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Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills

Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills

Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills Podcast: Subscribe to listen to the latest sermons from Woodside :: Updated Weekly :: At Woodside, our mission is to Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Reach the world for Christ. :: For more information, visit us at
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Sometimes, an encounter with someone different from us can challenge how we see the world. In this episode, Pastor Jacob Ley explores the sixth sign in the Gospel of John—Jesus’ healing of a man born blind. Through this powerful encounter, we’ll ask: How do we respond to the revelation of Jesus? Are we curious, skeptical, afraid, dismissive, or spi…
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The human heart aches for deliverance. In our everyday struggles, we all long for rescue—for ourselves and for our world. But what if our search for deliverance leads us to a distorted view of Jesus? In this episode, we explore John 6 and the challenge of rightly knowing Jesus. Many saw Him as a great prophet, a political revolutionary, or a means …
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What are your motives for following Jesus? Not everyone follows Him for the right reasons, but eventually our true motives will reveal themselves. As we walk with Jesus, it's important to do a heart check and ask ourselves if we're aligned with His purpose. Listen in as we walk through John 6 and consider these three questions: Are you following be…
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How does Jesus demonstrate His divine authority? In the Gospels, we see Jesus healing the sick, drawing people to repentance, and working on the Sabbath. These countercultural acts revealed His ultimate authority as the Son of God. Jesus is the sovereign Lord who commands us to live in the fullness of His grace, repent of our sins, and join in His …
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What kind of "fan" are you of Christ? Are you in it for what He can do for you, or are you committed to Him for who He truly is? As we continue in our study of the Gospel of John, we dive into the second sign, where a desperate man seeks healing for his son and learns a powerful lesson about faith. In this passage, Jesus challenges us to reflect on…
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We are continuing in our message series, Signs of the King, looking at the Gospel of John to discover who Jesus is. In life, we are constantly searching for direction. We desire guidance, even if we are getting it from the wrong places. As a result of our misguided searches, we are left even further from our hope. The Bible makes it clear for us, t…
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We are beginning a new sermon series titled, Signs of the King, where we will dive into the first eleven books of John while looking at the signs and wonders Jesus performed. As we walk through each of these chapters, we will consider openly who Jesus is and what that means for us. So, what will you find if you investigate Jesus? When we’re in Chri…
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Prayer reveals much about our priorities, and in this final prayer, we learn that God's desire is for us to know Him deeply and to make Him known to others. Jesus prayed that we would experience the fullness of His unity, glory, and love, and in this episode, we discover how that transforms our lives and our prayers. Join us as we reflect on Jesus'…
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Do you ever wonder what your purpose is? How do you find it? Do you even have one? These are questions many of us have wrestled with, but we each have a greater, deeper purpose than we might realize. We have been studying John 17 throughout our series Why Pray? In this passage, we read a prayer that Jesus prayed just hours before His crucifixion. A…
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Today, as we continue in our series, Why Pray? We will continue to see how, through prayer, we can come to know Christ deeper. Can we be confident when we pray for God’s protection? Yes, we can! But to solidify this truth, we will see examples from scripture. We can be confident in God’s protection because God keeps us in salvation, in His joy, and…
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Have you ever wondered if God is generous? Maybe you have trouble fully understanding what God has given us or if He’s given us anything. But we see in scripture that He is generous, giving more than we could ever imagine. As we continue in our series, Why Pray? We will look at how the Lord has been generous towards us. The more time we spend in th…
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Why do we pray? How should we pray? Questions many of us have likely wondered before. As we strive for growth in our relationships with God, prayer is a main way we get to know who God is and align our hearts with Him. This new year we are beginning a new series, Why Pray, looking at the High Priestly prayer Jesus prayed to examine why and how we s…
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Whether you start singing in September or wait until Thanksgiving, the music of Christmas holds a unique power to unite, inspire, and elevate our hearts. But have you ever wondered why singing is such a central part of the Christian faith? From its role in cultivating a Spirit-filled life to encouraging and instructing one another, we’ll unpack fou…
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What do you desire? Maybe it's material items, fame, and fortune. Or maybe it's deeper desires, like joy in hardship, fulfillment in life, or peace in chaos. Whatever you desire, Jesus can fulfill. This Christmas Eve we are finishing our series, Radiant, we’ll see how Jesus changes everything and that everything we could need He has it. Jesus’ birt…
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The war to find peace is an ongoing battle, it is a search that this world is constantly after. The world thinks peace comes from our inner life, but what does Christ say? As we carry on in our Radiant series, we will hear about how Jesus’ incarnation brings us peace. Life is unpredictable, we face loss and pain, at times it can feel like we are co…
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We are continuing in our Advent series, Radiant, looking at the birth of Jesus and the importance it had then and what it means for us now. Jesus frees us from our captivity of sin and shame. Through His gift of relationship with Him, Christ frees us from the burden of sin, He crushes the pain of Satan’s accusations and defeats the tyrant of death.…
