heute mit auf meine persönliche Reise – von den ersten paar Hundert Followern bis zu über 80.000 auf Instagram. In dieser Folge spreche ich offen darüber, welchen Einfluss die Reichweite auf mein Yoga-Business wirklich hatte – und was sich (vielleicht überraschenderweise) nicht verändert hat. Yogabusiness Mentoring Weekend: Do, 29.5 …
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Träumst du davon, dein Yoga-Business finanziell stabil aufzubauen, mehr Kund:innen zu gewinnen und endlich die Sichtbarkeit zu bekommen, die du verdienst? Vielleicht möchtest du auch eigene Retreats oder Workshops organisieren, weißt aber nicht, wo du anfangen sollst? Dann ist das Business Mentorship Weekend genau das Richtige für dich! Yogabusines…
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You can create the most amazing yoga business but if no one knows about it there is really no point. One of the keys to a profitable yoga business is to have a plan for being visible and be found by those that need the solution that you provide. The reality is, if you’re not visible online, you essentially have no business. But there is one problem…
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I know that if you're considering creating an online course you may be doubting your ability to actually make money from it. You hear the successes of others but wonder if it's actually possible for you. Or perhaps you know someone who has created and launched an online course and they didn't get the results they wanted and so you start to believe …
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What if I told you that everything you’ve been taught about making money as a yoga teacher might be holding you back? This isn’t about working harder or following outdated advice. It’s about transforming how you approach your business, shifting your mindset around money, and taking actionable steps that work in today’s online world. Here’s why you …
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Viele fragen sich, ob Online-Yoga-Stunden 2025 überhaupt noch Sinn machen. In dieser Folge teile ich meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit dir: ✨ Wie sich Online-Yoga seit 2020 entwickelt hat ✨ Warum Online-Yoga sich lohnen kann ✨ Wann und für wen sich Onlineyoga nicht eignen ✨ Welche Vorteile es dir als Yoga-Lehrer:in bietet – auch finanziell Wenn du…
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Manchmal brauchen wir einfach eine Pause – auch von Social Media. Aber wie kannst du dir eine Auszeit nehmen, ohne dass deine Reichweite leidet oder dein Engagement einbricht? In dieser Folge teile ich mit dir: ✨ Was spricht für, was gegen eine Social Media Pause? ✨ Strategien, wie du deine Kanäle aktiv hältst, auch wenn du offline bist ✨ Tipps, wi…
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Preise erhöhen – ein Thema, das viele Yoga-Lehrer:innen beschäftigt. Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, und wie kommunizierst du eine Preiserhöhung, ohne deine Teilnehmer:innen zu verlieren? In dieser Folge teile ich mit dir: ✨ Warum Preiserhöhungen notwendig und sinnvoll sind ✨ Worauf du beim richtigen Zeitpunkt achten solltest ✨ Wie du deine Preisä…
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Die Selbstständigkeit bringt viele Vorteile mit sich – Freiheit, Flexibilität und die Möglichkeit, das eigene Business zu gestalten. Doch wie alles im Leben hat auch sie ihre Schattenseiten. In dieser Folge teile ich ehrlich mit dir, welche Dinge ich manchmal aus meinem früheren Angestelltenjob vermisse. Wenn du selbstständig bist oder mit dem Geda…
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Niemand ist perfekt – und Fehler gehören einfach dazu, auch im Yoga-Business. In dieser Folge teile ich mit dir die häufigsten Stolpersteine, die ich bei Yoga-Lehrer:innen beobachte (und selbst gemacht habe) – und gebe dir Tipps, wie du sie vermeiden kannst. Von der Weiterbildungsfalle über Burnout durch zu viele Kurse bis hin zu Problemen mit Sich…
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In dieser Folge spreche ich über eine Frage, die viele Yoga-Lehrer:innen beschäftigt: Soll ich aus meiner Leidenschaft ein Business machen? Vielleicht überlegst du, ob du deine Stunden im Hauptjob reduzieren und mehr Yoga unterrichten möchtest, oder du denkst sogar über eine volle Selbstständigkeit nach. Ich teile mit dir meine persönliche Reise – …
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YouTube bietet Yoga-Lehrer*innen die Chance, ihre Reichweite zu vergrößern und eine starke Community aufzubauen. Doch lohnt sich der Aufwand wirklich? In dieser Folge teile ich meine persönliche Erfahrung mit YouTube – von den Herausforderungen wie Zeitaufwand und großer Konkurrenz bis hin zu den Möglichkeiten, die diese Plattform für Marketing und…
