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Das Update zum Krieg in der Ukraine - auch mit dem Blick in den Nahen Osten. Der Podcast erscheint wöchentlich, dienstags und freitags, ab 16.30 Uhr. Die langjährigen ARD-Korrespondent:innen Anna Engelke, Carsten Schmiester und Kai Küstner sprechen mit sicherheitspolitischen Expert:innen. Was passiert zwischen den Fronten, wann kommt die Zeitenwende der Bundeswehr? Wen bedroht Russland als nächstes? Fragen und Anregungen zum Podcast: streitkraefte[at] Weitere Interviews und Hintergründ ...
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BFM Stratégie

BFM Business

BFM BUSINESS PARTENAIRE - BFM Stratégie est une émission pédagogique inédite sur la stratégie. Frédéric Simottel questionne Xavier Fontanet, qui transmet son expérience et explique quels sont les choix fondamentaux qui déterminent les succès ou l'échec d'une entreprise. Concurrence, part de marché, cycle de vie, métier, transformation digitale ou bien encore finance, les thèmes clés de la stratégie seront abordés dans un format pédagogique.
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Der KI-Unternehmer - Strategien zum Erfolg

Birgit und Torsten Koerting

In unserem Podcast 'Der KI-Unternehmer - Strategien zum Erfolg' bieten wir fundierte Einblicke in die Welt der KI und deren Einfluss im Geschäftsleben. Mit einem authentischen und professionellen Ansatz beleuchtet dieser Podcast, wie KI die Arbeitsweise von Selbstständigen und Unternehmen revolutioniert. Durch Experteninterviews, Fallstudien und persönliche Erfahrungen werden praktische Strategien und Einblicke für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von KI in verschiedenen Branchen vermittelt. Dieser ...
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Die Strategen - Reviews, Taktik, Diskussionen Der Gaming Podcast rund um Strategiespiele von Dominik aka DerNik79 und Stefan aka CheekyBoinc. Wir sprechen über unser Hobby Strategiespiele und nehmen dabei große, kleine, bekannte und auch unbekannte Videospiele aus dem Strategie Genre (von Grand-Strategy bis hin zu casual Tower-Defense) genauer unter die Lupe. Ausserdem bieten wir regelmäßige Gaming News (von Release Ankündigungen bis hin zu Ereignissen im wirtschaftlichen Marktumfeld) und ex ...
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Christian Underwood und Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weigand

Willkommen bei HOFFNUNG IST KEINE STRATEGIE, deinem wöchentlichen Strategiepodcast! Du suchst nach frischen Perspektiven auf Strategie und Strategieentwicklung? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. In unserem Strategiepodcast entzaubern Christian Underwood und Prof. Jürgen Weigand den Mythos „Strategie“ und zeigen, wie Unternehmen in volatilen Märkten wachsen, digitale Transformationen meistern und Innovationen schaffen können – ohne dabei das Kerngeschäft zu vernachlässigen. Warum HOFFNUNG IST ...
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Estate Planning Strategies

Christopher Small

Estate Planning Strategies is a podcast dedicated to everything estate planning, including: wills, trusts, guardians, power of attorney, medical power of attorney, legacy, wealth creation, asset protection, estate taxes, generation skipping taxes, income taxes, charitable giving, charitable trusts, irrevocable trusts, revocable trusts, life insurance trusts, IRA trusts. If it's estate planning related, we'll be talking about it.
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L'esperto di comunicazione politica Marco Venturini, vi svelerà le strategie usate dai leader politici italiani, nell'ultima settimana, per ottenere il vostro consenso. Interverranno molti ospiti, fra cui giornalisti, altri consulenti in comunicazione politica, sondaggisti e politici, per commentare e spiegare il perché di certe uscite comunicative, le strategie dietro annunci, attacchi, slogan, gesti, video, foto, post e slogan. Seguite il podcast e fate le vostre domande. Marco e gli altri ...
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Welcome to the Med Spa Success Strategies Podcast - where med spa & aesthetics practice owners come to discover strategies and tactics that help them better market and manage their practices so that they can grow, scale and have more financial freedom.
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NextGen Strategies

