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Welcome to Going Indie with Antoine van der Lee, the podcast that dives deep into the world of independent creators and developers. Join Antoine as he chats with indie creators from around the globe, sharing their stories, insights, and the challenges they’ve overcome. From turning side projects into successful businesses to breaking free from the 9-to-5 grind, each episode uncovers the habits, strategies, and tools that help these creators thrive on their own terms. Whether you’re dreaming ...
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De leerkrachten van PCBO Meppel

De leerkrachten van PCBO meppel

Wij zijn een Stichting met 5 kleurrijke, breed toegankelijke scholen met een christelijke identiteit, waarin leerlingen zich optimaal kunnen ontplooien in een veilig klimaat. Er is ruimte voor creativiteit en samenwerking, openheid en vertrouwen.
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In de foto- en podcastserie 'In de ogen van de leerling' vertellen acht bevlogen onderwijsmensen wat zij als vanzelfsprekend elke dag doen – je voelt in je vezels hoe zij het verschil maken. Docenten, directeuren, conciërges; professionals met verschillende rollen, maar één gedeelde missie. Ze werden door collega's, leidinggevenden en studenten genomineerd voor deze expositie omdat zij erin slagen de leerling in de ogen te kijken, te zien, en (ook) in de ogen van de leerling het goede te doe ...
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Wrijving geeft glans, en dicht kloven. Tussen voelen en denken, ernst en humor, geloof en twijfel. En David Heeks speerpunt: de kloof tussen theologie en psychologie. Is de vaak ervaren afstand tussen God en mens, te overbruggen? Hoe werkt de Aanwezige Allerhoogste in ons, en met ons samen? 1. David voert gesprekken met ervaren mensen die hun levensverhaal kunnen of willen spiegelen aan oude teksten, wijsheden en (bijbel)verhalen. Ook zoekt hij met generatiegenoten naar wijsheid. 2. Luister ...
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show series
From Apple Design Award to Indie Success: Ryan McLeod’s Journey In this episode of the Going Indie Podcast, host Antoine chats with Ryan McLeod, the indie developer behind the award-winning game Blackbox. Ryan, a two-time Apple Design Award winner, shares his journey from indie beginnings to expanding Blackbox for Apple Vision Pro. They discuss the…
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There is a common misconception that the Jewish religion does not believe in an afterlife. While it’s true that Judaism is focused on actions, intentions and thoughts in this life, it also believes in an afterlife, and has a variety of points of view about what happens after death. Today’s guest, Professor Joseph Stern, will discuss Maimonides’ uni…
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At the end of Eric Cline's bestselling history 1177 B.C., many of the Late Bronze Age civilizations of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean lay in ruins, undone by invasion, revolt, natural disasters, famine, and the demise of international trade. An interconnected world that had boasted major empires and societies, relative peace, robust commerce,…
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In this episode we delve into one of the most profound and enduring works of sacred poetry: the Book of Psalms. Emotional and spiritual, joyful and despairing, triumphant and trembling with terror, the psalms have given voice to humanity's deepest yearnings for millennia. These timeless prayers and hymns have offered solace, inspiration, and a path…
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The world is reeling from the savage terror attack that brutalized, raped, murdered and kidnapped Israelis and civilians from at least 25 other countries, continuing to hold many of them hostage – and from the ongoing war that followed. After Hamas took over Gaza in 2007, some thought it would become more moderate. That was wishful thinking. The ba…
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A captivating journey of the expansive world of medieval travel, from London to Constantinople to the court of China and beyond. Europeans of the Middle Ages were the first to use travel guides to orient their wanderings, as they moved through a world punctuated with miraculous wonders and beguiling encounters. In this vivid and alluring history, m…
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From Apple Design Award to Indie Developer: Klemens Strasser’s Inspiring Journey In this episode of the Going Indie Podcast, host Antoine delves into the fascinating journey of indie developer Klemens Strasser. Klemens, who transitioned from a student Apple Design Award winner to a full-time indie developer, shares his experiences and insights. The…
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"Writing on the Wall" is a global platform founded by Professor William Kolbrener and novelist Ronit Eitan in response to the traumatic events of October 7th and the alarming rise in global antisemitism. The co-founders, despite their differing perspectives on many issues, share a steadfast belief: the fight against antisemitism can begin by unitin…
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Anastasia Berg and Rachel Wiseman's book What Are Children For?: On Ambivalence and Choice (St. Martin's Press, 2024) presents a modern argument, grounded in philosophy and cultural criticism, about childbearing ambivalence and how to overcome it. Becoming a parent, once the expected outcome of adulthood, is increasingly viewed as a potential threa…