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How can we experience lasting joy? Not the temporary happiness that the world seems to be chasing, but joy that withstands our circumstances. Last week we kicked off our Advent series, Radiant, diving into the hope that Christ holds and the gift that is found in Jesus’ birth. The light that the coming of Jesus brings us is eternal, He offers us hop…
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We are beginning our Advent series, Radiant, unpacking how Christ holds the hope and light we desperately need. In the book of Isaiah, chapter 9, there are two promises within, that we will look at today. With Jesus, our gloom is overcome with glory and our darkness is overcome with light. We are promised transformation and freedom in Christ when w…
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Life often leaves us wanting more—success, power, achievement, popularity, and more. When we seek our confidence and identity in what is elusive, we will be left feeling unfulfilled. However, God’s Word is clear where satisfaction can be found and it’s in surrendering our lives to Jesus and living for His Kingdom. Join us as we hear from Pastor Rya…
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Who are you sharing the Gospel with in your everyday life? Maybe you are more reserved when it comes to spreading the love of Christ or maybe it's something that comes naturally to you, either way scripture tells us about the joy it brings to communities when it is shared. This Sunday, we will hear from Pastor Chris about sharing the joy of the Gos…
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This week we are finishing our study through the book of Galatians, learning the Good News of Christ and the freedom found in salvation through Jesus. In the final chapter, Paul addresses the church urging them to keep each other accountable and to bear one another's burdens. As we strive to walk in the Gospel we must keep in step with God's spirit…
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Today we continue in our message series in Galatians, Good News, diving into what it means to be free in Christ. Before we come to know Christ, we long to gratify our desires, our flesh. We live with internal passions to be fulfilled; every time we fulfill them, they grow. Once we have come to know Jesus and accepted Him as our savior, we learn tha…
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In our Galatians series, Good News, we are continuing to study the freedom from the law and security found in the Gospel. When we find ourselves returning to our old ways, habits, or sins, it's as if we are re-enslaving ourselves to the law and forfeiting our liberty in Jesus. Paul shows us that we lose the benefits of Christ, the scandal of the cr…
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Where can you find true freedom? Have you found yourself searching for something that will satisfy the longing in your heart? Today, we are continuing in ourGood News series, revealing the goodness of the Gospel. In Christ, we get to experience the truest form of freedom, eternal joy in Him. We are promised of this truth, within His word are severa…
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As Christians, how does the Gospel form us? Maybe this question has crossed your mind or maybe it hasn’t, the formation we go through in Christ is an ongoing process. This week we continue in our series, Good News, studying the Gospel and how it shapes our lives. As we seek after Christ and are continually molded by Him, we are given three action s…
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Have you found yourself falling into the lie that if you’re a good person you will receive God's blessings? Or that it is based on your works? We will fail time and time again if we allow ourselves to think we can do it solely based on our efforts. Today, we are continuing our series, Good News, looking at the truth and hope of the Gospel. So, how …
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As we dive into another week of our Good News message series, we will see this week that the Gospel alone is all we need. Paul writes in his letter to Galatia that he has been crucified with Christ, stating that Christ lives in him, no longer did he allow his flesh to lead him. As fellow believers in Jesus, this truth is the same for us. When we ca…
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In Christ, we are made new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us of the change that comes when we are in Christ, our old self is washed away, and we are renewed. What does this Gospel transformation look like? Last week we kicked off our fall sermon series, Good News, looking at the goodness within the Gospel and how it impacts us. The Gospel of Jesus Chr…
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For the past month, we have been walking through our Metamorphosis series, tackling ways we can transform our lives. To wrap up our series, we are opening the book of Hebrews to discuss how we can find true contentment. Our culture is always trying to gain and get more as if there is this invisible ladder we are trying to climb, but when is enough …
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In today’s culture, many tend to hold onto anger, desire revenge, or deal with anger in chaotic ways. As followers of Christ, we are called to handle our anger in a Christ-honoring way. So, how can we do this best as Christians? Our Metamorphosis series has been focused on transforming our minds to align with Christ, this week we will talk about an…
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Scripture does not shy away from the fact that as we walk this life, we will face adversity. Following Christ does not take us away from difficulties, challenges, or adversity, it may heighten them—all for His glory. This week in our Metamorphosis series, we looked at adversity and found out how we can look at adversity as opportunity rather than a…
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Are we living in the last days? According to scripture, we are. The only thing holding back Christ’s return is that His followers must continue to bring more and more to know Jesus. But it seems that many have fallen into apathy. With the truth that we are living in the last days, that statement should change the way we live and act. As we continue…