Grant Covault & Tyler Davis

Welcome to the NextGen Strategies Podcast, the podcast for modern strategies to help family-owned, small businesses grow and compete. Join long-time friends Grant Covault, marketing strategist and owner of GC Strategies, and Tyler Davis, CPA and owner of DAT CPA, as they interview subject experts on a variety of subjects such as leadership, marketing, finance, operations and much more. If you are a current business leader, aspiring entrepreneur, or just someone looking to get the scoop on th ...
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Willst du schneller und smarter wachsen? 🚀 Bei digital kompakt erfährst du, wie die erfolgreichsten Köpfe der Digitalwirtschaft denken und handeln. Joël Kaczmarek, selbst ein erfahrener Unternehmer und Digital-Experte, interviewt die relevantesten Führungskräfte und Expert:innen, um kompakte Insights zu Strategien, Trends und Erfolgsgeheimnissen zu erhalten. Unsere Episoden sind bewusst kompakt gehalten, damit du sie bequem in deinen hektischen Alltag integrieren kannst – ganz nach dem Motto ...
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Vital Strategies

Patrick Lonergan

Welcome to Vital Strategies Podcast, where financial and tax expertise meets entrepreneurial success. Join us as we dive deep into the world of high-level entrepreneurship, bringing you top authorities who specialize in cutting-edge financial and tax strategies. Our podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the financial game, offering insights and advice that can optimize your wealth, reduce tax liabilities, and supercharge your business growth. Tune in to gain a competitive edge ...
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Mike Riedmiller, President of Riedmiller Wealth Management joins you on Smart Retirement Strategies each week to break down retirement and offer up creative solutions for your future. Listen as Mike Riedmiller talks about his passion for helping people, the importance of holding a fiduciary standard, and offers up transparent advice.
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In diesem Podcast spricht Dr. Michael Stiller über funktionierende Methoden aus der Berater-Praxis sowie konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele für die Bereiche Strategie, Marketing und Vertrieb. Entscheider und Umsetzer in Unternehmen finden hier bewährte Ansätze und inspirierende Impulse, die sie in der Praxis umsetzen können. Dr. Michael Stiller hat an der RWTH Aachen am Lehrstuhl für Unternehmenspolitik und Marketing promoviert. Nach Stationen in der Beratung (u. a. Marketing Partners, Simon Kuche ...
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Strategies@Work Podcast

Dr. Gerald Chester

Strategies@Work, LLC, provides strategic planning, coaching, and training to facilitate transforming solutions for organizations, enabling them to achieve excellent performance. SaW’s philosophy is based on the presupposition that the timeless universal values and principles found in the Bible facilitate organizational excellence. The adroit application of these values and principles will enable organizations to achieve enduring world-class success. The Strategies@Work Podcast will feature s ...
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Welcome to Disciplined Trading Strategies, the podcast where Paul Lange, a seasoned trader with over two decades of experience, reveals the real truths behind successful trading and investing. No more vague market predictions or debates on Fed policies. Paul shares practical strategies that work, dissecting the myths and showing you the power of technical analysis. Whether you're an experienced investor or just starting out, join us as we challenge conventional wisdom and empower you to make ...
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You've Got This is a podcast dedicated to helping academics and higher education professionals seek self-knowledge, playfully experiment, and live core values with intention. Tune in for insights, examples, and advice on topics such as meaningful productivity, boosting creativity, and much more.
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How do you raise kind, confident kids without losing your cool? How do you manage kids’ behavior, help them regulate their big emotions, AND stay grounded? Mindful Parenting is here to help. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, former yelling, frustrated mom. Dealing with my anger drove me to find practical, compassionate parenting strategies to regulate emotions as well as mindfulness to bring peace to the chaos at home. In each refreshingly honest episode you’ll come away knowing that you have permis ...
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Exit Strategies Radio Show is our way of giving back to the community. We're here to empower you through financial literacy and real estate education. So, if you're out there hustling to make things happen for your family, if you're striving to secure a better future for your children and their children, then this podcast is tailor-made for you. Our host is Corwyn J. Melette, Broker/Owner of EXIT Realty Lowcountry Group in North Charleston, South Carolina. He is passionate about sharing insi ...
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Für die digitalen Geschäftsmodelle wird die strategische Ausrichtung der IT-Organisation als Wettbewerbsvorteil immer wichtiger. Die IT soll unter anderem die Rolle des Innovators und Business Partners einnehmen. Doch wie gestalten Sie als CIO, IT-Führungskraft und Unternehmer diesen Wandel erfolgreich? Dieser Podcast bietet Ihnen Anregungen und Impulse rund um die Themen: IT-Strategie, digitale Transformation und Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung. Machen Sie den Unterschied mit Ihrer I ...
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The Business Buying Strategies Podcast comes from The Dealmaker's Academy, the world's leading training on buying and selling businesses - without risking your own money! Each week we talk to leading experts, discuss business buying strategies, offer hints and tips and cover the essential skills you will need to buy and sell businesses effectively.
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Healthcare Strategies