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Exploring the Indie Journey: From Designer to Successful App Developer In this episode of Going Indie Podcast, we sit down with Hidde van der Ploeg, an indie developer and designer. Hidde shares his journey from being a designer to teaching himself to code and building successful apps like Gola, NowPlaying, and Helm. He talks about starting with Ob…
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The essay "The Failed Concepts That Brought Israel to October 7" (Mosaic Magazine) by Shany Mor, dated October 7, 2024, examines the intellectual and policy failures leading up to the October 7 attack on Israel. Mor critiques several conceptual frameworks that have guided Israeli and international policy, particularly in dealing with Gaza and Hamas…
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A dramatic misinterpretation of the Jewish tradition has shaped the history of the West: Christianity is the religion of love, and Judaism the religion of law. In the face of centuries of this widespread misrepresentation, Rabbi Shai Held―one of the most important Jewish thinkers in America today―recovers the heart of the Jewish tradition, offering…
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Een portret van Monique: hoofddocent Pedagogiek en Didactiek aan de lerarenopleiding Gezondheidszorg en Welzijn aan Hogeschool Rotterdam. Haar oud-student Djen schreef: 'Monique luistert hardop. Geen oordeel, geen medelijden, maar oprechte interesse. Nieuwsgierig naar hoe ik de wereld beleef. En dat voelde zo verdomd fijn. Heel even was het niet er…
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In the premiere episode of the Going Indie Podcast, host Antoine dives deep with seasoned indie developer Jordi Bruin. They explore the intricacies of managing and updating multiple apps, fast-paced development strategies, and transitioning from industry analyst to indie developer. The conversation highlights leveraging new APIs for inspiration and…
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Een portret van Djen. Ze maakt theater met mensen met een beperking en studeerde aan de lerarenopleiding Gezondheidszorg en Welzijn. Daar kreeg ze les van Monique, die we ook portretteerden voor deze serie. Monique stuurde ons een tekst die ze schreef toen Djen, ondanks haar kwaliteiten voor de klas, worstelde met het behalen van haar diploma: 'Ze …
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Een portret van Mohamed, opleidingsmanager van het Zadkine Startcollege in Capelle aan de IJssel. We hebben elkaar eerder ontmoet bij een voorstelling van PS Theater Leiden, gebaseerd op de ervaringen die de acteur van het stuk, Mahfoud Mokkadem, opdeed in zijn tijd als docent op deze school. De centrale vraag: hoe maak je verbinding met jongeren d…
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Een portret van Jaimy, locatiedirecteur van Kindercampus De Piloot. Een school voor speciaal onderwijs, met ook passende buitenschoolse opvang in huis. Jaimy droomt van inclusief onderwijs maar daarvoor moet óók de samenleving inclusief zijn, stelt ze. Tot die tijd biedt ze met De Piloot een warme plek waar haar leerlingen zich veilig kunnen ontwik…
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Een portret van Kareem, onder andere docent Sociaal Werk bij Curio, Breda. In 2023 werd hij genomineerd voor de titel docent van het jaar en naast zijn werk voor Curio helpt hij jongeren vanuit diverse rollen hun talent te ontwikkelen. In dit gesprek verkennen we de kern van al zijn werk: intrinsieke interesse.…
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Een portret van Wim, die lesgeeft aan groep 5 op basisschool de KeizersKroon in Pijnacker. Zijn directrice, Louise, schreef ons: 'Meester Wim is voor alle kinderen voorspelbaar en duidelijk. Hij stimuleert de kinderen het beste uit hun zelf te halen, door een positieve benadering. En het aller belangrijkste, hij ziet de kinderen zoals ze zijn en la…
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Een portret van Mike, die als pedagogisch conciërge werkt aan de Thorbecke Talentschool in Nieuwerkerk. Met een grote glimlach heette hij ons welkom. Terwijl wij onze lampen, camera's en audio-apparatuur naar binnen sleepten grapte een leerling dat Mike niet moest denken dat we voor hèm kwamen, waarop Mike warm zijn brede arm om de schouder van de …
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Een portret van Rini, docent Aardrijkskunde op het St. Oelbert Gymnasium in Oosterhout. Lisette Bastiaansen, zelf pedagoge, nomineerde haar en schrijft: 'Het was zeker geen liefde op het eerste gezicht tussen ons (de ouders), Jens (onze zoon) en de mentor (mevrouw Van der Pol). We botsten. En hoe. Een gesprek over wie wat waarom deed en zei, volgde…
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A harrowing account on the frontlines of the war between Israel and Hamas, The October 7 War: Israel's Battle for Security in Gaza (Wicked Son, 2024) War tells the story of how Hamas surprised Israel with its deadly attack, killing more than 1,000 people and kidnapping more than 250. With unparalleled access to the Israeli soldiers and units that f…
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For generations, the book of Genesis has been treated by scholars as a collection of documents by various hands, expressing different factional interests, with borrowings from other ancient literatures that mark the text as derivative. In other words, academic interpretation of Genesis has centered on the question of its basic coherency, just as fu…