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Du steckst viel Zeit & Mühe in deinen Instagram-Account, aber die Followerzahl stagniert oder sinkt sogar. Die Follower die da sind scheinen sich auch nicht für deine Angebote zu interessieren. In dieser Episode erkläre ich, warum manche Strategien auf Instagram oft nicht den gewünschten Erfolg bringen und wie du deine Zeit stattdessen sinnvoller i…
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Have you ever felt like you’re pouring your heart and soul into your yoga content, but the engagement just isn’t there? 🧘‍♀️💔 Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this podcast episode, I’m sharing the exact strategies you need to transform your content from bland to brand-new! 🚀✨ 🔍 What You’ll Learn: ✅ Clarify Your Messaging – Speak directly to your i…
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What's remarkable about this strategy is that it combines the power of evergreen funnels with a scaled-down live launch. Get the behind-the-scenes from a recent launch activity that converted at 40% (industry averages are 2-5%) and made $120k in online sales. ABOUT DIGITAL YOGA ACADEMY Digital Yoga Academy is an Online Yoga Business School, teachin…
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What does building a villa in Bali have to do with entrepreneurship? A lot, it turns out! In this episode, I’m sharing the key lessons I learned from managing a massive project from the ground up—and how these lessons have impacted my approach to running Digital Yoga Academy. We’ll explore why giving yourself more time is essential, how to stay gro…
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About to launch an online yoga course? Already launched without any success? Listen to this episode which covers common launch mistakes to avoid when launching an online yoga course! ABOUT DIGITAL YOGA ACADEMY Digital Yoga Academy is an Online Yoga Business School, teaching yoga teachers essential business and marketing skills. Powerful business sk…
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What does it take to turn those 5k Months Into 10k Months? This episode explores this and more! ABOUT DIGITAL YOGA ACADEMY Digital Yoga Academy is an Online Yoga Business School, teaching yoga teachers essential business and marketing skills. Powerful business skills that you're not taught in yoga teacher training! You’ll get all the support you ne…
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Nurturing Relationships and Growing Your Yoga Business 🌟 In this video, we're delving into the vital role of nurturing relationships in your business. From understanding the dictionary definition of "nurture" to harnessing the power of communication, we're breaking down the keys to building trust and driving sales. 🤝 Relationship Building: Discover…
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Sales Slowed? 3 Strategies for your yoga business. Let’s explore 3 ways to step up sales in your yoga business! 🌟JOIN THE YOGIPRENEUR LAUNCHPAD TODAY!🌟 ABOUT DIGITAL YOGA ACADEMY Digital Yoga Academy is an Online Yoga Business School, teaching yoga teachers essential business and marketing skills…
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Let's the concepts behind transitioning from a yoga teacher to a visionary leader and entrepreneur. Discover how embracing freedom, scalability, and value-driven business models can revolutionize your approach to entrepreneurship in the yoga industry. Let’s explore how you can step into your role as a CEO, build a team, and delegate tasks to accele…
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge von „Yogisch Erfolgreich“, dem Podcast, der dir zeigt, wie du als Yogalehrerin oder Yogalehrer nicht nur erfolgreich wirst, sondern auch einen positiven Einfluss auf die Welt um dich herum ausübst. Mein Name ist Michi und heute erwartet dich eine ganz besonderes Interview. Wir tauchen ein in die We…
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There’s one thing that's super important when it comes to making money and that's your money mindset. It's important to be intentional about this and to commit to improving your relationship dynamics with money. This relationship dynamic must be seen as a flow of giving and receiving. It's not just a one-sided relationship where you take, take, tak…
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Dive into the latest yoga marketing strategies in this insightful episode with Kelly McHugh, founder and CEO of Digital Yoga Academy. This compact, one-hour masterclass is packed with essential tips for growing your yoga community and increasing sales in 2024. In This Episode: The Future of Yoga Marketing: Discover what's working and where to focus…
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Many people set new year resolutions and by January have already thrown the towel in. Most people will set goals and never reach them. Perhaps this was you last year? In this week's episode, we talk you through the three steps to setting goals for your success. We run through the common mistake people make when goal-setting and how to avoid them so…