Xtelligent Healthcare Media

A podcast for healthcare professionals seeking solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s top challenges. Hosted by the editors of Xtelligent Healthcare Media, this podcast series focuses on real-world use cases that are leading to tangible improvements in care quality, outcomes, and cost. Guests from leading provider, payer, government, and other organizations share their approaches to transforming healthcare in a meaningful and lasting way.
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Are you a law firm owner? Do you wish there was a resource out there showing you how to save as much money as possible on your taxes? This is the place. If you need help with bookkeeping and tax strategy, let's chat -
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Der Podcast für dein Buch mit Tom Oberbichler Als Bestsellerautor und Buchmentor zeige ich dir in meinem Podcast wie du dein Buch schreibst, als eBook, Taschenbuch und Hörbuch im Self-Publishing veröffentlichst und erfolgreich vermarktest. Du bekommst hier Tipps, Anleitungen, Erfahrungsberichte und Strategien für dich und deinen Erfolg als Autor oder Autorin. Meinen Schwerpunkt richte ich im Buch-Podcast auf Sachbücher, Ratgeber und persönliche Erfolgsgeschichten. Neben rein buchspezifischen ...
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Top Fitness Strategies Presents

Andrew Poletto: Health and Fitness Trainer, Youtuber, Podcaster

Top Fitness Strategies Presents is a show all about Health and Fitness focused on the "Fitness Over 50" crowd. We understand that everyone is different and anyone looks at health and fitness differently. That's why Top Fitness Strategies Presents has guests and interviews with health and fitness professionals from around the globe. We just don't focus on one aspect of your health or your fitness. We have tips and techniques and great information for just about anyone! Look around, see all th ...
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If you’re looking for a political podcast that goes beyond the headlines, check out The Beltway Briefing. Every week, our bipartisan team of former White House appointees, Capitol Hill veterans, and seasoned lobbyists delivers insider perspectives straight from Washington. We’re not just talking about politics — we’re living it, with meaningful, bipartisan conversations that cut through the noise.
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Sometimes selling on Amazon can be frustrating, but we're here to help. Hosted by Full-Time FBA's Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman, The Full-Time FBA Show is a podcast focused on helping you grow your Amazon FBA business to a point where you can make a full-time income with only part-time hours. We'll talk about the best Amazon FBA strategies and hear inspirational stories from those who have succeeded in making a full-time income with Amazon. The podcast features fresh content, proven strateg ...
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Tactical and practical marketing ideas, strategies and resources for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Bethany Meadows has been the president of Vertical Solutions Media for the past 16 years. Vertical Solutions Media is a full-service marketing agency located in Birmingham, Alabama. They specialize in brand development, content marketing and growth strategies. Get out of survival mode! It's your TIME TO THRIVE! Learn more about free resources, marketing training and strategy coaching ...
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Welcome to the FarrCast, hosted by Michael Farr, Chief Market Strategist of Hightower Advisors and President and CEO of Washington DC wealth management firm, Farr, Miller & Washington. Each week Michael will have guests with insights into economics, policy, finance, and the intersections between them all. Listen in not just for analysis of what has happened, but for the forecast of where the markets are going. Hightower Advisors, LLC is an SEC registered investment adviser. Securities are of ...
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Willkommen beim CX TUNING HACKS, dem unverzichtbaren Guide für alle, die ihre Kunden begeistern und ihre Marke als Love Brand etablieren möchten. Ich bin Peggy Amelung, CX-Expertin mit über 20 Jahren internationaler Erfahrung, und nehme dich mit auf eine praxisnahe Reise in die Welt der Customer Experience. Was erwartet dich? Dieser Podcast liefert dir keine trockene Theorie, sondern echte Erfolgsgeschichten, bewährte Strategien und sofort umsetzbare Tipps, um deine CX nachhaltig zu transfor ...