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In 1665, Sabbetai Zevi, a self-proclaimed Messiah with a mass following throughout the Ottoman Empire and Europe, announced that the redemption of the world was at hand. As Jews everywhere rejected the traditional laws of Judaism in favor of new norms established by Sabbetai Zevi, and abandoned reason for the ecstasy of messianic enthusiasm, one ma…
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Completed shortly before Hamas carried out its barbaric October massacre, Cary Nelson's Hate Speech and Academic Freedom: The Antisemitic Assault on Basic Principles (Academic Studies Press, 2024) takes up issues that have consequently gained new urgency in the academy worldwide. It is the first book to ask what impact antisemitism has had on the f…
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Dive into the timeless wisdom of Ecclesiastes in Jay Garfinkel's groundbreaking work, Kohelet's Cocktail: Beyond the Pursuit of Happiness (Illuminated Press, 2024) This exquisite "illuminated" digital masterpiece marries the ancient with the avant-garde, offering a fresh, poetic voice to the biblical text that has resonated with humanity for millen…
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Two academics, one Jewish and one Muslim, come together to show how much their faiths have in common—particularly in America. This book provides a braided portrait of two American groups whose strong religious attachments and powerful commitments to ritual observance are not always easy to adapt to American culture. Orthodox Jews and observant Musl…
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Eyal Regev's The Temple in Early Christianity: Experiencing the Sacred (Yale UP, 2019) is he first scholarly work to trace the Temple throughout the entire New Testament, this study examines Jewish and Christian attitudes toward the Temple in the first century and provides both Jews and Christians with a better understanding of their respective fai…
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Judith Herman is renowned for her groundbreaking work with survivors of trauma, including sexual trauma. Her earlier books include Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence - from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror (Basic Books, 2022) and Father-Daughter Incest (Harvard UP, 2000) The #MeToo movement brought worldwide attention to sexual violen…
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In the 1920s, before the establishment of the state of Israel, a group of German Jews settled in a garden city on the outskirts of Jerusalem. During World War II, their quiet community, nicknamed Grunewald on the Orient, emerged as both an immigrant safe haven and a lively expatriate hotspot, welcoming many famous residents including poet-playwrigh…
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Carl Zimmer investigates one of the biggest questions of all: What is life? The answer seems obvious until you try to seriously answer it. Is the apple sitting on your kitchen counter alive, or is only the apple tree it came from deserving of the word? If we can’t answer that question here on Earth, how will we know when and if we discover alien li…
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Laying the foundation for an understanding of US-Israeli relations, this lively and accessible book provides critical background on the origins and development of the 'special' relations between Israel and the United States. Questioning the usual neo-realist approach to understanding this relationship, David Tal instead suggests that the relations …
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The neighborhoods we live in impact our lives in so many ways: they determine who we know, what resources and opportunities we have access to, the quality of schools our kids go to, our sense of security and belonging, and even how long we live. Yet too many of us live in neighborhoods plagued by rising crime, school violence, family disintegration…
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A stevedore on the San Francisco docks in the 1940s, who eventually taught at the University of California at Berkeley, Eric Hoffer wrote philosophical treatises in his spare time while living in the railroad yards. The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements—the first and most famous of his books—was made into a bestseller when Pre…
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How does an organization change in an instant, shift its focus and mission in response to a new reality? One volunteer organization did just that. In this podcast, Ronen Koehler shares the ideas, skills and commitments that enabled his organization’s dramatic, consequential change. The nonprofit, Brothers and Sisters for Israel (“Achim Baneshek” in…
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Why do we sleep? How can we improve our sleep? A century ago, sleep was considered a state of nothingness—even a primitive habit that we could learn to overcome. Then, an immigrant scientist and his assistant spent a month in the depths of a Kentucky cave, making nationwide headlines and thrusting sleep science to the forefront of our consciousness…