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In this episode we are sharing our 4 step end of year review ritual. We've had the most incredible year at Digital Yoga Academy and we want to bring all the good energy to you as we prepare for the year ahead. We recommend you carve out some time for this one- create a sacred environment, grab your journal, stop and start, and get involved. Happy n…
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Ready to attract your ideal students and grow your yoga business online? Join us as we delve into the crucial step of defining your ideal students. Discover how to understand their desires, challenges, and aspirations on a profound level. In this episode, we go beyond demographics and explore the power of connecting with your audience on a personal…
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Have the fears set in about going on camera? Thinking you're not "expert" enough to teach online? FEELING fear is normal - but staying STUCK in fear is a choice. I want to support you in taking the leap from fear and overwhelm... to passionate and excited about creating an online yoga course! In this episode I share 6 common fears when it comes to …
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Do you struggle to promote yourself and your yoga business online? Oftentimes it can come down to feeling inauthentic in your brand messaging. In this episode I'm going to share how you can bring more of YOU into your branding and messaging online to help you attract your ideal students and hone in on your niche. Topics Covered: Injecting your pers…
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The truth is, no strategy (no matter how good it is) will be effective in your business if you don't have the right mindset to make it work. Working on your mindset is a daily job and when you do it right you cultivate a mindset that will... Allow you to break through limiting beliefs that hold you back Support you to work through your fears that s…
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On this week's episode, we talk to Annie Clarke about how to bring your authenticity into your work and create meaningful yoga offerings! Annie Clarke: Website Instagram 🌟JOIN THE YOGIPRENEUR LAUNCHPAD TODAY!🌟 ABOUT DIGITAL YOGA ACAD…
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On this week's episode, we talk to Steffy White about how to build your online yoga business from your heart, show up authentically and build true connections with your community. Steffy White Website Instagram 🌟JOIN THE YOGIPRENEUR LAUNCHPAD TODAY!🌟 https://digitalyogaaca…
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In today's episode we spoke to Rosemary Holbrook, founder of Yogi Scopes. Rosemary is a past student of The Profitable Yoga Teacher Program. Since starting the program, she has successfully scaled her business, grown her community and increased her income. Rosemary is an incredible example of a profitable yogi who has embraced the idea of imperfect…
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In this podcast episode, not only did we go through the proven 8-step framework to launch your profitable online yoga course (and make $5k!) but we also... OPENED the doors to The Profitable Yoga Teacher. This program will give you all of the foundational strategies you need to put into your business to set you up for online course success - and yo…
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How to Choose the Right Coaching Program For You Once you've decided to go for it and build your online business, it can be overwhelming to choose the right coaching program and mentor to give you the support and guidance you're looking for. It's important to take the time to make the right decision and this episode will help guide you to do so. Th…
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Solltest du als Yogalehrerin in der Kleinunternehmer-Regelung bleiben oder lieber rausgehen? In der heutigen Podcastfolge geht es genau um dieses Thema. Ich teil meine Erfahrungen mit dir und wir sprechen über die Vor und Nachteile der jeweiligen Entscheidung. Viele Spaß beim reinhören -> Bitte beachte, dass diese Episode keine steuerliche Beratung…
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On this week's episode, we talk to Koya Webb about how to start turning your true purpose into a profitable yoga business. Koya Webb Website Instagram Join the Online Yogi Immersion: JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR THE PROFITABLE YOGA TEAC…