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Sit down with growth leaders and marketing executives from leading brands and companies across industries and stages. From exploring the evolution of growth marketing to walking the tightrope between brand and performance marketing to the epic saga of launching an ecommerce brand—we’ll dig into it all! Our guests will share their wins and war stories, and arm you with actionable insights on how to craft best-in-class strategies, execute with efficiency, and build your dream team. Growth Talk ...
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show series
Sie haben einen Host- bzw. Mainframe im Rechenzentrum und überlegen eine Ablösung? Dann hören Sie rein, denn Dr. Petra Koch spricht im Interview mit Volker Koster über die Chancen und Risiken bei der Mainframe- bzw. Host-Migration. Optionen der Migration werden genauso besprochen wie das Zusammenspiel vom Host mit der modernen IT-Architektur.Folgen…
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Christian Underwood und Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weigand im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann In dieser Folge von “Hoffnung ist keine Strategie” tauchen wir tief in die strategische Entwicklung einer der innovativsten Hochschulen Europas ein: das Management Center Innsbruck (MCI). Rektor Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann teilt im Gespräch mit Christian Underw…
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In dieser Folge geht es um das Meistern von Transformationen. Dabei geht Michael Stiller auf verschiedene Phasen von Transformationen ein. Außerdem erläutert er unterschiedlichen Arten von Widerständen, die bei Mitarbeitenden während des Transformationsprozesses auftreten können. Zum Abschluss beschreibt er acht konkrete Faktoren, die Unternehmen i…
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BFM BUSINESS PARTENAIRE - Dans le cours n°317, l'évaluation de la situation en France, en suggérant des solutions, est décryptée par Xavier Fontanet, ancien président d'Essilor, ce samedi 1er mars dans l'émission BFM Stratégie présentée par Frédéric Simottel sur BFM Business.BFM tarafından oluşturuldu
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Lite Trump - Zelensky in diretta mondiale. Analizziamo il linguaggio del corpo dei leader, le strategie verbali e gli errori che hanno portato al fallimento dell'accordo. Per altri contenuti come questo, entrate nel gruppo Comunicazione Politica:…
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Healthcare organizations dodge cyberattacks daily, even from service providers with multiple degrees of separation. What if there was a standard way to prioritize cybersecurity actions across the healthcare sector so that organizations can know their risk level and be more prepared? The Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC) Cybersecurity Workin…
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A scalable marketing process requires more than just great tech. On this episode of the $4M Strategies™ podcast, Ed Locher, author of Holistic Marketing, explains how to create marketing systems that engage your audience, build trust, and show consistent value. Learn how to: Build awareness, credibility, and trust with your audience. De-risk purcha…
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Is the client the only one that can pay for estate planning? We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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So gelingt die Post Merger Integration (PMI)EXPERTENGESPRÄCH | Nach einem Unternehmensverkauf beginnt eine Phase der Veränderung – für die Firma, aber vor allem für ihre Führungskräfte. Im zweiten Teil unseres 2-Teilers spricht Joel Kaczmarek mit Leadership-Experte Stefan Lammers darüber, wie du als Führungskraft einen Exit aktiv mitgestalten kanns…
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Can your spouse create their own trust and put EVERYTHING in it? We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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Your law firm P&L should not have income broken down by client. Law firm owner with a trust account? Want to know an EASY way to reconcile your account and avoid the big bad bar association? Check out my new guide - Trust Account Reconciliation Made Easy: 3 Simple Steps + a Cheatsheet to Keep You Compliant -…
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Scaling marketing isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing it smarter. On this episode of the $4M Strategies™ podcast, Frank V. Cespedes, author of Sales Management That Works, shares his approach to scalable marketing. Learn how to align your marketing and sales teams, make smart use of technology, and test your strategies for better results. Don’t…
