System Update is a LIVE prime-time news show hosted by Glenn Greenwald. Join us on Rumble, weeknights at 7pm ET, for unencumbered analysis and investigative reporting, captive to no dogma or faction.
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The latest headlines from ABC News, refreshed twice hourly 24/7.
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Het belangrijkste tech-nieuws hoor je in deze shortcast, elke doordeweekse ochtend én middag. In enkele minuten praat Joe van Burik, Michiel Jurrjens, Mats Akkerman of Stijn Goossens je bij over alles wat je weten moet rond digitale technologie.
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Richard D. Wolff, a weekly TV and radio show and podcast
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Wie intelligent ist Künstliche Intelligenz eigentlich? Welche Folgen hat generative KI für unsere Arbeit, unsere Freizeit und die Gesellschaft? Im "KI-Update" von heise bringen wir Euch gemeinsam mit The Decoder werktäglich Updates zu den wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen. Freitags beleuchten wir mit Experten die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der KI-Revolution.
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This is the audio podcast version of Troy Hunt's weekly update video published here:
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Wichtige News der Woche zu Klima, Mensch und Natur und oben drauf noch Lösungsansätze und Lifehacks. Jeden Freitag aus den Deutschlandfunk-Nova-Wissensnachrichten.
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Video updates from Kabbalamedia Archive
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IGN's daily update on the world of video games, movies, and television, featuring the latest news, previews, and reviews.
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Het laatste nieuws over cryptocurrencies en blockchain. Met Herbert Blankesteijn.
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Twee keer per week het belangrijkste autonieuws. Met: Noud Broekhof.
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Cada martes Lego Rodríguez, Héctor Cerecer, Marco Cham y la Mei Mei Mei discuten las noticias de la industria de los videojuegos y no faltan las prras mmdas. Support this podcast:
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Nancy Grace and the CrimeOnline team deliver hourly updates on breaking crime news as it happens! The latest in trial coverage, missing persons, active investigations, and so much more!
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News and insights into the land, the people and the events in Israel.
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Three times per day, we bring you the news in under three minutes.
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The latest news from the fastest growing radio news network, FOX News Radio. Listen to the power of FOX News on radio! Updated hourly!
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Was sind die wichtigsten Infos und Facts vor dem Spieltag? Was muss ich in Sachen 1. und 2. Bundesliga unbedingt wissen, um mitreden zu können? Das Bundesliga Update mit Sportschau-Moderator Tobi Schäfer, Sportschau-Moderatorin Anne Hilt und Sportschau-Reporter Jens Walbrodt versorgt Euch mit allem, was Ihr zur ersten und zweiten Fußball-Bundesliga wissen müsst: Infos, witzige Facts, Interviewhighlights und Analysen mit den Sportschau-Reportern - das Ganze kompakt in rund 15 Minuten Länge. N ...
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The latest news from Sky News Australia
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Provides a brief update of financial markets.
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A bulletin of the day’s top stories from SBS News. Get a quick rundown of the latest headlines from Australia and the world, with fresh updates each morning, lunchtime and evening.
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A snapshot of the news, sport and weather in your area, as well as stories of people making a difference.
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Das monatliche Update des Bundesamts für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) läuft ganz einfach. Es geht von selbst ins Ohr und liefert die aktuellsten Neuerungen: Die Digitalthemen der letzten Wochen in einem großen Patch für Sie - immer am Monatsende. Unsere Moderatoren Ute Lange und Michael Münz liefern brandaktuelle Neuigkeiten, fesselnde Gäste und erstaunliche Geschichten rund um Digitalisierung, Cybercrime und Zukunftstechnologien - leicht verdaulich und klug erzählt. Jetzt abo ...
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RealAgriculture is focused on issues that impact agriculture.
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Weekly news updates brought to you every hour by PMN News
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An Ace Attorney playthrough podcast, in which 2 longtime fans and 2 first-time players critique, rediscover, and celebrate the long-running video game series. Yes, we‘re playing every game, even the spinoffs!
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Sound like a tech pro, even if you’re not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret weapon. Kim is in a class all her own. Her widely successful radio show is heard on over 500 stations in the United States and internationally in 175 different countries. Kim has millions of fans who love her down-to-earth, deeply relatable, and easy-to-understand way of talking about consumer tech. Every episode is loaded with the scoop about the latest gadgets, online security, social media tre ...
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Journal Updated is a monthly game club podcast with a focus on exploring the design of choice within the medium. Join Nora and Molly every month as they dig into a game through a holistic lens, discuss its use of narrative agency, and answer emails from listeners!