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Stehst du noch am Anfang deines Weges als Yogalehrerin? Wenn ja, dann ist das genau dir richtige Folge für dich. Heute teil ich mit dir, wie ich meine ersten Yogajobs erhalten habe und geb dir ein paar Tipps mit an die Hand wie du es schaffst als neue Yogalehrerin Fuss zu fassen. Darüber hinaus teil ich auch mit dir, wie viel ich bei meinen ersten …
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In this episode, we discuss how you can conquer your self-doubt, redefine your limits and unleash your inner confidence. You deserve the same success that you see other online yoga teachers with. Think of this episode as the pep talk you needed to push you forward on your journey to becoming an online yogi, and launching your very own online yoga c…
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On this week's episode, we talk to Catt Meffan about how to grow an engaged audience and community and the importance of filling up your online membership. Cat Meffan Website Instagram Join the Online Yogi Immersion: JOIN THE W…
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In this episode, we debunk the myth that a small yoga community can't succeed with online courses. We address common excuses, explore personalization strategies, and introduce the "founding member strategy." Join us to learn how to embrace imperfection and unlock success in online yoga teaching, regardless of the size of your community. JOIN THE WA…
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On this week's episode, we talk to Eoin & Insiya Finn about creating trust and authority within your community, and how to position yourself as a leader. Insiya Rasiwala-Finn- Eoin Finn- Join the Online Yogi Immersion:…
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In this episode, we delve into the world of online course creation and uncover the 5 unmistakable signs that indicate you're ready to take the plunge. From conquering fear to harnessing a powerful course idea, we'll guide you through the journey of turning your expertise into a thriving online course. Join us as we explore the excitement of reachin…
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Chocolako is committed to working with forward thinking creatives and professionals, yoga teachers and yoga practitioners of all levels, who are open to embrace continuous awakenings, outperform limiting stories and reach more expansive versions of themselves. Her focus is to support, uplift and uplevel curious souls to remember their unique pathwa…
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Join us in this episode as we tackle the often-ignored issue of burnout among yoga teachers. Discover the signs, causes, and solutions to steer clear of the burnout trap. As yoga instructors, we're expected to radiate positivity 24/7, but burnout can affect us all. Explore the three dimensions of burnout and how to spot the early warning signs. Our…
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Allie is a once corporate marketing girl turned successful yoga teacher, chakra coach, retreat leader, small business owner, and full-time traveler with her husband via a sailboat. She primarily teaches yoga online through YouTube, courses, and a monthly membership called the Body Mind Soul Studio. Allie is passionate about using the yoga practice …
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Embark on a transformative journey in this podcast episode for yoga instructors. Discover how to transition from studio teaching to creating impactful online courses. Uncover the limitations of traditional methods and explore the possibilities of freedom, flexibility, and sustainability that online courses offer. Learn the vital role of defining yo…
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Ashley Turner is a yoga–meditation expert, Licensed Psychotherapist, writer, facilitator and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Yoga.Psyche.Soul.™, an innovative Yoga Psychology training for teachers, clinicians and dedicated students fusing yoga, mindfulness, depth psychology, shadow work and neuroscience. YPS has fast become the go-to resource f…
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Explore the captivating world of yoga teaching in this episode. We unravel how AI is revolutionizing alignment through apps, and delve into the transformative shift for yoga teachers. Discover how crafting online courses can lead to deeper impact, positioning you as an expert. Embrace change, growth, and a brighter yoga future with us. Episode High…
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In der heutigen Folge sprechen wir über das spannende Thema Versicherungen - Speziell für YogalehrerInnen und StudiobesitzerInnen. Welche Versicherungen braucht es wirklich, damit du, im Fall der Fälle, gut abgesichert bist? Dafür hab ich eine Expertin zu Gast und zwar Ronja, von der Versicherung Insify. In dieser Folge ist super viel Input für dic…
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