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Mentioned in this episode: the Peloton app Learn more about my products and services: explore my 1:1 coaching practice learn more about my coach training program check out my PM by Design training program join my 2025 AMA series join Prolific, my online community devoted to meaningful productivity learn more about the Blend by Design online course …
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My guest on the show today is with John Rotonti, Portfolio Manager at Islamorada Investment Management. John very recently joined Islamorada Investment Management running their Industrial and Infrastructure portfolio, and he's been actively researching and dissecting about the electrification of everything plus anything housing related. We jump in …
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In my last decade of researching the FIRE movement (Financial Independence Retire Early) I’ve noticed there are 6 general categories of financial independence that people are chasing. In this episode, I break down the top 6 so you can find out which one resonates with you the most. In this episode, I recap the most common strategies I hear. Downloa…
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In this episode of The Nonprofit Exchange, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dan Johnson, founder of Next Level Nonprofits. Dan shared his journey from politics to the nonprofit sector, emphasizing the importance of community-driven solutions over political ones. He works primarily with new nonprofit leaders and executive directors, helping them …
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Despite decades of advancements in reproductive health, male contraception methods remain limited to condoms or vasectomies. This leaves few options for those seeking alternatives and leaves women shouldering the physical and hormonal burdens of birth control. Today, with 85% of men aged 18–45 actively seeking new family planning solutions, the dem…
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US-Präsident Trump macht ernst. Nur wenige Tage nach dem Eklat im Weißen Haus, als er den ukrainischen Präsidenten Selenskyj mit Vorwürfen überzog, stoppt seine Regierung die Militärhilfe für das von Russland angegriffene Land. Was das konkret bedeutet, schildert Kai Küstner. Er berichtet, dass die Ereignisse der vergangenen Tage in Europa einiges …
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Scaling a marketing process is critical for growing businesses, but it requires strategy and structure. On this episode of the $4M Strategies™ podcast, Behdad Jamshidi explains how to build a scalable marketing process by understanding your customers, defining clear processes, and using a mix of in-house and outsourced resources. Interested in beco…
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What if You Could Become Your Own Bank and Build Tax-Free Wealth? In this episode of the Vital Wealth Strategies Podcast, host Patrick Lonergan sits down with Mark Willis, #1 best-selling author, owner of Lake Growth Financial Services, and co-host of the Not Your Average Financial Podcast. Together, they uncover a powerful strategy that’s helping …
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Do you have a child who worries? Hunter Clarke-Fields speaks with Anna Housley-Juster, a licensed child and adolescent mental health clinician, about her book 'How to Train Your Amygdala.' They discuss the increasing prevalence of anxiety in children and practical tools for managing anxiety. The conversation highlights the significance of validatin…
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So setzt du erstklassigen Service zu deinen Produkten umEXPERTENGESPRÄCH | How to sell "beratungsintensive Produkte" online fast? Joel Kaczmarek hat sich gleich zwei E-Commerce-Experten eingeladen und spricht mit ihnen über die Kunst, beratungsintensive Produkte online erfolgreich zu verkaufen. Astrid Reintjes von Miss Pompadour und Pascal Skropke …
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I had the honor to interview Your Chief Menopause Specialist, Andreya Tornes! This interview was packed full of GREAT information! We talked about diet, stress, weight gain, night shades, weight gain and how they all intertwine with menopause. (plus a lot more!) Give it a listen and leave us a comment with your thoughts! Andreya' Bio: As a busy mom…
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Mahaffee says an extended government shutdown is likely!But first up, Michael Farr and Kenny Polcari discuss how investors shouldn't read too much into the actions of others. And for our special guest, Michael welcomes Shannon Martin of to discuss some of the impacts on the California fires and Florida hurricanes that have impacts acro…