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In our message series, Metamorphosis, we are talking about transforming our minds with the word of God. Today, we will hear how our ambitions are welcomed in Christ, but we must submit them to God in an act of obedience to Him. Jesus had ambition, a ton of it. His ambitions were submitted to God, and He led them out with fervor—being the atonement …
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As we continue in our message series, Metamorphosis, we will talk about the hold that anxiety has made are many today. Anxiety can feel inescapable and suffocating. We may lose hope of ever feeling free from its chains, but we will see that there is hope. What was once anxiety can be turned into peace, by the grace and power of God. Through praying…
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We are beginning a new series called, Metamorphosis, where we will look at scripture passages that will guide us to transforming our minds to the work of Christ. When God saves us from our corrupt ways, our response should be a life of worship to Him. He extends mercy to us because of His immense love for His creation. Our response to this mercy lo…
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We conclude our two-part study of Jude. In the face of false teaching and life in a fallen world, believers are called to persevere and contend for the faith! As Pastor Ryan explains, this happens through rooting ourselves in the truth of scripture, our identity as beloved of God, and extending mercy and truth to others.…
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One of the great challenges that a community can face is the infiltration of false information. In this teaching, Pastor Jacob Ley explores Jude 1 - 16 to help us be aware of how false teachers and false teaching can impact and influence the church.Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills tarafından oluşturuldu
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In a world of social division and dysfunction, The Gospel invites us to reconisder our relationship in light of Jesus' saving work and reign as King. In this teaching, Pastor Jacob Ley, digs into The Book of Philemon to see how The Gospel applies to our social relationships.Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills tarafından oluşturuldu
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We are currently walking through our series, Big Ideas from Little Books, talking about relevant topics from smaller books in the New Testament. The truths we will learn about from these books will help us to know Christ deeper and allow us to better understand Scripture. Join us as Pastor Brandon Cleaver digs into 2 John and looks at how truth is …
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We are currently walking through our series, Big Ideas from Little Books, talking about relevant topics from smaller books in the Bible. The truths we will learn from these books will help us know Christ better and allow us to better understand Scripture. Join us this Sunday as we talk about Gospel Advance for Everyday People, where Pastor Jacob Le…
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As Christians, one of our highest callings is to reach the world with the Gospel. This can sometimes feel like an overwhelming thing. We may feel like our life is too busy to find the time for this, or maybe our fear holds us back from preaching the Gospel. These are places many have found themselves in, if you are feeling that you are not alone. W…
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Before Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection, he brought all the disciples together as a sort of final commissioning. We have come to know this as the “great commission.” He told them to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to believe in Him. This was the mission of the disciples after Jesus took His place at the right ha…
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How are Christians called to relate to the government? In a fractured and increasingly divided political landscape, knowing the role of the government and how we should relate to our governing institutions as Christians becomes vitally important. Join us for our latest teaching as Pastor Jacob digs into 1 Peter 2:13 - 17 to help us understand how C…
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At Woodside, we believe in making disciples, by reaching the world and our local communities with the saving grace of Christ. People everywhere desperately need Jesus. Spreading the Gospel should not be difficult or anxiety-driven, but rather an authentic conversation on faith and the need for Jesus. The book of Romans points out our need for Chris…
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As we wrap up our What God Says About series, it is necessary that we look at what God says about femininity, especially on a day that celebrates the wonderful mothers in our lives. God’s word is clear that it values women, and their role in the church, in families, and in the world. Proverbs 31 is one of the most highly quoted scriptures that poin…
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We have been working through our What God Says About series. This week we tackle a topic that is not often talked about in the church—sex. Scripture has much to say about it though, so it seems important we discuss what God has to say. God makes it abundantly clear that sex was created to be shared within the covenant of marriage, as two become one…
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We are going through our series, What God Says About. This week we look at What God Says About Work. What we do matters to God. We are the representation of Christ, how we work reflects Him. Colossians 3:23 says we should “work heartily as for the Lord and not for men.” God commands us to work hard and to serve Him in all we do. In Proverbs, we fin…
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The book of Proverbs says a lot about the company we keep. Who we walk through life with will have an influence on where we go in life and who we become. So, what kind of friend do you need? Or even need to be to others? Find out in our latest message from our What God Says About series.Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills tarafından oluşturuldu
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Last Sunday, we started a new series, What God Says About, taking insights from the book of Proverbs, and applying God’s wisdom to some everyday situations we may face. When it comes to the way we speak to others, what we say matters. Our words hold much power. We have the choice to speak words of life or words of death over those we interact with …
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