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Four healthily skeptical primary care physicians discuss the latest in primary care medicine. Join Essential Evidence Editor Mark Ebell MD, Rush University's Kate Rowland MD, MSU Professor of Medicine Gary Ferenchick MD, and POEMs co-founder Henry Barry MD, MS for this fast-paced weekly update on evidence-based primary care.
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Recapping the week that was regarding Canada's baseball team.
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Listen to your favorite Second Date Updates from New Country Mornings on K99.1FM anytime you'd like.
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Find out what happened on the first date, and if it's possible, or even a good idea, to go out on a second, on the Second Date Update!
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Tune into the National Press Club's Update-1 podcast for insight into news, politics, entertainment and sports.
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各界のトップランナーやその道のプロフェッショナル、時代を映す市井の人々…… プロインタビュアー早川洋平が、国内外の分野を超えるインタビューを通じて「人生をアップデートする人と世界」をお届けします。
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Swing State Update with Tyler Bowyer provides the listener with an unfiltered and factual look into the country’s key battleground states. Every Friday, Tyler tackles critical topics concerning election integrity, ballot chasing, and more. Subscribe today to never miss a Swing State Update.
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A must-listen segment for gold and silver investors.
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A ten-minute weekly audio update in English of what's happening in the world's major multilateral institutions. No ads. If you enjoy the show, you can support us by buying a shirt here: Learn more about the Rorshok Updates here: Thank you!
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Was passiert gerade in der Welt der Kultur? Die Antwort liefert das Kultur-Update. Aus Bayern und der ganzen Welt: Wir berichten von Ausstellungen, Büchern, Filmen oder Serien, aber auch vom neuesten Tiktok-Trend.
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Robert Orzanna Podcast Collection. Last Updated: 2017-03-23
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Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is a weekly nationally syndicated program produced by Democracy at Work and hosted by Richard D. Wolff. The program explores complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze not only their own financial situation but the economy at large. Beyond focusing a critical eye on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, interest rates, prices, and profits - the program also explores systemic solutions to our ...
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Dynamics Update is a podcast with the main focus of summarizing Microsoft's monthly releases for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and the One Version strategy. We blend that with some special episodes containing interviews and event coverage. Guiding you through the content is Gustav Sundblad and Johan Persson, Senior Specialists at Engage Group
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So viel Klimakrise, so wenig Zeit: Ständig gibt es Neuigkeiten in Sachen Klima – aber was bedeutet es eigentlich, wenn die EU bis 2050 klimaneutral werden will, die USA aus dem Paris-Abkommen aussteigen oder Forscher:innen die Klimasensitivität genauer bestimmen können? Im klima update° bespricht die Redaktion des Online-Magazins klimareporter° jeden Freitag die wichtigsten Klima-Nachrichten der Woche. So seid ihr in ein paar Minuten auf dem Stand. Wir können das klima update° nur durch Spen ...
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Aaron McIntire provides the morning news update you don’t necessarily want but absolutely need. Aaron delivers the most relevant stories with his signature sarcasm and even adds a little “Aaron-analysis” to wrap things up.
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A ten-minute weekly audio update in English of what's happening in Poland. No ads. If you enjoy the show, you can support us by buying a shirt here: Learn more about the Rorshok Updates here: Thank you!
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News, Commentary, Analysis
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Get your Fox Sports update seven times a day, seven days a week!
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A weekly report on the COVID-19 pandemic from infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. Dr. Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota and has spent a career investigating outbreaks. Since 2005, he has emphasized supply chain and other vulnerabilities and a critical need for pandemic preparedness. In this podcast, Dr. Osterholm dissects the latest COVID-19 news, data, and guidance. CIDRAP’s Chris Dal ...
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2PM ET 09/19/2024 Newscast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit News Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Crime Alert 1PM 09.19.24| Serial Sextortion: PA Man Tricks Girls Ages 12-15 Into Handing Over Explicit Pics
A 21 year old man from Pennsylvania is arrested for serial sextortion. Police say Jonathan Brodecki is charged with multiple crimes for sexually extorting a total of nine victims, from preteen to fifteen. A man in New York has admitted to stabbing his wife to death in their backyard while their teenage son tried to save her life. See…
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A snapshot of the news, sport and weather in your area.BBC tarafından oluşturuldu
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Alles nur Propaganda? Der Film „Russians at War“
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Seit er bei den Filmfestspielen in Venedig gezeigt worden ist, polarisiert der Film "Russians at War". Die russische Regisseurin Anastasia Trofimova hat über ein halbes Jahr lang ein russisches Bataillon auf besetztem Gebiet in der Ukraine begleitet. Früher hat sie Filme für den Staatssender Russia Today gemacht. Christine Hamel hat den Film gesehe…
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Kylie is newly single and looking to make things happen with a hesitant Mel.