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In this special episode of Exit Strategies Radio Show, host Corwyn J. Melette steps into the guest seat as he joins Drive with NAR, one of the most prominent real estate podcasts. Corwyn shares the mic with Stephen King, an agent with Realty Connect USA on Long Island, and host Marki Lemons Ryhal, to tackle some of the most pressing housing challen…
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Across industries, many companies share a commonality: a multigenerational workforce. Whether it's fresh-from-school Gen Z new hires to seasoned baby boomers, employers face the challenge of creating a safety program that works for everyone. Learn how to bridge the gap between generations - and keep everyone safe - with Curt DeWeese of Briotix Heal…
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Are you spending too much time chasing the wrong leads? Perry Marshall, author of 8020 Sales and Marketing, reveals how to qualify buyers and focus on what matters most. In this episode of the $4M Strategies™ podcast, Perry introduces the five power disqualifiers that every buyer must meet and explains how urgency (“bleeding necks”) drives action. …
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Welcome to the Med Spa Success Strategies Podcast, presented by Ricky Shockley and Lauren Nettles of Med Spa Magic Marketing. On this episode we are joined by:- Renata Roddy of Roddy Med Spa ( Laura Smutz of Bold Confidence Aesthetics ( Brooke Harper and Michelle Plotke of Port St. Lucie Medi…
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Starting an Amazon FBA business can feel overwhelming, but having the right expectations from the beginning can set you up for long-term success. In this episode, we kick off our Foundations Series by discussing the realities of selling on Amazon—what beginners should know, what experienced sellers should keep in mind, and how to navigate common ch…
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KI-Integration: ohne Tool-Wahnsinn In der heutigen Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz scheint es, als gäbe es jeden Tag neue Tools, die Unternehmer*innen ausprobieren „müssen“. Viele KI-Influencer präsentieren regelmäßig die neuesten Anwendungen mit Affiliate-Links, doch führt dieser Hype wirklich zu einer nachhaltigen Integration von KI in den Gesch…
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Why won’t my mom’s attorney give me a copy of her Will? We do estate planning. We do probate. We do it well. If you are in Washington State and need help, you can get a free strategy session at the link in our bio. #estateplanning #probate #realestate #wealth #trusts #legacy #estatetaxes #lawyer #attorney #taxes #money…
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Hiring your first attorney is like hiring your first receptionist. Law firm owner with a trust account? Want to know an EASY way to reconcile your account and avoid the big bad bar association? Check out my new guide - Trust Account Reconciliation Made Easy: 3 Simple Steps + a Cheatsheet to Keep You Compliant -…
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Im Oval Office haben sich Donald Trump und sein Vize JD Vance mit Wolodymyr Selenskyj gestritten. Der US-Präsident und sein Vize haben den ukrainischen Präsidenten vor der versammelten Presse gedemütigt und ihm Undankbarkeit vorgeworfen. In dieser Sonderfolge von Streitkräfte und Strategien spricht Host Carsten Schmiester mit dem ehemaligen USA-Kor…
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Why is owner salary a separate line item on your law firm P&L? Law firm owner with a trust account? Want to know an EASY way to reconcile your account and avoid the big bad bar association? Check out my new guide - Trust Account Reconciliation Made Easy: 3 Simple Steps a Cheatsheet to Keep You Compliant -…
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In this episode, I am pleased to welcome my old boss and mentor Ben Glass. Ben is a renowned expert in legal marketing, and on the show he talked about how he leverages unpaid organic marketing to increase leads for his law firm, BenGlassLaw. Ben is also a pioneer of using AI tools in a modern law firm, and he's building some very interesting thing…
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Im Weißen Haus folgte diese Woche ein Treffen dem nächsten. Der französische Präsident Macron und der britische Premier Starmer waren bei US-Präsident Trump zu Gast. Dabei ging es um den Krieg in der Ukraine und die Forderung der Europäer, bei möglichen Verhandlungen mit dem russischen Machthaber Putin mit am Tisch zu sitzen. Carsten Schmiester ber…
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