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An award-winning defense expert tells the story of today’s great power rivalry―the struggle to control artificial intelligence. A new industrial revolution has begun. Like mechanization or electricity before it, artificial intelligence will touch every aspect of our lives―and cause profound disruptions in the balance of global power, especially amo…
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An indispensable guide for telling fact from fiction on the internet—often in less than 30 seconds. The internet brings information to our fingertips almost instantly. The result is that we often jump to thinking too fast, without taking a few moments to verify the source before engaging with a claim or viral piece of media. Information literacy ex…
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What makes a person want to become a terrorist? Who becomes involved in terrorism, and why? In what ways does participating in violent extremism change someone? And how can people become deradicalized? John Horgan―one of the world’s leading experts on the psychology of terrorism―takes readers on a globe-spanning journey into the terrorist mindset. …
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Some people are good at what they do, some are enthusiastic about their work. This guest brings both to bear in his exploration of the ancient past. Today we are privileged to talk with a distinguished figure in the world of archeology whose enthusiasm doesn’t quit. Professor. Aren Maeir is not only an accomplished archaeologist, but he is also a c…
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In Assad: The Triumph of Tyranny (Picador, 2023), Con Coughlin, veteran commentator on war in the Middle East and author of Saddam: The Secret Life, examines how a mild-mannered ophthalmic surgeon has transformed himself into the tyrannical ruler of a once flourishing country. Until the Arab Spring of 2011, the world’s view of Bashar al-Assad was l…
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A Foundational Conservation Story Revived. Ancient writers observed that forests always recede as civilizations develop and grow. The great Roman poet Ovid wrote that before civilization began, “even the pine tree stood on its own very hills” but when civilization took over, “the mountain oak, the pine were felled.” This happened for a simple reaso…
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How has a small nation of 9 million people, forced to fight for its existence and security since its founding and riven by ethnic, religious, and economic divides, proven resistant to so many of the societal ills plaguing other wealthy democracies? Why do Israelis have among the world’s highest life expectancies and lowest rates of “deaths of despa…
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Motivated by compassion and hope, and the shared desire to make the world a better place, the immense amount of charitable giving stands as a testament to the humanity's collective generosity. From aiding those in need to supporting noble causes in art and science, culture and religion, the act of giving has the power to transform lives and shape a…
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Should your doctor prescribe a placebo for you, instead of conventional medicine? And if she did, would it work? Is the double-blind placebo-controlled paradigm really the gold standard for medical research? Placebos are the most widely used treatments in the history of medicine. Thousands of studies show that they can be effective and make us happ…
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Navigating through the intricate web of Middle Eastern geopolitics, few are better equipped to provide insights than Itamar Rabinovich in his compelling book, Middle Eastern Maze: Israel, The Arabs, and the Region 1948-2022 (Brookings Institution Press, 2023). In this update to his earlier work, The Lingering Conflict published by Brookings in 2012…
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Society and democracy are ever threatened by the fall of fact. Rigorous analysis of facts, the hard boundary between truth and opinion, and fidelity to reputable sources of factual information are all in alarming decline. A 2018 report published by the RAND Corporation labeled this problem "truth decay" and Andrew J. Hoffman lays the challenge of f…
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There is no doubt science is currently suffering from a credibility crisis. Gary Smith's book Distrust: Big Data, Data-Torturing, and the Assault on Science (Oxford UP, 2023) argues that, ironically, science's credibility is being undermined by tools created by scientists themselves. Scientific disinformation and damaging conspiracy theories are ri…
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Gadi Sagiv's book Jewish Blues: A History of a Color in Judaism (U Pennsylvania Press, 2023) presents a broad cultural, social, and intellectual history of the color blue in Jewish life between the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries. Bridging diverse domains such as religious law, mysticism, eschatology, as well as clothing and literature, this b…
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In a technologically-saturated era where nearly everything can be effortlessly and digitally reproduced, we're all hungry to carve out our own unique personalities, our own bespoke personae, to stand out and be seen. As the forces of social media and capitalism collide, and individualism becomes more important than ever across a wide array of indus…
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