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Het gaat niet al te best met de verkopen van de iPhone 16. Ze zouden ondertussen een beetje aantrekken, maar in vergelijking met de verkopen van de voorganger ziet het er nog steeds magertjes uit. De oplossing van Apple: verleid je werknemers om nu al een nieuwe telefoon te kopen. Normaal moeten die een flink aantal weken wachten voordat ze hun wer…
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VfB gegen BVB - In Serhou liegt die Kraft
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Für Waldemar Anton und Serhou Guirassy wird es die Rückkehr an die alte Wirkungsstätte, für den VfB Stuttgart und Borussia Dortmund der nächste Gradmesser nach der Champions League. Vergangene Saison haben der Verteidiger und der Stürmer noch in Stuttgart gespielt, jetzt gehts mit dem neuen Arbeitgeber gegen die alte Liebe. Die Stuttgarter haben in…
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The latest headlines from ABC News, refreshed hourly 24/7. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit News tarafından oluşturuldu
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KI-Update kompakt: Apple Intelligence, ChatGPT, KI-Regulierung, Deepfake-Gesetze
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Apple Intelligence, ChatGPT, KI-Regulierung, Deepfake-Gesetze Das ist das KI-Update vom 19. September 2024 unter anderem mit diesen Themen: Apple Intelligence doch ab 2025 auf DeutschOpenAI rollt neues Logikmodell für kostenlose ChatGPT-Version aus Unternehmen fordern einheitliche Regulierung von KI in der EUund Kalifornien verabschiedet neue Deepf…
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| Brings you up to date on about 2 minutesThe Market tarafından oluşturuldu
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The first two Major League Baseball playoff spots were clinched Wednesday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Sports tarafından oluşturuldu
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Israel's War on Terror; Fighting Campus and Government Censorship with FIRE's Nico Perrino
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TIMESTAMPS: Intro (0:00) War on Terror 2.0 (5:49) Interview with Nico Perrino (30:58) - - - Watch full episodes on Rumble, streamed LIVE 7pm ET. Become part of our Locals community - - - Follow Glenn: Twitter Instagram Follow System Update: Twitter Instagram TikTok Facebook LinkedIn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Got an email saying your webcam was hacked? Don’t worry — it’s just another sextortion scam. I’ll tell you why it’s all fake and how to stay safe.
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IGN brings you the latest and most popular news stories to audio platforms. Be sure to check out for more details on the news and our latest coverage on games, movies, tv, science, and tech throughout the day! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit tarafından oluşturuldu
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Fast News See for privacy information.Sky News Australia / NZ tarafından oluşturuldu
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De verkoop van volledig elektrische auto's in Europa is gekelderd. De Europese autolobbyclub luidt de noodklok. Uit cijfers van koepelorganisatie ACEA blijkt dat het aantal registraties in augustus met bijna 44 procent is gedaald. Het marktaandeel EV is afgenomen van 21 procent naar 14,4 procent. De scherpe afname is te wijten aan een 'spectaculair…
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Teamsters' De Facto Trump Endorsement | The Fed Panics | 9/19/24
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...Aaron McIntire tarafından oluşturuldu
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Donald Trump had vannacht een primeur: hij is de eerste (ex-)president die een bitcointransactie voltooide. Dat deed hij in de Pubkey Bitcoinbar in New York, onder toeziend hoog van tientallen bitcoiners én een cameraploeg van FOX News. Heel soepel ging het niet. Trump had duidelijk moeite met het scannen van de QR-code, waarna er ook nog twijfel w…
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Israel Update September 18, 2024
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The news and events behind the headlines. connecttoisrael.orgMike Clayton/Hanoch Young tarafından oluşturuldu
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Understanding Communism Pt. 1
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On this week’s episode of Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff offers a special episode discussing the unscary origins of the ideas of communism and socialism before the Cold War demonized them. We will discuss how socialism's history evolved into separating socialism from communism and creating multiple, different meanings of what is considere…
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Will there be a second date in there future? Listen and find out!K99.1FM tarafından oluşturuldu
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Making sense of the noise: Tracking, indexing and cataloguing data breaches; Sponsored by 1Password See for privacy information.Troy Hunt tarafından oluşturuldu
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Helping Homeless Veterans in the Nation's Capital
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The focus is on veterans in the latest episode of the Update-1 podcast. Gemma Puglisi talks with Veterans on the Rise Executive Director, David Kurtz, who shares the work the 30-year-old nonprofit has done to help homeless veterans in our nation's capital. From the launch of the organization back in 1989 by four veterans who took a stand against ve…
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